The Werebear's Unwanted Bride (A Paranormal BBW Shifter Romance) (Howls Romance)

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The Werebear's Unwanted Bride (A Paranormal BBW Shifter Romance) (Howls Romance) Page 9

by Marina Maddix

“You don’t seem to understand this is so much bigger than your or her happiness,” Tier Fairchild shouted for the fifth time.

  “I do, Father—“

  His father’s sharp glare silenced him.

  “It’s really not that complicated, Alex. Your pairing works for the greater good, and that’s all that matters. Do you think anyone outside your family cares if either of you are happy?”

  And maybe not those inside the family, Alex thought bitterly.

  “Answer me!” Tier Fairchild roared.

  Alex couldn’t recall ever seeing the man so worked up. Fangs protruded from his snarling and slightly elongated mouth. This wasn’t his father — this was a Tier sensing danger to the clan he ruled. He would do anything to anyone to save his clan.

  “No, sir,” Alex answered. “No one would or should care about our happiness. But Katrina cares, sir. She cares enough that she’s threatening to leave.”

  “Don’t let her, simple as that.”

  “I can’t keep her prisoner in her own home, sir.” Alex refused to admit to his father how close he’d come to just that.

  “Of course you can. Have I taught you nothing about taking a mate?”

  “Well, you taught me to be respectful on dates—“

  “I’m not talking about dates,” his father roared. Alex winced and wished he brought earplugs. “I’m talking about a male bear taking a mate and letting the she-bear know he is in charge of the household, of the marriage, and of her. No man should have to worry his wife is unhappy because no real man — no real bear — would allow his mate to be unhappy. Tell her what to do and she’ll live a long and happy life.”

  Alex glanced at his mother, who sat placidly on the sofa, hands in her lap and a soft smile on her lips. He’d never seen this kind of dominance at home, and he couldn’t imagine her reaction to being told what to do.

  Alex sighed deeply. As much as he hated to, he had to admit the truth.

  “Father, I tried. After the attack, I—“ he cleared his throat “—I told her she wasn’t to leave the apartment without an escort.”

  From the corner of his eye, he saw his mother drop her head into her hand. This entire day confused him.

  “She, um… She didn’t take that very well. She wants to move out now and I don’t see how I can stop her.”

  “You stop her by putting her in her place!” Alex’s father had almost fully shifted and towered over him. “You make her listen. You make her obey. A she-bear wouldn’t dare disobey her mate. Establish your dominance and the rest will go smoothly. She’ll be happy, once she remembers her place.”

  He couldn’t believe he was really hearing this neanderthal bunk from his own father. Alex had never seen him treat his mother with anything but love and respect. It made no sense.

  “I don’t know…”

  Tier Fairchild resumed his human form and sat across from Alex. As calm as he seemed, Alex sensed even more danger than when he was almost fully a bear.

  “Only the contract matters, Alex. Only peace. You two will remain married. I don’t care if you have to put her in shackles to make that happen.”

  Alex shuddered at the suggestion.

  “In a few years,” his father continued, “when the arrangement has been accepted as permanent by both clans, you can move her into her own apartment. As long as she gives you cubs, she can travel the world or do whatever she wants. And you can find a nice mistress, as long as you’re discreet.”

  Alex’s mother listened with a placid expression. Clearly, the suggestion that a husband might take a mistress didn’t bother her for some reason. It certainly bothered Alex.

  “In the meantime,” Tier Fairchild said as he stood, all but dismissing his son, “you keep her in line. She’ll like it, trust me. A woman wants a strong man, someone who will show her who’s boss. And if she doesn’t like it… Well, who gives a damn. Get her pregnant and the rest will take care of itself.”

  He strode from the room without a backward glance, leaving Alex staring after him. After a moment, his mother patted the spot next to her.

  “Come sit with me, dear.”

  Numbness creeped into Alex’s bones as he moved next to her. When she pulled him into a hug, he fell into it. He was transported back in time to when he was a cub and skinned a knee or got stung by a bee. His mother’s love always comforted, always soothed.

  “Do you remember the time we went on a camping trip to Alaska, just the three of us?” she asked, her voice gentle.

  Alex nodded, smiling a little at the memory. His mother stroked his hair as she continued.

  “Remember when the hikers startled your father while he was shaving and he shifted out of instinct? The shaving cream remained on his muzzle and the hikers thought he was rabid.”

  In spite of himself, Alex laughed. “We had to keep our human forms for three days while rangers searched for the rabid bear. What’s your point, Mother?”

  “My point is…” she pulled away and smiled at him, “sometimes your father is a total idiot.”

  Alex would have laughed if he hadn’t been so shocked. His mother never spoke like that, especially about her husband.

  “Don’t look at me that way. I didn’t say I didn’t love or respect him. I do — very much. But if he actually ran his marriage the way he just told you to run yours… Let’s just say you never would have been born, I promise you that.”

  Now that made sense. His father’s diatribe sounded like caveman thinking, and he had no intention of treating Kat like a piece of property, no matter how much he wanted to protect her from harm.

  “Perhaps if you were both full bears,” she continued, “it would be that easy. As bears, our requirements are quite simple when it comes to mates. A she-bear wants a male to provide for her, protect her and give her cubs. And Katrina wants that too, at least part of her does. But Katrina isn’t all bear. She’s also a woman. A strong, intelligent, self-sufficient woman. A woman like that wants a man who appreciates her capabilities. She wants a partner. Someone who trusts her as much as she trusts him.”

  That sounded exactly like Kat. His heart swelled with pride for his mate.

  “Tell me honestly, Alex. Would you really want a woman who was happy to lie down before you and do whatever you said? To never disagree with you, question you, challenge you?”

  Alex didn’t hesitate. “No, I wouldn’t. I’ve had plenty of those types of women in my life — before Kat — and they bored me to death.”


  “So now what? When I gave her the space she asked for, she seemed to dislike me even more than when I tried to dominate her.”

  Women really were impossible to understand. This love thing seemed so simple to him. Love, mate, have babies, live happily ever after. What was so hard about that?

  “Dear, you must remember that neither of you are all-bear or all-human. Katrina needs a man who considers her an equal partner, but also a ferocious bear who will protect her at all costs.”

  “That’s exactly who I am, Mother, but she won’t — or can’t — believe it.”

  “Telling her means nothing, son. You must show her. I honestly believe it isn’t too late, otherwise she would have left already. I also see the way she looks at you when you’re not watching. You just need to show her. Make her believe she’s your mate forever, and that you are hers and only hers.”

  His mother gave him a sharp, knowing look. It should have made him uncomfortable having his mother know about his love life, but he was so grateful for her advice he could only smile.

  “I am hers, Mother. Entirely and utterly hers.”

  “Good. Now figure out how to show that to her. And be quick about it!”


  Katrina sat at the table admiring her frosty blue toenails. Tilly had gone home to her husband, leaving Kat jealous of their relationship. They’d had years to fall in love and get married. Wouldn’t that have been nice?

  Meanwhile, her new husband was off God knew wh
ere doing God knew what. Quite possibly, he was doing Nadia. She squelched the thought quickly, before her bear side could catch wind and get all territorial. But for his sake, he’d better not be with Nadia.

  The keypad next to the door beeped loudly, announcing someone was entering the apartment. Kat jumped up from her seat and smoothed her hair. She’d practiced what she was going to say — “Hi, can we talk?” — a dozen times, but the words froze on her lips when several large men followed Alex into the apartment.

  None made eye contact with Kat as they walked across the living room toward where she stood. Without a word, they picked up the chairs — including the one she’d just vacated — and the table, and walked back toward the door.

  Alex smiled at her from the middle of the living room, but continued directing the men. More and more furniture disappeared out the front door — the computer desk, side tables, the couch.

  “Alex,” she hissed as she approached him, panic fluttering in her chest. “What’s going on? Who are these men?”

  “I’ll explain in a bit,” he said, pointing the men toward the bedroom.

  “Explain now,” she demanded. “Are you moving out? Am I?”

  Two men blocked her view of Alex as they passed between them carrying his mattress. What the…?

  “No one’s going anywhere, my love. Trust me. Why don’t you sit out on the terrace? I’ll let you know when they’re done.” Alex shooed her outside, then added, “But they’re going to take those deck chairs. Don’t get too comfortable.”

  Trust. She’d just told Tilly how much she wanted to trust Alex. No time like the present to start practicing. So she waited in the warm afternoon sun, mystified as she watched the men work. In less than twenty minutes, Alex called her name.

  The men were gone, and the apartment had been stripped of almost all its furniture. Katrina reminded herself that no matter what, she was going to love Alex. Even if he’d gone completely bonkers.

  “Okay, what’s the deal?” she asked, looking around the barren apartment.

  When Alex took her hand and raised it to his lips, a shiver raised pebbles on her skin at his gentle kiss.

  “It’s not news to you, Katrina, that I’d known a lot of women before meeting you. Too many. But unlike you, I had the burden of knowing about our betrothal, and quite frankly, I was terrified.”

  “Why?” She could barely hear her own voice from the emotions choking her.

  Alex grimaced. “Marrying a stranger seemed so barbaric. And since we were forbidden to meet before the ceremony, I took comfort where I could. I figured once I was tied to a woman I didn’t know, much less loved, I’d at least have the memory of those trysts to keep me warm at night.”

  Kat had endured such torment over the two days she’d known about her upcoming nuptials. Having to deal with it for a lifetime would have been torture. She gave his hand a gentle, encouraging squeeze.

  “Knowing I could never have a meaningful relationship with any of them, I chose women I would never want. Some were shallow, some were vain, others were…let’s say ‘less than intelligent’. But they suited a purpose. A cruel, unfair purpose. I never promised them anything, but some undoubtedly expected more. As I stand here a different man than I was two weeks ago, I regret ever talking with any of them. Except one.”

  Alex pulled Kat closer and wrapped his arms around her waist. She had to crane her neck back to maintain eye contact, but she was entranced and barely noticed.

  “You weren’t like any woman I’d ever met, Katrina. From the second we bumped into each other, I knew I had to have you. I had no idea why, at the time, and I didn’t care as long as I got to taste you. But then a funny thing happened. As I wined and dined you, I found myself enjoying our conversation, usually the most grueling part of any date for me. Something to endure to get to the good stuff. Not with you, though. Now I realize why.”

  “Why?” she breathed, dazzled by his admission. She felt a little like a schoolgirl whose crush just passed her a note which read If you like me, check this box.

  “Because we’re fated for each other. Not because our parents said so, but because the universe says so. It’s why the connection between us — and I know you feel it too — is so powerful it’s almost overwhelming. That’s why I died inside when I treated you so cruelly. I need you. But it’s so much more than just a fated bond. I love who you are, Katrina.”

  Kat opened her mouth to tell him she loved him too, but no sound came out. Only when she tasted salt did she realize tears were streaming down her face.

  “So,” Alex continued, clearing the thickness in his voice. “To answer your question, the deal is—“ he spread his arms wide and looked around “—we’re starting fresh. Other than the marble countertop, which will be replaced as soon as you pick the material, nothing in this apartment has been touched by another woman. We’ll go shopping today, if you want, to replace everything. Otherwise, we’ll camp on the floor until you find the furniture that suits you. No more memories, no more reminders. A fresh start in our apartment.”

  “A fresh start,” Kat murmured, loving the sound of that.

  “That’s right, my love.” Alex brushed a tear from her cheek, his fierce gaze drilling deep into her soul. “You belong to me, and I belong to you. Only you. You feel it, don’t you? You feel the bond?”

  Of course she did. She’d felt it immediately, just as he had. For a short time, she embraced it, but then he’d hurt her so deeply. From that point on, she fought the connection that joined them. No longer. But words couldn’t convey what Kat felt so she’d just have to show him.

  Snaking her arms around his neck, Kat stood on her tiptoes and kissed her husband. Every ounce of love she felt for him poured into that kiss, and his low moan proved he felt it. Katrina delighted in feeling her husband's body against her own. She could kiss him forever, but they both had other plans.

  Slowly and with purpose, Alex undressed her until she stood before him completely nude. The previous times they’d made love, Kat had felt a certain shyness when he looked at her naked form, but not today. Today she was his, and he was hers. She trusted him, not only with her body, but with her heart.

  She reached for his shirt, wanting to feel his warm skin under her hands, but he wrapped his fingers around her wrist to stop her.

  “Not yet,” he whispered as he pulled her to him.

  Electricity scorched her skin at his touch, his strong hands stroking every inch of her. They never stopped moving along her flesh, skimming lightly, then cupping a handful before diving into a valley to tease her. The wooziness from his explorations left Kat lightheaded, forcing her to clutch at his shoulders to maintain her balance.

  When he broke their kiss, Kat whined in protest, but he ignored it. As he kissed his way down her neck and chest, she shivered with delight, realizing he’d made the right choice. The smile he gave her was pure evil and she loved it. As his lips reached the tip of her breast, she groaned and arched into him.

  Alex gently cupped her other breast and alternated kissing them. Exquisite didn’t come close to describing the sensation. No word existed that would be sufficient. Each nibble and suckle shot electricity directly to her core, building the tension inside her.

  His hands moved down her body until one clutched a handful of her healthy rump and the other slipped between her legs, drawing a gasp from her lips.

  “Mmm, you like that?” he murmured against her nipple.

  “Oh God, yes,” she sighed, floating on a cloud of bliss.

  The slow pace, the gentle ease with which he built her pleasure also tormented her. Sweet, sweet torment. When a finger slipped inside her, Kat’s knees nearly buckled, but Alex held her steady.

  An ache grew low in her belly as he worked his magic on her, each kiss, each lick, drawing her closer and closer to the edge. Only when Alex abandoned her breasts and let his tongue join his fingers did the pleasure become so intense she left her body.

  White light filled her vision and all
she knew was the hurricane of frenzied joy that overwhelmed her. No matter how loud she screamed, regardless of how hard she spasmed against the onslaught, Alex never slowed, never stopped. One orgasm blended into the next until her knees did buckle and he had to catch her.

  Lowering her to the ground gently, he lay next to her, stroking her tummy, her arms, her hips. Loving her. Slowly, her senses returned — enough for her to realize she was ready for more. He must have seen the desire in her eyes, because he didn’t hesitate to move his body over hers.

  They gazed at each other as Alex pressed against her, but didn’t enter her. He seemed quite content simply teasing her with his hard heat. Now that the barriers between them had crumbled, she wanted nothing more than to experience lovemaking with her mate on a new level — one they shared together, bound by love and trust and fate.

  Alex searched her face, a fierceness she’d never seen glowing in his stormy eyes. “Who do you belong to?” he growled.

  Kat didn’t hesitate. “You. Only you, my love.

  He moved to take her, but she stopped him.

  “Who do you belong to?”

  The ferocity in his eyes softened until Kat saw the love in them. “Only you…forever.”

  Only then did their bodies merge into one. Kat cried out with joy at the sensation of being filled to the brim with love, with a joy she never would have expected.

  She’d spent her life wondering what the adoration of a man might feel like. Her most intense fantasies didn’t come close. Their bond connected them on a cellular, almost prehistoric level. They were destined for each other and, as she climbed toward the most magnificent climax of her life, she saw their future together. Love and peace and joy…and lots of cubs.

  Lots and lots of cubs.


  Kat woke from her deep slumber and simply watched Alex breathe. She’d never woken up cradled in a man’s arms before, and she decided she liked it. In fact, she was going to make it a requirement for their marriage. Fall asleep after some delightful and vigorous lovemaking, and wake up spooning. But she’d save that conversation for later. Kat had other plans this morning.


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