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Luscious Page 12

by Schroeder, Melissa

  Savannah still has her sunglasses on, so we can’t see her eyes. She’s pale and looks like her clothes are just hanging on her. She jumps on Allison’s bed and settles back against the pillows. Both of us have been worried about Savannah. Her work schedule is starting to get to her, and I can’t remember the last time she had two days off in a row. At one time, Allison and I were worried about her drinking. Now…we share a glance…I think we’re both worried about her nutrition. She doesn’t look that well.

  “Harry and EJ showed up together. They went on a date last night.”

  “Yeah? Did you sleep with him?”

  Okay, maybe I should explain that Savannah has no filter. None. She went to the Gordon Ramsey School of Etiquette, which means she has no manners. I’ve always imagined we made a weird pair. She’s rude to the point of being obnoxious—and that’s when she’s sober. Don’t ask about the nights she drinks tequila. Don’t. Seriously. Me…well, I was raised by a woman who’d been the belle of her debutante ball. I don’t think my mother has ever left the house without makeup on her face, and I know she’s never used the word fuck. But, with Allison to balance us out, we seem to work well.

  “Do you really want to know that?” I look at Allison. “Doesn’t that creep you out?”

  She snorts. “No. First, I know Harry isn’t a virgin. At least I know he has taste if he’s attracted to you. Second, you always seem to forget I’m a nurse.”

  “A chemo nurse.”

  “I’m still a nurse and not a prude at all.”

  That was one thing we all had in common. I have never hidden my sexual side. When I was younger, I might have been clueless to what I wanted, but I never was embarrassed by that. And Savannah…well, she’s a virgin for good reasons, but she is not unfulfilled. I made sure to get her to a toy shop, but as I look at her, I worry that it might not be helping her. She’s tired and stressed and if she were taking care of business, she definitely wouldn’t be so cranky.

  And yes, I have now crossed over into worrying if my friend is having enough orgasms. God.

  “Come on,” Savannah says. “Tell us.”

  I look back and forth between them, then I sigh. “He’s so…God, I can’t even come up with a word to describe it.”

  “Yeah?” Allison asks, a smile curving her mouth.

  Alarm fills me at the hopeful look on her face. She’s always been this way. I guess if your mom has a life-threatening disease when you’re younger, you can go a bunch of different ways. For Allison, it made her the most positive person I know. And, now that I think about it, it might be the reason Harry tries to control everything.

  “Don’t,” I warn.


  “Don’t start thinking this will be more than a fling. I don’t need the pressure and you know how I feel about relationships.”

  “Okay,” she says, but I could tell from her expression, she wasn’t listening to me.

  “I need details,” Savannah says, I can tell from her tone she’s messing with me.

  “All I can say is that I got barely any sleep. I might just have to leave early so I can make sure to get to bed early.”

  “Isn’t that why you’re so tired today?” Savannah asks, laughter filling her voice.

  “Well, we weren’t always in bed.”

  Allison chuckles. “Okay, I was wrong. Don’t go into detail. Let’s just say there’s a reason you’re tired this morning.”

  There’s a knock on the door and we all turn as it opens revealing Mrs. B. There is one big thing I miss about South Carolina and that’s my mama. It’s easier with Allison and Harry’s mother. She’s small in stature, with the same dark hair as both of her children. She’s wearing an old Spurs t-shirt and capri jeans. She’s one of those kinds of mothers that always had all the kids at her house. Allison has talked about the massive parties they had at their house while they were growing up.

  “Hey, girls, what are you doing back here?”

  I wait for Allison to rat me out, but she says, “We just wanted to gossip.”

  Mrs. B rolls her eyes. “Come on. I’m surrounded by testosterone.”

  “We’ll be there in a sec,” Allison says. “I promise.”

  Mrs. B looks at the three of us and chuckles. “Sure.”

  Once we’re alone, Allison says, “You know she’s going to know.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My brother has been pining about you for months. Now that he’s got you, he’s gonna want everyone to know.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means he will want to paw you in front of his parents,” Savannah says. “How am I the virgin? Aren’t you two supposed to be the more experienced ones?”

  “I don’t go to have dinner with the parents,” I snap out. The moment I say it, Allison’s eyes soften.

  “Mom and Dad will not hold it against you. In fact, if Harry screws this up, there is a good chance they will denounce him as their son.”

  A bubble of laughter rumbles in my chest, and I let the chuckle escape.

  “Come on. Mom said something about margaritas when I talked to her yesterday.”

  “Yes,” Savannah says as she bounces off the bed and hurries out of the room.

  “I’m a little worried about her. She doesn’t seem to be getting any rest or food. And she has been drinking more than usual,” Allison says.

  “Actually, she seems to be staying sober more often, but I know what you mean. We’ll keep an eye on her.”

  “And, EJ, I want you to promise me something.”


  “Let yourself take a chance. Harry has his faults, but he is a good guy and I know he would treat you right.”


  “No pressure. I just want you to know that you’re worth it. If there is one thing Harry is good at, it is taking care of people.”

  Tears burn the backs of my eyes, and I blink trying to hold them back. “I don’t need a man to take care of me.”

  “No, but it’s nice to have one around when things go to crap.”

  I nod as I step out of the bedroom. I open my mouth to say something, but whatever it was, it dissolves in my brain. Harry is walking down the hallway toward us. His gaze zeroes in on me.

  “Hey, I’ve been looking for you.”

  “I was just talking to Allison,” I say, but as I do, his sister slips past him and down the hallway.

  He smiles at me, that goofy smile of his that drives me a little crazy because it doesn’t fit the idea of him I have in my head. He’s supposed to be a little bit grumpy and too anal to be this relaxed. Although it could be the sex. And damn, if that look doesn’t warm my blood and leave my lady parts doing a little dance.

  “What’s that look for?” he asks as he crowds me back against the wall. Although, crowd is probably not the word to use because it’s got a negative connotation. There is nothing negative about the way he is nuzzling my neck. Jesus, I am already hot and wet, my pussy throbbing. Now, I’m not sure my knees are going to hold me up. Just like that, I’m under his power, ready to sneak off to a room, and fool around.

  “Harry.” I try to sound angry, but instead it comes out breathless. I feel his lips curve into a smile as he nibbles on my throat.


  I feel that heat inside me expanding, flowing through my blood and my control is slipping. I know if I don’t stop him now, there is a good chance he’ll pull me into his childhood bedroom and make me come. Wait, why is that wrong? In fact, I know it would be very good.

  I hear the clank of some dishes and it breaks the spell he’s been weaving with that talented mouth of his. Oh, right, his parents are in the house, as are all our friends.

  I sigh and then slip my hands to his chest and give him a little push. He obeys me, then and smiles at me. “Sorry, Elliana, I just can’t control myself.”

  “Don’t give me that bull, Harry. I know you’re always in control.”

  He gives me a strange look,
but he continues to smile.

  “Harry, quit mauling EJ and go help Dad,” Allison says. I look over and realize she’s in the hallway with us, and I wonder how long she’s been standing there.

  “I should have gone through with my plans to kill her when she was five and dressed my GI Joe up in Barbie clothes.”

  I can’t say anything because his green eyes are twinkling down at me, mischief dancing over his expression. He looks younger, happier, and dammit, sexier. Grumpy Harry was hot. Happy Harry is…well, fuckable. I’ll be honest. Any look he gives me makes me want to jump on that massive pony and give him a long, hard ride.

  “Harry,” Allison persists.

  He rolls those beautiful eyes, gives me a quick kiss on the mouth, then pulls away. He saunters down the hall.

  “About time,” Allison says as she walks by him, hip checking him into the wall. Allison isn’t big, but she has a lot of oomph.

  “Watch it, squirt. I’ll tell Ed not to marry you.”

  She rolls her eyes. “As if.”

  He chuckles as he walks away.

  “What have you done with my brother? That has to be some body snatcher in his place.”

  I have this weird feeling tingling throughout me, but definitely in my chest. I know he is acting out of character, but I am also. Fooling around with Harry is a mistake. I should run in the opposite direction, but I can’t help myself. It’s like I haven’t learned any of my love lessons. I see the smile Allison is giving me. That’s why I needed to avoid this, to make sure that it didn’t get out of hand. Allison probably thinks we’ll fall in love like her and Ed. That’s not in the cards for me.

  “What?” I ask.

  She shakes her head. “Nothing. Just…it’s really weird.”

  “What do you mean, weird?”

  “Like I said, Harry isn’t acting normal, but you aren’t either.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  She eyes me, but she says nothing else.

  “Mom has the margarita machine going. Let’s go.”

  When we make it to the kitchen, Savannah is nursing a margarita already. Granted, she’s not chugging it, so that’s at least an improvement. As I said, the massive drinking she was doing a few months ago seems to have stopped.

  “Mrs. B,” I say. She gives me a hug; the scent of roses surrounds me. She’s been my second Mama since I ended up rooming with Allison at UT our freshman year.

  “EJ, sweetie, how are you doing?” she asks as she pulls back.


  “Better than fine. I understand you and Harry are working out a deal so C and C and Magnolia can work together.”


  “And she’s getting a deal with Russo Wines,” Allison says as she hands me a margarita.

  Mrs. B claps. She really is a pill. “Oh, does that mean I get a discount? I love their chardonnay.”

  I laugh. “Probably not. But you can come to my wine nights for free.”


  I sip my drink and hum. It’s deliciously strong. One thing about Mrs. B, she doesn’t skimp on the alcohol. And I feel like I need that today.

  I slip onto the barstool next to Savannah. “You don’t have to work today?”

  She sighs. “No. I made someone else work.”

  I don’t particularly like the tone of her voice. I’ve been worried about her lately and I know the signs of depression. I learned them after my parent’s divorce and my mother started spending whole weeks in bed. Savannah has been showing signs of it for the last few months, although it could be that she’s overworked. My earlier thoughts about her weight definitely make me worry about her.

  “Good. We haven’t seen enough of you,” I say, giving her a one arm hug.

  “I actually just thought about sleeping today, but I’m sick of using my days off for catching up on my rest.”

  “I think you need to have a talk with your parents, Savannah. You should be out having fun every now and then. When was the last time you all did a girls’ night?” Mrs. B asks.

  “It’s been awhile,” Savannah replies.

  “Since the night of my staycation celebration,” Allison says.

  “No. Not that long ago. We took you to the spa that day Ed proposed,” I say. But it has been over a month since then. Also, it had been three long months in between the two events. We meet up for lunches and sometimes breakfast, but our time with Savannah has been limited in the last year.

  “Yeah, well, that fight would take more energy than I have right now.”

  I share a look with Allison, and I know both of us are on the same page. We need to have an intervention of some sort with her but not today. Savannah is a hard nut to crack, so we would need some kind of plan.

  “So, EJ, are you seeing anyone?” Mrs. B says just as I take another sip. I choke on it and Allison laughs.

  “Oh, was that something I’m not supposed to ask? I’m sorry,” she says patting me on the back.

  “No worries,” I say as I get myself back under control. Allison is still laughing, and Savannah is even smiling.

  Just then, Ed, Fritz, and Harry come through the door. Ed and Fritz head over to the recycle bin to toss in their beer bottles. Harry stands there smiling at me and I can’t help but return the smile. Like I said, when Harry smiles it’s an amazing thing. The sun comes out, the flowers bloom, the world is right once again.

  “Oh…I see,” Mrs. B says.

  I flush and open my mouth to say something, anything. But before I can, Harry walks over and gives me a quick kiss on the mouth. “Just a water for me, Ed.”

  Ed grumbles something that sounds like ‘I’m not your fucking service boy’ but he gets Harry a bottle of water. He tosses it to Harry, who kisses my nose, then follows the other two men out the door.

  “So, I guess you are seeing someone,” Mrs. B says.

  Another wave of heat fills my face. God, I hate being a natural redhead in times like this. I don’t blush that often, but the last week has taught me that when I do, it is impossible to control.

  I open my mouth and Mrs. B waves it away with her free hand. “Don’t worry, sweetie. Just makes sure he treats you right. I raised him right, but men are stupid animals.”

  Allison giggles as she takes the last free barstool.

  “They are,” Allison says. “Especially Harry.”

  Mrs. B shakes her head at her youngest child. “Allison.”

  “Sorry, Mom,” Allison says, but the grin tells me that she isn’t that sorry at all.

  Mrs. B turns her attention back to me. “I know my son is a grown man, and I know he’s a good man. As I said, just make sure he treats you right. Harry tends to be a bit of a control freak.”

  “You don’t say,” I comment, then Allison giggles.

  “Just be patient. I know he’s had a thing for you for a while, so be gentle with him.”

  I want to tell her she doesn’t have to worry, but remember, James woman have crappy relationships. And we tend to have them blow up in our faces. But just as I’m worried about what to say next, Harry steps back into the house. We lock gazes. I can’t help it. These days it seems that whenever he’s near me, I can’t do anything but look at him. Want him…just…damn…what was I thinking?

  “Food’s ready,” Mr. B says, stepping into the house. “It’s too hot to eat outside today, and I think we have some storms coming.”

  “That’s why I set the table inside,” Mrs. B says. “Harry, stop staring at EJ. She’s not going to disappear. All of you go wash up.”

  He rolls his eyes. Allison walks past me and motions with her head and I get up to follow, Harry hard on my heels. We slip into the bathroom and Allison tries to shut the door in his face, but he stops it. He crooks his finger at me. I hesitate, then step forward.

  “Later,” is all he says before he gives me a loud smacking kiss. Then he’s gone and Allison is shutting the door.

  “Yeah, nothing serious, my ass,” Savannah says,
as she washes her hands.

  My lips are still tingling, and my entire body is yearning. It’s the only word I can use for this emotion that is traveling through me right now. I yearn to have him near me, and I really don’t know what to do about it. I know it scares the living bejesus out of me, but…

  “Can’t solve all your problems on an empty stomach. Dad has ribs.”

  I still don’t move, so she nudges me. “Hey, are you okay?”

  I nod, but I realize in this moment, I’m not all that okay. Not at all.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dinner is an easy time. Granted, I had been a little worried about how our friends would take the new development. My parents, there had never been a worry. They’ve never meddled in our dating lives. Of course, my mother kept smiling at me, as if I had won her approval in some weird way. As I said, my folks love EJ, and there is a chance if I fuck this up, they will toss me over and keep EJ.

  After we’re all sent away with leftovers—my mother always makes enough food for about thirty people when we come over—EJ and I drive back to her place.

  “Did you have a good time today?”

  She hesitates, then sighs. “Your parents know we’re dating.”

  She says it as if it’s embarrassing.

  “Uh, yeah. It’s hard to hide something like that. What’s the problem?” And please don’t tell me that it’s people knowing we’re together.

  We sit in silence for a few minutes, then she finally says, “I just…what if things go wrong?”

  I frown as I ease into a stop at a light. “Do you mean you want assurances it isn’t going to go wrong?”

  She shakes her head. “No.” She looks down at her hands and my heart starts to sink. After the last couple of days, I thought we were on the same page. Yesterday had been perfect. Today, even better. And, I’ll be honest, I can’t remember the last time a woman made me feel this fantastic. Not that I’m not nervous around her. That’s still there, but damn, being with her makes my soul happy. It’s the only way to describe it.


  She looks up and worry etches her brow. “Not all relationships work out. And when they end, they can be toxic.”

  Ah. Okay, I can deal with this. For a woman who runs a romance bookstore, EJ doesn’t really believe in happily ever after. She sees it as a fantasy, impossible in the real world. I know that, and I’ve always found it weird. I decide it is probably better that I don’t say anything about it to her.


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