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Mistress Page 6

by Meisha Camm

  Everyone’s pizza came out pretty good.

  Twenty minutes was all we had to clean up before class was over. As I walked to the trashcan to throw the tomato cans away, Tonya bumped in to me, spilling half of her tomato sauce on my apron. That mess seeped through my sweater and jeans.

  “You did that on purpose,” I hissed.

  “Alex, next time watch where you’re going. Besides, tomato sauce goes well with your pink sweater.”

  That was it. I’d had enough. Next thing I knew, I grabbed Tonya’s hair and forced her to the ground. I pounced on top of her and kept punching her in the face over and over again.

  Ms. Givins and Thomas broke it up, and I spent the rest of the afternoon in the principal’s office.

  Pop was very good friends with the honorable principal, Mr. Walker, so I got off with a warning and Tonya received a day of in-school suspension for causing the fight.

  I could only take so much of her nastiness. To my surprise, Ma thought she deserved being punched in the face.

  Chapter 13

  It couldn’t get any better than the way I was feeling at this moment. Thomas and I had become the best of friends, the key to our healthy relationship, as well as soon-to-be lovers. Tonight was the night. Prom night. I was going to be living proof of the cliché about seniors getting down. Since this was my first time, I wanted to be sure he was the one for the ultimate task. I was a little nervous, but it was nothing a few succulent kisses from my man couldn’t calm down.

  “Just one more picture,” Ma declared, camera in her hand.

  “Vivian, you have already taken fifteen pictures and videotaped with the camcorder. Let the kids go.” Pop held up his hands.

  Ma squinted her eyes and shot him a coldhearted look.

  Pop put his head down like a lost kitten and sat back down on the couch.

  “You look gorgeous. Now, you two have fun. I can’t believe you’re graduating high school. Time has certainly crept by,” Ma said, giving me a hug.

  “Thomas, son, don’t even think about having sex with my daughter or you will get real acquainted with my machete in the shed.” Pop squeezed Thomas’s hand with all his might.

  Thomas replied with a lump in his throat.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Pop, please stop your act. Nobody is paying attention to you,” I said in an irritated tone.

  “Oh, no, well, let me go get my baby out.” Pop headed to the backyard.

  “I’m paying close attention, Mr. Gibbs, sir,” Thomas said, his hands trembling.

  I wanted him to make my whole body tremble tonight.

  Ma put the camcorder back into its case.

  “Robert, cut it out. Leave the young man alone.”

  “All right, all right.” Pop pointed at Thomas.

  “But you’re not off the hook.”

  “It’s not as if you didn’t you want to have sex before, during, after prom, and the next day after when you were their age,” I heard Ma mumbling to herself closing the door.

  Chapter 14

  Thomas took a bite of his dripping broccoli and cheese potato. “How does your prime rib taste?”

  “Very tender,” I replied, thinking, My vagina walls are just as tender.

  I wanted this boy so bad. For the past six months, we’d been making out, but it wasn’t enough. To be honest, our petting left me with an aching pain in between my legs. I needed Dr. Thomas’s medicine to cure me.

  “You look beautiful in your gown. I would have told you at your house, but I was too petrified your dad would chop me up.” He laughed and rubbed the back of his head.

  I loved the fact Thomas had a sense of humor. There’d been so many nights that we simply just talked about any and everything.

  “Don’t worry, your eyes said it all, baby.” I caressed his hand. “Both of our mothers love to film and take pictures. I was beginning to feel as though I was at a photo shoot.”

  “You’re right about that one.”

  “Do you want dessert? I want to order a piece of Hershey’s chocolate cake.”

  “Looks and sounds good to me.” He eyed the waiter bringing the same piece of cake to the table in front of us. “I almost forgot to tell you with all of the excitement of tonight.”

  I wiped my mouth with a napkin. “Tell me what?”

  “Well, you know I’ve been applying to schools, with my first picks being UVA, UCLA, and Morehouse College.”

  “Did you hear something back? Did they call you or write a letter?”

  “Please, slow down, Gibbs. I’m getting to it. I didn’t hear anything from Morehouse yet, but I got into UVA and UCLA.”

  “That’s wonderful.” I got up from my seat to give him a hug.

  “I’m not finished. UVA gave me a twenty-five-thousand-dollar scholarship, but UCLA gave me a full ride.”

  “Come here.” I pulled him close so he could get his prized kiss.

  “You’ve never kissed me that way before,” Thomas said, catching a breath.

  I grinned. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “I’ll tell you good news more often.”

  I looked down at the prom tickets on the table as we finished the last piece of the slice of cake. Well, I finished the last piece of cake. Thomas insisted that I take it. He passed the test of not being selfish.

  Neither one of us really wanted to go, but at thirty-five dollars a ticket, we needed to show our presence. Maria had the same thing on her mind, just a different hotel.

  On the way over to the Clarion Ballroom, we didn’t say too much. I wanted to work off the food I just ate on the dance floor.

  As we entered the ballroom, we were bombarded with handshakes and hugs from the faculty staff, parents, and students. Everyone was so excited to be the graduating class of 1992. I was ecstatic as well, but at the same time, my heart was filled with sorrow. All of my friends planned on going their separate ways.

  Maria and I planned on attending Hampton University, while Charlotte was heading off to Spelman College. Finally, I decided to be a pre-med student. I was praying that my major wouldn’t make me a pre-crazy student.

  Willing to do my fair share of working at any one of Pop’s restaurants, I asked Ma and Pop for an apartment, and they said they would consider it.

  I spotted Charlotte and Maria waiting to take pictures. Ma would’ve killed me if I didn’t get a formal picture. I was going to strike a pose one last time for her.

  “I’ll be right back while you wait in line. The boys are calling me,” Thomas explained, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

  Fortunately, Maria and Charlotte let me cut the line and wait with them. I looked into my compact mirror. “How was dinner?”

  “Dinner was tasty. I couldn’t get enough of the baked chicken, but the wait was forty-five minutes, even with reservations.” Charlotte patted her stomach.

  “Where did you go?” she asked.

  “Alexander’s on the Bay.”

  “How about you, Ms. Maria?”

  “Girl, Peter and I went to Captain George’s by Laskin Road and pigged out. I wanted to walk down on the beach, but I didn’t want to ruin my dress. I was trying hard to hold my stomach in. We got our money’s worth of crab legs. Do I smell like seafood? I sprayed Jovan White Musk on me in the car.”

  “That’s exactly what I smell, with a hint of fish.” Charlotte took a sniff and giggled.

  “I ordered prime rib.” I giggled back and placed a Starlight Mint in my mouth.

  “My mother loves a slab of prime rib. She helped me get ready for tonight and paid for my dress. I’m so proud of her, because she has been going to her AA meetings.”

  “That’s wonderful,” Charlotte and I said in chorus, and we took turns giving Maria a hug.

  Thomas found his way back to me just in time to smile for the camera. We all shook it on the dance floor a couple of times. Before I knew it, the time had come to crown the king and queen. I was pretty sure Thomas would be king, but queen was a little tough to decipher. The
re was Megan Sears, a devout cheerleader and one of the most popular girls in school, Yolanda Norris, voted best personality for our class, and little ol’ me, voted most likely to score high on the SAT. By the way, I did score way up there.

  Principal Stout stepped on the stage carrying the inevitable envelope. “The prom king and queen of Kempsville High School of the class of 1992 is Thomas Cannon and Alexis Gibbs,” he said.

  I was astonished, my mouth wide open.

  “C’mon, baby,” Thomas said, literally dragging me. Usually, in Kempsville history, a jock and a cheerleader were always chosen. This year, the voting poll felt differently.

  “Congratulations. You know Charlotte and I voted for you.” Maria gave me a hug as I walked by.

  When we finally got on stage, Ms. Riker, the school nurse, placed a crown on my head and gave me a bouquet of pink and red roses.

  “Speech, speech, speech, speech,” the crowd chanted.

  “Thank you for crowning my lady and I prom king and queen for the class of 1992. Look at her, isn’t she lovely?” Thomas pointed to me.

  He was doing excellent, working his way into my panties tonight.

  “This has been the greatest four years of my life, like stepping stones to adulthood. I hope to have another great four years at UCLA.” Thomas gave me the mic.

  “As we graduate in less than two weeks, reach for the stars and never forget where you came from,” I said.

  The faculty and the students clapped as we walked off stage.

  “I had a good time tonight. You should have seen the expression on your face when they announced your name.” Thomas laughed, turning left at the light.

  “I had no clue I even had the slightest chance of winning.”

  “Hmm, well, I have an idea. When we get to the hotel, let’s take a bath together. I worked up a sweat from your father threatening to slice me in tiny pieces, and grinding with you on the dance floor.”

  Chapter 15

  “I’ll go run the water,” I said, locking the door to the room.

  “Make it hot.”

  I slipped out of my dress. “I don’t need water to get you hot.”

  “Ahh. My body is rejuvenated from you rubbing me down in the water,” Thomas said as we fell on the king-size bed.

  “I’m glad you liked it.”

  “Now, it’s time for me to please you.” He untied my bathrobe, revealing my erect breasts.

  Thomas gently held my face in his hands while kissing me. His penis was literally sticking out of his bathrobe.

  I was nervous and trying not to show it. My vagina was drenched with wetness.

  Thomas took his time to please me by slowly sucking all ten of my fingers. He took his lips and tongue to my neck, driving me wild, while squeezing my left breast.

  Hungry for more, he paid a visit to my right breast and sucked on my nipple. He joined both of them together to indulge in foreplay by cupping my nipples into his mouth. Thomas sucked and sucked and nibbled them a little. The sensation of pain and pleasure had my whole back arched to the command of his tongue.

  We started kissing again while he put on the Trojan.

  I had a fear of becoming pregnant. I’d heard many stories of girls getting pregnant on their first sexual encounter. No way, not me, this is it.

  Thomas slid his dick into my pussy. “Ouch!”

  “It’s going to hurt for a little. Relax, you’re in good hands.” He reassured me with a kiss.

  I followed his instructions, but my vagina was throbbing with pain.

  “Can’t you feel it?” Thomas asked, sweat on his temples. His rhythm began to get much faster and harder.

  Can I feel what? Is this what I’ve been waiting for? This is awful. I haven’t felt any orgasm or any feeling remotely to it.

  “Can you feel it? Damn, girl, your pussy is so tight. It’s just the way Musala likes it,” he said, almost breathless.

  Who is Musala?

  He squeezed my breasts again, all the while pounding me against the bed. “It’s coming. It’s coming. Musala is cumming for you.”

  I certainly wasn’t cumming.

  “Ahhhhh!” He roared fierce as a lion who’d just defeated his enemy.

  Thomas rolled off of me. “Whoa. Your pussy has done something to me. I think she has tamed my dick. Could you get a coke out of the refrigerator? Plus, can you pick up that bag of Doritos Nacho off the counter?” He turned the TV on.

  I looked at him. “Why don’t you tell Musala to get it for you?”

  His dick wasn’t doing anything for me because he was too busy cramming it into my vagina. Thomas lasted for a mere three minutes and acted as if he sexed me for a full forty-five minutes.

  I looked down on the bed sheets. Blood was everywhere. I got up, throwing my powder-blue silk robe at his face and slamming the bathroom door. What a waste of a big dick. I took a hot shower and wanted to forget this night ever happened.

  For two hours, Thomas begged me to come out of the shower. I wouldn’t because I was so disappointed and angry. Sex has to be more pleasurable than this. Maybe it was me. My vagina wasn’t wet enough, or Thomas can’t put it on me. The hotel kept countless magazines in the bathroom, which I read in between Thomas’s pleas.

  After I was certain he fell asleep, I called my neighbor Janet to come get me.

  Fortunately, she was twenty, so it was easier to talk to her about the situation. Her words of advice: “Get rid of Thomas.” She said I had too much going for me to get bad dick. Janet was shaking her head and laughing.

  I didn’t find anything funny. She even tried to hook me up with someone else, but I thanked her for the ride and declined the offer.

  Chapter 16

  “Hello?” Maria answered, yawning into the phone.

  “It was horrible. The sex sucked.”

  “Alex, it’s six in the morning. You know Peter and I went into overcharge sex for five hours. I’m tired. This must be bad because you never call me this early in the morning. Talk to me. Calm down, first. Tell me what happened.”

  “I just told you. The sex sucked. Thomas, or better known as Musala, came in three minutes. I didn’t even feel anything. No, wait a minute. All I felt was pain. Blood was everywhere afterward.”

  “Back up here. Who’s Musala?”

  “You know who I’m referring to.”

  “No, I don’t. Who or what are you talking about?”

  “Thomas’s pet name for his dick.”

  “Oh, it sounds more like a name for an African warrior prince or king who rules all over the lands. So did you tell him you didn’t like it?”


  “So the whole thing was terrible. Did he do anything you liked?”

  “Yes. He did play with my nipples and licked my fingers.”

  “Have your toes ever been licked?”

  “No. Does it feel good? You would know.” I giggled.

  “Yes, it feels really good. Toes are very sensitive.”

  “I’ll jot that down in my notes.”

  “Why didn’t you tell him about what you didn’t like?”

  “I was pissed. When I’m mad, things come out worse out of my mouth than if I’ve had time to calm down.”

  “It sounds like you got a case of the first time ‘bad banger.’” Maria laughed.

  “This isn’t funny.” I was ready to hang up on her.

  “I’m so sorry, girl.”

  “Please tell me what to do.”

  “Well, first of all, the first time ever having sex isn’t the greatest. The blood is normal. It shouldn’t happen again. Don’t fret. You’ve got to try again, Alex. Do the sensible thing and go talk to him. Tell Thomas you didn’t like it.”

  “What if he feels as though I’m rejecting him?”

  “It’s the risk you’re going to have to take. Peter always brags about how Thomas and him are mature guys. Then there’s the other solution—Ride his ass. Get on top. It’s feels great, take it from me.”

  I shook my head.
“I can’t do it. I don’t have a clue about what I’m doing up there.”

  “You can rent pornos or watch the sex channel. It’s how I learned.”

  “I’m too ashamed to walk into a movie store and rent or buy a porno.”

  “Look if it makes you feel better, we’ll go later on today. I need to freshen up on my techniques as well. First, I need to get my beauty rest. Be ready at seven, tonight,” Maria instructed and hung up the phone.

  The clock read six forty-five. I was on a mission to have a better sex life. I can’t go on this way. Last night wasn’t worth it to open my legs. Well, I take that back. Thomas didn’t know how to work his tongue. I was dressed in all black with sunglasses to match. I didn’t want anyone to recognize me.

  “Alex, where are you going?” Ma asked while I was coming down the stairs.

  “I’m going over to Maria’s house.”

  “All right. Have a good time. By the way, how was the prom? You haven’t told me a single thing about it. Tell me everything.”

  “I’ll tell you when I get back.” I gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed for the door, thinking about what pieces of last night I was going to leave out or add in.

  “Hey,” I said, closing the passenger door.

  “You look as if you’re about to rob a bank. Black is definitely your color.” Maria giggled.

  “This is embarrassing. I just want to get the goods and go.”

  “Did Thomas call you?”

  “Yeah, at least three times.”

  “Girl, please talk to him. Do you want him thinking you’re mad?”

  “No. I don’t know what to say. You and I both know he’s going to ask me about last night. I don’t want to lie to him.”

  “Well, here’s your first lesson on men—Some women fake. I was in that club as well, but now I’ve been set free. Peter knows how to get my kitty purring.”

  “What do you mean by fake?”

  “Fake an orgasm. You act as if you’re enjoying the sex, but you’re not. I’m here to tell you there will be days where you just don’t feel like doing it, but you will. Why? To please your man. This is vital information I’m telling you, but it’s only for committed relationships, not casual sex buddies. Anyway, you’ll have to do things you don’t want to do. The same thing goes for the opposite sex. For example, Thomas like any other man hates to shop, but he will go to the mall with you and spend endless hours of replying to the never-ending questions, ‘Which jeans do you like?’ or ‘Do I look fat?’”


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