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Novak Page 6

by Suzanne Steele

  The mixture of the fear I feel, the dominance he exercises over me, and the threatening demeanor he has, is all working together to conjure up emotions I have never before experienced. He has created in me a need to be threatened, taken, and overpowered by his hands which show me no mercy. Though I was once a woman who could be satisfied with being wined and dined, I am now a lustful creature who craves being brutalized and used.

  He has ruined me and yet, I can’t get enough of him. I want him to want me. Hell, I want him to take me. We are poison to one another, a dangerous brew of lust that threatens to combust, obliterating us and anybody who lies in our path. We are destruction waiting to happen…


  I grab a handful of her hair and pull her directly into my face, “Liar, thief, you think that I don’t know how sneaky you are? The only thing saving your ass right now, Katrina, is the fact you wrote that book under the fiction genre.”

  “You made a ton of money off of me, you conniving, little sneak. Do you actually have the nerve to think you don’t have to make good on that money, the money that you blatantly stole from me? I own your ass and I plan on using you anywhere, any way, and any time that I choose.”

  “Nobody owns me!” she screams out in defiance. “Maybe someone needs to inform you that slavery days are over, Novak! You can’t do this. You can’t; you just can’t! What you are insinuating is illegal.”

  My hand twists her hair even tighter in my fist. I try and fight off the need to hurt her and make her cry. Before she can stop it, a whimper escapes her lips.

  “I told you it makes my cock hard when you whimper. I have come to enjoy taking you, hurting you, and bringing you to tears, Katrina. When are you going to quit lying to yourself and just admit that you enjoy being taken? Your body gives you away. Your nipples are jutting out through that white t-shirt that you are wearing.” Her whimpers have now become moans and I know I’m going to fuck her roughly. I’m going to make her do things she would never do for any other man but me. “Just the way I’m talking to you is sending your body into a tailspin. Your eyes are dilated, your nipples are hard, and I know your pussy is soaking wet—wet for me, and only me. You will never be satisfied with any other man after having me. I can promise you that!”

  I jerk at her hair and command her to put her hand down the front of her boy shorts to touch herself. I like pulling her hair. I like forcing her to do all the dirty things I want her to do.

  She does what I tell her. She does it with no reservation and no shame. Immediately, she obeys me, as if she is a slave owned by her Master.

  “Pull your fingers out and show me, Katrina. You’re soaked! Stick your middle finger in your pussy. That’s it… finger fuck yourself while I watch. I love watching you pleasure yourself for me.”

  I’m right in her face, growling out mandates like a wild animal dominating his prey and she’s obeying me. She’s behaving as though she’s in a trance and under my complete and utter control. I love it. I love taking this defiant woman, who submits to no other man, and bringing her under my power and authority.

  I reach down to pull her shirt up over her head and work her boy shorts off and over her hips.

  “Get on the bed, Katrina. Now!”

  I watch this gorgeous, dangerous specimen of a woman make her way to the side of the bed. She wants to do the things that I’m ordering her to do.

  I loosen my tie and stretch my neck out, never taking my eyes off of this woman who has invaded my world.

  “I’m already in your head, girl. I own you, Katrina. I will never let you go!”

  “I’m not…” was all that she was able to get out before I interrupt her.

  “Shut up!” I growl, pulling at her hair as I mount her after removing my clothing.

  I stare so deeply into her that I feel as if I’m invading her very soul. She pulls her legs back and invites me—a man who kills people for a living—to fuck her. She cries out my name, over and over, as I stare down on her, slowly fucking her as I study every detail of her face.

  “I love the look that you get on your face when I fuck you, girl. You are so beautiful and you are mine, Katrina. I swear to you that I will never let you go.”

  Once again, I have taken Katrina from the self-sufficient, confident, and in control woman, to my woman. Oh, I know I will have to take her over and over, but I also know that no other man holds the power over her that I do.

  She is mine, I am in her head and I have every intention of burrowing even deeper until I’m embedded in her very soul and seared into her psyche.

  She will never be able to rid herself of the addiction that I am strengthening each and every time I take her.

  She won’t just want me, she will need me, she will crave me, and she will ache for me.

  She will be dissatisfied with any other man for the rest of her days. She will crave what I give her like a drug. She will crave me reaching into her soul and scooping out whatever part of her that I choose to consume.

  Katrina and I are already like fire and ice. We are a dangerous concoction of passion and rage when thrown together in the same room. We feed off of each other as if no one else exists. Even in a room full of people, we only see each other. It is like we exist only to consume one another and we forget about the world and anyone in it.

  I have never had this strong of sexual chemistry with any woman before and I damn sure am not going to let her go. The same way I have gotten into her system, she has gotten into mine.

  Yes, by the time that I get done with Katrina, she will be wearing my ring and bearing my last name.

  I am just getting started…


  Once again, I’m lying beneath this man who has invaded my life, my being, and my body, and I feel as if he is in the very core of my soul.

  I know he is in my head, my heart, and my body, but I also know my survival instincts run too deep in my psyche to ever fully drop my guard. I have always had to fight to survive, living and working in a man’s world.

  The only way any man will ever have me, is to take me. He will have to take me over and over again.

  What I don’t know is he enjoys taking me. He enjoys knowing no other man holds this type of power over me.

  He revels in the fact that he can cross every boundary and break down every wall of my defenses that I have spent a lifetime building.

  You see, in his mind, this makes me his for the simple fact that no other man holds the power over me that he does.

  None before him, and none after him, will ever be able to consume me as he does. Mathias Novak, Carl Sims, whoever this man is, he has done something that no man has ever done to me. For the first time in my life, I am alive…

  Chapter Sixteen


  “I’m watching her right now, boss, and you will never believe who she is speaking with. It’s none other than David Turner of the FBI, along with that fiery, little, redheaded partner of his, Rene. They followed her out of the gym again, just like yesterday. This may turn into a problem, boss. Do you need me to handle it?”

  I can hear my boss breathe in deeply, exhaling any of the stress that threatens to cause him to operate in the emotional realm. It’s a habit he has. He says that decisions based on emotions such as anger, can be detrimental to his business. I’m certain he is well past the angry stage with the news I just gave him. I hope I don’t have to kill the girl. I kind of like her, but I will kill her all the same if my boss orders it.

  “Not yet, Sergei, I’ll take care of the conniving, little liar. God help her if she has told that man anything. God help her,” my boss repeats, solidifying that none other will be able to rescue her if she has made the mistake of revealing any information.

  I’m certain that even though my boss is threatening her, there is a part of him that anguishes at the thought of her betraying him. Regardless of his feelings for her though, he won’t let them interfere with business.


  My phone rings
and, this time, I choose not to ignore it. Between Novak and the FBI, my nerves are shot. Agent Turner and his partner ambushed me again after I left the gym today. I managed to get away this time without seeing any more gruesome pictures, but not before Agent Turner reiterated how much danger I’m in and pressed his card into my hand… as if that’s going to help me. It’s not as if I don’t know how big of a mess I’ve gotten myself into. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Novak is dangerous and, now that the FBI is involved, my days of toying with him are over.

  He is not going to let me go and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it.

  Yes, he has a death grip on me, a stranglehold. All it will take is one phone call and he can rob me of my very life. I know that Novak is obsessed with me, but I have no idea just how far he is willing to go. I expect death, but I did not anticipate the deception he will subject me to. He is a master chess player in the game of life and I have sorely underestimated him.

  I mentally prepared for the ruthless blow of his anger. I’ve been waiting for the sound of a bullet whizzing towards my body as it exits a gun, or the slap of a whip on my backside, but I have forgotten about the destruction a simple mind-fuck can wield. In this game of love and war we presently find ourselves playing, Novak is a master manipulator.


  I make sure my voice is calm and cool when that sneaky, little bitch answers the phone.

  “I have made dinner reservations and we will be flying there, Katrina. I expect you at my house no later than 3:00pm this afternoon.”

  “It’s 11:00 now and I just got back from the gym.”

  “Don’t fuck with me, Katrina. I’m not in the mood.”

  I know she knows me well enough to know that my calm demeanor and monotone voice means I’m in no mood for her shit.

  “This will be a great time for you to assure me I have your cooperation by saying, ‘Yes, Sir’.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she mumbles into the phone.

  No sooner have I hung up the phone, than an eerie feeling comes over me. She isn’t stupid and if she has even an inkling that I know she has been conversing with the FBI, she will run.

  From nowhere the thought comes to my mind that she may very well know I have been watching her and, if she does, then she knows that I’m aware of her little coffee date and her second meeting with the agents. I will be watching her until she arrives. Sergei will follow her, ensuring she arrives at my home to get ready for our date.


  I quickly try to push it away but the niggling thought in the back of my mind remains; there is no shaking it. Though I have no proof that he knows I talked with Agent Turner, very little gets past this man. It is his job to be aware of everything at all times. His ability to read people is incomparable. He is very good at what he does. At times, I wonder how the man can be so adept in the art of reading body language. Is it an innate ability or one he has been trained in? I would venture to say both. I have committed the unpardonable sin of speaking to the enemy—the FBI. I can only hope the fact that I revealed nothing will not only keep me safe, but alive.

  I exit the shower to make my way to my make-up table and I immediately see him. He stands there, just glaring at me. No, glaring through me would be a better description.

  “I said I would be at your house by three, Novak. It wasn’t necessary for you to send Sergei to force me to come.”

  “Well, we both know you are a liar and a thief. Do you actually think I believe anything that you say?”

  Before I can stop myself, it is out of my mouth, “Well, we both know that you are a thug!”

  I sit, trying to just push the fear from my mind and looking in the mirror at the woman before me.

  I never see, or hear, him coming until his hands are clenched around my neck.

  “You’ll be wearing what I mandate.”

  “I’m no one’s slave,” I calmly answer.

  I am trying to project much more confidence and control than what I am feeling right now. Something is wrong. Something is very, very, wrong. Every fiber of my being is screaming red flag and it is taking all I have to not succumb to the fear that is lodged in my chest right now. I am terrified of this man. I have viewed firsthand the cruelty that he is capable of and I have witnessed, with my own eyes, his sadistic tendencies. The man in the hospital was beat beyond recognition, all but beat to death. I have become entangled in a very ruthless and dangerous man’s web of deceit.

  I continue getting ready as Novak does business over the phone. Yes, it must be just my imagination and paranoia. Surely he couldn’t know anything, or so I tell myself, as I continue to get ready for an evening that holds nothing but mysteries for me. I can only hope for the best. I realize, in this moment, I am not beyond begging for mercy. The only question is, does a man like Novak even harbor any mercy in his cold, dark heart?


  I make my way to the bed and retrieve the dress that my soon to be wife will be wearing this evening.

  I remove the white dress from the box and I can’t resist saying, “You will be wearing white tonight, the color of purity and innocence. We both know you are a liar and a thief, but we don’t have to let the rest of the world know it, now do we? Some things are better left unsaid. Wouldn’t you agree, Katrina?”

  She continues applying her make-up and trying to alleviate the nagging fear I know she is feeling. I know it’s a fear that will not release its grip on her. Her body language tells me she suspects that I know something. She makes a valiant effort to pull herself together and we make our way to the airport. She can lie to herself, as she does everyone else, but I see right through her deceptions. She can’t successfully lie to me. I waste no time confirming her fears and as soon as the plane takes off, I address her. She understands now why that nagging fear just wouldn’t go away. I can see the terror in her eyes as I confront her about her betrayal. I react in a way she never anticipated.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Let the games begin, I think to myself as I close my hand around the little witch’s neck and hiss at her. “There is nothing worse in my line of work than a rat, Katrina! Do you know what we do to rats?”

  Her eyes dart to Sergei as if seeking help. He’s seated in front of us and appears to not even be listening to the threats I’m throwing in her direction. No, she’ll get no help from him. Sergei’s allegiance is first to Bratva, and then to me, and he will kill her at my command with no remorse.

  “I swear, I swear, I didn’t say anything to him. Please, Novak, please, I swear, nothing, I said nothing. I’m begging you to please have mercy. I swear to you.”

  My grip tightens as I cut off the lies she spews to me so easily. I listen to the little, fear filled bitch, liar that she is. I reach in my pocket, retrieving David Turner’s business card and ask, “What the fuck is this, Katrina?”

  Though I’m aware she doesn’t like me rooting through her things, she doesn’t have the nerve to confront me about it right now. The terror in her voice excites me. I’m a twisted, mother fucking predator and she is my prey of choice.

  “Oh God, please no. I’ll do anything. I swear I didn’t say anything. Please don’t hurt me. Please, I’m begging you.”

  A sadistic grin settles on my face and I know she sees it. She can’t hide her true emotions from me and I can see the panic in her eyes. Her mouth is full of lies, but she will never be able to hide the truth from me. I have been trained in my line of work and she is a novice who has sorely underestimated me.

  “Well, Katrina, it’s a good thing that you will do anything because tonight, you will be taking on my last name. I am finally going to sink my talons into you and own you as I should. You need to be watched and I have every intention of keeping you on a very short leash.”

  “Oh no, Novak, I can’t marry you.”

  “Well, Katrina, there is one other option. There is always Sergei. I will kill you before I ever release you, my love. You are mine and I will never let
you go. You owe me so much more than money; you owe me your life. You steal from me, you lie to me, and you use me. If you were anyone else, I would have already put you six feet under. Do you think that I can just allow you to steal from me? Your boldness intrigues me, but I could never permit you to steal my name and use it for your financial gain. You crossed a line when you fucked me over. You owe me and your name is what I require in exchange for your thievery.

  “Why, Carl? Why marriage?”

  “A name for a name, a life for a life—you have stolen my name, I require yours. You have stolen my life and penned it for the world to see; I now require the remainder of yours to be spent with me.”

  My stare is an intense, cold blue, as lifeless and as cold as a block of arctic ice. I’m sure my gaze alone makes her feel as if she has just been smacked in the face. Now is not the time to be splitting hairs; she knows I am a man who is dead serious and deadly dangerous. She never could have known she would be dealing with a killer when she stole my diary but it is too late… She has written my story for the world to view as voyeuristic members of society who don’t have the nerve to live life as dangerously as I do. They are able to live vicariously through the pages of the book that holds my forbidden story—the story of a ruthless man who was bred for Bratva, and will die in his loyalty to Bratva.

  She hangs her head and mumbles, “Why marriage, Sir? Why something so drastic?” Perhaps she thinks her submissive attitude will grant her the mercy she so desperately wants. She doesn’t deserve my mercy, only my judgment. She will pay by giving me the rest of her life through marriage—a binding contract ensuring her silence.

  “I require marriage for the simple reason, Katrina, that a wife can’t testify against her husband.”


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