Kink the Halls: A Christmas Novella

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Kink the Halls: A Christmas Novella Page 1

by Dawn Robertson

  Kink the Halls

  Copyright 2013 Dawn Robertson

  All rights reserved as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the Author. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Smashwords Edition

  Published by Dawn Robertson at Smashwords

  Copyright 2013 Dawn Robertson

  License Notes

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Kink the Halls is dedicated to:

  National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation for making every holiday season magical.

  My Family.

  Elf for SANTA’S COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  And for all of the readers who begged me for more Seven, Levi, and Star and forced me to write this fun Christmas story.

  To my family for making Christmas special every year, and my children for making me Santa

  Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday!

  Fuck the Holidays


  I fucking hate Christmas. It is my least favorite holiday of the year. Everyone who has been a dick to you all year long decides they are your best friend in the name of Christmas cheer. You are forced to deal with drunk co-workers at shitty company holiday parties. Everyone decides New York City is the most magical place on earth, and of course, the God damn tacky decorations. Whoever came up with the idea of putting a fucking live tree in your house should be shot.

  “Stop being such a fucking Grinch, Seven.” Levi stumbles out of the elevator dragging the smallest tree I could get him to agree to at the lot across from Rockefeller Center. This was after he dragged me onto the ice with the masses of tourists. Can you see why my pregnant ass is grumpy? I can guarenfuckingtee you would be too.

  “I'm fat, and exhausted.” I bark back at him, pulling a bottle of water from the fridge. “I don't even understand why we need to decorate, we are leaving for Star's house in the morning.” I gave in before Thanksgiving and agreed to celebrate the holidays in her brand new spacious home in Woodstock. I’ve done my best to avoid that town like the plague, but knowing my parents were long gone kind of cleared the coast for me.

  “We might be leaving in the morning, but I still want a small tree. Come on Seven, you have to get into it. What happens when the baby is born? You can't be such a damn Debbie Downer for the holidays.” He’s right, but it doesn't make me any less pissy. I’ve been trying to tone back my attitude lately and it seems the hormones have only made shit worse. Once the word of pregnancy spread around the office, every last person has been avoiding me for fear that I will bury them six feet under. I don't blame them, because I probably would.

  “Just turn the fireplace on, put your feet up and relax. Once I get the tree up, I’ll come rub your feet.” He really knows the key to my heart. Although, rub my feet has become a code word for foreplay. My sexual appetite is strong as ever. I am one of those horny pregnant women, unfortunately most of my toys have been left at the door. Levi is worried he’s going to hurt me or the baby somehow. Hysterical huh?

  My hands rest on the tiniest swell of my baby bump, not noticeable to the eyes of a stranger, but the small rounding curve has certainly caught my own attention. My body is changing in ways I never thought, all of my pants are becoming more snug, my bra size has already grown, and my feet are constantly rebelling against my heels. Which I fucking hate.

  “How do you feel about going back to Woodstock?” Levi catches me off guard, I was far too busy musing about my body to consider the weight of his question. Only a few weeks ago we had taken the long drive upstate for Thanksgiving as a family with Star, my new found niece Magnolia, and Star's new family. It was an interesting weekend to say the least. I’m happy for her, genuinely happy. She’s finally in a good place, drug free, and living the life most normal people would only dream of.

  But, things are different. I never thought I would see the day when we both started moving in our own directions in life. We never lived more than a ten minute drive apart. Now, we’re five hours apart. I guess this is what they call life, right? I just can't help but feel like I’m losing her.

  “I'm okay with it. I mean, I hate Woodstock. But, I enjoy spending time with Star and Magnolia.” The truth is, I love that little girl. For being under the care of our parents for five long years, she is amazingly well adjusted. I could get used to the family holidays upstate, it’s just going to take me some time to get used to it all.

  “No comment on Star's new biker gang?” I scoff at Levi. She certainly has some colorful new characters in her life, but what else is new? The people she chose to spend her time with in Manhattan weren't much better.

  “Whatever makes her happy,” I wave him off with my hand, and stand up, heading for the kitchen. I really wish I could down a shot of whiskey, but everyone keeps telling me it’s shitty for the baby. Damn it. I opt for a glass of apple juice, one of the few cravings I’ve had since learning about Squishy. It’s just nice that I can finally keep it down.

  A big crash echoes through the living room, followed by Levi cursing up a storm.

  “Fuck this shit! Fuck this tree!” I peek around the corner to see the tree laying on the ground next to him. He is holding onto his side wincing in pain. I can't help but laugh at him on my way to the bedroom, where I’ll indulge in a nice warm bath.

  “Merry Christmas Levi.”


  She laughed at me and continued on her way. I’m officially going to start calling her Scrooge McDuck. Anything that has to do with Christmas is like pulling damn teeth. I guess her upbringing is to blame though.

  Growing up, I always had these huge family Christmases. Lights on everything, a giant real Christmas tree we would trek into the woods upstate to cut down ourselves, Advent calendars, and massive celebrations. And because I am an only child, my parents spoiled the shit out of me. That was until they died my senior year of high school. Everything changed then. The happy home life I’d known growing up was thrust out the window when I was forced to go live with my aunt and uncle, whom I still don't care much for, but that is a story for another day. I think?

  Maybe I shouldn't have bothered with the stupid tree. We are leaving tomorrow morning, and won't be back for a couple days. I’m sure by the time we get back, all the needles will be all over the floor, giving Seven another reason to flip out. Fuckin' hormones man!

  I wrestle to get the tree upright again, and secure it in the wrought iron Christmas tree stand I pulled from my storage unit, which houses everything of my parents. I have so many fond memories of my father holding up our Christmas tree, while I turned the screws on the stand to secure it in place. We always decorated it together.

  I make my way into the bedroom, somewhat on the heels of Seven. I can hear the bathtub running. In between daily showers, she has taken to soaking in the sprawling marble garden tub. She insists it helps her achy body feel better, and I can only worry how she will feel once the baby star
ts to get bigger. I probably worry way too much about her, and I know it pisses her off. I just can't help it after losing my parents. If I lost her, I have no fuckin' clue what I would do. I can tell you one thing for certain, it wouldn't be pretty. Just like when they died.

  “Weren't going to ask me to join you?” I peek my head in the door to see her luscious body floating in the bubble-filled tub. She’s a picture of perfect beauty in every way physically possible. I’m the luckiest man on earth.

  “I’m still waiting on that foot rub, Father Christmas,” she laughs while sticking her toes out from under the blanket of bubbles. She smiles a genuine smile, the first I’ve seen all day since she had to go head-to-head with a board member over something in the employee fraternization policy. That was scary. I send up a silent thank you to the big guy, that I’m actually on her good side in the boardroom. Seven James-Parker is not an enemy I would want.

  I unbutton my shirt, letting it fall to the floor while I work on my belt and dress pants, leaving them behind in a pile in the middle of the spacious bathroom. I slide my boxer-briefs down to meet the pile, and dip my hand into the tub.

  “You know you aren't supposed to have water that hot, Seven,” I try to hide the disapproval in my voice, but, once again, the worry wart in me shows. The water might as well be boiling, even after the doctor warned her about the hot water.

  “It's only for a little bit,” she bites on her bottom lip, and all my concern goes out the window. My cock twitches and slowly starts coming to life with thoughts of settling deep inside her cunt. I can't help it, I’m weak when it comes to Seven. As much as I’ve tried to tone it down recently, for the safety of the baby, I still want the kinky shit that brought us together in the first place. It just doesn't feel right anymore.

  It's a fucking internal battle that has slowly been killing me.

  “Levi?” Seven's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I’m partially thankful for it, but she knows I was lost in my mind. Her lips set into a straight line, something she often does when she is deep in thought. I’ve picked up on that since we returned from Vegas.

  “Yes, babe.” I still stand at the side of the tub, waiting to get used to the scalding hot water.

  “Take me into the spare room tonight,” her voice is quiet. Her words are part command, and part question. Her dominant nature still sits front and center in our relationship, but it is nothing like it was the first night we were together. God, I long for that.

  “I don't think that would be a good idea, Seven.” I want it, but I can't bring myself to act on it. She lets out a deep disappointed sigh and starts to get out of the tub. I hate that I’ve made her feel this way. Her feet hit the tile, and she stomps to the towel rack, picking up her plush robe that hangs from the side. I can't meet her eyes, because I know how much I just upset her, and it is secretly fucking killing me inside.

  “Levi, you have five fucking minutes to be at the end of the guest bed, kneeling, or you can get the fuck out.” She turns and walks out of the bathroom, slamming the door upon her exit.

  What the fuck just happened here?


  Fuck this shit. I need a good fucking and I don't care if he’s up for it or not. Sex with Levi is good, if not great, but I have needs that just aren't being fucking met. I’m fucking pregnant, not disabled. I’m not missing an arm, or on bed rest. I’m perfectly fucking fine, and I’m not going to let him treat me like a fucking porcelain doll anymore.

  The bathroom door opens and shuts as Levi walks past me, still completely naked. He looks like he wants to pause and say something. I pray he doesn't because I just might fucking backhand him if he does. My patience is gone. These hormones are going to turn me into a fucking homicidal maniac before this baby is born.

  The door to the master bedroom shuts, and I can only assume he is following instructions. I pray he is. I think of all the things I want tonight. The strap-on isn't doing it for me lately, although I know how much Levi loves it. Nipple clamps sound absolutely delightful right now. Instead of going after him immediately, I decide to get rid of the robe and dive into my lingerie drawer in search of a little something special.

  The pale pink bra is one of the last left I can fit into, I push the cups against my swollen breasts, slide my arms through straps and fasten the back. The panties aren't as easy to find, and soon the entire drawer is emptied on my bedroom floor. Ah! There they are! The matching crotchless panties, garter, and lastly the knee-highs. I spin in the mirror examining every inch of my changing body. But something is missing.

  Doing another once over, I figure it out. The fucking heels. My tall, fuck me heels are missing. My feet may hate me in an hour, but I’m not going to give them up, especially tonight. This is make or break for our sex life. I need this. I need us to reconnect on this level again. I fear for our future if we don't.

  The heels click down the hallway. I pause at the spare bedroom door, take a deep breath and open the door. My very naked husband kneels at the end of the bed in the same position he assumed our first night together. I am left breathless by the beauty of it all. Everything about him leaves me in awe. I know it sounds fucking corny as hell, especially coming from me; but Levi really is my other half. The piece of me I had no idea I was missing until he walked into that club and let me fuck him up the ass.

  “Stand up,” I try not to let my voice tell him how I feel, but the words become strangled in my throat. He quickly responds to my command, standing but not turning to face me. I walk to the closet, and open the doors. Shelf after shelf I eye, looking for the perfect items.

  That’s when they catch my eyes. The black anal beads are absolutely perfect for tonight. I find the small box with a set of nipple clamps, grab a bottle of lube and make my way in his direction. My heart speeds up, and my breathing grows shallow. Too long, it has been way too long.

  “Hands and knees on the bed. Ass in the air. Now.” This time my voice doesn't waiver. My tone is rich with the authority I command on a daily basis. The same authority that has gone lax since falling in love with this man. I have bypassed my own sexual needs for absolutely no valid reason. I should be mad at myself, but it’s nothing to stew on.

  One knee at a time, I climb onto the bed, positioning myself behind Levi. I press my hand against his hip, and kiss his lower back. His body relaxes under my touch. Perfect. I open the bottle of lube, and squirt some onto his waiting ass. His body goes rigid at the wet, cold sensation.

  “Relax, Levi.” his body doesn't immediately relax, but I continue priming him for my plan, which I know he will enjoy immensely. I press the first ball against his waiting hole, and he gives in to the pleasure and pain. His body pushes back against my hand.

  “You like that?” He bites onto the pillow under his head and grunts in reply. I know he likes it. He loves it. I apply more lube, and push the second, then the third. With each new bead his moans of ecstasy get louder. Those moans I love so damn much.

  “Roll over. It’s my turn.” Levi's body drops down, face first onto the bed as he dramatically rolls himself over. His bright blue eyes catch mine, full of lust and hunger. This is the man I have fucking needed for weeks. I toss the nipple clips out to him, and he catches them before they fall to the bed.

  “Know how to use those?” I bite my bottom lip as his gaze drags across my body for the first time since I walked into the room. I reach behind me, and unclasp the bra, letting it fall to the bed. His tongue drags across his lower lip and he nods.

  “Seven, are you sure these are okay?” I don't know and I don't care. They are fucking nipple clamps for Christ sake, they aren't going to hurt the baby, I don't think? Whatever!

  “Levi, it’s fucking fine! Do it. Now!” I crawl across the bed, and lay my head down on the pillows laying back while he takes the tiniest lead I will give him for the night. His body hovers over mine as he takes my nipple in his warm mouth. His tongue runs over it repeatedly before he takes it between his teeth. I moan as he continues with the ne
xt nipple. It feels so fucking good.

  “Mmmmm Levi,” he clamps the first on my nipple and my body quivers. My cunt is begging for his attention. He places the second clamp in place and I want to scream from the fucking roof tops. It feels so fucking amazing. I can't remember the last time I played with these bad boys, but I can tell you they are coming on vacation with us!

  His mouth works its way up my chest and neck, sucking and biting until his lips are on mine. Our mouths meet, and our tongues tangle together in a heated fight over control. I run my fingers through his messy dark hair, he moans into my mouth and I know I have won the control battle.

  “Fuck, I missed this,” I push him onto his back. He’s surprised as I pin him onto the bed, and make my way down his body. He does nothing to stop me, in fact he just lays there and watches every move I make. I grasp his hard cock with my hand and I begin to stroke it before lowering my mouth to lick across the tip.

  “Remember that night in London?” A smile tugs at the corner of his full lips. How could he ever fucking forget? The first time I decided to suck his dick, and what did he do? Busted his load all over my face, and then walked out. I can't even begin to tell you how pissed I was. “You were such a brazen little boy that night.” I laugh a little while I lower my mouth and take his cock in my mouth. The perfectly cut tip hits the back of my throat and I suck roughly. His balls tense in my palm as I run my lips back to the tip. His cock falls from my lips with a pop.

  “You thought you could just get away with that, huh? I have to admit, it was cute.” I work my mouth up his body, biting each nipple while he continues to watch me with anticipation. “I never paid you back for that. I am going to have to come up with something good one of these days.”

  I sit up, straddling his hard body, and position my soaked pussy at the tip of his waiting dick. I want it just as bad as he does. I always want to feel his perfect cock deep inside my cunt. I will never get enough of it. It is like that boy's dick was made entirely for my amusement.


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