The Queen's Champion

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The Queen's Champion Page 16

by Whiskey Flowers

  Jonathan’s home, the Queen gave him an estate and his grandfather said he would look into both for him. Brigham was angry to find out Jonathan’s home had burned down from assassins instead of the story Jonathan had told him. In the morning Jonathan would have to travel back to Magus Mazuli and into the Tower of Magic. As a commoner he had just been given the highest honor any in the Kingdom had ever received.


  “So now that you have been named you are too good to talk to me?” Farrah asked as she sat down next to Jonathan. “If I wanted I could take that title from you.”

  “Do it then,” Jonathan replied. “I don't have anything to say to you.”

  “Is this about that commoner girl?” Farrah asked. “She wants to be Duchess, I was going to make sure she was worthy. She is a commoner and shouldn't even be in the running but her magical talent is undeniable.”

  “You are bully Farrah,” Jonathan said. “What did you do when that idiot hit me from behind? My real friend started throwing down while you were content on letting my attacker get away with it.”

  “You were still breathing,” Farrah said and rolled her eyes. “And I made sure you were brought to your room. How do you think you woke up in one of Russell’s night shirts.”

  “Exactly the reason I don't have anything to say to you,” Jonathan replied. “Weren't you going on about how big of a mistake I was and how you were going to be Baroness?”

  “Harland is older than we are but he doesn't understand the finer points of being a mage,” Farrah said. “I offer him legitimacy in a world he has never really been a part of. Right now he is sulking the way you are.”

  “So because your man is taking a break, I am supposed to run into your arms?” Jonathan asked. “Give me a break Farrah.”

  “Running into my arms and being civil are two different things,” Farrah replied. “You can at least be nice.”

  “I am nice,” Jonathan replied. “I haven't said one bad thing to you.”

  “You haven't said anything to me,” Farrah said. “Are you a couple now with that Lauryn girl? She was so frightened she left the left the Tower and her lips have been all over my brother. Maybe it is one of those other girls, the big one was always ready to fight on your behalf.”

  “Are you finished with whatever this is supposed to be?” Jonathan asked. “You were wrong Farrah. You let a man attack me and didn't even try to help me. I don't think we have anything to discuss anymore. Your brother and mother both hate me and you are content to follow in their footsteps.”

  “I am trying to be nice to you but you are being difficult,” Farrah said. “When the first years have their midterms we are going to have two weeks to ourselves. Are you really saying that you would rather spend it alone instead of with me?”

  “Aren't you going to be someone’s wife?” Jonathan asked.

  “So what?” Farrah replied. “If Harland comes then you understand I have to spend my time with him but he has given no indication that he will be here.”

  “I’ll pass,” Jonathan replied.

  “What do you mean pass?” Farrah said surprised. “You do realize that I am the only daughter of a Duke and will be a future Baroness. I am a friend you would be smart to have and I know you like what the outside of me looks like. There is no way you would be able to have a girl of my pedigree even if it is only temporary.”

  “I wish you could hear yourself,” Jonathan said. “This doesn't even sound like you, you sound more and more like your brother and mother every day. Why don't you go on over back to your real friends. You know the ones you never talk to me when they are around.”

  “I am talking to you now,” Farrah said. “But fine, if you want me to go I will. You will never get another woman like me. Once you apologize then maybe I will give you the time of day again.”

  Jonathan knew he just had one more person to threaten him, Monica Manchin. Russell and now Farrah Golad had made it known that they could strip him of the title whenever they wanted, Jonathan wasn't looking forward to the fight but dared them to try. Monica was just a bit too slow based on what Jonathan had seen and he would not let her bring everything into the arena that her father did. Jonathan finished his meal and wondered what his next step would be. He was Champion, for a lot of people that would be a lifetime achievement. Jonathan knew he stumbled into it but he still did it. Things were looking up for him.

  As Champion he had many doors opened up for him. People who probably saw him as a fluke could not deny that it was him in the purple robes. Those who claimed Quevin Wilson wasn't ready for their fight could not make the same argument for Manuel Machin, he had everything going for him and still got throttled. Jonathan knew he had plenty more challengers in his future, he would not let them have all the things like the lightning rods that Manuel Manchin had. He would beat them and that would be that.

  “You look like you have the Kingdom on your shoulders,” Red said as he sat down with Poppy. “I have a bit of good news that should pick you up.”

  “And what is that?” Jonathan asked.

  “The girls made it back home okay and sent letters,” Red replied. “It was obvious someone had gone through them before they got to Poppy but it didn't give away where they live.”

  “Oh great, here comes your boy and he has brought company,” Jonathan said as he saw Bradley walking up to him with Blaine and another first year noble whose name Jonathan did not know.”

  “What is this then?” Red asked Bradley. “I have lost good friends in the last month. All you lot will find here is an ass kicking.”

  “We want help,” Bradley said. “We need help. Blaine and Timothy were just too scared to approach you by themselves. They think you both are dangerous.”

  “They think I am dangerous?” Jonathan said angrily.

  “Poor choice of words considering the situation,” Bradley said.

  “This idiot tried to kill me,” Jonathan said. “Whatever Gillespie wants can be settled right here and right now.”

  “I want your help,” Blaine said as he looked down to the ground. “I almost died out in Jubilee, we all did. That dragon didn't care if I was a noble or commoner. I was caught out in the open and would have died if Russell Golad didn't act.”

  “I thought it would be fun,” Timothy said shyly. “I had heard that commoners bow down before us and we get our pick of any pretty girl here. It was supposed to be like a fantasy, this is a nightmare. I want to learn to fight, I want to learn how to protect myself.”

  “You are a mage,” Jonathan replied. “You already know how to protect yourself.”

  “We know how to bully mundanes and maybe smack around weaker mages,” Blaine said. “We do not know how to protect ourselves. We have seen you both out here practicing your magic and we want to join you.”

  “Our friends were out here practicing too and they still took the dirt nap,” Red said. “I ran and hid during the attack.”

  “And I was too dumb to do that,” Blaine said. “I was yelling at Bradley for stepping on my boot and then thought I could take it on. It killed four people before I could take a breath. I heard Kevin Wilson himself had his shield overwhelmed and almost died. Half of his body is covered in scars now. If Wilson couldn't take out a dragon what could I do?”

  “Edgar and Terriel followed Kevin Wilson and thought with him along they could do some good,” Timothy said. “They were caught by surprise, we won't be. We have to do something, anything to get better.”

  “Don't you all have your friends?” Jonathan asked. “Why come to a bunch of commoners?”

  “To who?” Blaine asked. “The Big Four? Russell is above training with anyone. Monica would try her best to hurt anyone of us. I am not in line for any title, everything is going to Davney. She punishes anyone for even thinking they can duel her. Farrah is like Russell, you will never see her dueling anyone. I think I do not have to mention why I will not duel with Gerald.”

  “What do we get out of it?” Red asked.
  “I don't have anything to give you,” Blaine said then thought hard about something. “I have information you might want to hear. About your girlfriend Poppy.”


  “You have been distant,” Jonathan said as he sat down next to Red. “Even during our training sessions you are not all here. You haven't been here since we first started training with some of the nobles. Physically yes, mentally you are running from something. I have my demons, I know what running from them looks like.”

  “Poppy left me,” Red said. “I was supposed to meet her parents at the midterm. She wanted to rub me in her father’s face. She told me not to come, that she wanted to end things.”

  “Does this have something to do with Blaine and Bradley?” Jonathan asked. “I told you I didn't like that slippery son of a whore. He is either with us or with them.”

  “It has nothing to do with either of them, not really,” Red said. “Blaine told me that he had seen Xalen sneaking around with Poppy.”

  “The Prince?” Jonathan said shocked.

  “No you idiot, the fucking groundskeeper!” Red snapped. “Of course the fucking Prince.”

  “She has to be able to see right through him,” Jonathan said. “He is only doing this because he hates us. He hates me and wants to get back at you.”

  “Poppy is not a stupid girl,” Red said. “The only thing she is seeing right now is herself in purple wearing a tiara. I am just a damn street rat and not a particularly good looking one either.”

  “Xalen, damn his name!” Jonathan spat.

  “I have already cursed the knobber a thousand times over in my head,” Red said. “At the end of it he still has his perfect hair, his impossibly white teeth and he is still the damn Prince with three times the magic I have.”

  “Some men,” Jonathan said. “They just have it all.”

  “That isn't even the worst it,” Red began. “I told her my suspicions but I didn't let her know where I got the story from.”

  “Then what did she say?” Jonathan asked.

  “She told me that she has been trying not to throw it in my face since she cares about my feelings,” Red said. “Could you believe that? She wants to act like she cares about my feelings after breaking up with me and not telling me it was for another guy until I called her on it. She then had the nerve to tell me that she will do anything in her power to find me another woman. Told me that we could remain friends and if everything goes her way that she could be a powerful friend to have.”

  “What did you say?” Jonathan asked.

  “I stood there and cried like some baby who can't find his mommy in a crowd,” Red said. “Worst moment of my life. At least I ran out of there before she could hug me. Right now she is in Vashing completing her midterms and meeting the royals while her parents remark on how she is so great to catch the eye of a prince. This hurts Jonathan, it hurts bad. I used to look at you with pity, now the joke is on me.”

  “You used to pity me?” Jonathan asked. “For what?”

  “I still pity you,” Red said. “You like Farrah whether you want to admit it or not. She really likes you and often steals glances at you when she can. If she was a commoner you both would be together already. If you were a landed noble I am sure the result would be the same. But she refuses to get into anything serious with you. She has a Baron waiting on her and what is worse is that he is a decent man. I used to shake my head for you, your woman was going to marry a rich man and you couldn't do pit about it. Poppy and I used to talk about how we wished you would stop fooling yourself and move on. I see now you avoid being in the same room with her unless absolutely necessary. The only thing I have going for me is that everyone will be gone for a bit in Vashing so I can collect myself. I still have no idea of what I am going to do.”

  “The best revenge is often living well,” Jonathan replied. “Would I like to blast Kevin Wilson from the face of this Kingdom? I would like that more than anything and not just because of my parents. My parents had the same thing happen to them that happened to me. Noble mages get all this money and they are never the ones really in the fight despite having more power. Kevin Wilson gets to sit back burned while I am praised as the dragonslayer. When I wrote my report I mentioned that he put the dragon in the perfect place for me and that I caught its rider unaware. He did the hard part, I got the praise.”

  “I can't do anything like that,” Red replied. “All she did was leave me for another guy who is one day going to be King.”

  “But do you want her pity?” Jonathan asked. “Is that what you are after? If not then try to be the best student this Tower has ever seen. When you leave here, do not fade out into the Kingdom somewhere, do something. But enough of this talk, let’s spar.”

  “With you?” Red said surprised. “You trying to kill me? We practice together but there is no way I can beat you sparring.”

  “Neither could Cara,” Jonathan said. “But she surprised the pit out of me and will never get another chance like the one she had. She got me thinking.”

  “You have went over with me how slippery she was,” Red said. “I never really thought much about it since your next match was rife with cheaters.”

  “Well she got me to thinking,” Jonathan said. “I bet we could come up with our own ways of fighting like that. If you can surprise another mage I bet it would make you smile.”

  “I wish I could get back at that damn Gerald Morningstar,” Red said. “That would be nice.”

  “Maybe you can,” Jonathan replied. “But we are going to have to come up with multiple plans to beat him.”

  “I’m in,” Red said. “This will be perfect while everyone is out and about.”


  “Are you mad commoner?” Gerald asked as he rubbed his eyes. “No one has called anyone out since last year when your brute of a friend threatened to start killing people.”

  “He didn't threaten to kill anyone,” Red said. “But I called you out, not him.”

  “It is the middle of the day commoner,” Gerald said. “I was taking my afternoon nap. These things are supposed to be done late at night.”

  “I don't need to hide at night,” Red said. “I finally learned a new spell. I am going to overwhelm your shield with it.”

  “What are you talking about?” Gerald asked. “My mage shield?”

  “That is the one,” Red said. “I learned shatter, I think I can take you.”

  “You just learned shatter?” Gerald said laughing. “That is a spell everyone here already knows.”

  “I have never seen you use it,” Red said. “It is okay if you are frightened of me and my new spell. You can run along.”

  “I don't use it idiot because if I miss with it then I am going to be at half power for nothing,” Gerald snapped. “Even if I use it and it lands all I did was bring down a mage shield that will go right back up and I will still be at half power.”

  “You are scared,” Red said. “Me and my new spell have you as scared as a thief surrounded by the watch. I think I am going to beat up Russell with this new spell since you are scared of me.”

  “You watch your mouth commoner,” Russell said as he moved Gerald out of the way and stood in Red’s face. “I would not waste my time by sparring with you but I could throttle you right now.”

  “Is that how it is, is it?” Red asked. “You are gonna beat me up a bit so Gerald saves face? Then once I am on the low he can come in and win?”

  “You know that is how nobles operate,” Jonathan said. “I think your new spell even has the future Duke shaking in his small clothes.”

  “I am not scared of your little friend,” Russell said as he stepped up to Jonathan.

  “Now that you have been called out for shielding Gerald from Red’s new spell,” Jonathan began. “You are angry and looking for a fight. I would not waste my time fighting you, I am the Champion of this Kingdom and you are just some mountain man.”

  Jonathan had scouted Russell since last year when th
e man caught him with a punch that knocked him unconscious. Jonathan ducked the blow and just like Red had showed him, punched Russell as hard as he could in the groin. Jonathan had already moved out of the way and behind Prince Xalen who stood in amusement until Russell raised his palm towards the group.

  “You better not,” Xalen said as he was blasted in the face by a strong mage bolt.

  Jonathan watched Russell roll around on the ground then looked at Poppy as she went to care for Xalen. Farrah gave Jonathan a look between annoyance and anger. At least Jonathan thought she did, he quickly looked away from her and refused to be drawn into anymore arguments. Both mages were eventually up, Jonathan could tell Russell wanted to smash him but had an angry Xalen in his face. Jonathan felt someone tug his sleeve and looked down to Red who gave him a wink.

  “The nobles are so scared of me and my new spell that they would rather fight each other instead of letting Gerald get whipped,” Red said as he started making the hand motions for shatter but stopping short of trying to cast it. “I think I should face you Jonathan.”

  “I don't like that spell,” Jonathan said. “I don't want to fight you. You are my friend and I am yours.”

  “Well then since people are scared to fight then why don't we get something to eat?” Red said.

  “I have heard enough of this,” Gerald snapped. “Right here, right now. And be lucky Thunder is here to protect you. The last two men who stood across from me died and did so horribly.”

  “Not with my new spell,” Red boasted. “Now get into position and stop trying to prolong this.”


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