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Luscious Page 10

by Schroeder, Melissa

  “I was right, you’re intense.”

  “But not in a bad way.”

  She nods then looks up at me. “That was…”

  When she doesn’t say anything else. “The best fucking sex of my life.”

  Her eyes widen and she pulls herself up to rest her weight on her elbow. “Really?”

  I nod. “I’ve wanted to be inside of you from the time you showed me around the shop.”

  She eyes me as if she doesn’t believe me.

  “It was embarrassing. I know you don’t feel the same way—”

  “I had a crush on you when Allison and I were in college.”

  “Is that a fact?”

  “At first, I was really irritated by it,” she says as she leans down and settles on my chest. “I don’t like military guys because of the aforementioned intensity.”

  “And I was Allison’s brother.”

  “Oh, no, that made you even more attractive. Girls like the whole older brother thing.”

  “You worked past your irritation?”

  “Not much. Especially when you showed back up with this,” she says sliding her hand over my beard. God, that feels good. “You know it makes you so fuckable, right?”


  She nods.

  “Does that mean you aren’t going to kick me out of your bed?” I ask, terrified that her answer will be yes. Even if it’s just for the night, I want to pretend that this will go on as long as I want it to.

  “No way. And…” she says, her gaze sliding away. “I’d like to keep this going?”

  I frown. What is she talking about?

  “Keep it going?”

  Her cheeks turn pink. “Yeah.”

  This is so not like EJ. The EJ I know is bold and ready to take on the world—which includes kicking my ass. “What does that mean?”

  She sighs, but she still won’t look at me. I slip my hand beneath her chin and raise it, making her look at me. “EJ?”

  “I would like to…date or whatever we’re going to call this.”

  I blink, unable to process the statement. She wants to date me? I thought she wanted nothing to do with me. I’m so stunned she apparently thinks I don’t want to date her.

  “Never mind,” she says, trying to slide away, but I keep my arm locked tight around her.

  “Give a guy a second to adjust. I still don’t have enough blood in my brain to think.”

  She stops trying to pull away. “What?”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m half hard whenever you’re around. Fuck. I’m lucky that I have some control because it’s that or fall to my knees every time I see you and beg you for a taste. It’s going to get worse from here on out. I know how you taste, and those little mewling noises you make when you come, Jesus.”

  Just thinking about it has my dick hard and needy, and fuck. What was I thinking?

  “Are you being serious?”

  I nod. “I yelled out your name when I was having sex with another woman. I think I’m pretty serious.”

  Her mouth opens, then she snaps it shut.

  “So, yes, I would like to continue this, but it won’t be some kind of dirty secret. Friends and family will know we’re dating. And I don’t share.”

  She frowns. “I don’t either, buster.”

  I smile. “Then, that’s settled.” I pull her on top of me, letting her legs straddle my hips again. “I believe you said you wanted to be on top this time?”

  Chapter Twelve

  The next morning, I wake up before dawn. It’s not that strange for me. I do work long hours and I like to get an early start to the day. Don’t get me wrong. When you have a man like Harry in your bed, rolling around and playing hooky would be fun. But I need a little separation, some space to think.

  I slip out of bed, and I stand there looking at him. Damn, the man was just as intense as I thought he would be. He overwhelmed me. I’ve had a lot of lovers—although not as many as people think I do—and no one compares to him. No one. Stamina, expertise…everything. I’ve slept with one or two professional athletes and they couldn’t even compare.

  He kept me up so late, I barely had any sleep, and the fact that I’m jonesing for another taste has me stepping away. After I slip on my robe, I tiptoe into my bathroom not wanting to wake him, shutting the door with a silent snick. It’s only then that I breathe a sigh of relief and turn on the light. Although, that reprieve only lasts a few seconds. The need to be near him has me faltering a bit. I want to go back in there and kiss him awake. I haven’t been this invested in a man…ever. And that sort of scares the hell out of me. I look at myself in the mirror and shake my head. If anyone was standing here, they would know I spent the night being completely debauched. Damn Harry. He was the consummate lover but not practiced. Every touch, from his hands to his mouth, was fluid, natural. He gave so much of himself to me last night I just…good lord. He already has me wrapped around his finger. Or dick. Or both.


  I try to push those thoughts away as I go about my morning routine. Once I’ve relieved myself and brushed my teeth, I start the shower up. It takes forever for my water to heat up, so I stand there, and my thoughts move back to the man in my bed.

  We’re dating. I haven’t done that in years. That’s why I knew it was a mistake to even go on that first date with him. I don’t really do relationships because men always leave. My father had proven that to me early in life. And, a few assholes in college followed suit. They never seemed to last, and I’ve learned to be happy without it. Maybe I was just lying to myself.

  Nope, it was Ed and Allison. When Harry’s sister and his best friend fell in love, it brought out all these needs. I started to crave longer relationships, not just a one-night stand or a few nights stands—whatever you call them. I wanted more. And that’s a dangerous thing. Wanting it and going after it are two very different things. Women in my family have a bad history with those kinds of relationships, mainly that we suck at them.

  I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t even notice the door opening behind me.

  “Hey,” Harry says as he steps up behind me. His cock is hard, needy. Damn. He was like this all night and, just like last night, I feel my pussy getting damp. “I woke up alone, which made me sad.”

  Regular Harry didn’t say things like that, and he was still sexy. Cuddly, teasing Harry…I’m in over my fucking head. He slips his arms around me and rests his head on my shoulder. It’s probably the most adorable thing I’ve ever experienced with a man. And it shouldn’t get me so warm and gooey inside.

  “What’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours?” he asks as he keeps his gaze on mine in the mirror.


  “I highly doubt that.”

  “Are you calling me a liar?”

  “Yeah, I think I am,” he says with a laugh. I can’t help but let my mouth curve. Harry is damned sexy, but that laugh, the flash of a smile on that usually broody face, is dangerous to my health.

  “I was just thinking how much fun we had last night.”

  There is something in his gaze that tells me he probably doesn’t believe me. But he lets it go.

  “I do like this number,” he says playing with the sash of my kimono style robe. It’s one of my favorite things my mother bought me in the last few years. It’s an explosion of flowers, white, pink, and the green leaves, set against a baby blue background.

  “Tell me, Ms. James, are you naked beneath it?”

  And again, another wave of need slams through me and I’m ready and willing. I’m not ashamed of my sexuality, but with Harry, it seems to be in overdrive.

  “Nothing but my birthday suit,” I say and suck in a breath as he kisses his way up to my earlobe. He nibbles on it.

  “Is that a fact,” he whispers.

  I nod as I watch him slide his hand to the belt. He gently tugs on it, and it comes apart easily. He abandons my ear and neck to stare at my reflection as he parts the fabric. He settles his hand
against my abdomen. He looks at it, and I see what he does. The contrast in skin color, his darkly tanned hand against my white skin.

  He slips his hand up to my breast, playing with it, teasing the nipple. The moment he pinches it, heat shoots straight to my core. I drop my head back and let my eyes close.

  “Elliana open your eyes,” he says. I force myself to open them and look at us in the mirror again. “You are the sexiest woman I have ever met.”

  I want to snort or joke about it, but I can’t. The intensity in his gaze won’t allow me to push the comment aside. He’s telling me the truth. Instead, I drop my gaze down to watch his hand skim back to my pussy. I’m already drenched with need for him. Will that ever change? Jesus, I don’t know, and it kind of scares me, but I forget all about it as he parts my pussy lips and slides his finger inside.

  “Oh, fuck, already wet. Do you always get this wet?”

  I don’t respond because I’m afraid of the answer. I don’t want to admit it. To him…to myself. He doesn’t push me for an answer, but he presses his thumb against my clit and I almost come, but he does it so lightly, making little circles, that it doesn’t exactly give me relief. GAWD. My eyes drift closed again.

  “Elliana.” Now, he demands a response. Not asking exactly for the answer, but just the way he says my name tells me it is a demand.

  I shake my head as my eyelids drift down once again. I just want to feel, to be in this moment. But that isn’t enough for Harry. His fingers stop moving, just pressing against my clit. Barely. Not enough, fuck.

  “Open your eyes, Elliana.” His voice is deeper, need vibrating through it to me.

  I can’t do anything but give into his demand. It takes all my control to open my eyes once more and look at his reflection.

  “Tell me, or I won’t let you come.”

  Any other man would get kicked out of my house and I’d use my vibrator to get off. I don’t need men to have an orgasm. But…this is Harry. Irritating, demanding, sexy Harry. The man who gave me the best orgasms of my life.

  “Have you always been this responsive?”


  Normally, I would want to smack the smug smile that curves his lips upward, but instead, it makes me hotter. I am in big trouble. Like the kind of trouble that involves my heart.

  I’m not given a chance to work through that thought. Instead, Harry starts moving his fingers again.

  “Look,” he says again. “Look how sexy you are.”

  There is stark arousal vibrating in his tone and something else. Deeper. Darker. I’ve had men tell me they want me, beg me. This is different. Harry doesn’t ask. He demands.

  I watch as his finger slips inside me. There is no sound but our breathing and the sound of my dripping wet pussy. I would have never thought I could ever get this wet. My legs start to tremble as he seems in no rush to give me relief. Again and again, he pumps his finger in and out of me. He adds another one, pushing me closer to the edge but not letting me fall over. Instead, my entire body is shaking, need coursing through every inch of me.

  “Harry.” Need threads my voice, leaving me shaky. I have never begged for sex before. I’ve always understood my power over men. Women are the stronger sex. But right now, I feel as if I have no control, and for once…I love it.

  “What, baby? What do you need?” I say nothing, I can’t. My gaze is focused on his fingers and how they keep slipping inside of me. Jesus. I’m losing it right now, just right this moment. I can’t even form words. Harry apparently understands. “You need to come, baby? Just nod and I will give it to you.”

  I nod without hesitation and I feel his mouth on my shoulder as he increases his rhythm. He drags his fingers up and out of me, using some of my own juices to slide over my clit.

  “Oh, God.”

  I feel his lips curve and his cock jerks against my rear end. I’m pretty sure the dampness I feel there is a little precum. At least I’m not in this by myself.

  “Come for me. I want to watch you.”

  In those words, I lose it. I close my eyes as my orgasm sweeps over me, shaking me all the way to the core. I hear him murmuring to me, but I don’t understand anything. I can’t hear anything other than roaring in my ears. I convulse, riding his fingers as pleasure washes over me. I open my mouth to moan but no sounds come out.

  When I am done, he pulls his fingers from my pussy. I hear him hum, and I open my eyes again to watch him suck his fingers.

  “Sweeter than anything I’ve ever eaten.”

  And like that, I’m hot all over again. I need to come again, and I don’t know how he’s doing this to me. It’s like everything he does turns me on.

  He turns off the shower, then takes my hand and leads me back out to my bedroom. “Up on the bed.”

  And that’s when I hear it. The thread of arousal is deeper, something that he’s been controlling all this time. I should be irritated, because I don’t like any man having more control than I do. But, I’m so damned happy from my orgasm, I can’t even gain any outrage.

  I sit on my bed and Harry shakes his head. “On your hands and knees. I’ve been dreaming of taking you like that for months.”

  I can do nothing again but obey him. Once I’m in position, Harry climbs on behind me, a condom already on. He settles between my legs.

  “Look at me, Elliana.”

  I look back over my shoulder and almost come again from the view. This is Harry, but unlike how I’ve seen him before. Completely in control, but I can see it’s slipping a little. He skims his hands over my rear end. “God, it’s like you’ve been built just for me.”

  He settles one hand on my rear and then takes his cock in his other hand guiding it into my pussy. I’m overly sensitive from my orgasm, but I don’t care. Feeling him slide into me is one of the greatest pleasures I’ve ever experienced. In this position, he can thrust deeper. As he starts to pump in and out of me, I tingle, another release building with every time he plunges into me.

  “Fuck, you are so wet.” Each word sounds like it is drawn from a dark place within him and I can understand. I’ve tried to mask my need for him, but here together like this, there is no need to hide it away. Now we can both give over to this insanity.

  He’s driving me crazy with his rhythm, slow and easy like there is no rush. But I want to. I want to run all the way to the edge and just lose it. I turn around and let my head drop down. I thrust back against him, trying to change the momentum, gaining some kind of control. He growls—actually growls—and takes hold of my hair, wrapping it around one hand. I hate this—usually, but fuck, with Harry it makes my lady parts sing the national anthem of sex. Whatever the hell that is.

  He keeps the same pace, the slow and easy rhythm. But soon, he speeds up, letting my hair slip from his fingers as he leans over and raising me up off my hands. In this position, he is in complete control, but I don’t care. Right now, all I care about is coming. Just that. Like forever and ever. Amen.

  His thrusts are faster as he cups one of my breasts and slides the other hand down to my clit. As he pinches the tiny bundle of nerves, I feel him expand, his cock growing inside of me.

  His breath feathers over my ear as he says, “Come with me, Elliana. I want to feel all those amazing muscles clamp down on my dick.”

  Again, I listen to his command and do just that. One second I’m listening to him command my orgasm and the next I’m hurtling over into waves of pleasure. It cascades through my entire body, as I almost pass out from the intensity of it. He groans my name, and I haven’t loved ever hearing my name…not until today. He holds me tight as he pumps into me once…twice…then he shudders, his own orgasm taking over.

  Long moments later, we collapse on the bed. He’s careful to turn us so that we are somewhat side-by-side, but I wouldn’t have cared either way. Right now, I feel as if every bit of energy has been drained from my body.

  Our heavy breathing and the scent of our arousal fills the room. I just can’t say anything. I’m too ov
erwhelmed by what we just did. I’ve had good sex in my life but that was…Jesus.

  “Hey,” he says, brushing my damp hair aside. “You okay?”

  “Okay?” I don’t think I will ever be okay again. But I can’t tell Harry that. “Yeah, I might have just died though.”

  He chuckles and I can feel it all around and inside me. “How about a shower and then we get some food?”

  “That sounds fantastic,” I say truthfully. All the activity last night and this morning has left me just a tiny bit famished.

  “You’re coming to my parents’ this afternoon, right?”

  Oh, damn, I forgot about that. I did say I was coming, and there was no way I could lie to Mrs. B. She’d know and I would feel badly.


  I chew on my lip, trying to figure out just how we’re going to behave at his parents. He grabs my hand and tugs me out of bed. “Hey, EJ, listen.”

  “What?” But I’m not really listening. I know without a doubt Mrs. B will know just what I did to her boy last night. And this morning. Or rather what he did to me.


  I blink.

  “There you are. What’s going on with you?”

  “Nothing,” I say, but I go back to chewing on my lip.

  He groans. “Please stop that.”


  “Chewing on your lip. It makes me want to fuck you all over again.”

  I shake my head and smile. “Okay.”

  “Now tell me. It can’t be because of this. We said we would tell people if we both decided.”

  I nod. I don’t mind people knowing, but right now, I wonder if he wants to keep this from his parents. I know from Allison he doesn’t bring women to his parents’ house. Our situation is a little different.

  “I would beg you to come to dinner even if you didn’t know my parents.”

  Apparently, he’s a mind reader.

  “So, you’re okay with people knowing we’re dating?”

  He nods as he nibbles on my chin. “Yeah. I want to take a front-page ad out in the San Antonio Express, so people know we’re dating. Because, I know I haven’t had enough of you. And I have a feeling you have the same idea?”


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