Always Yours
Page 23
“What? You were with her tonight?”
“Lapse of judgment or whatever, but yeah I was with her tonight. I had Eric take me to see her.”
“I don’t know. I just had the urge.”
“Wow, well what did she have to say for herself?”
“Not much. I didn’t want any explanations. She did however say she was sorry. How much of that was the pain meds or her actually talking, I don’t know? But it was odd. We even talked about Hunter and Ava getting to know each other.”
“That’s fucked up. I think you’re the one on pain meds,” she laughs.
“But Rach, it’s like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, like I can finally breathe again. I walked out of the hospital and I could breathe for the first time in a long time. I don’t know, it’s hard to explain, but all I know is I’m going to start enjoying being happy and the good in my life.”
“Well fuck, if that’s what it took, then ok, I’m not happy you went to see the bitch. But just don’t do this shit to me anymore. Ok?”
“I’m not going to promise anything, but I’ll try. We good?”
“Like I could stay mad at my soul sister.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
After what seems like forever Brady and Eric are finally home with Ava. Brady walks in with a smile I’ve never seen before. It was almost like he just won the lottery or something.
“Mommy,” Ava shouts.
I walk over and grab her from Eric’s arms, and she wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tight.
“Hey baby girl. Did you miss mommy?”
“Yep and daddy,” she smiles and looks over at Eric.
“Good, cause daddy missed you too,” he says kissing her on the forehead and kissing me too.
“Everything ok, you guys were gone a while.”
“Yeah, your dad just wanted to make sure you were ok. He called my dad while we were there and then relayed all the details. ”
“Anything I should worry about?”
“Unless you’re worried that he’s on suicide watch, I’d say you have nothing to worry about.”
“Oh he’s pulling that shit again? He was on suicide watch for three months after the first time.” I roll my eyes.
“Yeah, Gary said that. I’m sorry but I say let him hang himself. At least that way I’ll know my family is safe.”
“I say we stop talking about it and try and move on with our lives. I’ll worry about that shit when the day comes and I have to go back to court.”
“Ok deal,” Eric says.
Rachel and Brady hang out for a couple of hours. The guys are talking about work and other things. Rachel and I are talking about the business. “I’m meeting with Maddie’s dad on Tuesday; maybe have him meet us at the bakery.”
“Perfect. Hey you gotta come up with a name.”
“Nope, already have one.”
“You do? Well do tell.”
“Katie’s Kakes and Kafé”
“What are you girls talking about in here,” Eric says walking in the kitchen with Brady and Ava.
“Oh just business stuff,” Rachel says with a smiles.
“Yeah about that, I know I didn’t come off all supportive earlier, but I’m really proud of you and very excited for you.”
“So you approve,” I ask.
“Of course I do!”
“Good, because you get to be my guinea pig and try all the new recipes.”
Eric pats his stomach, “Alright, bring it on babe.”
I giggle, “You’re such a dork!”
“Well you three, I think we are going to head for home,” Rachel states as she gets up.
“Ok, I think a little girl is getting tired anyways.”
“I will talk to you tomorrow,” Rachel says.
“Yes you will.”
“I will. You guys have a good night. And hey sis, I’m glad you’re ok. I couldn’t image loosing you,” she says with wet eyes.
“No worries Rachel, I wouldn’t let you or I lose her,” Eric tells her.
“I know,” Rachel says giving Eric a hug.
I give Brady and Rachel a hug and they leave. Eric locks up the house.
“Did dad say if Ava had a bath or not?”
“Yeah she’s already been bathed.”
“Ok, well I’m going to take her in her room and rock her to sleep.”
“Ok, good night my sweet girl,” Eric says taking Ava from my arms and cuddling with her.
“I’ll be back in a little while,” I tell him and I take Ava back and go in her room.
I sit in my chair in her room and rock her. I sing her favorite songs and she’s out. After she’s asleep, I sit there holding her and staring at her. “God, I don’t know what I would do without you. You have saved my life so many times Ava. You are my life line.” I kiss her on her forehead and I stare up at her celling, “Thank you mom, for watching over us, for keeping us safe and bringing Eric back into our lives. I love and miss you so much mama,” I say in a whisper. I wipe the tears from my eyes and get out of the chair. I put Ava in her crib and kiss her one last time, cover her up and quietly walk out of her bedroom.
Eric is in our room sitting on our bed. “Want to watch a movie in here, instead of the living room,” he asks.
“Yeah,” I say with tired eyes.
He goes out to the living room and grabs the movies. I put on my pink and white plaid cotton shorts and a white tank top. I’m standing at my dresser staring at the picture of my mom when Eric comes in.
“You look so much like your mom. She was beautiful.”
“Her birthday is Monday and on Friday it will be twelve years since she passed.”
“I know baby, I’m sorry. I remember that day.”
“She loved you so much. Her one wish was for us to be together and have tons of babies.”
Eric lets out a little laugh, “Well I’m here now and we can have all the babies you want,” he says kissing me behind my ear.
I turn and look at him, “Do you want kids?”
“Only with you,” he says as he leans down and kisses me.
“Good, because I only want more kids with you,” I whisper as I wrap my arms and pull him into me for more kisses. “Take me to bed,” I say against his lips. He lifts me up and carries me to bed.
He’s getting ready to take off his clothes when we hear Ava whining. “You stay, I’ll go check on her,” he says.
I pull the bed back and listen to the baby monitor. He comes back in, “Is she ok,” I ask.
“Yeah she just needed her pacifier,” he replies and crawls into bed.
“As much as I want to make love to you, I’m too tired,” I say yawning.
“It’s ok, me too,” he says.
We turn on the movie, but I don’t remember watching any of it. We’re both asleep pretty fast.
Ava woke up a couple more times and Eric and I took turns. She’s either teething or getting sick. I woke up and it was around eight in the morning. Eric wasn’t lying next to me and I could smell breakfast cooking. I put on my robe and head out towards the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and see Ava with her head on Eric’s shoulder while they cook breakfast. It’s the most precious thing I’ve ever seen. I quietly reach for my camera and capture the moment. The bond these two share, it’s a love between a father and daughter. It reminds me of me and my dad.
Chapter 20
I’m sitting on the couch with my laptop browsing the internet looking for ideas for the bakery decor while I wait for Ava to wake up. It’s been two months since all the shit with Dean went down. Life for Eric, Ava and I is normal I guess you could say. Eric’s working twelve hour days while I’m working on the bakery, trying out new recipes and perfecting my cake decorating skills. Eric and the guys are knocking out the wall and putting in a door way between Rachel’s flower shop and my bakery. I should be scared about havi
ng the guys do it, but thankfully Brady’s contractor dad will be supervising.
I have pretty much my entire staff hired. I just have a couple more people to add, but I’m waiting until I see how business goes. Opening day is October first. It was supposed to be today, but things happened and I needed an extra month. Once the wall is knocked out and the door way put in, it’s paint time. Everything has been ordered and just waiting on me to give the ‘go’ on the delivery.
I’m looking at all the pictures I have taken over the last two months and I can’t believe that Eric and I are here. I would never have thought I’d end up with him. I always wanted to, but never thought it was in the cards for us. I switch to the calendar and update our “special moments” and I notice that I didn’t log my monthly visitor.
“Shit, it was due on the tenth,” I say out loud. I start going through shit in my head. “Fuck! Noooo!!! I can’t be late? No, no! Even if I am late it’s the stress of the last few months.” I start to freak out. My stomach has been nauseous a lot lately, but I just figured it was just a bug or that I wasn’t eating enough. Fuck, guess Ava and I will be running to the store when she wakes up. Damn it!
After Ava got up and ate breakfast, we went to the store to get some groceries, stopping in the isle with pregnancy tests. I have no idea which one to get so I just grab a couple of different ones. I take the tests and hide them under some of the things in my cart for fear I’ll run into someone I know. I don’t want anyone knowing anything right now. Hell I don’t even want to know. I know Eric and I talked about having kids, but not right now. Not with the bakery opening in a month, and Eric and I are still in the new stage of our life. I’m afraid it will mess everything up.
Ava is being perfect in the store today, which is odd, because she always throws at least one temper tantrum in this place. Making my way to the cash registers, I’m able to escape this place without me running into anyone.
“Katie?” I hear from behind me as I’m putting things on the belt for the cashier. I look up and see Madison coming up to me.
“Shit, fuck, god damn it,” I whisper. I grab the pregnancy tests and put them closer to the cashier in hopes she’ll grab those and bag them quickly, which she doesn’t of course. She grabs the shit around the tests. Fuck me! “Maddie,” I say and smile. She walks over and gives me a hug. I look at her and it looks like she’s been crying. “You ok?” I ask.
“Yeah I’m fine. Dylan’s been an ass, but I’m ok.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah I’m fine. We’re fine. So how are you?” she says looking at the belt with everything on it.
I look over my shoulder and see the pregnancy tests are gone. I let out a breath. “I’m good, we’re good.”
“Why are you buying those tests?” she asks with her eyes all big and she’s got a smile.
“You want to talk?”
“Don’t you dare breathe a word!”
“How late?”
“I was due on the tenth.”
She does the math in her head. “Been sick?”
“A little nauseous but nothing major.”
“I won’t say anything. You’ve kept my secrets forever. I’ll keep yours. But you will tell me what the results are won’t you?”
I release a big sigh of relief, “Of course.”
“Good! I’m going to be Auntie Maddie again,” she smiles and leans over and gives Ava a hug and plays with her pig tails. After I pay the cashier we stand and talk for a little bit until she excuses herself. I finish up at the store and rush home.
“Oh come on! Five minutes, really? Fuck this,” I snarl looking at the directions of the pregnancy test. I’ve never actually taken one of these things before. I found out I was pregnant with Ava from my doctor when I went in for my yearly checkup. I take the test out of the package and follow the instructions. I set it on the counter and walk out of the bathroom. I go check on Ava and find she’s still napping. I head in the living room and pace back and forth. I grab my phone and send a quick text,
“This will be the longest 5 minutes of my damn life!”
“Ha-ha! I know. I hate those tests. Let me know when you find out! Love ya xoxo Madison.”
“Oh you know I will. Just scared. Not sure how Eric will take the news.”
“He’ll be fine. He wants babies with you.”
“I know, but I doubt this soon.”
“Nah, he’ll be happy. There is no perfect time for anything. Life happens on its own time. We just have to adjust and accept it. That’s what makes life a kick ass roller coaster.”
“Oh listen to you old wise one. Ok going to go check. Ugh!”
“Waiting patiently!”
I tiptoe in the bathroom as if tiptoeing will make the results different. I’ve made it to the sink, close my eyes, take a deep breath and slowly open them looking down at the test. I took one of those digital ones, and looking up at me it says “Pregnant.” I pick up the test to get a better look at it. Yep still says “Pregnant.” I look at myself in the mirror. “Well, you’re going to be a mom again,” I say to myself as I stand there staring at my reflection, pregnancy test in one hand and my hand on my belly. Tears start to flood my eyes. “I cannot believe I’m going to have another baby, a baby with Eric Reed,” I say to myself. I take the pregnancy test and go into the kitchen. I grab a bag from the drawer and put the test inside. Instead of texting Maddie the results, I took a picture of it and sent it to her. She of course is excited and I want to be, but I’m scared. There’s so many things going on right now, but Madison is right, there will never be a perfect time, but right now? Shit, not right now!
It’s getting close to five o’clock and Eric should be home any moment now. I’m a freaking basket case. I’m not sure if I want to tell him tonight or if I want to wait until after I see my doctor. I grab the test one more time and look at it, yep still pregnant. I am still holding it in my hands when Eric walks through the door and I jump. I never even heard his truck
“There are my girls,” he says smiling at me. I give him a smile and try and hide what’s in my hand but it’s too late. “What’s that?”
I close my eyes and just hand it to him. He takes it out of my hand and I open one eye slightly so I can peak at him. He’s staring at the test, then at me and back at the test. “Katie? Are you? Are we?”
I open my eyes and stare back at him. Trying to get a feeling of his emotions, “Yes...” I whisper.
His eyes turn red and become wet and he wipes a tear from his eye. He wraps his arms around me and leans his forehead into mine. We’re staring at each other. “We’re having a baby?” he asks.
“Yeah, we’re having a baby.” I give him a small smile.
“Shit,” he replies staring at the test.
“Are you ok Eric?”
“Yeah baby, I’m more then ok,” he whispers, leans in and kisses me.
Ava starts pulling at Eric’s pants, “Daddy,” she shouts.
Eric laughs against my lips. We break free and he picks her up. The three of us, well four of us stand there. Ava has her arms around both of our necks.
After dinner Eric takes Ava and gets her bathed while I clean up the kitchen. After they get done the three of us head to the living room to watch TV.
“So when are we going to tell everyone?”
“I kind of want to wait until after my first doctor’s appointment, just to make sure.”
“Ok, that’s fine. Can I come with you to the appointment?”
“Of course, if you want to,” I say.
“Well duh baby, I want to be there for everything,” he says putting his hand of my stomach I smile at him, “How did I get so lucky?”
I kiss him on the cheek. “I ask myself that same question every day.”
“Have you called to set up an appointment yet?”
“No I will tomorrow.”
I’m sitting on the couch with my feet on the ottoman watching Ava and Eric play with her blocks on
the floor. The next thing I remember is Eric waking me, “Katie, babe. It’s time for bed.” I open my eyes.
“Where’s Ava?” I ask.
“She’s in bed, its ten o’clock.”
“Damn, why didn’t you wake me up?”
“We tried, but you wouldn’t wake up. Ava kissed you good night.”
“Awesome, this will get worse before it gets better.”
“What will?”
“The pregnancy exhaustion, I swear I slept almost my entire pregnancy with Ava.” He holds out his hands for me to grab them and helps me off the couch. We get into our pajamas and get into bed. I am wrapped up in his arms. “Boy or girl,” I ask him.
“I don’t know. I never thought I’d have kids to begin with, but now that I’m around Ava, part of me says boy so I can do boy things with, but I’ll admit, I love the look Ava gives me. It’s hard to explain.”
“But it’s the look that says you are her hero and she thinks you can do no wrong, right?”
“Yeah that’s it.”
“Yep, that’s how I saw my dad back then, and how I see him today still. I am a daddy’s girl, but just so you know, us girls can do the guy things too you know.”
“Oh how I know that. I think you have a better arm than half of any football team or baseball team. And if I remember correctly, back in high school you were the only one to catch a fish or ten and you got what, three deer?”
“Two bucks and a doe to be exact.”
“Ok. So I know, but a boy would be nice to even out the hormones.”
I can’t help but laugh. I don’t know if I could handle a house full of girls. I don’t know how we would.
We had to wait two weeks before I could get in to see my doctor, but when we were finally able to, she set us up for blood work and an ultra sound right away. In the two weeks of finding out, morning sickness has kicked in full force. Actually it’s more like all damn day sickness.
Chapter 21
Pacing back and forth waiting for us to be called into the room for her appointment, I’m freaking out a little bit. I just want to make sure everything is ok. When she told me she was pregnant I was shocked, but I actually wanted to do a touch down dance. I never thought I’d be that excited over a test as I was when I saw the word “Pregnant”. I wanted to tell everyone.