Shadows of Golstar

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Shadows of Golstar Page 54

by Terrence Scott

  Returning her gaze, he noted that outwardly at least, she appeared calm, but he couldn’t help but sense some edginess about her. Her hand holding the teacup shook slightly. She was trying to conceal it, but it was clear that she was unsettled. He wondered if she was worried about his reaction on discovering she was the Grand Patriarch’s daughter. Owens ignored her nervousness and nodded pleasantly at her. “Good morning Sharné.”

  A small, relieved smile appeared on her lips, shedding some of the tenseness around her eyes, “Good morning to you Owens.”

  Watching the change in his daughter’s demeanor, a small frown appeared briefly on the Grand Patriarch’s brow. He set his cup down and looked speculatively, first at Sharné, then to Owens.

  Smiling, Owens returned the Grand Patriarch’s gaze. He wondered if the Grand Patriarch would comment on Owens’ apparent informal relationship with his daughter.

  Instead, the Grand Patriarch said, “First, a point of clarification. Janus Owens, you now understand that you were not brought into Golstar Empire for the reasons my daughter conveyed to you. By your excursion on Selane, the pretext for bringing you here has been thoroughly compromised.”

  “That wasn’t hard to figure out,” Owens said.

  Ignoring Owens’ comment, the Grand Patriarch went on, “The unforeseen circumstances by which you ultimately came to be here have drastically affected the carefully laid plans that were to govern your visit to Berralton. Understand this; I am under no obligation to explain anything further, anything at all. Any additional information will be provided you by my discretion alone.”

  Owens nodded.

  “However, the immeasurable service you have rendered in keeping my daughter safe under extremely trying circumstances has obligated me to satisfy, at least in part, your natural curiosity. I should add the service that you are about to provide Golstar is of even greater importance. So, in recognition of the roles you have played, and will play in Golstar’s future, you will be told things no one outside of the ruling families knows.”

  Owens felt a momentary rush of relief. The charade was finally over, and at last he might hear the truth, or at least part of it.

  The older man looked directly into Owens’ eyes, and said with gravity, “As to your personal disposition in Golstar, I am afraid there is no gentle way to put it. In light of my recent discussions with Sharné, of her descriptions of your experiences on Selane, to my dismay I find that you have become privy to some very sensitive information... information that could be severely damaging were it allowed to fall into improper hands.”

  “Father…,” Sharné started.

  The Grand Patriarch looked over to Sharné, silencing her with a look. Then he looked back to Owens. “For that reason I regret to say that you will not be allowed to return to Confederated Planets.”

  Although he had fully expected something like this, the Grand Patriarch’s bald statement was a blow nonetheless. Owens wondered how long he might be allowed to live after he fulfilled the mysterious additional ‘service’ the Grand Patriarch had mentioned. If he survived, his prisoner status in Golstar would be permanent. He tried to imagine what a life of imprisonment might entail. Perhaps death was a better alternative after all. Neither scenario was particularly appetizing; Owens decided to make a concerted effort at figuring out how to escape.

  “As you will remain our permanent guest, where you are concerned, secrecy is no longer a necessity… something I believe you might come to appreciate later.”

  Owens hid another small feeling of relief on hearing there would be a ‘later.’

  The Grand Patriarch looked over again to Sharné. Her head was bowed, her face hidden in shadow. A look of sadness momentarily clouded his face, and then vanished. He turned back to Owens and said almost genially, “Now I am sure the mystery surrounding our request and the true underlying reason for why you are here has more than piqued your curiosity.” He was nearly beaming.

  To Owens, the Grand Patriarch’s abrupt shift in mood was unsettling. It would be difficult to gauge how the Patriarch might react to anything Owens might say. Provided Owens could keep a lid on his temper, it might be prudent to weigh his words carefully before commenting. If he was to understand his situation better, he needed the Patriarch’s willingness to provide the explanations. “Yes,” he responded, “I’m very curious about why I, specifically, was chosen and the real reason behind my being here.”

  “You will hear both, for they are inextricably intertwined. Without question, you will find the explanations enlightening though perhaps not necessarily to your liking.”

  Irritated, Owens couldn’t stop himself from commenting, “With all the attacks and my new status as your prisoner, I haven’t found a lot to my liking. I don’t think anything that you have to say can make things much worse than they already are.”

  Grand Patriarch smiled grimly, “We shall see.”

  Owens went on, his voice becoming sharper, “For me to hear at last, your actual reason for having me here would still be welcome. The fictional story your daughter supplied simply had too many holes in the plot. I knew that something was fishy at the onset, so the truth will be a refreshing change.”

  The Grand Patriarch’s face hardened at Owens’ audacity and wondered briefly if the man did not fully realize the precariousness of his position. Owens seemed to be trying to show he was not intimidated by his circumstances, given his insulting tone of his voice and words. Did not he understand his life depended solely on the Grand Patriarch’s good will?

  Seeing the Grand Patriarch noticeably stiffen, Owens tried to relax his own rigid demeanor, “But regardless of my personal consequences, I do want to hear the truth. I need to know the true reason for my being here. If, as you say, I’m to play some role, one that is obviously very important to you and vital enough for you to engineer this incredible effort, then at least an explanation is owed me. ”

  Owed, indeed, the Grand Patriarch frowned at Owens’ words but conceded the point, “Very well, you shall have your truth.” He paused considering his words. “There were sound reasons behind the fictional scenario you were provided. It was a cover story designed principally for your protection. It was to shield you from information that would be dangerous were you to discover it”

  Owens nodded. “But with my unanticipated exposure to the Controller on Selane, the need for such a contrived shield ceased to be relevant.”

  Sharné chose to answer, “I am afraid you are correct, Owens. It was never foreseen that together, we would experience the horrendous attack on the Light Saber.” She looked at him sadly. “Nor did my father ever contemplate our setting foot on Selane…” She shook her head, “Which allowed you… and me the opportunity to learn one of Golstar’s most important secrets.”

  “So, we landed on Selane,” Owens directed his comment back to the Grand Patriarch. “You can at least acknowledge it was out of pure necessity. We didn’t have any real choice in the matter. If we hadn’t taken refuge on Selane, I seriously doubt either of us would be talking to you right now.” His voice took on an earnest tone, “I hope you understand that it was due solely to your daughter’s resourcefulness, we are both alive, now sitting before you. Without her, I would be dead.”

  “Indeed,” the Grand Patriarch acknowledged gravely. “Never doubt that I am truly thankful you both survived the incident. However, though it may have been unavoidable, the fact remains it was most unfortunate. The fiction you were given was only part of a carefully laid plan and as I mentioned before, it was designed to shield you from knowledge that is dangerous… dangerous to Golstar. The mutiny and attack, coupled with your recent experiences on Selane completely undermined its intended purpose and unraveled a very carefully constructed plan. Had the unforeseen attack not occurred, the plan would have succeeded, and you would not be in the position you find yourself in at this moment.”

  The unfairness of Owens’ predicament kindled resentment in Sharné. Her father’s not so gentle admonishment of
their landing on Selane threatened to fan it into open hostility. Nevertheless, she held back a biting remark, knowing it could be just the excuse for which her father was waiting to have her ejected.

  So, thought Owens, the Grand Patriarch still clung to the fiction he would have bought the flimsy cover story had not the attack occurred. Owens leaned back in the chair, carefully keeping his expression neutral.

  The Grand Patriarch waited for a moment, then seeing that Owens had nothing further to say, said, “As a result of you now knowing of the existence of the alien technology centers, you must also understand that were such knowledge to fall into your government’s hands, the result could well trigger a war, an extremely costly war. And I admit to you here that at this point in time, were that to happen, it would be a war in which Golstar might not prevail in the end.”

  He looked hard at Owens, his voice firm. “So, by keeping you here, we ensure there will be sufficient time for us to recover our lost heritage. Without the knowledge you have gained, your government will never be apprised of our transitory… diminishment, at least in time to do anything about it.”

  Owens remained silent. The Grand Patriarch raised his eyebrows. “But you are not the least bit surprised by my mention of Golstar’s temporary difficulties.” It was a statement, not a question.

  “No, at least not for some time,” he responded. “It just confirms what I’d surmised after the Light Saber had been destroyed. It was fairly easy to figure out it was never foreseen that I would discover the poor state of the Saber. Although Sharné tried to explain it away, the ship’s conventional design and sad condition didn’t jibe with what I was briefed on about your technological superiority. I would have expected something like the single, invulnerable ship you sent into Confederated Planets centuries back. Where was the understated arrogance of the small, unescorted ship that struck fear into the heart of my government? No, something was very wrong with the picture I was presented. So I can understand, if not accept, the reason you wouldn’t want what I’ve seen spread around, especially to my government… perhaps even your own people.”

  The Grand Patriarch asked, “And what else do think you’ve uncovered?”

  Owens shrugged, “Nothing definitive, only that you are not what you were. Something serious has happened to Golstar since that first encounter three hundred years ago, exactly what it might be, I don’t know.”

  The Grand Patriarch was surprised, surprised at Owens’ insight and frank reply. Owens refused to be intimidated either by being in the presence of a powerful ruler or of his own uncertain circumstances. He spoke with the candor of addressing an equal. The Grand Patriarch was mildly intrigued by the continued expressions of willfulness by the capable private investigator.

  Owens’ voice then took on a slight edge. “Even though the knowledge I have gained is damaging to Golstar, and explains your reasons for my imprisonment, don’t think I will sit back and passively accept my situation.”

  The Grand Patriarch leaned forward slightly, his own voice hardening, matching Owens’ tone, “Unfortunately, you do not have a choice in the matter.”

  Owens’ expression darkened.

  Sharné watched the two men suddenly glower at each other. It was easy to imagine them as predators, circling each other, looking for a weakness. The tableau remained unchanged, the silence stretching until she shifted uncomfortably in her chair. The Grand Patriarch’s attention was momentarily drawn to her and the spell was broken.

  He turned back to Owens; his voice lost much of its heat. “Still, I believe there are other things you will find surprising.”

  “Perhaps,” Owens replied. “The trip out to Golstar was a genuine rollercoaster ride, and I’ve learned a hell of a lot, yet you’ve still managed to keep me in the dark as to exactly why I was summoned here. While I have been able to unearth a few clues, the greater mystery remains; the puzzle remains unsolved.”

  Glancing at Sharné again, the Grand Patriarch said, “But with your recent adventures with my daughter and by your own words, you have pieced together a fair number of pieces to that puzzle.”

  “A few unconnected pieces perhaps,” Owens guardedly agreed. “I do think I know a little of the basis for your society and have some indication as to the state of your military technology. But there are a lot of gaping holes. I have seen a little of the ‘what,’ but none of the ‘why.’”

  “Well then, I suppose it is time to tell you why you were chosen and in particular, what we expect of you.”

  “Father…” Sharné began.

  The Grand Patriarch slowly turned to her, his voice becoming imperious. “You do not have my permission to speak, Daughter. Until I grant that permission, you will listen, nothing more. This is my one and only warning. Disobey, and I will have you returned to your rooms.”

  Owens watched Sharné, now white-faced, clamp her mouth into a thin line. He noted the familiar smoldering resentment in her eyes and could almost feel the heat of her repressed anger.

  The Grand Patriarch turned back to Owens. “You were brought here for a very important purpose and only when that purpose is fulfilled, will your future on Berralton be ultimately determined.”

  Owens knew a lie when he heard one; the Grand Patriarch already planned his fate.

  The Grand Patriarch’s voice lowered, “And now for the true reason you are here.”

  Unconsciously, Owens leaned forward in his chair.

  “You are the only one who can save Golstar, Golstar’s civilization, its people, and their future.”

  Owens wasn’t anticipating the Grand Patriarch’s pompous declaration. Caught unawares, he couldn’t help but smile, almost chuckling, he said, “I don’t know what I was expecting to hear, but Janis Owens, savior of civilization, wasn’t at the top of my list.”

  The Grand Patriarch shook his head and with a smile of his own said, “Oh, it is not through any act or deed that you will save Golstar, but rather by what you are.”

  Still puzzled, he repeated, “By what I am?”

  “Yes,” Grand Patriarch nodded. “You were selected because of your extraordinarily unique genetic profile. For that reason and that reason alone, you were selected. Our search was quite extensive. Indeed, out of nearly a trillion of profiled human beings, you are the only near perfect genetic match that could be found.”

  “So I was sent here because of that only… my genetic code?”

  The Grand Patriarch answered, “In a word, yes.”

  Owens waited for a further explanation, but Grand Patriarch did not elaborate. Frustrated, Owens said, “I still don’t get it. You say I’m a match to someone’s genetic profile, but you continue to hedge. I’m still not hearing the explanation for why I’m here.”

  The Grand Patriarch ignored Owens’ agitation. In a voice that took on a tone close to reverence, he said, “You are virtually a perfect match to a very special genetic template.”

  “So you keep telling me,” Owens interrupted. He now had a very good idea whose pattern he matched. “Damn it, for what purpose?”

  “You will reestablish a lost link to the past. Through you, the critical key shall be re-cast and what was lost will be regained.”

  Owens was getting real tired of these oblique references. He was past frustration; he fought an urge to grab the Patriarch and beat a straight answer out of him.

  The Grand Patriarch did not seem to notice Owens’ annoyed expression. He stood abruptly and began to pace back and forth, his face becoming animated, excited. His eyes stared off into some imagined vista, and as if talking to himself, he said, “Yes, you are part of the final solution, my solution. The Founder’s gifts will be returned and my vision will be vindicated, my leadership lauded… I will forever be regarded as one who led our people back into the Light.”

  A growing feeling of unease displaced Owens simmering anger as he watched the Grand Patriarch’s sudden shift in behavior. He watched warily as the leader continued to pace, his agitation barely contained. Still, Owens ne
eded answers and he carefully asked, “Please, tell me this at least... whose template is it you believe that I match?”

  As if waiting all along for that very question, the Grand Patriarch immediately stopped. He redirected his gaze, focusing on Owens, and said in a calmer voice, “Why our Blessed Founder, of course, The Light, the magnificent prophet who created our great civilization.”

  The Grand Patriarch’s revelation was as Owens had expected, a connection was made in his mind and another piece of the puzzle slipped into place. He smoothed his expression as he played back the Grand Patriarch’s words, matching them to what he knew. “I see,” he said finally. “Assuming what you say is true, that my genetic make-up is a match to your Founder’s, I’m afraid I still I don’t see how that will help your people.”

  The Grand Patriarch fully regained his controlled demeanor. Holding up a hand, he said, “Have patience, you will be told in due time. However, first some additional security precautions must be taken.” His eyes went from Owens to Sharné then back to Owens. “The answer is involved and requires that I reveal information that is known only to a select and privileged few.” He looked to the two guards and without a word, they exited the room.

  He then looked at Owens. “Even without the guards, there are protections in place that will prevent any attempt, on your part, to escape, or…” he added, “inflict injury to me or my daughter.”

  Owens acknowledged the warning with a curt nod.

  Satisfied, the Grand Patriarch turned and stared intently at a spot on the wall to the right of the mantel. In a clear voice, he said, “Protocol, Patriarch, code one, nine, seven, six, six, six, eight, voice match initiated.”

  A soft, sexless voice answered, “Confirmed. Please complete the code sequence.”

  “The Founder’s Light will banish the night, and the blinding beacon of his glory shall pierce the hearts of our foes,” the Grand Patriarch answered. Immediately, a small rectangular outline appeared on the wall next to the mantel. It opened to reveal a mirrored panel. The Grand Patriarch positioned his right eye in front of the panel. A moment later the voice said, “Retinal scan confirmed. What is your order?”


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