The Guardian (The Guardian Book 1)

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The Guardian (The Guardian Book 1) Page 11

by Paula Stephanie Grogan

  “Alright Coura, let me introduce you to everyone,” he put two fingers to his mouth and whistled. “Hey everyone, this is Coura, and tonight’s her birthday I want everyone to make her feel special.” There was a thunderous applause and a lot of whooping from the guys. “Hey Coura,” came a few replies, “welcome” came another. “Well since I had everyone’s attention why don’t we get started on tonight’s festivities?” A big guy came around from behind the tree carrying a Keg, “let’s get this party started!!!!” He exclaimed.

  The night went on. Coura had a solo cup in hand but it was still full she had been too polite to refuse, a second time, when the man with the keg asked her. She sat staring out into the woods, thinking about the man that kept reappearing in her dreams, and his pleas for her to meet him. She glanced over at Skye who was talking to Beth one of his friends from school they seemed to be deep in conversation. The wind blew, and as chills went up her spine Coura got the sudden urge to take a walk.

  She vanished into the woods before Skye had the chance to turn around. She pulled out her pocket flashlight from her backpack and walked following the sound of the water. She walked a bit more, stopping every now and then to find a marker, something she could remember to find her way back. When she came upon a clearing she stopped for a minute, letting the moonlight soak on her skin, an owl hooted in the distance and animals walked nearby on the forest floor. She walked until she was able to see the water and a larger clearing appeared.

  She pulled the hoodie out of her backpack and slid it on, the breeze chilling on her skin. She looked out into the water, not remembering when she felt so much peace. My mother would have loved it here she thought. She loved beautiful things. The thought of her mother brought up a swell of emotions, but mostly loneliness, she missed her greatly. Ever since her mother died, Coura felt like there was something missing in her life. She wasn’t always close to her, but she had loved her still the same.

  “I wish it would have been me,” she said to no one. “I wish that I was gone instead of her.” Tears rolled down her face sorrow filling her. Depressing thoughts filled Coura’s mind. If I had just not went to that stupid prom and not gone out with Steve and the whole night never would have happened. The carjacker wouldn’t have seen her mother at the red light, and she would still be there today to comfort her, to tell her how much she cared about her and how important and special she was. But she did go and now she was gone. It was all her fault, and now she was all alone. Coura looked over the water’s edge, wondering how easily it would be just to jump, and all her problems would be over. As she was looking down, she noticed her necklace glistening in the moonlight. The wind wrapped around her surrounding her, in a gentle embrace gently pulling her closer, and closer to the edge of the cliff.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” said a familiar voice. Coura turned and was stunned to see Keric, standing there just outside of the wooded thicket. “And what exactly shouldn’t I be doing Mr. Pollard?” Coura replied. Turning her body away from the edge then walking a few steps in his direction. “Please call me Keric, Coura. I think since you graduated it’s appropriate to say now.” “Alright Keric, she said, what is it that I shouldn’t be doing?” She said huskily, which was a little braver than she would have normally spoke to someone she considered her former teacher. Her voice was almost seductive. She was trying to get his attention on her and not what she was about to do. Unfortunately for Coura, her bluff was called.

  “I wouldn’t jump, if were you, life is too precious to lose, especially for a woman as beautiful and intelligent as you are.” She took a deep breath and his cologne musk seemed to be all around her. Her pulse quickened, she felt warm all over. Nervously she put her hand on her necklace. “I see you got my gift,” he said to her. He came closer to her and picked the gem up off her delicate bosom. She looked down at the necklace in his hand, and then looked up to him. “You gave this to me?” “I did” Keric said. She stood in front of him mesmerized, staring in his eyes. They were so familiar, and his lips, so sensual. She tore her eyes away from him, trying not to act like a blushing child.

  Coura reflected for a second. “I wasn’t going to jump, she said. Why would you think...?” She stammered. “Why would you give me this” …she pointed to the necklace. Then realizing how odd it was for him to be here, let alone how or why he would give her the gift. “How long have you been standing there?” She asked him. “Long enough,” he said mysteriously. Her face turned quite pink, “why don’t you tell me about it?” “Why don’t you answer my question? Coura responded with gusto. Keric tilted his head, and gave a small sexy grin, “Why don’t you, he responded.”

  “Oh, I don’t want to bother you with my stupid juvenile problems,” she said sheepishly knowing her true intent had been found out. “I was just out here, trying to get some air; it was quite crowded by the bonfire. I followed the path out here and I just was remembering what my mother would have loved about it out here. It’s so peaceful, and calm, it’s….” she said... She was struck with a lack of a word to explain its likeness. “It’s Beautiful” he responded. “Yes, exactly, I feel like I have been here before, you know” said Coura.

  “I must agree,” he said while looking her straight in the eyes, “the sight here is beautiful.” She looked into his hazel eyes which seemed to sparkle in the moonlight. The breeze blew again, and he took a deep breath, taking her smell in. “Well if you ever need to talk let me know, I will always be here for you.” He put his hand on the side of her face, gently stroking it. “Thanks,” she said.

  She turned to face the water, and when she started to wonder what exactly he was doing there again, she turned around to ask him and he was gone. Weird she thought, well I better be getting back before they send a search party.

  She followed the path she took by looking for the markers she remembered from the journey there. She found the bonfire with no problem. Skye saw her before she had seen him, “hey girl where have you been? I was fixing to ask Keail to go with me to hunt your but down. You really need to be careful there are things in these woods that even a Baptist Preacher wouldn’t want to run into.” She laughed, but he looked at her quite seriously. “I’m serious,” Skye said, there’s a lot of folklore around here about incubuses and Vampires and stuff that go bump in the night. He was subtly trying to hint to her the history of the area without coming straight out with it. But Coura wasn’t taking it seriously. “Are you kidding me?” asked Coura. “No, he’s not said Keail giving Skye, an unreadable look. “While I have never seen one, I can promise you I am not going out there to find out. “You can’t be for real?” Coura said.

  “Incubuses, Vampires what’s next werewolves?” “No way no freaking way, you’re joshing me, right?” “No, he’s not” Sander said, letting both Keail and Skye know he was ok to tell it. Skye started the story. “There’s a legend that states that there was a tribe here long ago called the Nairobi. They were ordinary except that its young women were having strange dreams. Every night they would cry out in pleasure while they were sleeping. Waking up in sweats and then night waking down to the cliffs where the tribes assumed, they jumped because their bodies would never return. Other things began to happen too, the virgins of the tribes would become pregnant and whatever was growing in them would kill them during childbirth. And everyone that held the cursed child would become different, evil, a Vampire.”

  “Engulfed in rage for the lost women of the tribe, the witch doctor made a pact with the moon Goddess to protect them in exchange for their commitment and sacrifice to the Goddess. The man had agreed that for three nights a month he would give himself over to the moon completely. But on all other nights he would have the strength of ten men and the courage of an army, the ability to heal, and a long life.”

  Coura listened intently on the story, unbelieving but fascinated still the same. She sat down next to Beth and Keail; taking small sips of the beverage she was handed by Beth an Orange Juice mixture with something else in it.
Everyone around seemed to be sucked into the story and all the chatter stopped, and everyone was hung on Skye’s account of the legends.

  “So where does the werewolf come into play?” Coura asked. Skye responded. “The original witch doctor changed the next night, but instead of being changed into a stronger man he became a wolf. Not just any wolf but a werewolf, a giant of beasts. The Goddess had tricked the doctor, but there was nothing that could be done, the agreement was a blood pact, and that above all things must be honored. The tribe’s wolf man did have the strength and the healing power, but with it came the curse of the wolf or as most know it the Wear.”

  “The women began to dream again, and those things, the incubus came again, and evil children were being born. But this time the tribe was prepared, and the wolf ate the Vampires that were impregnating their women and the women lived. The spirits of the incubuses left with the vampires.” “Throughout the years many times the wolf had to be formed, in order to protect the pack and three nights a month the Man had to give himself over to the moon goddess, and its Wolf. The Wolf-Men being completely submerged in their beastly form worshiped the moon. Their sacrifice had protected the women of the tribe, and the tribe bettered because of it and they were grateful to be safe for a time.”

  “The Shaman married and had six sons, which were healthy and lived well. But over time, the Shaman’s wife withered away, and Shaman became very sad. All that he cared about would fade away one day while he stayed young and healthy forever.”

  “The shaman had married again to fight off the sadness, and had six more sons, and as his wife grew frail and old and then eventually died, he knew that he would not want to stay in the world forever. He had many wives’, who bore him many sons, and he missed all of them that passed so deeply. So, he begged the moon, to let him join her in spirit form, to be with the soul of his wife’s, sons, and ancestors before him. After a few generations the moon decided to concede and made the Shaman a spirit taking away his earthly body. He gave himself completely over to the moon goddess, and she was pleased. But over time the moon became greedy, wanting more servants to love.”

  “She decided to make the eldest son of each house of the shaman’s wife’s a wolf man also. So, in every generation, of the shaman’s family a wolf man was born. Brought up by the family before them, they were trained and prepared to fight for the pack. As each generation’s elders retired from their duties, they too joined the spirits walking hand in hand with the moon Goddess, and their ancestors.”

  “The pack stayed generation after generation protecting the tribe. It is said that the suns of Dark Cloud are still here wondering these woods protecting the village, and the ways of the pack.” Everything went completely quiet as a strong wind blew, and the bonfire went out. One of the guys made a loud wolf call and everyone jumped. “Geesh, Sander!” Beth said, “You scared the be-Jesus-out of me!” “That’s not funny you know.”

  The guardian was breaking all the rules, by giving Coura the necklace, and directly interfering with her at the cliff. But he didn’t care; all he cared about was seeing Coura again and keeping her safe. He watched from the woods where he saw Skye and Coura together, and then followed her as she left into the woods. Rowan had given him permission to do what he could to protect her. He had always watched her, and this night was no exception. He was given the duty to protect, and watch over her, to make sure that she survived long enough to fulfill The Prophecy. And he would do whatever it took to ensure that it happened; while protecting his new charge Skye at the same time. When Coura left the group Keric noticed a black fog that seemed to emanate from around her. It was like the fog he had seen the night before during Coura’s nightmare the night before and knew that it could only be a spiritual attack and if she didn’t die there, she would be ok.

  He found the perfect opportunity to be alone with her when she went out onto the dam cliffs. She had been so sad, and he had a duty to protect her, but mostly he went out because he wanted to see her again. Unfortunately, enough for Coura the whole world was out to get her, once her powers where unbound completely she would be open to more attacks. This last one, wanted to make her kill herself. Hearing how much she blamed herself for her mother’s passing, tore at Keric’s heart. He tried hard at the cliffs not to let on too much, but soon it would be impossible.

  Seeing Coura at school was torture for Keric, but it was alright now, she had graduated, and her eighteenth birthday had come. The binding that he done, and the promises that he had to make to protect her where now unbound. Yet he still watched over her and Skye constantly and enviously as he saw them together. Everything inside Keric told him he needed to keep his emotions in check so he could protect them, yet even at the cliff he couldn’t hide them entirely. Keric was confident that Skye could protect her. But just in case he had made sure to give her the amulet that she now wore around her neck. If any trouble would come to her, it would call him and he would be there to protect her, and Skye who would undoubtedly be there to. With a turn the elements surrounded him, the wind blew hard and he was gone.

  Coura silently agreed the night had become a little spooky in the woods without having the flickering light of the campfire. “It’s time to go,” Skye said to Coura, he grabbed her hand and he led her from the fire back up the steep hill towards the truck.

  Coura’s hand tingled as they held hands and chills and goosebumps ran up her from head to toe. A sent wafted through the woods wrapping it sense around Skye alerting him to an unwanted presence. Skye could tell that there was something watching them, and he knew the safest thing to do would to be getting Coura home quickly.

  “Well did you have fun?” Skye asked Coura. “Yes, I did” she said honestly, “It’s good to hear the traditional history around these parts; I find mysterious stuff pretty interesting. Besides it was loads better than sitting at home waiting up for Richard. “Yea, I guess I get that, I am around my dad a whole lot, between the pack, I mean guys… and the store, things kind of evolve around them.”

  “What do you mean a pack Skye?” Coura asked. “Nothing really,” he said it’s “just a club we have at the tribe, we um…patrol the area, and sometimes help out the sheriff when It’s needed in Many. Just a historic name for our group, were like brothers really. Coura could understand that. “Well that’s pretty awesome” Coura said, loading herself into his truck.

  “Ya it’s fun, but truth be told I kind of rather enjoy spending time with you.” Coura turned pink, but she felt the same way. Skye got into the truck and put his hand out for Coura’s. Coura held his hand all along the winding drive back to her house.

  Chapter 8

  Rowan trailed Steve and Demetrious from the Prison in Orange, Texas to the trailer in Newton. What he found in Newton concerned him; there was blood all over the pavement and sure signs of a struggle out in the woods. It was becoming clearer by the second, that he was no longer looking for a human and a vampire but two vampires. The thought of them after Coura raised the hackles on his neck. But everywhere he went he missed them.

  Then he realized with them being so close to Many where their next step would be. They would go after Coura. Rowan flashed thinking about Coura and ended up in the back of Skye’s moving truck. He quietly peeked in at them. They were holding hands. For some reason he found himself sighing hoping that one day he will be able to find someone to share that kind of love with to. As the truck rounded the next corner, a caw echoed through the night and Rowan was gone.

  Demetrious left Steve on Coura’s doorstep; they had ridden in a stolen BMW from Newton and made it to Louisiana in good time. Steve walked around the back of the property up the stairs and onto the deck. He made it to the back door and peered in. He listened closely, there was only one heartbeat coming from upstairs. He tried the knob, it was unlocked. He smiled maliciously.

  He made his way inside, looking at the pictures on the wall on his way up the stairs. There were pictures of Coura throughout the years, and pictures of her mother and her tog
ether. He walked into Coura’s room passing the bathroom on his right. Her room was plain; it had wood paneling and simple window facing the back yard, an old antique whitewash head and footboard with Zebra sheets and a hot pink pillowcase. She had a few Metallica and sub human’s posters on her wall by her desk. Besides that, she didn’t have much just a box in the corner of the floor.

  Steve made his way inside, looking at the pictures on the wall on his way up the stairs. There were pictures of Coura throughout the years, and pictures of her mother and her together. He walked into Coura’s room passing the bathroom on his right. Her room was plane, it had wood paneling on simple window facing the back yard, an old antique whitewash head and footboard with Zebra sheets and a hot pink pillowcase. She had a few Metallica and sub human’s posters on her wall by her desk. Besides that, she didn’t have much just a box in the corner of the floor.

  Steve bent down and went through the box. There was nothing that would say where she was or anything interesting. He could smell something off in the house, but he couldn’t figure out exactly what the smell was. Then he walked to her dresser and was staring at a picture of Coura when he heard a heart thumping so fast, and close.

  “You Mother Fucker!” Shouted Richard, he was seriously pissed that Steve had the audacity to come into his house. Not only in his house but in his daughter’s room, after the ass beating that Richard had given him on their last encounter. Steve turned and saw Coura’s father Richard. In a flash he was trying to bypass Richard, but Richard threw a punch just in the nick of time. The punch caught Steve. As he was falling back Steve grabbed Richard by the collar trying to pick him up. But Richard had an unexpected strength. He fought back hard. While Steve had vampire’s ability, Richard had training, and confidence. Steve’s moves where predictable and that was his weakness. Steve tried to pick him up again and he feigned a fake left and struck right, Richard ended up getting a good right hook in. Steve’s head turned on impact, but he did not seem fazed otherwise. His eyes began to have an eerie glow to them, like a nocturnal hunting animal. Ah shit, that aint normal! Thought Richard, a moment before Steve grabbed him.


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