Cheyenne McCray - Point Blank (Lawmen Book 4)

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Cheyenne McCray - Point Blank (Lawmen Book 4) Page 13

by Unknown

  “Brooks.” She gasped and arched her back as his mouth slid over her nipple. “Fuck me. Please.”

  The way the word fuck came out of her sweet mouth made him so damned hard that it was like he hadn’t climaxed already.

  “I will fuck you.” His promise came out firm and matter-of-fact. “I have a few things in mind first.”

  She groaned. “Waiting is not my best quality.”

  He gave a soft laugh. “We’ll work on that.”

  Natasha started to protest when Brooks gently sucked her other nipple, the sensation traveled straight to her clit and she gasped instead.

  She almost couldn’t believe she’d told him to fuck her—it wasn’t a word she used. Somehow she needed the raunchiness of the word to tell him what she wanted. It also kept her from saying, “Make love to me,” because that wasn’t what this was. This was pure, raw sex.

  That was all she wanted. Wasn’t it?

  But she knew he could be a real danger to her heart and there were a whole lot of reasons why she shouldn’t, couldn’t, get involved with him.

  Tonight—she wasn’t going to think about that.

  He kissed his way from the valley between her breasts to the hollow of her throat. “God, you’re a special woman.” His words sent tingles through her.

  “You’re amazing.” She ran her hands over his shoulders, loving the strength and power of not only his muscles, but the strength of who he was as a person. He made her feel like nothing bad could ever happen as long as she was with him.

  During the time they shared, she wasn’t going to allow herself to feel any other way.

  He slipped from her hold as he shouldered his way between her thighs, spreading her wide, while he moved his lips down the center of her belly and her abs

  His lips brushed her bare mound. “I love that you shave your pussy.”

  The rumble in his tone sent a shiver through her. She had difficulty thinking as he sprinkled soft butterfly kisses over her mound and on the inside of each thigh. She grasped his hair and wriggled in his grasp, begging him without saying it aloud.

  “Tell me what you want, Natasha.” The way he said her name sent more shards of desire through her. “What do you need?”

  “I want—need—you to lick my pussy.” Another forbidden word, but it came to her so easily now. “Please.”

  He parted her folds with his fingers and spread her wide. His gaze held hers as he lowered his mouth and trailed his tongue the length of her slit.

  A small shudder ran through her as she moaned from pleasure. He slowly stroked her with his tongue in long swipes before concentrating on her clit. He slid one finger then two into her slick core and thrust them in and out while he licked and sucked her.

  She felt dizzy with pleasure. High on desire. Stoned on sensations. Everything she experienced from his mouth and hands was nearly overwhelming.

  He teased her with his tongue while moving his fingers in slow, deliberate movements. She was so wet and slick, and she knew he would be able slide inside her even though it would be a tight fit, considering how big he was.

  The mere thought of him being inside her triggered an explosion of butterflies in her belly. It felt like soft wingtips brushed her body, causing her to become more and more alive with every moment that passed.

  She felt herself rising, as if she was about to fly from the room. She was so close to an orgasm that her mind was blanking out and she could barely think. One moment she was consciously struggling to maintain a grip on reality and her sanity.

  The next moment she screamed—a primal scream that rose up deep from her soul.

  Brooks clamped his hand over her mouth and vaguely she was aware that it wasn’t a good idea to be making sounds, especially loud ones. At that moment she wasn’t sure she cared.

  She drifted down, trying to pull herself together. He moved his callused palm away from her mouth and gave her a long, solid kiss.

  “I don’t have any condoms with me.” He sounded apologetic. “I want to take you in so many ways I couldn’t begin to count them. But it will have to be another day.”

  “I have an IUD. I won’t get pregnant.” She pulled him down to her. “Now fuck me.”

  A vibration in his chest, like a low rumble, caused her nipples to tighten and sent ripples through her belly.

  His heated gaze melted her in a way that made her feel as if she had fused with him so that they were one being. He shifted in her arms and held her as he rolled onto his back, bringing her with him. She gasped and then she was on top, looking down at him.

  “Put my cock inside you.” He clasped her waist in his big hands. “I’m big and I want you to control how much of me fits inside you. I want you to feel only pleasure.”

  “I know that’s exactly what I’m going to feel.” She wrapped her fingers around his erection as she rose and placed the head of his cock against her opening. She held her breath, wondering how well he would fit since he was so big and she was so tight.

  Her eyes widened and she caught her breath as she started to slide down the length of his cock. She took her time, letting him stretch her and fill her. When he was fully inside her, she waited to become used to his length and girth. No kidding he was big.

  Exquisite pleasure filled her as she rose then lowered herself, his cock going deep every time she slid back down his shaft.

  She closed her eyes and arched her back as she rode him. He palmed her breasts and she gasped as he played with her nipples, heightening every sensation inside of her. He felt so good. So, so good inside her. She could stay this way forever, with him filling her in ways that made her feel safe and secure while pleasure rippled through her.

  “Let me see your beautiful eyes.” His voice was gruff. “I want you to watch me while you ride me.”

  She lowered her head and when their gazes met, it was like an electric current sizzled between them. Her body tingled and came even more alive as she almost felt sparks snapping in the air around them.

  An expression of fierce concentration crossed his face, his jaw tight, his features hard, as if sculpted from stone. His was the look of a man trying to grasp the last tendril of control, clinging to it with everything he had. But he was losing every last thread of it to her.

  The feeling of power she felt over him made her heady, and she loved the experience. The desire to strengthen his vulnerability to her had her riding him faster and harder. She wanted to shake his control, to have more power over him. She would take him places he had never been to before.

  Everything going through her mind was unfamiliar…thoughts like none she’d ever had before. But she felt stronger and stronger with every thrust of his hips when she came down on him.

  She wriggled, causing him to tighten his jaw even more and causing her own orgasm to fly toward her. Now she was trying to control the uncontrollable. Any moment now, she was going to lose it.

  His gaze moved to where they were connected. “See how we fit.”

  She obeyed, and her belly seesawed as she watched his cock sliding in and out of her. She braced her hands on his chest as he grasped her waist and she moved faster.

  “Look at me now.” It sounded as if he could barely speak. When she did what he told her, he said, “Fuck. I’m going to come, Natasha. I want you to come with me.”

  His words were all it took for the hovering orgasm to tip over the peak and come rushing through her body. She cried out then bit her lip, holding in another scream.

  “Jesus.” It tore from his throat as his body bucked against hers and his semen filled her. His eyes were wild, intense, almost feral. His inner beast tore from him and she almost felt as if he would consume her in that moment.

  He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her down to him so her damp skin was against his chest that was also covered in sweat. The smell of their sex clung to them and she shuddered as another ripple of pleasure traveled through her.

  For a long time they remained that way, and as long as they did, s
he knew she would feel safe. If only for now.


  An incessant ringing in Natasha’s head had her burying her head under her pillow. She felt like she had a hangover, but she couldn’t remember drinking a damned thing.

  Rinnnnnng, rinnnnnng, rinnnnnng.

  She tried to snuggle in the clean smelling sheets, tried to still her mind.

  Rinnnnnng, rinnnnnng, rinnnnnng. Pause Rinnnnnng, rinnnnnng, rinnnnnng.

  The phone. The ringing was the damned hotel phone.

  She tossed the pillow aside and blinked at the clock. Six-thirty. She frowned, grabbed the receiver off the phone, and put it to her ear. Was the freaking front desk calling her?

  “Hello?” The word came out sounding as groggy as she felt.

  “Good morning, sweetheart.” Brooks’s voice had Natasha bolting straight up in bed. “Sorry I’m not there. I had to leave early this morning to get to the training center.”

  Oh, my God.

  “I’ll see you tonight, and I’ll bring something to eat.” As she listened to him speak, Natasha’s heart nearly stopped. “Do you like pulled pork sandwiches? I was told about a great place.”

  Her mind spun and his words barely sank in. She’d slept with him last night. It was worse than just sleeping with someone she barely knew. He was a lawman. A Federal agent.

  If Mark or his men found out, or already knew…

  “Natasha?” Brooks’s tone held an edge of concern, and she realized it had been there even as he’d been speaking. “Is everything all right?”

  “Yeah.” She put her hand to her forehead. “Fine.”

  “I tried reaching you on your cell, but you didn’t answer.” She could picture him frowning as he went on. “I called to make sure you wouldn’t be late for the show.”

  She looked at the clock again. Enough time to get ready and solve this Brooks problem without being late. But how?

  “Thank you.” She opened her mouth to tell him not to call again.

  He continued. “I’ll be there at seven.”

  “You can’t come.” She rushed to get the words out. “What happened last night can’t happen again.”

  “Why?” His words were like a slap as he added, “Is there another man in your life?”

  “Do you think I would have slept with you last night if there was?” Heat rushed through her body. “What kind of woman do you think I am?” She swung her legs off the bed. “I’m going now. Thanks again for the call.” She hung up before he could respond.

  Tears rushed to her eyes, making them watery. The tears she held back made her eyes ache as if the pressure was going to push them out. She buried her face in her hands, afraid she would fall apart, and hoped that Brooks wouldn’t call back. The phone remained silent and she raised her head.

  How could she have allowed herself to sleep with him? A port in a storm. That’s what it was. After the “incident” at the show, her hotel room being tossed, the dead rat and bloody message, followed by Mark’s call—she had needed to cling to something, someone—and Brooks had been there.

  She shuddered as the image of the dead rat invaded her mind and she opened her eyes and raised her head. Getting rid of the rat had been horrible. She didn’t even want to think about how she’d dealt with it. She’d managed to wrap the body in a hotel hand towel and stuff it into a plastic dry cleaning bag that had been in the closet. She’d been ready to throw up, feeling too sick to her stomach to feel bad about using the towel and disposing of it all in the garbage receptacle by the elevators.

  A man with a baseball cap had been sitting in a chair near the elevators, reading a newspaper, but he hadn’t paid attention to her. She’d had a brief thought that maybe Mark had sent the man to watch her, but she had been far too overwhelmed to think much about it. She was glad she had cleaned up everything before Brooks arrived at her hotel room door.

  She inhaled and then blew out a long, slow breath. She did it over and over again until she had blanked out the image of the rat and the bloody message she’d had to clean up. She stuffed the memory back until it was on the fringe of her thoughts rather than consuming them.

  Her night with Brooks replaced the horrible thoughts and her belly tingled. Sex with him had been one of the most intense, incredible things that had happened in her life. His body against hers, his mouth and tongue on her, his cock deep inside. He had filled her in every way, giving her a sense of completion that had made her feel safe and desired.

  Words repeated in her mind, over and over. Yes. A port in a storm. A distraction. That’s all it was.

  Yet, a very strong part of her knew that wasn’t the only reason. She shoved the part that wanted him in so many ways into a capsule and tried to bury it in her thoughts. That wasn’t so easy.

  What if someone had seen Brooks come into or leave her room? She could have been followed. He was in law enforcement and would know how to avoid being seen… But he couldn’t possibly have any idea what had happened or know she couldn’t chance anyone seeing him around her.

  She needed to move to another hotel or to another room—someplace Brooks wouldn’t know about. She couldn’t risk him coming to see her again—ever. People’s lives were at stake and she wasn’t taking chances.

  Not to mention it would be good to get out of this room after what had been there for her when she’d come back to the hotel from the show. The vivid images of the rat and the bloody message came rushing back.

  Talk and everyone dies.

  She swallowed as she picked up the hotel phone and pressed the button for the front desk. Within moments she’d arranged to be moved to another room, after telling the reservations agent that the floor was too noisy. Her one piece of luggage would be moved from her room to the new location while she was at the tradeshow—she just needed to have it ready by the door.

  After she’d accomplished that task, she hurried to shower and dress. She hadn’t eaten since yesterday morning, since she’d found the cocaine, but she didn’t feel hungry. Still, she needed enough time to get something to choke down so that she didn’t get lightheaded during the show.

  This time she wore the plainest top she’d brought with her. She put on jeans and tucked her pant legs into her sturdy, functional boots before zipping up the footwear. She had no desire to wear any of her colorful skirts. Color had always made her happy in the past. Now she was nowhere near that emotion. She wasn’t sure she’d ever be happy again.

  After she packed, she set her suitcase by the door and shoved her arms into her coat sleeves. She shook her head as she pulled her hair out of the collar, before grabbing her purse and jerking open the heavy door. Her feet felt like lead, and her steps were heavy as she walked to the bank of elevators.

  A different man sat in the chair by the elevators, reading a magazine. A chill ran down her spine and she looked away from him. The way he was dressed in ragged clothes and his scraggly appearance, the man didn’t look like he belonged here.

  Since when did I become so judgmental?

  The answer was right in front of her. The distinct possibility Mark had sent the man to watch her had her questioning everything.

  She took the elevator and headed toward the hotel’s front entrance, but couldn’t help looking over her shoulder every now and then to make sure the man wasn’t following her. She walked past the registration desk. She would get a keycard for the new room when she returned.

  Cold air stung her cheeks when she walked out, as snowflakes lazily drifted through the air. She zipped up her coat and took in the newly fallen snow beside the salted sidewalks, on top of parked cars, and in mounds covering hibernating bushes in front of the hotel. It all looked so fresh and clean, and it was hard to believe the horrible things that had happened over the past few days. It didn’t feel like anything would be clean in her world again. Mark had polluted and stained her life.

  Nothing would ever be the same again.

  Last night she had thought about killing the bastard, and in that moment sh
e thought she could do it. Shoot him. Poison him. Hire an assassin to get rid of him. She could almost picture his corpse being hauled off to the coroner’s and the relief she’d feel that he was gone. Gone for good.

  She looked over her shoulder, through the glass doors, to see if the man had followed her. A few men and women walked in and out of the entrance, and others sat in the lobby but the man she’d seen upstairs was nowhere around—unless he was good at hiding.

  Her mind returned to Mark as she faced forward. She knew she wouldn’t be able to follow through with murder, no matter how bad things got. The idea of killing him had been desperation speaking in her ears. It had been a loud voice that now returned with a fervor that made her shiver.

  Or was she more capable of murder than she would admit to herself? Wasn’t anyone capable of doing something so heinous to save his or her loved ones?

  For now she had to go along with Mark’s orders. She would do anything for her those she loved.



  Brooks worked everything through his mind over and over again as he watched the hotel entrance from his truck. He had parked across the street, far enough that he would be able to see Natasha when she came out of the hotel. He was certain she wouldn’t notice him from where he had positioned his truck.

  He examined each piece of what had happened in detail—every word Natasha had spoken and every action she had made. He analyzed the fact that she had been followed and a watch placed near her room.

  What had spooked her so badly and why was she being followed? He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. The one thing that kept going through his head was that Mark Okle must have threatened her. It was the only reason he could think of that would scare her so badly. She was clearly terrified and Brooks was determined to do something about it, whatever it took.

  “Whatever it took” hadn’t meant adding sex into the equation. He’d never intended to go to bed with her, even though he’d been attracted to her. She was his assignment for crissake. He’d intended to nail her for drug trafficking, not nail her in bed.


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