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Luscious Page 14

by Schroeder, Melissa

  “I think I have things to do,” Jeanine says and leaves us alone.

  “Harry, what are you doing?” I ask.

  He shrugs.

  “Did you come over here because of Travis?”

  He shoves his hands into the pockets of his pants. “Maybe.”

  Oh, damn, I shouldn’t be turned on by the petulant answer, and I’ve never been into making a guy jealous. It’s just a wasted emotion. There is just something about Harry being jealous. I take his hand and lead him to the office in the back of my store. I close the door, then crowd him up against it.

  “I have ways of making you talk,” I say, pressing my body against his. God, this feels good. I love how hard his body is…everywhere. Being a bigger woman, in curves and height, it’s always difficult to find a man who makes me feel small. Harry does that all the time, and I love it.

  “Yeah?” His eyes dilate. I can feel heat pouring off him, his masculine scent filling my senses. Sandalwood with a mix of sugar today. He must have been helping Ed behind the counter. It just makes me want to eat him up.

  “Yes. They all involve lots of naked time.”

  He groans. “Woman, you’re killing me. Any other day, I wouldn’t hesitate. I’d bring you back here and fuck you so hard they’d hear it in the next county over.”

  For a long moment, I can’t even think because, hello, this is Harry and when he talks like that, there are two things. One, I can’t think. My brain shuts completely down. And two, well, dirty talking Harry is irresistible.

  “Really, Harry? You? Sex in the office?”

  “I’ve imagined sex with you in so many different places. My office, your office, that big couch out in the historical romance section…up against the cases in my store. That last one will never happen because if Ed ever found out, he would kill me.”

  I’m still trying to calm my out of control heart. It feels like the cartoon heart that beats way out of someone’s chest when they see someone they…care about.

  “But?” I ask, not missing the breathy little tone. Good lord, why do I sound like that? Well, because once again, this encounter is leaving my panties drenched. If anyone would have told me that Harry Bradley would say things that would leave my clit vibrating and begging for relief, I would have called that person a dirty, rotten liar.

  He sighs, regret filling his expression. “I’ve got lunch with my parents, and since I’ve been ignoring them for a couple of weeks, I thought it would be nice. Plus, they offered me Rosario’s.”

  I try not to be disappointed. One of the reasons I like Harry is his dedication to his family. It’s something that drew me to his sister as a friend. I have a dedicated family when it comes to Mama and Gran, but without siblings…well, you know that story…I just didn’t see that kind of dedication. Allison changed that, as did her parents, who adopted me as their own.

  “Hey, why don’t you come?”

  I almost say yes, but then I stop myself. I have a ton of work to do on the Día de la Muertos event. Besides, going to lunch with the parents, even if I like them, is making this thing we got going a little too cozy.

  “Sorry. I have to make a few calls for the party, and I have things I need to order.”

  He studies me for a long moment, which makes me think he wants to argue with me. I recognize the look, but he doesn’t say anything.

  “Okay. Well, I better get going because Mom gave me a time, and you know my mom.”

  I laugh. Mrs. B likes to keep a tight schedule. There’s more than one reason that Harry is the way he is.

  He kisses my nose, then slips out of my arms to open the door.

  “See ya later, Elliana.”

  Then he walks through the store and out the door. Heads turn—because, hello, he’s gorgeous—and I sigh. I know he wants more, and I warned him that I might not be able to offer him more.

  “Where’s your man going?” Jeanine asks.

  “Lunch with his parents.” She smiles at me and I realize what I just did. “And he’s not my man.”

  “Uh, boss, I think you need to look again because that man has been attached to your hip for the last couple of weeks, and I don’t see him making time with any other women. That is your man.”

  Then, she flits away when a customer asks for help, but I barely notice. I stand there trying to quell the panic that threatens to embarrass me. Seriously, I know we’re dating, but calling Harry my man seems a little formal. Too permanent.

  I don’t have time to stand here and worry about Harry or the state of our relationship. I told him I needed to get to work, and I wasn’t lying. So, I push those thoughts aside and get down to the work of the day.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I step out of the mansion that houses Camos and Cupcakes and Magnolia Books and start off to Rosario’s. My parents picked one of the most popular restaurants in the King William District. It’s so close, I walk, not wanting to move my car. It also gives me time to think about EJ.

  I can’t nail her down, or my feelings for her. Nope, that’s wrong. Sorry, I was lying to you just then. Or really, to myself. I know I’m seriously falling for her. She occupies more time in my brain than anything else—even the shop’s accounts. If you knew me, you would understand that’s a big deal. I like to keep everything orderly, so the fact that I’m putting my feelings first is kind of a bad sign.

  I come to a busy intersection and stop, waiting for the light to change. Unfortunately, it gives me more time to think. I felt EJ wanted to come to lunch. It was there in her expression, but she decided against it. Was it really for work? Or is she trying to keep her distance? I frown at the thought. We’ve been spending a lot of time together, more than I have with my past relationships. I know this is all new to her, but it’s not like I’ve been in a serious relationship in years. Hell, this is the most serious relationship I have ever been in. I’m teetering out on a limb here, but I feel as if I am there on my own sometimes. Like if I start to fall, there will be no one there to grab hold of me to make sure I don’t plummet to the ground.

  Jesus. It’s only been a couple of weeks. I need to stop worrying about EJ and what she might be thinking. Because when I do that, I start getting that feeling. The one that will send her screaming in the opposite direction. I want more…much, much more. Granted, we’ve only been dating for two weeks, and I don’t expect any kind of declaration. I just want her to acknowledge that this is more.

  More than dating. And…that makes me an asshole. I scrub my hand over my face trying to get my thoughts under control. They will end this relationship faster than anything else. Because, if I keep thinking about it, I’ll lose my cool and demand she tell me exactly how she feels.

  Which would be stupid. And pushy. Two weeks, Bradley. The light changes and I walk across the street, trying my best to push those thoughts aside. The restaurant comes into view and I sigh. I really should have tried to get her to come with me. We’re both busy right now and we get very little time together. With her upcoming event, she has so much on her plate, and I try not to push for too much interaction during the workday. A quick bite to eat with my parents would have been perfect, but I get it. I’m hovering too much.

  I open the door to the restaurant and the scent of cumin rushes over me. God, I love living in San Antonio. Tex Mex is my favorite kind of food, and most places outside of Texas have no idea what that means. I learned that while I was in the Army. Also, in case you were wondering, adding beans to chili? All wrong. No self-respecting Texan would do that. And if you disagree, then you can go to hell. Wait, sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. Damn, she’s making me insane.

  I see my parents seated at a table on the opposite side of the restaurant. They are, of course, early, since I arrived right on time. I know that’s my mother’s doing. She could teach the military a thing or two about scheduling, but then, my grandfather had been an Army drill instructor.

  “Hey, there,” I say, leaning down to give my mother a kiss on the cheek. As I sit, I think abo
ut their relationship. My parents have always seemed like one unit. Supporting each other no matter what. I saw that when my mother went through chemo, but there were other times. When my father’s mother died, and when my mom wanted to go back to school for her master’s. They have always been solid.

  “What’s that look?” Mom asks. She’s damned perceptive, and that’s one of the major reasons I wanted to make sure that EJ and I dated out in the open. There is no way either of us would have been able to hide it from my mother.

  She looks over at my father, who says, “Excuse me. Order me the usual if the waitress comes back.”

  Then, it’s just the two of us, and I know he did it on purpose. My mom might be perceptive, but she is never subtle. Ever. She said it was one of the many things she lost when she went through chemo.


  “About what?” I ask smiling. I’m saved from her inquisition—because that is what this is going to be—for a few minutes thanks to the waitress. After she takes my drink order, my mother starts again.

  “What’s up, Harry?”

  I shrug, not sure how to word it and not confuse my mother. Or myself. EJ has me tangled up in knots and I don’t like it.

  “It’s EJ?”

  I nod. “How did you know?”

  She smiles. “There is only one person who could give you that look, and it’s EJ.”

  “What look?”

  She studies me for a long moment, as if she is trying to judge what to say. When she was going through treatment, both Allison and I got those looks a lot. They only told us as much as we could handle at one sitting, but they hid nothing from us. Still, my mother is very good at figuring out how to soften the blow.

  “She makes you crazy. I can feel it under the surface.”

  I shove a hand through my hair. “Yeah.”

  I knew a relationship with EJ was going to be a balancing act. She has always been skittish when it came to men. But that was before I knew how I felt. How much I needed more than just a simple relationship. If I tell her how I truly feel, she will run, and I won’t be able to get to her. She’ll shut me down, and I’ll have to spend my life watching her date other men.

  “Oh, Harry.” There is no pity in my mother’s voice. Empathy, yes, but nothing like pity. “Have you told her?”


  She rolls her eyes. “We both know you’ve been in love with her for months.”

  “Have not.”

  Smirking, she grabs a chip. “That’s mature.”

  I sigh. “I’m trying to be patient.”

  “You’ve only been dating for a few weeks. I know you know your feelings, and I have a feeling EJ has the same feelings.”

  Hope warms my chest and I feel my lips curve. “Yeah?”

  She holds her hand up. “Hold up there. She does, but she doesn’t probably understand them, or wants to admit to them. Pushing her will be a mistake.”

  “So, I just sit around waiting.” Frustration drips from all of my words, and I can’t right it as it takes over my thoughts. Irritation rides along for fun.

  “Yes. Well, not sit around, but give her time. EJ hasn’t always experienced good relationships. Growing up with a father like hers, she doesn’t hold a lot of hope for men. But, you’re different.”


  “Sweetie, you’re good and kind. Also, you’re as stubborn as she is. Be patient. Give her room to understand.”

  Now, EJ isn’t the only woman irritating me. “Understand what?”

  She reaches across the table and slips her hand over my fist. The warmth of it, the memory of the rock that was the foundation of our family—the woman who was always there for us as we navigated childhood on up—calms me a little bit.

  “She will learn that Bradley men don’t give up easily. Being patient is a way to fight for her, and I think she’s important enough for you to do just that. And again, don’t freak her out. You’ve been seeing each other for what, a couple of weeks?” I nod. “There you go. She knows you’re a good man, just give her time to accept you in her life. She might be skittish, but I would always place my bets on you, baby boy.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  The waitress returns with my drink and she’s ready to take our orders. My father slips into his chair, sharing a look with my mother. We give the waitress our orders, but as I’m telling her what I want, my mother breaks out into a smile. She’s looking at something over my shoulder, so I look behind me. My heart doubles in rhythm when I see EJ walking toward us. As she does, heads turn because, well, because she’s sexy as fuck. Always is no matter what. I rise out of my seat.

  “Hey, I thought you were busy.”

  She smiles. “I found some time to break away.”

  I feel as though I won the lottery. “Lucky me.”

  I pull her chair out and wait for her to sit, then I take my seat.

  I drape my arm over the back of her chair, an easiness settling in my chest. My mother catches my eye and smiles. It’s a small step, but at least it’s a step.

  * * *

  A little over an hour later, we’re on our way back to work. We wave at my parents as they drive off, then walk down the street together.

  “Thanks for coming,” I say.

  There’s a little smile curving her lips when she glances at me. “Thanks for inviting me.”

  “What changed your mind?”

  She’s quiet for a few seconds, as if she’s picking through her words and choosing the right ones.

  “I was thinking that a little break would help, and I like your parents.”

  My happiness dims a little and she chuckles.

  “Oh, Harry, I came because I wanted to see you.”

  I blink. “What?”

  She stops walking, pulling me to a stop. “I wanted to spend lunch with you. Your parents are great, but you’re the reason I came down here.”

  “Hmm, does that mean you like like me?”

  She rolls her eyes and chuckles again. “Yeah. I like like you. Mainly because you like like me.”

  I could disagree, but I don’t like to lie. “True. For whatever reason, I really enjoyed it.”

  She smiles. “I did too. Unfortunately, I have work to do, so I guess we should get back.”

  I nod and say nothing else. I can’t because my heart is so damned full right now, I feel as if I will start shouting about my happiness and embarrass her. My mom is right. I need to be patient, to give her time to realize that I am here to stay. We walk hand-in-hand down the street back to work. And for now, that’s enough.

  Chapter Eighteen

  It’s been a little over a week since I went to lunch with Harry and his parents, and I’m still feeling a little shaky. Not completely in a bad way. In fact, I feel as if I am high on something. According to Savannah, it’s sex. Hmm, could be. Harry has a voracious appetite, and I’m right there with him. We’ve had sex on every surface of my house and probably most of his. We don’t stay over each night, but at least three or four nights a week, we sleep together in the same bed.

  Still, I’m kind of freaking out. It’s not that I’ve had second thoughts. It’s the fact that I’ve had none. At all. Whatsoever. That is just not the Elliana James way of dating. I’m more of a Wham Bam Thank You, Man, if you get my drift. Long nights of sex are fine. They are fantastic, in fact, and I have done it more than once.

  Lovemaking is different, and that is definitely what this feels like to me. I’ve never had a man who knew exactly how to wring an orgasm from me the way Harry does. I can’t hold back; can’t hide from the needs he pulls from me. Usually, I try to keep everything separate. Sex is great for release and pleasure. The intensity is what is scaring the freak out of me.

  I know, I’m a weird chick. I read enough romances to know that the majority of women want that happily ever after. And I do too, in my books. I never look for it in real life because James women don’t do well in that category. My father left my mother for a younger woman…someone only
four years older than me. My grandparents didn’t divorce, but they slept in different rooms, her by herself, and granddad with his mistress…under the same roof. It goes back decades, but men just don’t stick around for us.

  “Hey,” Jeanine says as she leans into my office. “We just filled up for the Día de la Muertos party.”

  I can’t fight the smile. It’s three weeks out and the fact that we sold out is saying something. Ed has worked up some great ideas for the treats, and Bree has already sent her recommendations. “Sounds good.”

  “So, is the very sexy Harry Bradley attending?”

  I shrug, although, I just assumed he would. Still…as I look over the guest list, I’m wondering if that’s a good idea. Harry will definitely garner a lot of attention, and I’m not sure I want to share him with all the women. As soon as I think it, I push the idea aside. I’m not the jealous type in the least. Another point against Harry. He’s making me think insane things. Like how I want to know where we are going with this. I’m not the kind of woman who is used to showing vulnerability to a man, ever. I protect my heart as best I can. Of course, with Harry, all those rules have been thrown out the window. He’s demanding of my time. Okay, not really. He says things like, maybe we should have dinner tonight. I’ll pick it up. Nice things like that. And then…he clouds my head with amazing sex and those talented hands and mouth and, God, that cock.

  “Earth to EJ,” Jeanine says. I blink and she comes into focus.

  “Sorry,” I mumble, my cheeks heating. Again with the blushing? Really?

  Jeanine chuckles. “Hey, don’t mind me. I’m just a little jealous of being sexed up. Oh, let me go check on this customer,” she says hurrying back out on the floor.

  As I read down the list, I see Syd Fillmore’s name, along with Nancy’s. Travis’ sister has become a regular, which tells me she loves romance, and usually reads digital. She buys her favorites in print though. I’m happy to see that she’s attending. Her dry sense of humor always tickles me, and she takes no crap off her brother. That, I like a lot, because women fall at his feet—not just the Flipping Texas groupies. He’s cute and he knows how to make a woman laugh. Why couldn’t I get all tangled up with him? Because he bores me. I hate to say it, but I couldn’t spend day and night with him. Harry…yep, I could do it. And that’s what scares me. I never thought that I would be drawn to him like I am.


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