The Queen's Champion

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The Queen's Champion Page 12

by Whiskey Flowers

  “Could you imagine starting a fight with this lot?” Red said. “You had better bring your best or your face will look different from when you started.”

  “Jonathan,” Emmet said. “Who is that man staring over here at you?”

  “Where,” Jonathan said looking around.

  Jonathan’s eyes focused on a man a few years older than he was. This man was not wearing robes but instead wore fur around his shoulders and unlike most he was definitely armed. Jonathan at first thought he was a guard but this man was sitting, any guard would have been fired for not looking after the Duke in a crowd like this. The man never blinked as he stared at Jonathan, his bushy blonde beard hid whatever emotion he had on his face.

  “That one looks like he wants to get it on,” Red said. “Pit Thunder. I was hoping not to get my arse kicked today but fuck it. He looks like he wants to have a go and I am not going to leave you to fight alone in a crowd like this.”

  “Stay here,” Jonathan said. “If he wants it with me, he can have it.”

  “What about the rest of them?” Red asked.

  “Once the first idiot goes down I think the rest of them will think better of it,” Jonathan replied as he started walking towards the man.

  “Alright, I am over here,” Jonathan said as the big man stood up. “You obviously wanted something, out with it.”

  “You got more heart than I thought,” the blonde man said. “You ain't much to look at though.”

  “Don't let this fool you,” Jonathan said gesturing to himself. “Her Grace did all of this, not me. Now what do you want?”

  “My little sister is here somewhere,” the blonde man said. “She is my only sister and I love her more than anything in this world. If it would save her I would kill anyone in this Kingdom, Duke and Duchess Golad included. The Duchess has been trying to talk you and your little mage friends up to everyone. I don't know which one you are but you are the likely one she would fall for.”

  “Me?” Jonathan said surprised.

  “The mountain lads look too safe,” the man said as he looked over Jonathan’s shoulder. “They look well enough but they are just lacking something. That one with the red hair looks like he is down for a scrap. Too small though for my Freyja, same thing with the short one next to him. You though, you are just right if a little skinny.”

  “And how do you know I will go for this Freyja of yours or anyone else here?” Jonathan asked. “It is no secret I cannot stand Lord Russell and I am sure the feeling is mutual. Anyone here would give me reason to be around the man again when I am out of training. Why would I ever want to do that?”

  “You are not one of Russell’s friends?” the man asked.

  “No,” Jonathan said. “And you used his first name. Who are you exactly?”

  “The future Baronet Auber,” the man said. “You can call me Olaf.”

  “And you are here to threaten anyone from looking at your sister?” Jonathan asked.

  “My sister is not a mage like you all,” Olaf said.

  “She isn't?” Jonathan asked. “I thought the Duchess hated anyone without magic.”

  “She does,” Olaf said. “But there are not many nobles in the mountains and my family and the Duke’s go back generations to the time that we were our own separate Kingdom. Duke Golad made sure my people were here along with a lot of others. The Duchess is trying to get more magic in the mountains and has to deal with the people she calls mundanes. My family holds no great love for her and we already know the feeling is mutual.”

  “You don't sound like you want magic in your family,” Jonathan said.

  “I never saw the use in it,” Olaf replied. “I can sort idiots out just right with my axe. My heavy shield can soak up most of the little attacks your type likes to throw. I just got to get up on you, after that I don't care who you are. My axe can take down anything within arm’s reach.”

  “No one is saying your sister has to pick someone out here,” Jonathan said as Ella and Chloe came up to him.

  “Jonathan can we talk to you for a minute?” Ella said and tugged on his sleeve.

  “I think I am being pulled away,” Jonathan said as he gave Olaf a smile. Before Jonathan could move he could hear loud yelling coming from the other side of the room. Ella and Chloe took off towards it and could see Monica had Lauryn cornered.

  “Stop this!” Jonathan yelled as he went to intervene.

  Jonathan felt a sizable mage blast hit him square in the back and slammed him into the ground. Jonathan could see the hard stone floor coming up to meet him before he had a chance to catch himself, Jonathan’s head hit the ground hard and he went into unconsciousness.


  The pain from Jonathan’s head woke him up. Jonathan sat up slowly as everything came back to him. Someone had blasted him with a spell, Jonathan was hurting but whoever it was would pay and pay dearly. Jonathan stumbled as he got out of bed, he felt dizzy and immediately vomited whatever he had in his stomach. The room looked like it was spinning slightly but Jonathan didn't care, someone was going to pay and pay dearly. Jonathan went over to the door and noticed someone had changed him out of the robe he was wearing and put him in an oversized white top. It was probably Russell’s Jonathan thought, he wouldn't be needing it after their fight.

  Jonathan thought only one person would be bold enough to attack him. Only one person would be cowardly enough to do it while Jonathan’s back was turned. Jonathan stumbled into the hallway and could hear Red cursing at someone. Jonathan followed the sound and opened up the door of the room Red was staying in. Red was on the floor with his eye swollen shut and Poppy had a rag or something she was trying to put over the eye. Red was fighting her off but she wasn't having any of it.

  “What happened?” Jonathan asked.

  “Didn't I tell your ass that I didn't want to get the pit beaten out of me?” Red said angrily. “Some bloke in fancy robes cheap shotted you and I picked up a tankard of mead and knocked the shit out of him. He wasn't a mountain man, just some old man that I took out. Turns out he is Monica’s father. All pit broke loose after that, someone came for me and I just started swinging that mug and my fists as fast as I could. Some big bloke caught me square after I blasted his mate in the stones. I don't remember too much after that. I woke up with Poppy trying to put the rest of my eye out.”

  “Well what did happen?” Jonathan asked. “I thought it was Russell who hit me.”

  “Monica heard Lauryn and Lord Golad had gotten a little close,” Poppy said. “She challenged Lauryn to a mage duel and started hitting her until she agreed. You broke it up briefly before the big brawl started. After it was finished I tried to get Lauryn out of there but the Duchess demanded the fight happen and so did Russell. They stopped us from breaking it up, we used our magic and put a lot of hurt on some of the people there. There were just too many of them and almost everyone wanted to watch a girl fight, especially a mage girl fight. They all held us back and let Monica pound on Lauryn until Lauryn fought back.”

  “So they set everything up for a fight?” Jonathan said. “I am getting the pit out of here right now.”

  “I don't think it was set up,” Poppy said. “But Russell wanted to know if Lauryn really did have any power since he had never seen it and only heard about it.”

  “And how did it all end up?” Red asked.

  “Lauryn was beaten,” Poppy said. “But Monica was pushed to her limit and dropped soon after. I think if Lauryn had the training Monica did that she would have won. I heard people talking about how many mistakes Poppy made while Monica fought flawlessly. After the fight they wanted to act like everything was okay but we all left. Lauryn is already up, we just don't have a way to get home.”

  “The pit you don't,” Jonathan said. “I have a lot of coin and more than enough to get us back to the Tower. I am leaving right now and I don't give a hog’s hairy stones who gets offended. I am just amazed the Duke didn't stop this foolishness.”

  “He wasn't t
here,” Poppy replied. “He hurt his leg or his hip or something when Red started the big fight and had to be taken away.”

  “Well I am going to get my stuff,” Jonathan said. “We can find a carriage or something in town. At the very least I can put you all up at an inn while I find some decent horses.”

  Jonathan went back to his room and started packing. He was just about done when Russell walked inside of his room and looked around at him. With Russell was an older woman who was carrying a bowl with something hot in it. Jonathan ignored them as he finished packing and put his traveler’s pack on his back. Jonathan was happy he decided to take one instead of a trunk and that the others agreed with him before they left the Tower. Jonathan was about to walk out of the room when Russell stopped him.

  “What do you want?” Jonathan snapped. “If it isn't letting me fight whoever it was hit me while I was unaware then I am not interested.”

  “You were hit hard and your head has some swelling,” Russell said. “Magic doesn't work on those kinds of injuries, the only thing that does is rest.”

  “I wouldn't stay here if the Queen herself demanded it,” Jonathan snapped. “Now fight or move out of my way.”

  “You can't beat me when you are well,” Russell said. “You are crazy if you think you can beat me with commotion of the brain.”

  “I am not staying here,” Jonathan said. “You are exactly who I thought you were, having two girls fight.”

  “Lauryn has been holding back her magic,” Russell said. “I had to make sure that she was strong if she was going to lead beside me. I knew Monica was strong already, I did not want to give up a sure thing for something only others have told me about.”

  “I hope you are satisfied then,” Jonathan said. Now move out of my way.”

  “Helga is my mother’s personal mundane healer,” Russell said. “She is making her available to all of you who may be injured as a show of goodwill.”

  “No offense to you Ma’am,” Jonathan began. “But I will die before I accept anything else from this place. Now move out of my way before I move you out of my way.”

  “I would like to see you try it,” Russell said and crossed his arms.

  “Are you ready to go yet?” said a small voice Jonathan recognized as Lauryn’s. Russell looked surprised to see her and spun around, giving Jonathan enough room to get by him.

  “What are you doing out of bed?” Russell asked. “I was saving you for later so we can spend some time together.”

  “I am not spending any more of my time with you,” Lauryn said. “The rest of us are ready Jonathan.”

  “What do you mean you are not going to spend any more time with me?” Russell asked. “So what you lost the fight, you handled yourself as well as could be expected. I was going to tell Monica today that I decided to court you instead.”

  “You can keep her,” Lauryn said. “I don't want anything to do with this place.”

  “You are just angry,” Russell said. “And maybe a little bit embarrassed. You just need some time to cool off, no woman is stupid enough to give me up looking the way I do with the magical power I have at my disposal. Especially not a commoner who knows she would become Duchess.”

  Jonathan smiled as he saw Lauryn turn around and follow him without any more words. Jonathan made it outside and was surprised to find two carriages were already outside waiting on them. Emmet stayed and so did Einar and Calder. Poppy, Ella, Chloe, Cassidy and Lauryn left with Red and Jonathan. Jonathan smiled when he noticed Cassidy was sporting two blackened eyes and was favoring her right hand, the woman must have gone physical when her magic ran out. Jonathan found out later that the carriages were told to stay ready by Duke Golad himself who must not have been happy with the fight. The drivers were professional and took them all the way back to the Tower. Every stop they made the drivers paid for everything courtesy of the Duke. Jonathan thought the Duchess was a perfect twat and wondered how the man put up with her.

  Once they had gotten back to the Tower, Jonathan was happy to see his old bed. The women he traveled back with would be busy trying to bring their magic levels back up. Already a plan had been thought out by Poppy and Lauryn. Lauryn would claim to be feeling the effects of the fight and act far more hurt than she was, so would Cassidy, Chloe and Ella. They would ask for leave from the Tower and Jonathan would say whatever he could to get Tower Mage Winchell to agree. Jonathan thought all they had to talk about was marrying rich commoners if he refused. They could ask him to proceed over it and Jonathan was sure the Tower Mage would agree to send them back. He didn't want to be the reason five female mages all married commoners because of him not wanting them to go home for a year or so. Poppy would stay though, she had to since back at home she had her father to deal with. Jonathan spent his time practicing while break was in, most of the instructors had taken leave as well so the Tower was relatively empty.


  Jonathan had just said his goodbyes when he noticed another carriage pulling up from the stables. Jonathan recognized the carriage as the one Kevin Wilson used to ride in when he was Archmage. Jonathan waited for the occupant to get out and was surprised to see Mage Erlanger, the new Archmage get out. Jonathan would have thought the man would have asked for another design instead of keeping what Wilson had made.

  “There you are boy,” the Archmage said. “I went all the way to the Mountains, to your rebuilt estate and everywhere else looking for you.”

  “You were looking for me?” Jonathan asked.

  “Of course I was looking for you,” the Archmage snapped. “All pit has broken loose and you are one of the strongest mages I know.”

  “What happened?” Jonathan asked.

  “The damn Downey is what happened,” the Archmage said. “A dragon fight was seen up close and personal, I don't know if it is poppycock but from what I heard it seems real enough. Four dragons were battling it out, the Dragonknights are real. It was a two on two and apparently the bad dragons won. They flew towards our border where that idiot Russell Golad and a few others decided to take one on. The things were badly hurt from their dragon fight but were still difficult. Dragons have some resistance to magic. The entire mundane guard force Duke Golad travels with was decimated by one of the creatures Russell managed to get down. He couldn't celebrate though, he hit that dragon with his strongest mage bolt and not only did it shake it off, the damn thing took a bite out of the Duke.”

  “Is he alright?” Jonathan asked worried.

  “From what I hear he will live,” the Archmage said. “Three of the strongest mages in the Kingdom had a hard time taking down a wounded dragon. The thing limped away from the accounts I have heard and may or may not have died on the Downey side of the border. The other dragon is still in our Kingdom somewhere. I am supposed to hunt the damn thing down.”

  “What can I do?” Jonathan asked.

  “You can blast the damn thing with your lightning,” the Archmage said. “Her Majesty barely made it out of there herself.”

  “The Queen was there?” Jonathan asked.

  “She sure was,” the Archmage replied. “She was just lucky to get the pit out of there before the real fighting started. Prince Jordan had to drive the carriage out of there while the rest of them cowered in fear. Prince Jeffrey even got his hand singed by some dragon fire. I told them not to go without me but they let the idiots who follow them around talk them out of it. Said I wasn't strong so they wouldn't need me anyway. “Well I would have talked those idiots out of attacking and bringing down that damn dragon. The dragon survived and they got the pit beat out of them, now I have to clean up their mess.”

  “I don't know if I can take a dragon,” Jonathan said. “But I will not let you go at it alone. I do need something from you though. I have a story to tell you about some mages I hope you can keep to yourself. I need for you to fix something for me, I have some friends that are in over their heads and need help getting untangled.”

  “You help me get that dragon and I will do
whatever it is you want,” the Archmage said. “I need to leave right away, I have already wasted too much time trying to track you down.”

  “Well then let's go,” Jonathan replied. “I can't get my friends wrapped up in something like this.”

  “They are probably going to get wrapped up in this either way,” the Archmage said. “Downey has issued a three hundred gold reward for the capture or death of the dragons. The Queen said she would throw in five hundred more gold along with a small patch of land and a full estate. The biggest prize she is going to toss in is the title of Champion.”

  “Champion?” Jonathan said as he raised an eyebrow. “And anyone is eligible to receive this reward?”

  “Aye,” the Archmage said. “Even the mundanes can be appointed.”

  “Everyone wants a reward like that one,” Jonathan began. “Who would dare turn down something like that.”

  “No mage would,” the Archmage replied. “The Queen has wanted her own Champion since the King named Walter Westcott his, well before you threatened to kill the man.”

  “What would stop Russell from challenging me for the title?” Jonathan said. “Or any other mage out there.”

  “I don't know,” the Archmage said. “But having the title if only for a little while seems worth it.”

  Jonathan shrugged his shoulders then hopped into the carriage. He went over in detail about Poppy and her connection to the other mages. The Archmage was angry at first and threatened to take action until Jonathan let him know that he would leave and no reward was worth his friends. When the Archmage eventually calmed down he let Jonathan know he would have to tell the Tower Mage along with the Queen. Jonathan was not sure if the Queen would spread the story but knew the Tower Mage would keep it to himself.


  Jonathan looked around him in disbelief, this was the third town he had been to that showed signs of horrific damage. All of the inhabitants of the town told a similar story, a dragon appeared out of the sky and started torching everything. Once the town was on fire the dragon would take down a horse or two and carry it off to eat. Jonathan was unsure if people were embellishing their tales of trying to attack the dragon but the result was all the same. The dragon and its rider flying off into the sky. The rider was described as a tall thin man with a long moustache and no beard. The thin man rarely got off of his dragon, he just supervised on dragon back and was content to wreak havoc in safety.


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