by Shelly Jones
“Alright everyone, I am taking this hot piece of ass home. She’s up past her bedtime. Thank you for coming out and celebrating my birthday early and the gifts and gift cards,” Eric says raising his beer.
Everyone wishes him a happy birthday and comes and gives me hugs.
“You want me to check your blood pressure,” Evan asks.
“No, I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
“If my feet are swollen past the normal, I will call you or go to the emergency room.”
“Alright, you better.”
“Yes big brother,” I giggle and give him a hug. Evan says something to Eric and they both look at me and nod. “Let me guess, big brother gave you instructions,” I ask as I wrap my arm around him and we walk out.
“Yep, and I listen to him because even I think you’ve been on your feet to long.”
“I’m fine,” I tell him.
“Yeah we’ll see.”
The next day it’s Valentine’s Day and Eric’s birthday. He got up way before I did and made me breakfast in bed “I was supposed to do this for you,” I whine to him.
“Too late, I did it,” he says and kisses me. He then gives me an adorable white gold, diamond Monkey necklace. His belly is a pink sapphire.
“Eric, this is so damn cute and perfect!”
“You like?”
“No, I love it! Put it on please?” He kisses me and then puts my necklace on.
I got Eric a few things for his birthday and Valentine’s Day. His favorite seems to be tickets to the monster truck show. I titled the envelope “Guys Night Out”. There are enough tickets for him and the guys to out and the girls and me to stay in. It’s a win, win deal!
Eric went to my dad’s and brought Ava home early, so the three of us spent the day watching movies and being lazy. We went to his parents for dinner. His mom is doing ok, or so they say. I’ve noticed they won’t tell me how she’s really doing. I’m not dumb though, I know she’s getting worse again. My heart breaks because I know she won’t be with us for much longer.
April 4th 2014.
Tomorrow is the day, we get to meet our twins for the first time and I am freaking the fuck out. My doctor and I decided on a scheduled C-section. Eric and I are trying to get everything ready. We’ve washed clothes, got the car seats in the car. The bag has been packed for the last few weeks now, but we’re double checking it. Rachel, Madison and my parents are over helping out, making meals for Eric and me, cleaning and doing other chores. Eric and I got the nursery set up and I love it. All natural furniture, light brown walls, blue bedding and pink bedding, and the curtains are cream colored.
“You excited?” Maddie asks me.
“Yes, I am ready for these babies to be out. I love being pregnant, but ouch!”
“Well I’m off for the next week, so you know I’ll be over to help if you want and I’ll be there tomorrow too.”
“I freaking love you, but don’t take offense if we tell you all to leave us alone.”
Maddie starts laughing, “I won’t take offense to it!”
My dad is taking Ava to his house with him and will bring her up tomorrow afternoon after I get out of recovery and spend a little bit of time with the babies.
“Alright, we are out of here. You call us as soon as you guys can,” my dad says.
“You know I will dad,” I say, giving him a hug.
“I love you and I am so proud of you.”
“Thanks Daddy,” I start to cry.
“I will see you two tomorrow,” he says grabbing my stomach.
“Sorry, I’ve been dying to do this. You can’t get mad at me; this is your last night with this belly.”
“You’re lucky I love you,” I laugh.
Eric is holding Ava, talking to her. She’s nodding her head, “Baby brother and sister tomorrow,” she says like she’s confused.
“Yep, the babies are coming out of mommy’s belly tomorrow.”
“WOW,” she shouts.
“You excited sweetie?” I ask her.
“I don’t know,” she says as she scrunches up her face.
I can’t help but laugh. “Ok, it’s time to go with grandpa. I will see you tomorrow.” Eric kisses her on the nose.
“Ok Daddy. I LOVE YOU,” she shouts. That never gets old, hearing her say that.
“I love you too baby girl.”
I say my good bye to her too and they leave, then we kick Maddie and Rachel out.
“This is it babe. Our last night alone and with this stomach,” I grab my stomach.
“No, this isn’t the end; this is just the beginning, of our new chapter. I finally get everything I’ve always ever wanted.” I wipe the tears from my eyes, “I will not miss these pregnancy hormones.”
He starts to laugh. “You’re beautiful. Thank you for letting me love you, for giving me Ava, and for giving me these two, and for giving me the life I’ve always wanted,” he says with his hand on my stomach.
“No babe, thank you for coming back home, back to me.”
“Always yours, now and forever baby,” he says.
“I’m always yours, until the end,” I say and stand on my tip toes to kiss him.
April 5th 2014 at 10:05AM
Ryder James Reed came into this world weighing a healthy 6lbs 10oz and was 19 inches long.
At 10:15 AM, Haylee Claire Reed came into this world weighing a healthy 6lbs 3oz and was 19 inches long.
They’re absolutely beautiful. Haylee looks a lot like Ava when she was born. They both have dark hair and dark eyes.
Once they’re all cleaned up, Eric walks over with a baby in each arm. “Ryder, Haylee, this is your mommy, Mommy, these are our babies,” he says with tears in his eyes introducing me to the twins. “Wow baby, you did good,” he says, leans down and kisses me. I get to look at them for a short time before I’m closed up and sent to recovery.
“You are fine, your delivery went well and Katie, those babies are beautiful, great job,” my doctor says. “You’ve got an hour in here, so take advantage of that and get some sleep.”
“Thank you,” I reach for her hand and squeeze it.
When I fall asleep, I see my mom. She’s smiling at me and telling me how proud she is of me. I haven’t gotten a sign from my mom in a very long time. It made me feel at peace.
An hour and half later I’m back in my room, Eric comes in and is pushing one of the bassinets and a nurse is behind him with the other one.
“Would you like to hold your babies?” he asks with a smile.
“Do you really have to ask me that?”
He laughs at me. The nurse raises my bed a little so I can sit up. They hand me Ryder first and I start to cry. “Hey little man, so you’re the one who thought my bladder was a soccer ball huh? I love you little man, my future soccer player.” I kiss him on the forehead. I spend a few moments looking at my little guy. I give him to Eric and get Haylee.
“Oh my little princess, I love you, but I am so glad you won’t be kicking my ribs anymore. You look so much like your big sister,” I tell her, tears rolling down my face. “Let me have Ryder too,” I tell Eric.
Eric brings Ryder to me and I cuddle both of them while Eric sits next to me.
I look up at him, “We did it babe. They’re finally here.”
“You did it, you’re amazing. I love you so much. I can’t even put into words how much I love you.”
“I love you too.”
A few hours later, everyone makes their way in. Ava wasn’t too sure about them, until we let her hold them. Then she took claim and got pissed when we took the babies away from her. “My babies, mine,” she growls at everyone. Every time I laughed it hurt. Damn pain.
Our parents loved the names we picked out. Eric’s mom cried when she heard Haylee’s middle name. She thanked me for being a part of their family. No one stayed for long as they knew I needed my sleep.
My dad left Ava wi
th us. Eric is going home with Ava tonight so she doesn’t feel left out.
Eric, Ava, the twins and I are on my bed. “Here it is babe, our family,” I smile at him.
“Pretty perfect family, if I do say so myself.”
“Yeah I suppose...” I say on a sigh and I shrug.
“What? You want another?”
“Eh, maybe in a year or two, I mean, you guys are outnumbered.”
“You’re crazy you know that.”
“Katie, you just gave birth to twins, and you’re talking about having more kids? I’ll tell you what; I’ll ask you in a couple of months if you feel the same way.”
“And my response will be yes.”
“I love you, but you’re crazy and I think the pain meds are working overtime.”
“I love you too.”
Chapter 25
3 months later...
Sitting out on my back deck, I’m watching my friends and family laugh and enjoy the summer weather. It’s hard to believe this time tomorrow I will be Mrs. Eric Reed. It’s something I’ve wanted for so long and never thought I’d get, but tomorrow all my dreams come true. I keep pinching myself because for so long I thought happiness wasn’t going to happen for me. I figured I’d just live my life in fear and constant bitch mode.
It’s been just a little over a year since Eric made his way back into town and back into my heart. It didn’t take long, but only because he never left. He’s always been my heart and soul. It took him a while to figure out where he belonged, but in a way I’m glad it did. I went through some horrible shit, but it’s made me who I am today, scars and all. I’m ok with who I’ve become.
Ryder and Haylee are three months old and holy shit have they changed. Ryder is looking a lot more like Eric every day, but he has my temper. We haven’t decided if that’s a good thing or bad thing yet. Haylee looks and acts like Ava; a very laid back, chill baby. Ava has adjusted well to her big sister roll. She helps out with them as much as we let her. Eric is the perfect father; he changes poopy diapers and gets up in the middle of the night. He’s just amazing and I wonder how I got so damn lucky.
“Helloooo, where are you at,” Rachel says snapping her fingers in my face.
I shake my head, “Sorry, what were you saying?”
“Nothing. You’re like in la-la land...”
“Just thinking about stuff...”
“What kind of stuff? No never mind, I don’t want to know what kind of stuff.”
“Ha-ha! You pig...not that kind of stuff.”
“Oh that’s right, it’s me,” she laughs. “So you ready for this?”
“Rach, I’ve been ready. I was ready to marry him last year at your wedding.”
“Holy shit! Do you realize what just happened?”
“No, what?”
“You caught the bouquet and he caught...”
“...The garter! Holy fuck! And we’re the only two that have gotten married since your wedding day.” Rachel and I both start laughing.
“You’re welcome.” She takes her glass of Iced Tea and raises it to me.
“Yes, thank you my sweet sister! And well, let’s thank Heidi too for cheating on him.”
“See cheating bitches are good for something,” Rachel laughs.
Rachel, Madison, Annie, Jenny, Alexis, Morgan and Nikki are all in the wedding. I couldn’t just choose a couple girls to stand next to me, so I picked them all. Our plans are to hang out at the house with Ava and the twins for the night, then they’ll go with my dad and step mom tomorrow night.
We picked an old barn turned into a wedding area for the wedding and reception. Only down fall is it’s a forty minute drive, but when I saw this place, I knew we had to get married there, where we will say our vows is under a big willow tree. For whatever reason, to me a willow tree is romantic.
“I want a baby,” Alexis says handing Haylee to me.
“Well then have one,” I reply.
“We’re trying; we’ve been trying for two years. Nothing’s happening.”
“Awe Al, I didn’t know you’d been trying.”
“Yeah, well he’s embarrassed by it. Thinking everyone will think it’s him or some stupid shit.”
“Have you guys gone to the doctor?”
“We go next week finally. Need to get answers soon, because it’s driving me insane.”
“I can imagine.”
“Hey as anyone seen or heard from Parker?” Maddie asks.
“Eric tried calling him a few weeks ago to let him know about the babies, but no answer. Last we heard he and Reagan took off with Hunter to start over.”
“Well good, then we won’t have to worry about her crashing the wedding.”
“Yeah I guess. It’s just odd how she left town the way she did. But whatever, it makes life easier for me.”
“What the hell is Parker thinking?”
“He’s not, he’s thinking with his dick. He’ll get bored with her. He never stays with the same girl for more than six months.”
“Ha-ha! Ok no more talk of those two,” Rachel scolds.
“Yes Ma’am,” I answer with a wink.
We’re not really having a wedding rehearsal since it’s a drive. We’re just having everyone over to hang out, eat some food and pretty much just party and relax.
“I’m so proud of you Katie,” my dad says, standing next to me.
“Thanks dad, but why?” I let out a little giggle.
“Because with everything life has thrown at you, you’re still standing, smiling and you’re living. Most people in your position would have folded, given up. just kept fighting, throwing punches and moving forward. And now look at you; you’re standing here with three beautiful children and a man who adores you. You never gave up and I am so proud of you.”
I wipe the tears from my eyes and turn to look at him. “Yeah, well dad, it’s because you taught me how to be a fighter. You kept living when mom died, so I thought that’s what us Brooks’ do; we keep fighting and we keep living. Besides, you lost mom, I wasn’t about to let you lose me too. I guess I always knew he would eventually find his way back home. I had no idea he would actually come back, but the idea of him coming back, it kept me going.”
“Well thanks for sticking around for your old man. I love you kid,” he says.
“I love you too Daddy.” I wrap my arms around him and hug him.
It’s getting late and people are getting ready to leave. The girls and I have so much yet to do. “Hey, I think it’s time to make a speech so people can start leaving,” I say to Eric.
“Yeah I was thinking that too,” he says grabbing my hand.
We jump on the tail gate of his truck that’s parked in our backyard. “Hey,” he shouts. “We would like to get everyone’s attention quick before you all head home,” he announces and everyone turns to us. “I’m going to speak for myself and then Katie will talk,” he winks at me. “Alright, I want to thank everyone for coming out tonight and coming out tomorrow for our day. The day I marry this woman should have happened ten years ago, but it didn’t. Tomorrow, I’m marrying my best friend, my soul mate. The strongest woman I’ve ever known. Not only has she been through hell from me, but from others, and for her to agree to marry me and to trust me with her future, I am beyond grateful. As for tomorrow, I will be the luckiest man on earth.” He smiles. “Your turn...” he winks at me.
“Well gee; I don’t know how I can top that speech.” I roll my eyes. “Ok, well first off, I have got to thank my dad, my hero. I will always be a daddy’s girl. You know, if it wasn’t for you over these last few years, I’d be gone. You have been my strength when I have been weak. I love you daddy!” I wipe a tear away. “Rachel, Brady, Brody, Morgan, Nikki, Jenny, Alexis and Annie, oh and Josh, Greg, Ronnie and James, oh shit, what would have I done without you guys? Seriously you guys have saved my life. You all claim I’m strong, but you know what, I’m only strong because of the love and sup
port you guys have given me. After Dean’s bullshit and then Steve’s passing. I thought I was done. Then Ava came, and you guys moved me from Texas back home. I don’t know, I guess what I’m saying is I’d be lost without you. Oh Mr. Reed and Mrs. Reed, you know how much I love you guys, and Mr. Reed your eyes...your eyes saved me that night. I never told anyone this, but when I saw your eyes, I saw Eric in them, and I honestly think that’s what kept me fighting, because I knew, even though he was a stubborn ass.” I turn to look at Eric. “I knew you would come back home. It took you a while, but you finally came home. You came back to me. Eric, I’ve always loved you. It’s always been you. I’m always yours, now and forever. You are it. I can’t even put into words how much I love you. Thank you for making every dream and every wish come true.” I wipe the tears from my eyes.
“Well she’s topped you that’s for sure,” I heard someone say.
“I know I missed a bunch of people, but just know that I love every single one of you guys. Oh and Jeremy, thanks for being my punching bag at the gym!” I wink at him.
“I love you,” I say as I look at Eric.
“I love you more!”
“Don’t even start. Now, get your ass out so we can get to bed. I need my beauty sleep if I’m going to become Mrs. Reed in the morning.”
“Awe, do I have too? I don’t want to leave you.”
“Sorry baby, but I’m not taking any chances here. As much as it’s going to suck not sleeping next to you, I don’t want to chance fate.”
“Nothing is going to stop me from marrying you tomorrow,” he growls, as he grabs me, lifts me up and kisses me.
After a temper tantrum and lots of pouting, I was finally able to get Brady to get Eric out of here.
“Jesus, I thought Ava was bad with the temper tantrums,” Rachel laughs.
“No shit, right,” I giggle.
Haylee and Ryder are hanging out in their swings almost asleep. I think I might be taking a cue from them and go to bed.
“You’re actually going to sleep on the night before your wedding?” Rachel asks.
“Um, yeah, since these two get me up twice a night. I’m not nervous about tomorrow. I’m so calm, it’s crazy.”