Saved By Him (The Monster Series Book 2)

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Saved By Him (The Monster Series Book 2) Page 2

by Horst, Michelle

  I take a sharp breath. I don’t want to kill anyone!

  Master Cameron takes a step closer to me, until I can feel his hot breath stir in my hair. “If you don’t kill her, I’ll have her kill you. It’s survival of the fittest. You know she will kill you. Do it!” I jump as his voice suddenly thunders through the room.

  I don’t want to die! I’m not ready! I close my eyes and I turn my face away from Tiffany. I feel Master Cameron’s finger pressing hard against mine and then there’s a loud bang. The gun jumps in my hand and I shriek with fright. My eyes snap open and then I see lots of blood, more blood than when Mama died. Tiffany is lying by my feet and she’s not moving!

  I killed her.

  The thought is a whisper in the back of my mind, but then it starts to get louder and louder until it’s nothing but screams bouncing around in my head.

  I killed her!

  A hand clamps down hard on my bicep and I’m yanked backwards. I’m shoved back down to the floor again. “I’ll take care of this one,” I hear Master David’s voice. I automatically look down and scoot closer to his feet.

  It feels as if a cloud of darkness is weighing down on me. I’ve seen people die, lots of times, but never by my hand.

  “She has a guest to see to at seven. Don’t let her be late,” Master Cameron snaps. “And for God’s sake, stop walking around where he can see you!”

  Master Cameron turns around and stalks from the room, as if nothing happened.

  “Clean this mess and burn the body!” Master Sven barks at Rosa and Claire. They both jump with fright and then scramble over to where Tiffany is lying.

  I’m yanked again and then Master David pulls me from the room.

  As we walk down the passage, my eyes burn. I don’t know why they’re burning. It’s a weird sensation.

  We take the stairs to the third floor. I’m only allowed up here when I come to please Master David. It’s quiet up here. I can hear our steps on the thick carpet. It’s soft under my feet.

  We go into Master David’s room and then he lets go of me. He closes the door and turns to face me.

  At first he just looks at me. I keep staring at my feet, waiting for his instruction. He takes a step closer to me and then he lifts his hand to my face. He cups my cheek and his thumb lightly brushes over the bruise.

  “Tsk … tsk … tsk.” His hand clamps over my jaw and he tilts my face to the side. “You let her mark my property,” he hisses and then he sighs. “What do you say to that?”

  I clear my dry throat and whisper full of remorse, “I’m sorry, Master.”

  He shoves me back and I don’t even try to stop myself from falling. He wants me on the ground. If I do anything that he doesn’t want then I’ll be in trouble.

  He towers over me, shaking his head. A tendril of fear creeps through me. Why is he shaking his head? What did I say wrong?

  “Not Master, little whore. To you I am a god.” I almost frown but stop just in time. I don’t understand what he’s saying. “Do you know why I am a god?” He crouches down in front of me. He reaches out and gently brushes the hair from my face. I shake my head, hoping I’m doing the right thing. “I’m a god to you because your life belongs to me. If I want you dead, you’ll be dead. If I want you alive then you’ll live.”

  Now, that I understand! Yes, I very much want to live!

  He moves closer to me and with his knee he pushes my legs open.

  “Do you understand?” he asks as he crawls over my body. I lie back, giving him access to all of me.

  I nod, but again he grabs my face and he stops me from moving. “So you will not allow a filthy whore to touch you or kill you, because your life belongs to me!” He shouts and spittle hits my face.

  My eyes start to burn again and it makes me blink fast.

  His touch softens and he presses a kiss to my bruised jaw. “Do you have any questions, my little whore? I’d hate for a misunderstanding to end what we have. You know you’re special to me, that no other whore can satisfy me like you do.”

  I clear my throat and my lips part. Do I dare ask him? Will he be angry?

  “Go ahead, ask,” he encourages me.

  “Master,” I start softly, not wanting to anger him, “what happens if I die?”

  I pinch my eyes shut, scared that I might have angered him with my question.

  I feel his breath on my cheek and then it’s hot on my ear. “If you keep me happy you won’t die, but if you anger me then you’ll die. Death is your worst fear. Every day you’ll live your fears over and over … forever. What is your worst fear?”

  Cold chills spread over my skin making me shiver. My worst fear? Every day! Forever!

  What scares me?

  “Master,” I whisper, with a trembling voice, “I’m scared of not pleasing you.”

  I hear him chuckle and then he kisses my neck. “Good little whore. Now beg me to spare your life and I’ll forgive you for today.”

  “Please, spare my life,” I beg just like he asked.

  A smile forms around his lips. Master David is young. I think he’s as old as I am. He’s very attractive and I know a lot of the girls are happy when he calls for them.

  To me he’s just another master.

  “Show me how thankful you are, little whore,” Master David commands.

  I scramble to my knees and make quick work of loosening his belt. I’m relieved to find his cock hard. It’s a lot of work to get a Master hard so it’s always a good thing if they are already hard.

  I take him into my mouth and then his hands fist in my hair and he starts to yank my head up and down. Every time he hits the back of my throat I gag. He loves hearing me gag. I’ll do anything to please him because my biggest fear is not being able to please my Master or Mistress. If I can’t please them then I am not worth anything. I’ll be nothing then.



  (Twenty four years old …)

  I snap the collar in place around my neck. Tonight there’s a party and it’s all I’m allowed to wear. All the girls have to be naked and readily available to see to any need a master or mistress might have.

  Some of the new girls struggle with being nude around others, but you get used to it fast if you don’t want to be beaten.

  I leave the room and when I reach Jack’s room, I knock and then go in. He’s standing in front of the window staring outside. I go to stand next to him, my eyes also going over the garden.

  “You ready, Jack?” I smile at him

  He nods and goes to his dresser. I follow him and I take the leather collars from him. I always help him put it on his wrists. I was so happy when I got a leather collar and I didn’t have to wear those awful metal ones anymore.

  The day after I killed Tiffany, Master Sven moved me from the building I shared with all the girls. I got my own room, just like Jack. I’m not sure why, but I’m thankful for it. I was also placed in charge of the other girls. They didn’t like it at first but no one argued.

  We leave together and walk in silence down the passage. Once in the grand room where all the parties are held, we split up. I go left while Jack goes to the right side of the room. I kneel down on the floor, my ass in the air so I’m exposed to everyone. I press my nose to the floor and I stretch my arms out in front of me. I flatten my palms on the floor.

  I remain like this until I’m given to the highest bidder. The sounds are always the same – muffled voices, moaning girls, skin slapping on skin, cries of pain – it’s always the same. Sometimes a Master will come talk to me, but I’m not allowed to respond unless Master Sven or Master Eduardo tells me to, or when I’m sold.

  After a while I close my eyes. I hear someone walk around me. “Such a nice ass and pussy, I can see why he asks so much for her,” a man says from somewhere behind me.

  More people move around me. Here and there someone says something.

  “Get up,” Master Sven barks. I quickly scramble to my feet and for a moment everything goes black. My bo
dy tips to the side and I almost lose my balance but a strong hand clamps down on my arm. I blink fast so my sight will return.

  “Here is the key for your room,” Master Sven says, his tone polite.

  “Come on,” a deep voice whispers and then I’m pulled from the room.

  I rub my eyes as my sight starts to return. I blink a few more times and then I sneak a peek at my Master. His face is hard and I can’t see his eyes. He’s almost as tall as Jack. My eyes wander over his chest. He doesn’t have a belly like most of the Masters, but instead he’s built as well as Jack. Not that I mind. A master is a master it doesn’t matter what they look like.


  I zip up the leather pants and already I long for the comfort of my jeans.

  I hate these so called parties but it’s my job and there is just no way in hell I’ll let anyone else accompany River. It’s my responsibility to keep her safe, to keep the people back at The Sanctuary safe. One wrong move from either of us can jeopardize it all.

  At the parties we pretend to be a married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Ryland. People feel less threatened if they think you’re just a couple who loves the perverted side of life.

  Over the years River has become my best friend. I admire her strength and courage. She’s paying a debt that isn’t hers to pay in the first place.

  I owe my life to River. She saved me and because of that I’ll forever be in her dept.

  She found me on the streets. After I retired from the Marines I couldn’t keep a job. I’m too unstable. I’m not employment material. I can’t sit between people and listen to them talking shit the whole day long, not after the things I’ve seen out there. People get caught up in their shitty little lives, not knowing what the world is really about. I lose my temper and then I get fired - every single time.

  The last job I had was at a McDonalds. Some shithead complained that he didn’t get enough fries. He thought he could boss me around and ended up flying out the door.

  That was the last time I tried to fit in with society. I wouldn’t beg either, and I couldn’t go to Nanna and admit that I was a failure.

  River found me walking the streets. She’s got an eye for people. She saw right through me. She offered me the job of putting together a security team for her, and she threatened to cut off my balls in my sleep if I so much as looked at her funny.

  We are one of a kind, River and I. Fucked by life and paying for the sins of others. I brought Nanna to The Sanctuary soon after we got the place up and running. I’ve never seen Nanna so proud of anything I’ve done before.

  It’s been hard at times, especially when we go out to parties. It’s even harder when we leave with only one person. It’s hard to leave the others behind, knowing what they have to endure daily.

  I go to stand in front of River. We never take chances while we’re rescuing a slave. We know there is always someone watching.

  I look River over, making sure she’s okay to do this. She’s a beautiful woman and I see how these perverts look at her. I hate when we split up to ‘spend’ a night with the slave or slaves we’ve decided on. I hate leaving her side for a minute. You can’t trust any of these fuckers.

  Few people can look into my eyes. Actually, only Nanna, River and Tristan can match my glares. River once told me it feels like I’m looking into the heart of her and I guess that’s what makes people uncomfortable around me. It’s true, I’m always on guard and trying to get a read on the person in front of me. It’s how you survive. Never let your guard down.

  “I’m ready,” she whispers. She smiles and it makes me feel better. “I like the male slave,” she purrs, getting into her role of playing Mrs. Ryland. She’s good at this. In the beginning she used to confuse the shit out of me. I never knew if she was acting or being honest. After a year I quickly got the hang of it. Now she can’t get anything past me.

  “I’m sure you do,” I smile back, taking on my own roll as Mr. Ryland. “Who will you choose as his partner?”

  She’s come up with a brilliant idea to use as a reason why she buys slaves. She claims they are for her collection, that she likes to watch. It’s a good enough excuse for them and she gets away with it.

  I, on the other hand, am slightly screwed. I can’t use the collection as my excuse and that always puts me in a tight spot. I’ve done some fucked up shit in my life, but I’ve never had sex with a slave. That is the one thing I’ll never be able to do. I can’t rape someone and to me that is what it will be.

  My attention returns to River when she trails a finger down my chest. “How about…” she leans in and kisses the corner of my mouth, “…you choose. You always let me have the pick of the litter. You can choose who you think will be a great addition to my collection.”

  I smile lovingly at her. “Anything for you, Darling.”

  I take her hand and keep her close as we go to join the party. I feel her tensing next to me and I give her hand a gentle squeeze. These parties are hard on both of us. Watching people being tortured fucks with your mind and kills your heart.

  A young girl greets us at the doors. No matter how many parties I attend, I’ll never get used to the shock of seeing the slaves naked, stripped bare of their dignity.

  My eyes quickly sweep through the room. Eight round tables. Four seats each. The walls are decorated with whips and other things they can use on the slaves. It makes my insides churn with disgust just thinking what will happen in this room tonight. It sickens me to my very core.

  When we reach our table, I pull out a chair for River. I let her sit closest to the wall. I take the seat to her left so I have her covered in case something goes wrong.

  An elderly couple takes the other two seats at our tables. The old woman’s eyes wander over me with interest before she glares at River. I don’t even bother introducing us to them. Monsters like them repulse me.

  “Evening friends,” Cameron says with a bow to the ‘guests’. “I’m honored to have you all here. The slaves will join us soon. I have a large collection,” he brags, “of the finest ass and pussy you’ll ever find. Thirty-five slaves will parade for you, so you can get a sample before the bidding starts. There will be a female to my left and a male to my right, they are not to be sampled. Bidding for them will open as soon as they join us later tonight, and as always, the highest bidder will get them for the evening.”

  As Cameron claps his hands River flinches next to me. The doors open and the slaves come in. With each new girl entering through the doors I can feel River tensing more and more. I can feel her desperation to save them all.

  I don’t dare reach out to River now. I can’t offer her any kind of comfort while we’re here.

  One of Cameron’s guards comes to the table. I let River do the talking. As I look around the room I hear the old woman and River having a go at each other.

  The doors open again and Jack comes in. There’s a blonde next to him. She’s naked, just like the others. Only Jack is wearing jeans.

  Jack walks by our table and goes to kneel on the floor. My eyes go back to the blonde slave and I watch as she kneels on the floor. She arches her back as she pushes her ass in the air, and then stretches her arms out in front of her. She’s really a work of art.

  River leans in close to me and whispers, “What do you think of the woman? The one who just came in.”

  I look at the blonde again. River wouldn’t ask unless she’s decided to save her. So it will be Jack and the blonde then. I don’t know how she decides on who we save and who we leave. I’m glad that’s not my decision to make. I admire her for being able to make those hard choices.

  “She is stunning. I’ll go take a closer look.”

  As I walk closer I notice how silky the woman’s skin is. She’s not marked like the others. I guess it would decrease her value.

  An elderly man is staring at her ass, a clear look of lust on his face. “Such a nice ass and pussy, I can see why he asks so much for her.” Another man nods in agreement.

  I just
keep standing next to the podium she’s on, watching people as they watch her.

  One of the guards comes to stand next to me. “The last stake for her was seventy thousand dollars. Would you like to bid for a night with this slave?” he asks.

  I don’t even bother looking at him. This is the one River wants. “One hundred,” I grind the words out. I’m disgusted that a human being’s life has monetary value to it. To me a life is priceless. I’ve seen men fight for it, die for it, but here it’s nothing.

  The guard moves between the other men, talking with them.

  I glance over to where River is. She’s talking with Cameron. I’m sure she’s making an offer for them. I hope he lets them go without a fight, because River will fight for them.

  “Master,” the same guard from earlier says to get my attention. “Your bid is the highest for the evening. You may take the slave.”

  “Get up!” he snaps at her and she moves quickly. She looks like a statue that’s just come to life. My eyes drink in her stunning features and I watch her pale. She’s going to go down! I take a step closer and take hold of her arm, helping her find her balance.

  “Here is the key for your room,” the guard says.

  I take it from him and I look to River. I’m in luck, because she looks at me and nods. Yes, she got them! I nod back and then whisper, “Come on.”

  This is the hard part for me. I can handle the parties, the slaves being degraded and tortured by others. I just can’t do it myself.

  As we near the room anger starts to bubble inside of me. The slaves are brainwashed and they don’t always understand if you don’t want them. I’ve had one faint on me before. She was scared shitless that she would be punished if I didn’t want her. She was right to be scared. They beat her so badly she died at The Sanctuary. There was nothing we could do for her. Since then, I’m extra careful with them. I try not to touch them … but sometimes you just don’t have a choice.


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