Tribe Master 3: A Fantasy Harem Adventure

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Tribe Master 3: A Fantasy Harem Adventure Page 1

by Noah Layton

  Tribe Master 3

  A Fantasy Harem Adventure

  Noah Layton

  Copyright 2020 Noah Layton

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter One

  ‘I swear,’ Ariadne said, running hand through her hair. ‘This is the comfiest bed in all of Agraria. I could spend all day in it.’

  ‘Me too,’ Elera said, ‘but only with you all here. There is only so much that one can do to amuse herself…’

  ‘We’ll always be here for you,’ Lara smiled, pushing her arms over her head as her large breasts pooled on her chest. ‘Just as long as our husband is here too.’

  ‘There’s no way I’ll ever go anywhere,’ I replied, propping myself up against the headboard and stretching out both of my arms around my wives.

  Santana was snuggled up to me on my left side, her red hair brushed over one of her cheeks as she slept lightly next to me. Behind her, Lara ran her hands behind her purple hair, her breasts wobbling lightly on her slim frame with every slight movement that she made.

  To my right, Ariadne and Elera laid spooning each other, both of them pressing up to me as Ariadne traced her fingers along Elera’s blue skin from behind, stroking the curve of her side.

  ‘I have been waiting my entire life to sleep in a little in the morning,’ Santana said, squinting in the early morning light, ‘but you all make it so difficult.’

  ‘You grew up farming on a homestead for 20 years,’ Lara laughed. ‘I would have thought that you would be used to it by now.’

  ‘I am,’ she said, waking up a little more and stirring to place her head on my chest. ‘Hence why I said I’ve been waiting my entire life. You are right, Ariadne, this bed is incredible.’

  They were both right – this bed was amazing, but not just because of the soft sheets or the size of it.

  It was because of the four unbelievably beautiful wives that shared it with me every night, and who I woke up with every morning.

  They couldn’t get enough of me, and I couldn’t get enough of them. How could I not love it?

  Since the destruction of the Gaalus Tribe, we had been taken things at a steadier pace back at our land, but in Agraria there was never a time to slow down.

  Slowing down meant that you would get yourself killed by sheer complacency, and I didn’t plan to get anywhere near that mindset; tomorrow was the day I was going to return to the land of the Gaalus Tribe and reclaim it as my own, along with every resource waiting there for us.

  Initially I had planned on going today, but sometimes the temptation of my wives’ naked bodies stretched in my large bed was too much for me.

  It could wait another day.

  After lounging in bed for a while, I got up and dressed while my wives readied themselves. Duties on the land were at a minimum at that moment in time beyond harvesting crops and ensuring security, which I now had the fox-people for.

  We had enough gold and food to keep ourselves well-fed and well-defended, and life was good.

  I took a bath, my wives heading out to the hidden cave together and asking me to join them on the way out. After relaxing and calming my mind, I towelled off, dressed in a fresh set of clothes, and headed for the door.

  Before opening it, I glanced over at the shelf above my bed, where two items resided.

  The first was a tooth from the mother wolf that I had killed when I had first arrived in Agraria. I had few qualms about killing that damn thing, if any.

  The second item was a mangled metallic contraption that would have looked bizarre to anybody else, but not me, because that fucking thing had almost killed me.

  It was the Brutal Limb Breaker that Werger had tried to strangle me with back at his tribal land, right before I had stabbed in the neck using my hidden Dagger of Concealment.

  I cared about him even less than the mother wolf, if that was possible.

  Two souvenirs from two adventures.

  I smiled and headed out the door, then made the rounds about my land.

  ‘Good morning, Master Jack!’ Tormus called across to me, as he and his wife Eri tended to the personal plants that were potted around their home. ‘How are you on this fine morning?’

  ‘Pretty good,’ I replied. ‘And I told you, no more master stuff. You’re a little too happy for this time of morning, aren’t you? Been on the moonseed again?’

  ‘Not today,’ Eri replied, smiling up at me from where she was tending to a small patch of red flowers by their front door. ‘This is a-a-all him.’

  ‘How could I not be happy? I am going to be a father.’

  It was true – Eri had announced her pregnancy just a little while back and we had all toasted to it.

  ‘The first member of our tribe who will be born on this land,’ I smiled. ‘That’s a special occasion, no doubt about it. Have a good day.’

  I bid them farewell and made my way around the lookout posts to check that all was well, finishing at Alorion’s post last, which looked out to the north.

  I climbed up the wooden steps to the platform that had become his permanent home, having finally managed to steer him away from living in the reaches of a tree just beyond the borders of our land.

  ‘Ahh, good morning, Jack!’ He said, looking up at me from the floor where he was reading a heavy open book next to a stack of several others.

  ‘Morning, bud,’ I said, slumping down in a nearby chair. ‘What are you reading?’

  ‘The Tale of Rorad the Strong. Santana leant it to me, along with several others.’

  ‘How is it?’

  ‘I have never been one for false tales, but I must admit that it is rather entertaining.’

  ‘Good to know. Any trouble?’

  ‘Only the birds that keep excreting upon the roof and waking me up in the night, but I can cope with that.’

  ‘You used to live in a tree. I would’ve thought that would have been so much worse.’

  ‘It is the drumming sound that they make upon the roof that bothers me. Silence is always a gift.’

  ‘Well, if that’s the worst thing that you’ve got to worry about right now, then I think we’re doing pretty well.’

  ‘Indeed. When are we heading out to reclaim this tribal land that you spoke of?’

  ‘First thing tomorrow morning. Take another day to relax, then it’s back to expanding our territory.’

  ‘Excellent. What are you going to do in the meantime?’

  ‘In the meantime?’ I repeated, standing and looking south-west beyond our land in the direction of the hidden cave. ‘I’ve got a few things that need attending to.


  I arrived at the hidden cave just beyond our land a short time later. It was my home away from home, giving access to a stream that led up to the power well where I could recharge my power stones, and freshwater flowing with fish.

  It also benefitted from the company of my four wives, who were lounging completely naked on the sandy embankment, the epitome of perfection and relaxation.

  Usually the only thing that allowed me to get a decent night’s sleep in Agraria was a locked door and my broadsword lying in reach, but here in the hidden cave I could rest, naked and calm, with only my wives by my side.

  A few minutes later, though, my thoughts moved back to tomorrow’s plan.

  My mind had been buzzing over it ever since we had left; what spoils did Werger have in his quarters, hidden in locked chests?

  When Lara and I had left we had had no time to check. Freeing the fox-people and bringing them back to my land was my main priority, and now the land was just sitting there, quiet, untouched, and ready for the taking.

  In the meantime, though, I could afford myself a few spoils of war – namely one of the bottles of Old Molly that I hadn’t sold to Rook at Ichabod’s Cove, and a fishing rod that Elera had created from a piece of string and a long, thin tree-branch

  Elera swam upstream, playing in the water, while I lounged naked on the bank, sipping the luxurious, fiery liquid from the bottle in the company of my other three wives, who were still completely naked as they relaxed on the sand.

  ‘Fishing, drinking expensive whiskey and spending my time with four unbelievably hot women,’ I said out loud. ‘A lot of men on my world would kill to live like this.’

  ‘You do kill to live like this,’ Ariadne replied. ‘It is a right that is earned. If you didn’t kill, we would all be dead.’

  My foxgirl had a point. I had lost track of how many people and things I had killed since arriving in Agraria.

  But it was all necessary. In this land, it was kill or be killed.

  I looked down at my naked body. Potions of healing sped up the reparations of my wounds, but the scars remained.

  A chunk of skin taken by a wolf’s gnashing maw. Two holes on my forearm where one of Werger’s grunts had fired an arrow at me. A slit near my shoulder blades where a bandit had literally stabbed me in the back.

  I didn’t even both counting the seemingly perpetual bruises that scattered my body, especially those around my neck from where Mercer had almost strangled me to death.

  I was no stranger to injuries, but Agraria was certainly trying to do a number on me.

  ‘I can’t believe what they’ve done to you,’ Santana said, running her hands over the marks on my body before leaning over and kissing me.

  ‘They’re the marks of a life well-lived,’ I smiled. ‘Besides, the whiskey helps with knocking back the pain from the new ones. Do you want to try some?’

  ‘I would not want to wash the taste of your lips from my mouth.’

  ‘That might be one of the sexiest things anybody’s ever said to me. What do you say?’

  ‘I thought that drink of yours was supposed to be incredibly rare.’

  ‘It is, but we’ve got three bottles of the stuff. Well, two and a half now, but still.’

  Santana looked around at my other wives for reassurance, then took the ornately crafted bottle from me. She held it up to the light that slipped through the vines hanging over the cave entrance and examined the liquid within for a moment, then raised the bottle to her lips and tipped it carefully until it reached her mouth.

  A second after tasting it she pushed the bottle away, shivering as she swallowed the whiskey down.

  ‘That is awful,’ she opined firmly. ‘I much preferred the strawberry schnapps that we drank at Grayholde. So much sweeter…’

  ‘More for me, then,’ Lara smiled, snatching up the bottle before I had a chance to take it myself and winking at me.

  I would have fought back if it weren’t for the tugging sensation at my arm, which I looked down to see the source of.

  There was a snagging on my fishing rod. My head snapped back to the water that fed out into splitting streams that exited the cave. A huge shape was upon it.

  For the briefest of moments I actually convinced myself that I had caught some legendary catfish. I could already see myself walking through the front door of The Drunken Steed in Ichabod’s Cove, greeting the local fishermen getting drunk early in the morning, their heads all spinning my way.

  Their mouths would collectively fall open, not at the sight of my beautiful wives at my side but at the gigantic catfish hanging from a fishing line, dripping freshwater all over the wood flooring at my feet.

  That image was extinguished almost as soon as it appeared. No sooner had the pathetic fantasy come to mind did the tugging on the line stop, and Elera poked her head out above the surface.

  Her eyes met mine, and I frowned. My other wives started laughing and Elera’s whole head appeared, stamped with a devilish grin.

  ‘I am sorry, but the temptation was too much.’

  ‘Yeah, yeah,’ I smiled. ‘Just means we’ll be having taurem steaks for dinner again tonight.’

  ‘Not exactly.’

  My nymph stood from the water. Hanging from her raised hand was an old piece of fishing wire. No less than half a dozen hefty salmon were swinging from it.

  ‘How... How did you catch those?’

  ‘With my hands, obviously. You have seen how fast I can move in the water. I have spent my entire life exploring rivers.’

  ‘Is there really any point in me fishing at all?’

  ‘A... Fun hobby?’ Santana suggested.

  She probably didn’t mean to sound so patronising, but that was how it felt - not that I could blame her.

  ‘Good point,’ I replied. ‘I’ll leave fishing duties to you in the future, Elera.’

  My nymph somehow managed to stagger over while holding up the weight of the fish, her blue arms tensing as she lifted the wild salmon onto the embankment and set them down in the smooth black sand.

  Taurem steak was tender and delicious, but my tribe had been living off it for weeks. No matter how tasty something was, too much of anything was never a good thing.


  Nights spent in the land felt safer than ever. With the four lookout posts in place and all of them manned 24 hours a day, any attack from any direction would be seen coming.

  Our numbers seemed small at first, but with the old members of Ariadne’s tribe joining we had just enough people to keep them occupied without individual citizens having to spend too long in place.

  They were grateful, too - beyond grateful, even. I had to assure each of them more than a dozen times that carrying out their daily duties was more than enough to repay me for saving them.

  It was our job to keep each other safe, otherwise we didn’t even come close to a community.

  Hell, I had even taken a few regular shifts in the lookout posts myself over the past week.

  In the time since I had slaughtered Werger’s tribe, the forest had once again fallen quiet, but I had no intention of taking any risks.

  Slaughtered. That was the right word. I had cut every single one of the bastards down. The images of their screaming, choking or death-rattled faces had been seared into my mind in the days after. They had disturbed my sleep, the echoes in my mind waking me up before the touch of my wives calmed me again and sent me back to my slumber.

  Just over a week had passed since then, and the nightmares had already stopped.

  Now I looked back on those few minutes of unbridled brutality with a satisfied mind.

  They had deserved it. Every single one of them.

  And now I was going to take what was theirs for myself and my people.

  My girls and I awoke the next day with an early start. With the fox-people, Cass and her brothers taking point on the lookout posts, and Tormus and Eri keeping an eye on the crops, the six of us – Alorion, my wives and mys
elf - set off on horseback for the land of the Gaalus Tribe, with carts in tow.

  Lara and I knew the way, heading to the flattened land that surrounded Grayholde and tracing the edge until we entered the forest once again.

  ‘This tribe,’ Elera said during our journey, ‘were they truly as terrible as you claimed?’

  ‘Fucking awful,’ I said firmly. ‘They deserved everything they got. Apart from the wives, I guess, but they took off before I had a chance to even talk to them… Not that it was that surprising when I consider it from their perspective.’

  ‘This is all very new to me,’ Elera said. ‘But I find it incredibly interesting.’

  ‘Did you ever run into tribes in your home by the river?’ Ariadne asked.

  ‘Members of tribes, occasionally. Many of the men belonged to tribes that were travelling to the Cove and then further along the river. They thought quite highly of themselves, and even more so when they stumbled upon us. We made them feel wanted for a time…’

  ‘Wanted?’ Lara asked. ‘I thought you said that you didn’t fuck them?’

  ‘We didn’t, but fucking is the most basic way to make a man feel wanted. There are other things that they cherish, even though they don’t know it or won’t admit to it.’

  Elera turned to Lara and raised a hand to her face, caressing it gently.

  ‘The brush of a cheek,’ she started, ‘the biting of your lip… The touch against your thigh, just high enough to send a shiver through them and up between your legs…’

  She did that very motion to me, running her hand over my hip and clenching the spot just next to my groin gently.

  Needless to say, it had the desired effect.

  ‘Oh, my…’ Ariadne said jokingly, while Santana laughed in response.

  ‘And then there are other things,’ Elera said, hopping down from my horse and walking in front of us. She retrieved her canteen of water from her inventory and poured a little into her hands, then caressed the skin over her neck.

  It was like something out of a fragrance ad. She seemed to be moving in slow-motion.

  The rest of my wives went quiet as we watched the look of pleasure on her face at her own touch.


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