Sexting Curves (BBW Erotic Romance)

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Sexting Curves (BBW Erotic Romance) Page 5

by Wick, Christa

  His mouth lifted and I felt the sharp flick of his nail against the spine of my clit. I gasped. He flicked it again. I inhaled another ragged breath, my lungs refusing to release the first. A third flick and I was certain I would explode.

  Getting on his knees between my thighs, Logan pinched my clit, pulling it taut as the fingers of his other hand work inside me. He had to be four fingers in, my pussy stretched almost as wide as if his cock filled me.

  "You come too quickly, baby," he teased. I whispered my apology but he shook his head. "Teaching you to control them will give me great joy."

  My eyes shuttered in pleasure as he forced me back from edge with the thick, inching penetration of his fingers. The palm of his other hand rested across my mound, just his thumb engaged in a toying line against my clit. A quiver rolled through me and I heard him groan over the static roaring in my ears as my jaws and eyes clenched.

  "Relax, Lily."

  I tried to swallow, gargling air as my hips shot up and every nerve ending blazed with lust. His strokes in and atop me intensified, coming harder and faster. My clit tingled and pulsed; my cunt gripped and tugged his fingers.

  My body no longer mine to command, I wrapped my arms around my head. My ass levitated. Logan's hands disappeared for an instant then gripped my generous bottom as his cock invaded me. Hands unraveling from my hair, my eyes flew open in surprise.

  I could tell by his purposeful gaze and breathing that he remained in control. The only one in danger of coming with him bare inside my pussy was me. I squeezed at his shaft, desperate to erode his self-discipline. Biting at his bottom lip, Logan shook his head, his eyes knowing and half-slitted as he denied me.

  Arms shifting, his palms along my lower back, he supported me more firmly and strengthened his thrusts. "Mmm…baby. Graspy little hole, isn't it?"

  I couldn't stop squeezing at him, milking his cock as I thundered back to the edge. My clit jerked rhythmically between my pressed labia while I ground against Logan within the tight confines of his embrace.

  "Mmm, yes." He bit harder at his lip and then his mouth suddenly relaxed to form a small circle, its bottom quivering.

  Too late for me to coax him closer to his own release, my climax ripped through me. Reaching down with both hands, I squeezed at my mound as if I could stop the surging abandon. Held aloft by his strong arms, I trembled and quaked until little jets shot from me to wet his stomach.

  Growling, Logan dropped me and fastened his mouth to my clit, sucking and fucking at my pussy until my bones melted and I couldn't stop crying his name.


  Three weeks of bliss followed, interrupted only occasionally as I tried to balance Logan's desires with my home life. Home was exactly the problem. Logan wanted me to move in. He at least wanted me to be open with my parents about my seeing him.

  Escorting me to my car on a Friday night, he stopped me before I could open the door. He turned me so that I faced him then wrapped his arms around me. A flutter of the front room curtains produced a sympathetic twitch in my stomach.

  "Stevie's watching," I warned. Logan and I had kept things low-key around Stevie, never indulging in more than a light hug or caress when he was up and around.

  Cupping my chin, Logan forced me to meet his gaze.

  "Champ knows you're my girlfriend, baby." Lowering his head, he kissed me. "He doesn't have a problem with it like you do."

  Feeling the push of his sizable erection into the soft flesh of my stomach, I couldn't help but relax and open my mouth to his inquisitive tongue. He took it slow, tightening his grip on me and controlling my head as he claimed a deeper kiss.

  With a sigh, he stopped and drew my gaze back to his. "Tonight, Lily."

  I nodded, another wild flutter unleashing inside my stomach. I had agreed to break the news to my parents provided I could do it alone. Convincing him to leave it to me had been no small feat. I was half-certain he expected me to chicken out.

  I wouldn't call what happened later that evening at home chickening out. It was more like a calculated retreat until I could bring in reinforcements. Things might have gone differently had the conversation with my mom not started on the wrong note before I even had a chance to broach the topic on my own.

  I walked into the house to find her sitting in the kitchen, her address book in one hand and a pen in the other. Looking up at me, she tapped the pen against the book. "Back from Major Jones, dear?"

  Sucking in a lungful of air, I nodded and turned to the refrigerator. Shoulders tense, I removed a bottle of water and cracked its seal before looking at her over my shoulder. At the same time, the door from the living room swung inward, my older sister Judy appearing with her usual sneer plastered across her face. Grabbing her backpack from the hook by the front door, she unzipped the front pocket and started pawing through its contents. Two years out of college, she had moved back into our parent's home after breaking up with her fiancé over the summer.

  Mom cleared her throat. "Is the Major seeing anyone?"

  My heart skipped a beat. No way in hell was I going to have this conversation with my mom with Judy in the room. Judy's most likely reaction comprised half the reason I'd avoided a conversation with my parents. Once they knew, she'd know.

  Cheeks heating, I shook my head. Smiling, my mom thumbed through her address book.

  "You remember Natalie Baker?"

  "Yeah." I straightened the frown trying to pull my mouth down. Natalie Baker was another Mrs. Jones -- very thin and every bit as self-absorbed.

  "I thought we could have a barbecue and invite them both over."

  My gaze tracking right to where Judy pretended to continue searching her bag, I offered an alternative. "What about Katie Pearson?"

  Judy's lip curled higher at the mention of Katie. Whereas Natalie is another Mrs. Jones, Katie is more like me, only a couple sizes smaller. My focus shifted to my mother. She wore one of those half-smiles she adopts while she's trying to figure out the politest way to tell someone they're stupid.

  "You don't think the Major would be interested in Miss Pearson?" I kept my voice neutral, no hint of the heartache starting to swell inside my chest when Judy snorted.

  The half-smile remained frozen on my mom's face a few more seconds before she blinked. "Well, you know dear…the Major is…" She cleared her throat then blushed. "Well, va-va-va-voom. Katie is a great gal, but--"

  "She's a lard ass," Judy interjected.

  The color on mom's cheeks darkened from a sensual pink to an angry red. "Judy, I've warned you about that language in this house."

  More hurt cemented in my chest. Mom warned Judy a dozen plus times a week, the language always directed at me. It never proceeded beyond warnings, so she was only kind-of-almost-half-assed sticking up for me.

  "It's true." Judy hooked her car keys to her jeans and zipped the front pocket of her bag before shouldering it. "And Fatty Bo Batty here needs to hear it so she can stop pretending Logan might ever be interested in her."

  Judy left, slamming the door behind her. When I looked back to my mother, her lip quivered.

  "That's not true, dear?" she asked. "You don't have a crush on the Major, do you?"

  Lying doesn't come easy to me. I managed no more than a shake of my head. "He doesn't need fixed up, mom. It's nobody's business, especially Judy's, that he's kind of seeing someone."

  "Oh, so that's why he's needed you so much these last few weeks!" She smiled, clearly relieved, and exhaled. She put a finger to her lips and winked at me. "I won't let the cat out of the bag, dear."

  Faking a smile, I proceeded straight to my room, locked the door and started crying.

  It was the first time my mother had ever made me feel ugly.


  Dread snaking along my spine, I pulled into Logan's drive the next afternoon an hour past my scheduled arrival. I had texted him a bullshit excuse about Rhea needing transport when I had, in fact, slept late after crying myself to sleep then lost another hour treat
ing the swollen flesh around my eyes. More than being late, anxiety filled me because I had more than one uncomfortable conversation ahead of me today -- first with Logan over how, and likely why, I'd failed to break the news to my parents, and then with my parents, with or without Logan by my side.

  I knocked on the front door at the same time I slid my key in the lock. By the time I finished opening it, Logan stood at the far end of the hall. I had just a second to recognize how tense his expression looked when the reason for his distress stepped into view and curled her arm around his waist.

  Mrs. Jones.

  "Oh, Lily dear, we were just waiting for you to arrive so we could go out." Her smile faltered as Logan pried her arm away from his body.

  Suddenly faint, I leaned against the door and prayed the shadows at my end of the hall masked any of the emotions running across my face.

  "We were just going to pop out for lunch." Her smile resurfaced, as fake as always. Reaching behind Logan, she grabbed a small clutch from the side table. "While we discuss things."

  Stevie appeared behind them, his expression unreadable. Noticing him, Mrs. Jones patted the top of his head before turning back to Logan. "Ready dear?"

  He handed her the keys and told her he would follow in another minute. She started walking toward me as Logan hoisted Stevie in his arms. Moving away from the door, I turned to ensure there was zero chance of Mrs. Jones brushing against me. She didn't even look at me as she passed.

  Logan whispered something to Stevie then kissed him and lowered him back to the ground. Seeing Logan's approach, the way his mouth shaped the unspoken words playing along his tongue, I stepped out of the house and into the sunshine. I couldn't take him brushing against me in the hall or whatever platitude he wanted to comfort me with.


  I didn't look at him when he stepped onto the porch. Instead, I gestured at his wife waiting in the passenger seat of his car.

  When he spoke again, his tone had hardened. "We'll talk when I get back."

  I remained mute, my blinks coming faster as I fought the urge to cry. I heard him sigh and then he passed in front of me, got in the car and drove away without looking in my direction.

  Stevie had curled up on the couch by the time I stepped into the living room. He wouldn't look at me. It hurt, knowing what he must have been thinking. His mom was back, and suddenly I was the enemy. How could he feel any other way?

  With Logan and his wife absent, I followed my normal babysitter routine. Since there was no homework -- mine or Stevie's, I straightened up around the house, my heart shriveling another inch in diameter when I entered Logan's bedroom with an armful of folded laundry to find two suitcases against one wall and a patch of red lace peeking out from under the bed. Putting the clothes on the bed, I reached down and snatched the fabric.

  Women's panties, size small.

  The house had three bedrooms. There was no good reason for her suitcase or panties to be anywhere near Logan's bed.

  I put the underwear back where I found them and returned the folded clothes to the laundry room, trying to forget what I had just seen. I spent a few minutes or thirty in the bathroom fighting more tears, losing the battle as often as not. I tried to see the bright side -- the awkward conversation with my parents wouldn't happen. Judy could stop sneering over my infatuation with Logan, at least after she stopped gloating over the return of Mrs. Jones.

  At the end of two hours of almost total silence, Stevie jerked his head up from where he had resumed his position on the couch after lunch. I heard the sound of two doors shutting a few seconds later. Rushing to the hallway, I grabbed my purse and keys, the front door opening as soon as my hands closed around my bag.

  Logan held the door open as the lady of the house walked back in her head held high. Halfway down the hall, she paused out of habit, her head starting to turn left before she must have remembered that the mirror had been taken down. Her head dropped a little, the frozen smile thawing and dipping downward for a heartbeat.

  I let her pass out of sight then I walked briskly down the hall, twisting and contorting so that Logan could not grab hold of me as I brushed against him on my way out.

  "Lily!" He followed after me, his long, powerful legs bringing him to my driver side door seconds before I reached it. Grabbing the handle, he blocked me from getting inside.


  My hand flew up to silence him. His wife's panties were on the floor of his bedroom, her suitcases resting only a few feet away. I wasn't his baby any longer and, from the look of things, never had been. I was a convenient fuck. The fat, pathetic babysitter who had a crush on him, took care of his child and never said no to anything he wanted.

  Not that I hadn't enjoyed every last minute of it, but that fact was irrelevant.

  "You will talk to me, Lily." His grip on the door handle tightened, the muscles along his chest and arms bulging. "She showed up in a taxi, sending it away before I ever opened the front door. I couldn't have the conversation I needed to have with her with Stevie around--"

  Right, I thought. Like that totally explained why her suitcases were in the bedroom and her panties were on the floor.

  When I continued staring over the top of my car's roof, he lifted his hand from the door, gripped the end of my chin and drew my gaze in his direction. I stared down at his chest. Bad enough I had to hear his pathetic excuses, I didn't need to see the truth across his face. His wife -- the woman he'd shared more than a dozen years of his life with -- had returned home. His son's mother had returned home.

  I jerked my chin from his grasp and grabbed the door handle before he could reclaim it.

  "Lily, I'll make her leave, give her money for a hotel. You don't need to go."

  I lifted my gaze to finally meet his. "I didn't talk to my mother last night."

  I'm not sure why I said it. Probably to hide how badly I was hurting by suggesting I didn't care enough about him to be honest with my parents. Or maybe I wanted to give him an out, let him know that I wouldn't be going home defeated or embarrassed.

  Whatever my reason, his gaze shut down and then that bitch, Mrs. Jones, opened the door.

  "Do you need cash to pay her, dear?"

  "I'm all set," I called out and yanked the door open.

  Trying to reach me one last time, Logan softly said my name. I slammed the door before I had a chance to hear anything else from his lying lips. Engine running, I whipped my car out of the drive and headed for Emy's, a half gallon of black walnut ice cream and a long night crying.


  Logan called. I didn't answer. He came by my parents' home. I made sure I wasn't there. Days passed and the calls and visits wound down to nothing. Word got around that Mrs. Logan was back. I stayed away from home to avoid Judy's knowing smirk and my mother's questions.

  I worked on projects at school, volunteered for overtime at my day job, and visited Emy so much that even she, my best friend since the third grade, got a little sick of me. The last few days of conversation with her were devoid of any comfort for my broken heart, with Emy demanding I either talk to Logan like an adult or go out on a date with one of two guys she mistakenly thought were interested in me.

  "Kyle only wants help prepping for the mid-term in finance!" Stopped in my car at a stoplight on my drive home, I glared at my cell phone for a second before putting it back up to my ear.

  "He's just using it as an excuse to hang out with you," she responded, her voice deceptively sweet. "I live closer to him and I have a better grade in finance than you."

  "It's the only class you're pulling a better grade." The light turned green and I charged across the intersection in my little car.

  "Don't be petulant, sugar tits." Her chuckle and our favorite term of endearment for one another told me I hadn't completely ruined our friendship. "Kyle wants to bone you, so does Rick. You have ignored both of them while you moon over Logan. You can choose to be a grownup for real by talking to Logan, Kyle or Rick. Or you can admi
t you're a baby and sulk, but I'm not going to let you get away with ignoring reality."

  We continued back and forth like that for another five minutes before I pulled into my parents' driveway.

  "Shit," I hissed and turned the car off. "I have to go."

  "Why? Is Logan there?"

  "No." I suppressed a growl. I had told her a dozen times over that Logan had stopped trying to contact me. He was done trying to apologize or otherwise excuse his behavior for having used me as a temporary sex toy. "But my mom is standing with the front door open and looks like she's about to deliver a baby via her anus."

  Emy snorted. "Picture or you're lying."

  "You'll just have to believe me on this one, sugar tits." I snapped the phone shut and put the car in park. "Talk to you later."

  Whatever had my mom upset, it brought her straight to the car door before I could open it. Seeing me hesitate, she pulled it open for me.

  "Why haven't you answered your phone? I've been calling for at least half an hour!"

  I swallowed, feeling guilty and hoping no one was hurt. I had heard the calls, far more than half an hour's worth. I had ignored them on the off chance Logan had resumed trying to reach me. "Sorry, I was on a call with someone at work. We were going over project details."

  God, when had I become such a liar? Oh, yeah, the second I realized I had to protect my heart against any further damage. Forcing what I hoped was an apologetic smile onto my face, I started to get out of the car but her body blocked me from completely opening the door.

  "Stevie must have been trying to call you, too."

  "Did he call here?" I froze in place, only my stomach and heart in motion as they both lurched forward. Damn those Jones men! The mere thought that something might be wrong with Stevie launched me into an instant state of panic.

  Mom nodded. "I think he was crying, but he only asked once if you were here and then he hung up. I tried to call back, but there was no answer."

  "I'll go check." I fell back into my seat and shooed her away from the door. Hopefully Logan or Mrs. Jones hadn't changed the front lock. Hell, hopefully nothing was wrong at all.


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