Saved By Him (The Monster Series Book 2)

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Saved By Him (The Monster Series Book 2) Page 7

by Horst, Michelle

  She tilts her head to the side in the cutest manner and then says, “Since Mamma died.” She nods as if to confirm what she just said.

  “How did your Mamma die?” The more I know about her, the easier it will be to help her.

  “She was beaten, just like Jack’s mamma.”

  Her answer comes without any hesitation or emotion. I turn my body half towards her. I want to comfort her even though she doesn’t show any emotion. Being a witness to something like that had to scar her for life!

  “How old were you?”

  She frowns, concentrating hard again, but then she shakes her head. “I can’t remember. It was a long time ago.”

  I take a deep breath. I’ll have to dig deeper if I want any real answers. I link my fingers with hers and ask, “Do you know how old you are now?”

  She smiles and nods. “I’m twenty four, Master.”

  “Adam,” my name pops out. “Focus on calling me Adam.”

  She ducks her head and I really don’t want her to feel like I’m reprimanding her. I take hold of her chin and nudge her face up until I can see her eyes.

  “I love seeing your eyes, Sophia. Don’t hide them.”

  She looks up at me, her movements tentative and almost shy. How’s it possible that someone who has been a sex slave for so long can still have so much innocence?

  “What’s your last name?”

  The innocent look disappears and makes way for a confused one. “I don’t understand,” she whispers.

  I point to myself. “I’m Adam Stone. Stone is my last name.”

  She shakes her head lightly. “I’m only Sophia.”

  My heart shatters right there. They’ve taken everything from her! They’ve stripped her bare.

  I need to do something to keep the anger under control. I get up and pull her up alongside me. “Let’s go clean your wounds. Do you want to shower today? Do you think you can manage that?”

  “Yes, Mast-” she bites her bottom lip and then whispers, “Please, Adam.”

  Just like that my anger vanishes. I press a kiss to her forehead and let my mouth linger against her skin. “You’re gonna be just fine, Sweetheart.”


  We’ve been here four days. I’m starting to feel much better. Miss Ella feeds me a lot and she lets me sleep by her. She makes me feel safe, especially when she caresses my hair.

  I love the way she smells. She smells like flowers.

  I finish with my shower and put on a yellow dress. I like the dresses. They’re soft and they swish around my legs. They make me feel pretty.

  I’m tired of staying in bed. I need to work to earn my keep. Miss Ella said so the other day. I make my way down the stairs and at the bottom I peek left then right.

  A girl comes from the right side but she stops when she sees me. I don’t know if I’m allowed down here. I take a step back up the stairs. I should go back before I get in trouble.

  “No, wait,” the girls says quickly. She’s pretty with her dark hair and soft grey eyes. “It’s okay, you’re allowed anywhere. There are no rules about where you can go.”

  How did she know?

  She looks down at her feet and it makes me drop my eyes. “I’ve only been here a year. I still feel it most of the time, the impulse to submit. It takes some time getting used to the idea of not being a sex slave anymore.” She starts to walk and goes right by me.

  “Uhm …” she stops and glances at me from over her shoulder, “where’s the kitchen?” I ask.

  She waves for me to follow. “This way.”

  I stay close to her. I don’t want to get lost. We walk down a short passage and then it opens up into a huge kitchen.

  I stop and stare. There are pretty little things everywhere. “Sophia!” Miss Ella claps her hands, a huge smile on her face. “Come in, sweet girl. Come sit. I’ll fix you some coffee.”

  I listen and take a seat in the chair nearest to me. I can’t stop my eyes from hopping all over the place. It’s so pretty in here!

  Miss Ella places a mug on the table. I smile at her and take a sip, my eyes still flitting all over the place.

  “I’ve been collecting them for years.” She points to the biggest one. “That ole’ rooster has been with me for over thirty years. It stopped working long ago, but I can’t get it over my heart to throw it away.” She points to a whole lot of different ones. “I collect just about every farm animal there is.”

  I watch as Miss Ella picks some up. “I love these most.” She places the tiny things down in front of me. “A pig, a cow and a sheep.” She points them all out.

  I point to the cow. “That one looks funny.”

  “He sure does,” Miss Ella says, smiling at me.

  “Morning,” Master Adam says from the door that leads outside.

  He comes into the kitchen and I have to concentrate hard to not look down or kneel. It feels wrong.

  “Morning,” I take a deep breath, “Adam.” He smiles at me, looking proud. If it pleases him to use his name then I’ll do it. It’s been a very nice four days and I’ll do anything for it to stay this way. No one has shouted at me. No one has hit me.

  They are so nice. I look down at the coffee and then back up to Miss Ella. “Can I work, please? I’ll do anything.”

  “Oh, dear child.” She pats the space over her heart. “When you say things like that I just go and get all tearful. Finish your coffee and I’ll give you something to do.”

  I drink the coffee as fast as I can. It’s still a bit hot but I really want to work. I take the mug over to the sink and quickly wash it.

  “You can break these open in this bowl.” There’s a bowl with eggs in it and an empty one. “Just leave the shells in this bowl.” She points to the one with the eggs in it.

  I nod and take the first egg. I crack it carefully. I’m on my sixth egg when Master Adam comes to stand next to me. He leans against the counter and tilts his head slightly towards me. “How do you feel today?”

  I smile widely. I’ve noticed that he likes it when I smile. “I’m feeling much better.”

  “That’s great. Don’t overdo it today. Take it easy. I’ll be out for a while but if you need anything just let Nanna know.”

  I’ve also learned that he calls Miss Ella Nanna. It always makes me feel a funny warmth in my chest when he calls her Nanna.

  Miss Ella shows me how to make pancakes. I’m so excited when I manage to make one that doesn’t break before I can get it on a plate.

  I’m just about to pour more pancake mixture in the pan when a strange man comes into the kitchen. I drop the measuring cup and sink to my knees. My heart is beating out of my chest as I stare at the mess I’ve made. Oh no! I’m going to get into so much trouble for this!

  “Fuck, I forgot,” the man snaps. I duck my head lower to the floor and bring my arms close to my sides so I can cover them when he kicks me. My sides are still hurting from the other punishment.

  “Tristan! Now look what you’ve done,” Miss Ella scolds. She takes hold of my shoulders and pulls at me. “Get up, child. There will be no kneeling in this house unless you’re kneeling to the Lord.”

  I stand up next to Miss Ella and she pats my dress, straightening it out.

  “Get to work, Tristan. Don’t just stand there!” Miss Ella scolds him again.

  “I’m sorry, Sophia. I didn’t know you were up and about. I’m Tristan, one of the guards.” He looks at Miss Ella and he smiles at her. “Can a man have some coffee before work?”

  Master Tristan is a guard, like Master Sven. I wonder if he will be the one in charge of me and Jack.

  “Drink your coffee and get going! You’re scaring the poor child.”

  Master Tristan takes a mug and leaves. He listened to Miss Ella? “Are you in charge of everyone?” I ask. I want to know who I have to please the most.

  Miss Ella lets out a little burst of laughter. “No one is in charge here. We’re all one big family, which you’re a part of now.”

mily. The word sinks warm into my heart. I want a family. Things were good back when Mamma used to be alive. Family makes everything better.


  The next morning, I get up early with Miss Ella. I want to learn everything I can from her.

  We have coffee and I learn how to make fluffy scrambled eggs. After breakfast I help wash up all the dishes.

  I put the last plate back in the cupboard when Miss Ella goes into the little room next to the kitchen. She comes out with a whole bucket full of potatoes. “We need to get all of these peeled. I want to make cottage pies.”

  Miss Ella gives me a knife and I get to work peeling the potatoes. I really like working in the kitchen. I would be so very happy if I could stay here and just help Miss Ella the whole day long.

  “If you’re not careful Miss Ella will have you only peeling potatoes. She hates to do that.”

  I smile at Mistress River. “I don’t mind,” I whisper, making sure to keep my voice respectful.

  “Hush, child!” I’ve noticed that Miss Ella pretends to be angry but she’s not really. “You know my old hands don’t want to peel and grate anything anymore.”

  My eyes go to Miss Ella’s old, wrinkly hands. I’ll peel and grate everything for her. I don’t want her to hurt her hands.

  Mistress River laughs. “Actually,” she says, coming over to me. I tense and wait for her command. “I wanted to steal Sophia for an hour. I think it’s time she meets everyone.”

  My heart sinks a little. I know it’s my duty to satisfy everyone but I was hoping to get away from fucking for just a little while longer.

  “You can have her for an hour, but bring her back so she can finish helping me.”

  Mistress River takes my hand and she pulls me behind her. “Thanks, Miss Ella.”

  I quickly wipe my other hand on my dress, while wondering if I’ll get to shower first.

  Instead of taking me to a room, she takes me out the back door. I haven’t been outside in a very long time.

  My eyes burn from the bright light and I blink a couple of times. Once my eyes adjust to the sun, I start to look around. Everything is so green, for as far as I can see. There are huge trees. I look back and get my first glimpse of the house. It’s massive, but pretty. You can see it’s old, maybe even as old as Miss Ella.

  “We farm our own vegetables and fruits here,” Mistress River says. “We have some cattle and fowl, as well, but that falls under Tristan and Miss Ella.”

  A farm? I’ve heard of a farm once. There was a slave that came from a farm. Sometimes she would tell us about the animals and all the fun she had there before they took her. She didn’t last long. Actually, she didn’t make it through training.

  There’s a group of girls up ahead. When we reach them Mistress River says, “Girls, this is Sophia. Please make her feel at home.”

  I’m still taking them all in when one of them comes up to me and hugs me. “You’re going to be so happy here!”

  A dark skinned girl is next and she hugs me too. “Welcome.”

  I recognize one of the girls. She showed me where the kitchen was. She’s standing with another girl and they just smile at me.

  “The girls tend to the vegetables. We have potatoes, carrots, peas, pumpkins, tomatoes,” River says and then she laughs, “we have it all here. You can get to know them better over dinner. Let me go show you the others.”

  I stay close to Mistress River. I’ve learned not to trust another slave, except for Jack of course.

  We find the other girls picking apples. Mistress River introduces me to them, but she doesn’t tell me their names, not that I would remember them all. None of the girls picking fruit hug me.

  We walk to the other side of the farm. There’s a big building and enclosures with different animals in each one. It stinks and I scrunch my nose.

  I’m surprised when I see more men. There’s a girl with them, but she ducks behind them when we get close.

  The men keep their distance from me. I’ve never met so many people all at once. It’s a bit overwhelming.

  On the way back to the house Mistress River asks, “Do you have any questions?”

  I drop my eyes to my feet. “They’re all your slaves?”

  “No, Lovely. No one here is a slave. They’ve all been a slave at one point but just like you and Jack they are now free. Any of you can leave at any time. You are no longer someone’s property and you can make eye contact with all of us. You never have to submit again.”

  Master Adam said the same thing a couple of times, but I’m not sure I know what that means.

  Mistress River takes my hand and pulls me to a stop. “You are not a slave. No one will use you for sex or beat on you again. You’re safe here. You can now live your own life.”

  I’m really free? No more fucking? I can live my own life?

  I feel tears burn my eyes and I whisper, “I don’t know how to live my own life. I’ve only been a slave, my entire life. It’s all I know.”

  “I understand, Lovely. With time you will adjust to this new life. There’s no rush. Take it one day at a time,” Mistress River says in a kind way.

  We start to walk again. I want to thank her for being kind. I hope I’m not speaking out of turn. “Mistress…”

  She turns back to me, shaking her head. My heart sinks! I should know better than to just address a master or mistress!

  “Your first lesson is that no one is the boss of you. I’m not a mistress. No one is. There is no such thing as a mistress or master. I’m River Sinclair.”

  She cups my cheek in the palm of her hand. “Say my name.”

  I swallow hard and then whisper, “River Sinclair.”

  “You’re going to be just fine. If you need anything just ask myself, Adam or Miss Ella.”

  I nod, feeling a bit better. Mistress River is just like Master Adam and Miss Ella. Just maybe … I could be happy here.

  We get back to the kitchen and I go right back to peeling potatoes. “Oh, before I forget,” Mistress River says, “Sophia, you’re going to share a room with Diane and Lizzy. I think it will be better if you get to know the other girls.” She smiles and walks out. Her words slam hard into me.

  I glance at Miss Ella. I’m going to miss staying with her. I don’t want to stay in a room with girls I don’t know. My heart starts to feel heavy and it’s then I realize I was starting to let my guard down. I actually started to think differently of the people here. Just because one person is nice to me doesn’t mean the others will be nice too – it doesn’t mean anything.

  What if the other girls don’t like me? What if they’re like Tiffany?

  Everything is just so confusing! I used to be in charge of all the slaves. They hated me for it but they wouldn’t dare touch me. I use to be Master David’s favorite. Rosa replaced me and I got sent away. I still don’t fully understand why I wasn’t good enough anymore, but this place – everyone here – I don’t understand any of it.

  I’m scared and confused, and I can’t even talk to Jack. Mistress River is always with him.

  Back at Master Cameron’s mansion I had my own room where I could be alone at times. I miss that most.

  I miss my routine, of knowing exactly what was expected of me.

  I miss being wanted and needed.

  I swallow hard on the tears as a heavy feeling squeezes my chest. I focus on peeling the potatoes and doing what I’m told. I focus on the now because I have no idea what will happen in an hour, tomorrow or next week.

  I don’t know anything anymore.


  We sit down to have dinner with Nanna. Sophia keeps her eyes on the plate in front of her not even looking up when Nanna talks to her.

  I get the feeling something happened today. “Sophia,” I say softly.

  She swallows hard on the bite of food she just took. “Yes, Master?”

  I reach over and feel her forehead. She’s not hot. “Are you feeling okay? How’s the pain?”

  She takes a deep
breath and then forces a smile to her lips. “Miss Ella gave me painkillers. I’m feeling okay.”

  I look at Nanna and frown. “What happened while I was gone?”

  Nanna looks at Sophia and then sighs heavily. “She’s been like this ever since River mentioned that she should share a room with Diane and Lizzy.”

  Sophia brings the fork to her mouth and I notice her trembling hand. I gently place my hand on the back of her neck and I feel her tense.

  “You don’t have to share a room with them,” I say, hoping it’s the only thing that’s wrong. “Is that what’s wrong?”

  She places the fork back on the plate and just keeps staring at the food. “I don’t mind, Master,” she whispers, and the numb tone grates at my ears.

  I get up and take Sophia’s hand. “Thank you for dinner, Nanna.”

  Nanna smiles at me, her eyes shining with tears. “I’ll be here if you need me.”

  “Thanks, Nanna.”

  I pull Sophia closer and link my fingers with hers. I walk out the backdoor and she sticks close to me. We take a few steps into the darkness when she slows down next to me. I glance at her and see that she’s staring up at the night sky.

  I look up at the clear night. It’s beautiful out here. The stars are out in full force tonight.

  I slow my pace so she can look around. We walk past the guest houses which the guards use. Tristan comes out of his as we pass his house.

  “Nice night for a stroll,” he says and then walks in the direction of the house. I know he’s going to check on Diane. I’ve seen him watching her. I once asked if he had feelings for her, which he of course denied.

  When we get to my house, I open the door and then smile at Sophia. “Go in.”

  She takes a few tentative steps inside and then stops.

  “Welcome to my home,” I say as I walk past her. “I have two bedrooms. You’re welcome to have the guest room, then you won’t have to share. It’s more private here.” I open the fridge and pull a face at the contents. “I can only offer you beer or coffee.” I look at her and the pure look of stunned surprise on her face guts me.


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