by Shelly Jones
“That’s right, I won the bet. You know you don’t have to.”
“A bets a bet Katie, I can’t promise there won’t be some nights it’s take out, but you’ll have dinner for a month. And besides, I’d rather spend time with my girlfriend then spend time with my dad talking about football.”
I get a huge smile across my face. Guess I get to see him every day for a month now. “Just no sushi, anything else is fine. Sushi and you’ll be holding my hair back while I hug the toilet.”
He starts laughing, “Good to know.”
We finish breakfast and clean up the kitchen. I look over at the clock and notice it’s ten o’clock. “What time is your shift,” I ask Eric.
“I have to be there any time before noon. Then I’m working until six. Why?”
I shrug my shoulders, “Just curious.”
“Can I bring pizza for tonight,” he asks me.
“Yeah, that will be good. Maybe I’ll swing by the video store and pick us up a movie or two?”
He walks up to me and wraps his arms around me, “Mmmm, dinner and movie, I like the sound of that,” he says.
I have my arms wrapped around his neck. “Good, you take care of dinner and I’ll take care of entertainment.”
“Sounds like a perfect night, I’m going to go get ready and head out. Maybe if I get there early, they’ll let me come back to you sooner.”
I stick out my bottom lip and pout, “Alright fine.”
“You’re so cute when you pout,” he says and walks back into my room to grab his bag.
He comes out dressed in his navy blue cargo style pants and navy blue polo. Fuck he’s sexy. I wonder what he looks like in his full uniform. I bite my lip and he notices. “Like what you see?” he says almost growling at me.
“Eh...” I say with a smirk. I’m joking and he knows it.
“Well this ‘Eh’ is leaving, so you girls don’t have too much fun, and I will see you later,” he says wrapping me up in his arms.
“Have a good day. Ava and I will be here waiting for our dinner when you get off,” I tell him and stand on my tiptoes to give him a kiss. I really could get used to this.
“I’ll give you a call or text later,” he says kissing me deeply.
I walk him to the door and watch him get into his truck. I close the door and lean up against it. “Yep I could totally get used to this,” I say out loud.
I get in the shower, quickly washing and shaving. I get dressed in a teal strapless long maxi dress and black flip flops, blow dry my hair and put it up in a messy bun, keeping my makeup natural. I walk out to the kitchen and notice the tickets lying on the counter.
Holy shit, I cannot believe we are going to go see Luke Bryan and we’re going back stage to meet him. Like seriously! This is a dream come true and I’m still trying to figure out how he did this.
My front door opens and I hear, “Honey I’m home!” coming from my living room. I get all giddy and excited that Rachel’s here. I walk towards the living room to greet her.
She hugs me. “Are you ready for a day of pampering and girly time?”
“Hell yes I’m ready, we are long overdue for this!”
“So what are you doing on July third?” Rachel asks.
“I don’t know about you, but I’ll be back stage with some dude named Luke Bryan. I guess he’s all famous and hot and stuff.”
“Bitch so am I! Can you fucking believe it? We are going to go back stage. Are these guys nuts?”
I start giggling, “I know right? They have no idea what they’ve just done!”
“Well let’s go. I’m starving and need food,” Rachel says.
“Ok.” I say grabbing my purse and after making sure I’ve locked up and set my alarm, I close the door.
We grab a muffin at the bakery and head to the day spa where we have massages, manicures and pedicures done. I’ve never felt this relaxed. We decide on Wendy’s for lunch where I order a burger, fries and a chocolate frosty. “I cannot believe you still do that. It’s so gross,” Rachel says and points at my French fry covered in chocolate frosty.
I wave it in her face, “Don’t say it’s gross until you try it!”
“Fuck that,” she makes a gagging noise.
“Thank you for this perfect day,” I tell Rachel.
“No need to thank me sis. We’ve needed some ‘us’ time for a while. I’ve missed the shit out of you.”
“I know and I’ve missed you too.”
“I know you don’t want to talk about it, but are you holding up ok? I know dumb fuck gets out on the fifth.”
I finish my bite of my burger. “I’m doing what I can to keep my mind off stuff, I know Eric is flipping out and he’s been watching me a lot on how I react to certain things, but everyone has to realize I’m ready to fight this last battle. I might be bruised up and damaged, but I will be the one standing, telling all of them to fuck off.”
“You don’t have to be strong, you can let people help.”
“Why? That’s what he wants. He wants me vulnerable. If I do that, he will kill me and fuck that. He is not coming near me or Ava. I’m fine with Eric being around and staying with us, but when it comes time to face that mother fucker, you bet I’ll be staring him in the eye and my gun will be locked and loaded. I’ve been hitting the shooting range daily and it’s helping. My aim is dead on every time.”
“Ugh, I hate that you have to live like this. I hate that you have a gun and you have to be ‘locked and loaded’. She sighs, ”Do you think Reagan will leave you alone or do you think she’s just waiting to pounce?”
“With that fucking two cent tramp, who knows, but now that I know the truth, I’m likely to punch the bitch when I see her.”
Rachel starts choking on her soda. “Oh my God! Who the hell are you, and what have you done with my sister?”
“You, you’re all badass, bad mouthed. I’m kind of afraid of you right now,” she laughs.
“Oh shush, I’m not a badass.”
“Compared to how you were, yeah you are.”
“Well that’s what happens when you’re fucked up and damaged goods.”
“Fuck that, you are not damaged goods. You were broken, but you got yourself pieced together. Let’s just hope you stay that way and no one breaks you again.”
“Meaning Eric?”
“Yeah, meaning him!”
“No worries Rach, my guard is up. Well for the most part,” I say and I start to twist my napkin.
“Holy shit! You’re in love with him!”
I look up at her, “Rachel, you know I’ve always been in love with him. It’s always been him. I have just reconfirmed my feelings, I guess.”
“Well I’m happy for you. Just be careful. Brady says he’s changed a lot for the good. So just maybe, you’ll have your happy ending.”
“Yeah we’ll see about that one. Happy endings only happen in fairy tales and the books I read, but who knows,” I say and shrug my shoulders.
“Hey I know what we should do. We should throw one of our huge ass Fourth of July parties this year. Let the guys go wild with fireworks, a bon fire, and set up a huge ass slip n slide,” Rachel proposes.
“Yes! We should do that. People can set up tents out in the back yard for those who are too drunk to drive home. But I want the kids involved and let’s do it at my house. We never do things at my house.” I get all excited.
“Yes!! Let’s do this! The concert is the night before, but even if we spend the night down there we can do all of our prep work before we leave and just tell everyone to be there at one or two in the afternoon.”
“Sounds good to me, let’s do this!” I nod my head.
We finish our lunch and decide to hit up the mall for a little shopping before I go get Ava from my dad’s. We hit Victoria Secret and Bath and Body works and a couple other stores. Deciding we were ready to go, we start walking towards the exit on the other side of the mall.
I hear a laugh and my skin begins to crawl.<
br />
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I say out loud.
“You heard it too?”
“Yep, where’s the bitch at?” I say looking around. I catch a glimpse on Reagan on the other side of the mall across from us.
She’s wearing a short red sundress with black wedged sandals. Her chocolate brown, curly hair is cut into a medium bob hairstyle. I never realized how short and tiny she was. I wonder why I haven’t kicked her ass before. I stand at least a good four or five inches taller than her, I’m assuming if she takes off her sandals.
“Get me out of here,” I tell Rachel. I do not want her to see me because I’m likely to get arrested and that’s going to be a great call to my dad.
“Let’s go. Just breathe and ignore her,” Rachel says grabbing my arm. I don’t know how she did it, but the bitch walks right in front of us making us bump into her. This is when I notice she’s with Heidi....arghhhhh!
“Oh oops, I didn’t see you there...” Reagan says. I don’t say anything and just glare at her. Her brown eyes lock onto mine. Damn, she’s got the look of evil in her eyes. “But that’s typical. You’ve always been invisible to everyone haven’t you KatBug,” she says with a wink.
I take a deep breath. The bitch is just trying to get under my skin; don’t fucking give in to her.
“Reagan, don’t you have a corner you need to be working or a pole to fuck?” Rachel says and I bust out laughing.
“Fuck you Rachel! And what the fuck are you laughing at?”
I shake my head and walk around her and then she says the wrong damn thing.
“So I bet you’re shaking in your boots knowing lover boy is getting out. Maybe he’ll finally finish the job this time!”
I turn to Rachel, “Call my dad and tell him to get bail money and call Eric and tell him I won’t be making dinner tonight!” Rachel grabs my arms and I slide out of it.
“You know bitch, it wasn’t my fault; it was yours and fucking Steve’s fault. If you wanted Steve so fucking badly, why the fuck didn’t you just take him? You had six fucking years to take him and you didn’t. You let Dean believe that Hunter was his and then for whatever fucking reason, you decided to tell him the same night I went to break up with him. You are so fucked up! It was not my fault you fucking bitch! It was all you! You should have been the one to have the shit beaten out of you and I hope to hell that mother fucker gets out and comes looking for you,” I take a deep breath. “Because you know what they say, Karma’s a bitch! And you know, I can’t wait, I’m going to sit on my ass with my beer and popcorn and watch the fucking show,” I snap.
I’m right in her face and not backing down. Heidi decides to say something and I almost puked.
“My brother, well step brother, won’t hurt Reagan. If he comes for anyone it’ll be you sweetie.”
I throw my head back and start laughing. “Your brother? Oh my god! Could this get any fucking better?” I run my hands through my hair. “You bitches aren’t worth my time or the air I breathe. This is so fucking funny and unreal. You know Reagan, I almost feel sorry for you and Hunter.”
“Why the fuck do you feel sorry for me?”
“Because you are so fucked up and this situation is so fucked up. I really wish you would have kept Steve. My life would have been so much better.”
“I tried, but when Dean went all crazy on you, he felt guilty. So he was with you out of pity.”
“That’s not my fault. I didn’t ask for Dean to be in my life and I sure as fuck didn’t ask for any of this!” I throw my hands up in the air and walk away from them. They are not worth it.
Rachel is standing behind me, she grabs my arm and we walk away. Reagan and Heidi were saying something and I just ignore it. Mall security is walking around and I look at one of them.
“I didn’t hit anyone, so you guys can chill, I’m leaving. So go about your business.”
“Just doing our job Ma’am.”
“Yep me too, but if you knew the whole story, you probably would have been rooting for me to beat the living shit out of her and her friend, but they’re not worth it.”
The guy just starts laughing, “Have a good day.”
“You too!”
We walk out of the mall and Eric is walking up to the doors. “Did you call him?”
“You told me to call him and tell him you weren’t making dinner tonight...”
“Jesus Rachel, it was a joke. Well kind of...”
Eric walks up to me and I smile at him, “Hi,” I say in a chipper tone.
“Hi,” he scowls.
“I didn’t hit the bitches and they didn’t hit me. It’s all good. I don’t need bail money,” I start laughing.
He’s not finding it funny.
“You can go back to work. Everything is fine!”
“My shift is over. Are you sure you’re ok?”
“Nothing that a cold ass beer and a movie won’t solve, oh, and my baby girl, I need my baby girl.”
“Well let’s go get Ava and go back to your place and order dinner and then you can tell me what happened.”
I laugh, “Sis you ok to get home?”
“Yeah, you go get Ava. I’ll call you later,” she says giving me a hug.
Eric and I start walking to his truck when I hear, “Baby! Wait up I need to talk to you!”
“OH MY GOD! Why don’t they just go away!” I shout!
“Wait here; I’ll see what she wants.”
“Oh the fuck I’m waiting here. She comes to us and I’m staying right here. Fuck if you’re going to tell me to walk away.”
He just glares at me. Yeah, I can glare right back. Fuck you buddy. I control this fucking game. No one else!
“Oh Eric, I’ve missed you so much,” Heidi says trying to give Eric a hug and I slide between them so she touches me.
“Um care to move so I can give my man a proper Hi,” she says in the most annoying tone.
“Actually I do Heidi, cause the last I checked, he is not yours!”
“Baby, tell her she’s delusional!”
“Bitch you’re the delusional one,” I snap.
“Heidi what do you want? Aren’t you supposed to be back in Chicago?”
“Yeah I’m leaving soon, but I was hoping you were coming home with me. You’ve played house with her, now it’s time to come home with a real woman.”
I laugh so hard I snort. Which made her glare at me and it got Reagan coming over.
“Heidi we’re done, go back to Chicago and get the hell away from me.”
“But I’m pregnant...”
“Well go tell our neighbor Charlie because I haven’t fucked you in four months and I know damn good and well you’ve had your rag since then. So yeah, good try!”
“Fine, I’m not, I just thought I’d try.”
“Honey, he is not a dumb blonde like you are,” I say with a giggle.
“Fuck you! You don’t talk to Heidi like that,” Reagan says.
I laugh, “Fuck you both. Eric, babe, can we go home now? Please?”
He looks down at me and smiles. “Yeah baby, let’s go get our girl and go home!”
We turn to walk away and I look behind me and give them both my best smile and flip them off. I mouth, “Fuck you!” to them and then I grab Eric’s arm a little tighter.
“Thank you,” I say to him.
“We have so much to talk about when we get home,” he chuckles.
“Yeah we do...”
We go get Ava from dad’s. He seemed happy to see us together. Ava was very happy to see her mama, and mama was very happy to have her girl back home. We decide to head straight back my place order pizza and settle in with one of the many movies I own. I sit on the living room floor, playing with Ava and her blocks. Eric is sitting on the couch watching us.
“What?” I ask.
“Whatever. What are you thinking about?”
“Nothing, I just like watching you being a mom. There are two sides of you.
There’s the badass fighter and there’s this sweet loving, patient, calm mom side of you.”
I shake my head, “There are more than just two sides.”
“Well I was trying to behave and be nice,” he says.
The doorbell rings and Eric gets the door and pays for the pizza and bread sticks and I can hear him locking the front door when he’s done.
“Ava, are you hungry?”
“Yup,” she says.
“Ok, well let’s get you ready to eat pizza.” Ava is all smiles and races me to the kitchen. I put her in her seat and get her a piece of pizza and cut it up into small pieces. Eric grabs a slice for me, a slice for him, and brings it to the table. “Thank you,” I say.
“No problem.”
Ava decides she wants to feed Eric and me a piece of her pizza. I wasn’t sure if Eric would go with it, but he does. Ava laughs every time she feeds Eric a piece cause he acts like he’s going to bite her fingers.
I take in the sight of those two interacting with each other. I have to admit, it was a total turn on. Here is a guy who has no ties to this little girl and he’s so awesome with her. I don’t think I’ve ever felt such true happiness in my life, well except for being a mom to Ava, but that’s a different kind of happiness.
Eric looks over at me, “What are you smiling about over there?”
“Just enjoying the show, taking in this feeling of being happy and content for now.”
“For now?” he asks.
“You know it’s not going to last. This time next week, life will probably be turned upside down and who knows who will be standing.”
“Katie you have to think positive. Maybe nothing will happen.”
“Eric, as much as I would love to think like that, until Dean, Heidi and Reagan are out of the picture, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to be positive.”
He looks almost pissed at me. Awesome, am I going to get into a fight with him too? Fuck that. I’ve dealt with two bitches today when today was supposed to be a day of relaxing and hanging out with my best friend. We finish up with dinner in silence.
My dad said Ava didn’t nap today which means she’ll be going to bed early. I take her for her bath and get her in her pajamas. She runs into the living room straight to her toy box and plays. Eric is sitting on the couch watching the news and looks up when he hears Ava and me.