by Shelly Jones
“Me too mama, me too,” she says with a smile and then gives me a big kiss.
“Hi dad,” I say walking over and kissing him on the top of his head.
“Hi,” he says and gives me a nervous look.
I look to my right and notice a woman with dark blond hair cut in a bob style. She’s wearing a red, white and blue shirt with a pair of denim Capri pants. I give her my best smile.
“Hi, I’m Katie,” I say to her.
She returns the smile “Hi Katie, I’ve heard so much about you. I’m Dana,” she says.
Oh I could throw my father under the bus so badly right now, but I’ll just bite my tongue and be nice. I sit outside with Eric, dad and Dana until I hear my front door open and hear Rachel calling for me. I get up and go inside.
“Oh my god is it too early to start drinking?” Rachel asks.
“Well it is five o’clock somewhere right?” I giggle. “One of them mornings huh,” I ask.
“Me too, I might just start drinking very soon too!”
“You ok?”
“Yep, I’ll be fine” I smile.
“Well you suck ass at lying, but I’ll pretend to believe it and we’ll just focus on making shit for the party and having a good time.”
“Sounds awesome to me!”
Rachel looks out the window, “Who’s the lady?”
“That’s Dana, my dad’s friend.”
“Oh yeah and I didn’t even know about it until Eric dropped the bomb on me this morning he was bringing her over.”
“Wow, I’m shocked but happy for him.”
“Me too, just a little heads up would have been nice, you know.”
“No shit! Are your dad and Eric like best bros or something now?”
“Seems like it. When I got up he was on the phone with someone, imagine my surprise to find out it was my dad. So I have no clue, but whatever at least they’re getting along!”
“That is a big bonus!”
Rachel and I spend the next hour and a half cutting up fruit and vegetables, making all kinds of salads and other things for the party. Brady’s brother Brody and his girlfriend Morgan have shown up to help as well. The three guys have gone on a fireworks run.
“Should I be nervous that we trust those three to go get things that blow up?” Morgan asks.
I start laughing “Well, Eric is a fireman,” I say.
“That don’t mean shit,” Rachel says.
“I know, it sounded good in my head though.”
“Yeah I know, I was kind of thinking the same thing, the only thing that it means is that Eric can use a really big hose,” Rachel says.
I was taking a drink of my soda and ended up spitting it all over the place laughing.
“What?” Rachel asks innocently. “Oh you sick ass! I didn’t mean it like that. Jesus woman get your damn mind off of Eric’s big hose,” Rachel says laughing.
I’m laughing so hard I’m snorting and Morgan is laughing with tears rolling down her face.
“You two are fucking sick,” Rachel shouts.
“What? You said it, not us,” I replied.
“So, umm I take it, things are good with the two of you then?” Morgan asks.
I can’t hide my smile, “Yeah, you could say that!”
“Ah shit, it’s the look of l-o-v-e,” Morgan smiles. I shrug my shoulders and smile a little bigger. “I am so happy for you,” Morgan says. “So how many people are coming?”
“Not sure exactly, I know Eric invited some of the guys from the fire house and Brady invited some of his EMT buddies.”
“Oh, so we’re going to be surrounded by hot men all day,” Morgan asks.
I shrug my shoulders, “I guess.”
It’s about 2 and people have started to arrive – some I’ve never met and some I haven’t seen in ages. The guys from the firehouse all come up to say hi and give Eric shit for keeping me away. One of the guys told me if it didn’t work out with Eric to give him a call. Eric didn’t like that, but I just laughed.
I notice a girl, her three kids, and I assume her husband come walking through the back gate. “Is that Madison?” I lean over asking Rachel.
“It sure as shit is,” Rachel shouts. Rachel and I both jump up running over to her. We haven’t seen Madison since two years after graduation.
“I sent her an email telling her if she was in town to stop by but never heard back from her,” I tell Rachel as we’re going over to Madison.
She’s still as gorgeous as ever. Long light brown hair with blonde highlights, brown eyes, 5’7” and thin as hell. There is no way she’s given birth to three kids and still looks that damn good.
The guy she’s with is probably 5’10”, maybe a little taller, shaved head, blue eyes. He’s not bad looking.
When Madison sees Rachel and me she smiles big. “Oh my god,” she shouts.
“I wasn’t sure you were going to make it,” I say.
“Well I got your email and I wasn’t sure if we were going to be around but shit has happened and here we are. I hope you don’t mind that I brought my kids?”
“Oh god no, they can play with Ava and all the other kids! Damn it girl I’ve missed you,” I say to her.
“Hey bitch what about me?” Rachel pushes me out of the way.
“Ok attention whore!” I stick my tongue out at her.
“God you two have not changed a damn bit.”
“Oh Rachel, Katie, this is my husband Dylan. Dylan this is Rachel and Katie. We’re also known as the three amigos,” Madison introduces us.
“Shit I haven’t heard that in forever,” Rachel says.
“We were such geeks back then,” I reply.
“Well come on, there’s a bunch of people from school here.” Rachel and I grab her and pull her over to everyone.
“Ah shit, really? Any that I need to kick the shit out of? Cause I could go for hitting something right now,” Madison says looking around.
“Nope, not yet at least,” Rachel says.
“Holy shit, is that? Is that Eric Reed,” Madison whispers.
“The one and only,” Rachel says.
“What’s he doing here?”
“Oh you know, finally claiming what’s been his since the seventh grade,” Rachel says in her smartass, but loving tone.
Madison looks over at me questioningly and of course I can’t help but smile. “No way? Really? Holy shit! Ok, you need to catch me up!”
“I will, sometime tonight,” I smile.
Eric notices us and comes over, “Well if it isn’t Madders Roberts,” he says as he smiles at her.
“Shut the fuck up! No one calls me Madders anymore,” she laughs.
They give each other a hug. She whispers something in his ear. He laughs and says, “No worries.” She introduces Dylan to Eric and they take off to get a beer.
“What the hell did you say to him?”
“Nothing, I didn’t say a thing.”
“You’ve always been a bad liar!”
Madison makes the rounds introducing Dylan and the kids, Deacon (7), Charlotte (Charlie as they call her, 5) and Olivia (2 and a half). Charlie, Olivia and Ava have been playing non-stop since they arrived.
“I cannot believe how big Ava is. I feel like shit that I haven’t been around.”
“Don’t worry about it. Life happens. I’m just glad you’re here now.”
“No other place I’d want to be and I hope you like having us around cause Dylan and I have decided to move back. I got a job at St. Joe’s. They were looking for a Neonatologist; I applied, interviewed yesterday, and was offered the job on the spot. Dylan can get a job anywhere and we’re sick of Colorado. So it’s time to make the move.”
“This makes me so fucking happy! You have no idea!!!”
“Good! We’re happy too.”
“Why are we happy?” Rachel asks.
“She’s moving back!”
“Fuck yeah! The three amigos are
back,” Rachel laughs.
I notice Brady and Eric staring at us and laughing. “Look at the boys laughing at us. Poor Dylan has no idea what’s in store for him,” I say.
“Yeah no shit. Dylan better become best buds with those two, because like it or not, we’re all going to be spending a lot of time together,” Rachel says.
“What kind of work does Dylan do,” I ask Madison.
“He’s a cop. He’s going to go talk to Eric’s dad on Monday actually.”
“Nice,” I reply.
“Hey, can we talk in the house. Just you and I?” Madison asks me.
“Sure, let’s go inside real quick. Let me just go tell Eric to keep an eye on Ava,” I tell her.
Madison and I are in the living room and she looks odd. “So what’s up,” I ask her.
“First off, I’m sorry. I am so fucking sorry I haven’t been around at all. I should’ve been here for you, you have no idea how badly I hate myself.”
“Maddie its fine, you were tied up with school and shit. I don’t blame you. Look at what you’ve done in your life? I mean shit, you have three kids, you’ve gone through how many years of schooling, and you’ve got a great life. It’s not your fault. Life is fucked up, plain and simple.”
“Yeah but Katie, I should have been here. I should have been here when you and Steve got married, when Steve died, when Ava was born. Fuck I should have been here when Dean beat the fuck out of you. But no, I hid in Colorado because I didn’t want to come back here and face the truth of my fucked up life.”
“Maddie, I don’t blame you, I wouldn’t have wanted to come back here either.”
“But my best friend needed me and I wasn’t there, all because some asshole raped me and I was hiding from him. I waited eight years to come back because the stupid son of a bitch overdosed. I am a coward and I hate myself for not being here for you.”
“Maddie STOP. You’re here now. That’s all that matters.”
“Yes I am. How are you holding up? I know tomorrow is a big day.”
“I’m living one day at a time. My guard is up even though since Eric has come back. I’m vulnerable and I hate that. I’m trying to be that cold bitch I was, but the fucker makes me all hearts and butterflies and I used to be all stone and electric fence. I hate this mushy shit!”
“Well, I think it’s good he’s around; it’s about time he got his head out of his ass!”
“Yeah no shit!”
“How are you holding up with Steve’s death? God that must have been hard. Where are the wedding pictures? I want to see them.”
I start to laugh and then proceed to tell her everything that has gone on and the shit I have found out.
She’s speechless. We finish talking when Eric comes in with Ava.
“Is she ok,” I ask.
“Yeah she just wanted something to eat, but didn’t want anything out there. I think she wants her crackers or something,” Eric says confused.
I go and grab Ava’s crackers and hand them to her and that makes her happy.
“Good call, you’re starting to know her,” I wink at him.
“Well I’ve got to, because you know I’m not leaving,” he says and kisses me on the cheek.
“Wow you two are so fucking cute, it almost makes me want to puke,” Madison says, “But I am so happy for you both. It’s about damn time!”
“Better late than never is how I’m looking at it,” I say with a smile. And it’s very true. It took us a while to get here, but since he’s been back, our relationship has gone fast forward, but it’s ok. In my heart I know this is right.
The rest of the afternoon was fun, everyone was so relaxed. I haven’t laughed so much in a long time. It was great remembering old times and looking forward to the future. Made some new friends, caught up with some people I haven’t seen in a long time and chilled with the people who I love dearly.
The kids are having tons of fun, Ava is so happy her whole face lights up and it’s such a beautiful sight to see, but my favorite thing to do is watch the way Eric and Ava interact. It’s like watching a father and daughter play. Eric has pretty much spent most of his time talking with the guys, and playing with Ava. I don’t know how I got so lucky, but damn it, I kind of like it.
“I want to play volley ball or football,” Morgan says.
“Do it, I’ll have to sit out so I can keep an eye on Ava, but get a game started.”
“Let me keep an eye on Ava. You know I hate sports, so go, and have fun,” Alexis says.
“You sure?”
“Hell yeah, guys against girls, and go kick the guy’s asses!”
“Alright.” I walk around and get the girls and we get our team made.
We decide first game is volleyball. I know this is one game we will kick their asses in.
Rachel comes over with the volleyball and throws it to me. I walk over where the guys are at and toss the ball at Eric. He raises his eyebrow at me with the cocky ass grin that still makes me weak in the knees. “You want to play?”
he asks.
“Guys against girls, baby,” I smile. We’re having a staring contest.
“Alright. How many do you have on your team?”
I start laughing as Rachel, Maddie, Morgan, Jenny and Annie all come up behind me.
I hear Brady say, “Fuck!” We start laughing.
“Awe Brady you ain’t scared, are you,” I say sarcastically.
“Um, minus Morgan you five are the damn volley ball team from high school and you guys killed every school.”
“Oh Brady, I played all through high school and college in Arizona,” Morgan chimes in.
“See dude, we’re fucked!”
Eric starts to laugh. “Give us a minute,” he says.
“Ok, well when you boys put on your big boy undies, we’ll be over at the net,” I say walking away.
“What the fuck? Your husband is a wuss,” I laugh at Rachel.
“He’s a moron,” Rachel shouts.
After about five minutes the guys decide to finally come over. I start to laugh hard when I see their team. They have Eric, Brady, Brody, Travis, Josh and Dylan. Pretty sure not a single one of them have ever even touched a volleyball in their lives.
“Ok, well do you boys need a lesson on how to play?” Morgan asks.
“Ha-ha funny! Just serve the damn ball,” Brady growls.
“Well here, you can serve first,” I start to giggle.
The girl’s team gets in position.
The guys serve and we score right away. The game was pretty unfair, I’ll even admit it. They scored once and that was because we let them.
“Good game guys,” I say trying to be nice.
“Yeah whatever! No more volleyball,” Brody pouts.
“Oh get over it already! You could have said no,” Maddison says. Brody just rolls his eyes at her.
We offered to play football with the guys, but the only thing anyone wants to do is sit around and drink.
It was around eight when Ava started getting fussy.
“I’ll be back in a little while, I’m going to go bathe Ava and get her ready for bed.”
“Where is she going to sleep,” Madison asks.
“I’ll put her in the pack and play. When she’s tired, she’ll sleep through anything. So I’ll be back in a little while,” I say standing up. Eric follows me in the house, “You didn’t have to come in.”
“I wanted to. I’ve missed you,” he says wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his chest.
“Me too.”
I walk into the bathroom and get the tub ready. Eric has her stripped down to her diaper.
“I’ll get clothes laid out for her then set up the pack and play with the net. I don’t want her to get bitten by misquotes. Even though I think we’ll be ok tonight, just to be safe,” Eric says to me.
After I get done with Ava’s bath and get her dressed, we let her chill in her room for a little bit.
“Having fun?” I ask.
“Yeah I am, you?”
“Oh yeah, the only thing I’m not enjoying is not getting enough kisses from my man.” I stick my bottom lip out.
“God you’re cute when you pout,” he says walking over to me and leaning in giving me a kiss. It starts out sweet and gentle and then turns into a deep hungry kiss.
“Ok, we need to stop before I make Rachel watch Ava and I lock you in our room for the night,” I say.
“Our room?” he asks.
“Well yeah, I see it as our room, since you’ve been sleeping over here a lot. That’s ok right?”
“More than ok Baby...” he says against my lips. “I love you Katie,” he says.
Tears flood my eyes and I look into his eyes, “I love you Eric,” I whisper and he kisses me again.
“Katie, Eric? Where are you guys,” I hear Rachel calling.
Eric and I walk out of Ava’s room and I’m still wiping the tears from my eyes.
“Are you ok?” Rachel asks in a panic.
“Yeah I’m fine!”
“You’ve been crying. Eric damn it, you didn’t do anything did you?”
“No Rachel, he didn’t. We just had a moment,” I tell her.
“Ok,” she says.
“I’ll go get the pack and play set up. We’re going to put her near us right?” Eric asks.
“Yeah, I doubt she’ll wake up.”
Eric goes to the backyard.
“Are you sure you’re ok?” Rachel says.
“Yes Rach. I’m fine.”
“Then why are you crying?”
I roll my eyes, “We just had a moment. These tears you see are happy tears.”
“Oh...” she says. “I’m sorry. I guess I should just keep my mouth shut.”
I let out a small laugh, “Its ok, I know you guys are all worried about me, but I’m fine. Now I see a bon fire and an ice chest full of beer with my name on it. You coming?”
I grab Ava and the three of us walk outside. Eric has the pack and play set up by our chairs. He’s got her favorite blanket and her monkey he bought her in there.
“Hey I wonder why Ronnie and James didn’t show up,” Annie says.
“Yeah I don’t know. I should try texting him real quick,” I say.