Jace’s Jewel

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Jace’s Jewel Page 12

by Dale Mayer

  With a glance at the bed, she tugged the covers down to the foot. She went to sit down, only to find him already stretched out before her, his arms open and waiting.

  She kneeled across the bed and came to him. She didn’t know where her normal shyness was. Her mother would be shocked at her lack of modesty. Then again, she hadn’t found holding back to be a blessing in any way. And, if Jace would show up in this relationship with as much honesty as he’d shown so far, she could do no less. He gave a tug, pulling her atop his heavily muscled body. She shuddered as her skin, already sensitized, overloaded as all her nerve endings came to life. He was so damn hot. She stroked a hand over his chest, loving the defined muscles over his ribs, and, as she drew her fingers across his belly, his six-pack showed up as he clenched his muscles.

  She chuckled. “You are so beautiful,” she declared.

  When he remained silent, she glanced up to find him studying her with a look of surprise in his eyes. She grinned. “I mean that. You’re seriously beautiful.”

  He shook his head, pulled her toward him, and whispered, “You’re the beautiful one. Inside and out.”

  His lips met hers in a gentle touch that quickly became possessive, demanding a response. She stretched across him, her hands busy in his hair, sliding through his curls, teasing, stroking, caressing. She lifted her head and kissed him again and again and again. She couldn’t get enough.

  He rolled over, pinning her in place. This time when he kissed her, it was long, deep, drugging, an open-mouth kiss that left her weak and limp in his arms.

  When he raised his lips to drift across her cheeks and down her neck, it was all she could do to whisper, “Wow.”

  Instead of answering, he shuddered and kissed her again, his tongue sliding inside, finding an immediate response. She sank to depths of passion she’d never experienced before. Her body twisted and arched against him in a way she didn’t recognize. Nothing was hidden between them, and yet so much was unknown.

  He appeared determined to explore every inch of her. She’d never felt so loved, so cosseted, as he teased and stroked, caressed and admired the valleys and curves of her body. When his lips followed the same trail his fingers had gone, she sighed and moaned, then laughed at the tickle spots and cried when he left her wanting more. He slid between her open thighs. She gasped, her hips automatically rising. As he drank deep from the heart of her, her whimpers of joy filled the room. But he wouldn’t let her climax like that. She lay panting on the bed, sprawled open before him, moaning for more.

  When he rose up above her, he slid his hands under her butt cheeks and lifted her, pulling her higher against him. And then he slid inside and all the way home. She gasped at the invasion, the depth and the width of him stretching her, pinning her in place, holding her, … possessing her.

  He tilted his head back, struggling for control, his hands gripping her hips to hold her still. She watched the ripples moving along his body, seeing the passion in his flushed cheeks and tense jawline. It was such a pleasure to watch him, reveling in his own passion, at his own delight in being here with her.

  Then he let out a long slow breath, opened his eyes, and grinned at her. He cupped her breasts, his fingers gentle as they tugged on the nipples. He cupped, weighed, and measured them before leaning over and taking one of the nipples deep into his mouth and suckling hard. Her hips arched yet again, but there was no place for them to go as he leaned over her, bent at the waist, keeping her pinned as he tasted the bounty before him.

  She tugged his head up and kissed him, a deep drugging kiss, and still he wouldn’t move. Frustrated she tried to raise her hips to get him to shift, but he wasn’t having any of it. Finally she grasped his head, tilted his face, and glared at him. “Move, dammit, move.”

  He gave a bark of laughter and thrust his hips forward. She arched her back as he slammed home again and again and again. A kaleidoscope of colors and sensations exploded within. But it didn’t stop there. As one ripple ended, another began. She went from one climax right into another. Helpless, she lay in his arms as he pounded deep inside her, taking and giving pleasure for pleasure. She was helpless in the storm of his passion, her own rising and falling with every movement he made.

  Finally he shifted her position ever-so-slightly, wrapped her thighs around his hips, and plunged in one more time—hard and so very deep. And he shuddered above her, his arms shaking, his face contorting as his own climax ripped through him. She couldn’t help but watch, loving that she brought him to this. Loving that he was here in her arms at this moment.


  Jace slid to the side and tucked her up against him.

  “So good,” he murmured against her temple as he slowly stroked up and down her back. Was there ever a feeling quite like this? His body throbbed with a satisfaction that went bone deep. He didn’t want this moment to end. She just had to give him a few minutes more to lie here and enjoy. Then he’d happily start all over again. No way was his body done for the night. It’d been too long, and she was too damn perfect.

  “Talk about transporting me to a fantasy world away from the reality I’m currently living,” she said on a happy sigh.

  A chuckle rumbled from his chest. “Maybe we can keep you in a fantasy world for most of the night.”

  At that she propped herself up on her elbows on his chest and grinned at him. “Do I not need sleep tonight?”

  “Well, tomorrow is Friday. So, by right, you have a weekend off to recuperate in case you are a little low on energy tomorrow,” he said. He tugged her closer into his arms and hugged her tight.

  “I’m so glad Logan left you behind.”

  “Me too.” He kissed her forehead and then her cheek, his body already waking up within seconds. He slipped her onto her back gently and slid inside.

  She gasped and arched in his arms, her eyes closing. “So damn good,” she murmured.

  He cupped her breasts, loving her soft skin. He bent down and gave them his undivided attention. All the while he kept her hips tight against his, their bodies sealed together as one. Slowly, gently, each stroke more of a caress, he pushed her closer to the edge again. The second joining didn’t have the same volatile excitement as the first. This was more about a meeting of minds and hearts, their bodies, the hunger, already at peace. This time it was more for them. He didn’t want to waste a moment of this special connection.

  With a cry, she arched in his arms, calling his name. She collapsed onto the bed as he joined her over the cliff. With the afterglow still running through his bones, he wondered if anything was sweeter.

  He gathered her in his arms, and she whispered, “I might need to sleep for a bit.”

  He brushed his lips gently against hers and whispered, “Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  She snuggled in, her body fitting itself naturally to the curves of his. “Promise?”

  He smiled. “I promise.”

  Chapter 11

  Emily woke in the night, her body turning to find Jace there, waiting for her. She didn’t know how many times they’d made love, but it seemed endless. Never had she made love like that. Never had she felt more welcomed. Never had she been more in tune with a man as she did with him. By the time the sun rose on the horizon, her body was exhausted, her mind fatigued. But her heart was so full that there were almost tears in her eyes from the overflow.

  “It’s only five.”

  “I don’t know if it’s worth sleeping for an hour or if I should get up and take a shower,” she said, her voice a little raspy.

  He pulled her closer and whispered, “Sleep.” His hands were already stroking her breasts, sliding across her belly to her hips as if afraid that he didn’t touch her, he would lose contact with her. Almost memorizing every curve …

  “I’m scared too. It’s like the daylight will change everything. You’ll be gone. This horrible case will still be on my desk.” She shook her head. “No, I’m scared to go to sleep.”

  “Then we won’t,�
� he whispered and rose above her once again.

  She marveled at his endurance. She wondered that she could still want him after so many times in the night. She loved how he was always there, ready, wanting her in return. But, for all her wishes to stay awake, when her body finally collapsed yet again, she was asleep before her head hit the pillow. Instead of warm lovely dreams from her night of passion, nightmares followed her. Men drowning. Men dying all around her. The men in her past, the men in her future.

  She woke with a heavy heart. A restless urge was inside, an abrasive sandpaper against her awareness. She sat upright and looked around. Jace slept quietly beside her. Or at least he lay beside her. She wasn’t at all sure he slept. As she stared at him, she studied the long length of his lashes against his cheek, so ridiculously long that every woman would be jealous. She reached down, her fingers gently stroking his whiskered chin and hollowed cheeks, even as he slept. He was a lean, mean fighting machine. She could imagine he’d done a fair bit of damage in his military days. He was no slouch now. Everywhere she looked, he had angles and muscles, just an amazing male in his prime. He was spectacular.

  “Are you watching me sleep?” he asked without opening his eyes.

  She leaned over and kissed his lips. “I’m enjoying how absolutely stunning you are.”

  His lips quirked, the little dimple appeared, making her heart twitch in response. She’d never forget this evening.

  “I don’t want this night to end,” she whispered.

  “Do you want a repeat tonight? Same time? Same place?” he asked, slowly opening his eyes, giving him that sexy I-can-do-this-all-day-and-all-night look. Her body softened, knowing what it wanted the most was right here for the asking. So damn ready to welcome him back into her body again.

  She shuddered. “You’re lethal. With just a glance, my body already wants to crawl down there with you.”

  “Do you have to go? Can you call and tell them you’ll be late this morning?”

  She gave him a stern look. “It’s already late. And aren’t you’re supposed to be doing something too?”

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s after eight.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. He contemplated her for a moment and then said, “We might have time for a shower together.”

  She chuckled. “I know you think you’re good, but …” And his smile made her heart hitch.

  He whispered, “I used be a SEAL. We’re known for our water skills.” He stood, grabbed her, tossed her over his shoulder, and walked into the bathroom—while she screamed in delight. The side of his thick muscled shoulder scrunched beneath her as her hands slid down, reaching as far she could, gently stroking his back with her nails. He set her smoothly on her feet, immediately followed by warm water sliding down her body. She gasped, then sighed happily as he reached for the shampoo and gently worked the lather through her hair, softly massaging her scalp, cleaning her long locks, stroking her head.

  “Oh, my God, that feels so good.”

  In a throaty voice he said, “For some reason, I feel like I’ve heard that a few times through the night.”

  A laugh bubbled out of her. “You sure did. So show me all over again.”

  And he did.

  By the time they made it out of the shower, wrapped in towels, and she put coffee on, she knew it didn’t matter what kind of shit happened for the rest of her day. She was already having the best day she possibly could. She was exhausted, but it didn’t matter one bit.

  He drove off, leaving her standing there waving goodbye with a silly look on her face. She got into her own vehicle and drove to the office. As she approached the front door, she found Wilson there, holding the door open. A fatherly look was on his face as he studied her features. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

  She shook her head. “Absolutely not. You might have five kids, but no way will I discuss last night.”

  Wilson looked at his watch.

  She grinned and darted ahead of him. Hopefully coffee was on. If not, she would have to make some for herself. She’d need it to get through the day.

  She turned on her computer, walked to the coffeepot, grabbed a cup, filled it, headed back to her desk to find her in-box full and getting fuller as everything downloaded. Frowning, she collapsed into her chair and started her day.

  At the top of her in-box was an email from Ice. She opened that first. She recognized two names. She pulled up her database, checked out both names and realized they both had a life insurance policy with her company. She picked up the phone, called Ice, and said, “Why do those two names matter?”

  “I’m hoping they don’t. Jace will talk to them this morning. We need to make sure both men are safe,” Ice said.

  Terrified by what she meant, Emily checked the details on the policies. One million dollars, like the others. Her hand shaking, she wrote down the names and details and returned to the database. She had sorted all the policies in the Austin and surrounding areas that involved a TxSAR volunteer and that had a one-million-dollar policy. Three had come back. Two of them were the names Ice had given her. The third one wasn’t on the list.

  Her own personal honor code said she had to do something, but what the hell was she supposed to do? She grabbed her notepad, stood, and walked into Wilson’s office. She closed the door and sat down in front of his desk. “Wilson, we have to talk.”


  Jace had parked outside the TxSAR Center when his phone went off. “Good morning, Ice. What’s up?”

  “I gave Emily two names to run a few minutes ago. Both of them have policies. You need to talk to them.”

  “I’m at the center right now. If you find anybody else, give me a shout.” He got out of the truck and slammed the door shut.

  “Call me as soon as you’re done,” Ice said tersely.

  “Will do.” Jace pocketed his phone and stepped through the front entrance of the center. A group of men were off to one side, learning ropes and knots. Somebody else stood off to the left, stacking lifejackets, checking them over. Yet another group looked at the harnesses. Jace was glad to see it. They could do only as much as was humanly possible to save somebody, but old broken equipment made it almost impossible. Jace walked toward the front counter and smiled at Amber. She took one look at him, and her smile fell away.

  He hated that, but there was no help for it. “I wanted to speak with Bill and Frank, if they’re in this morning,” he said gently.

  Relieved, she nodded. “Yeah, they are. Hang on. I’ll get them.”

  She disappeared into the back. When she returned a few minutes later, two big strapping young men come out behind her. They shook hands with Jace. He looked around and asked, “Is there a private place where we can talk?”

  Bill nodded. “Come on in the back.”

  They took him to the room he’d been in last time. With the door shut, they sat down, and he asked them many of the questions he’d asked the rest of the team. Bill hadn’t been at the scene. He’d arrived later when they’d already lost track of Ronnie and Howard. Frank had been there. He’d been helping the woman and the little kids out of the van. He hadn’t seen Ronnie. The first he realized there was a problem was when screams came from the shoreline, and he realized they’d seen Ronnie pop up farther down the raging river.

  “We have no idea what happened. As far as we knew, everything was as it always had been.”

  “By the way, do you guys have life insurance policies? I mean, it’s dangerous work.”

  Bill nodded. “I have a policy in case anything happens to me,” he said. “My wife would have a tough time being left alone with three kids.”

  “The same for me too.”

  “Did you buy them all around the same time?”

  Bill shook his head. “I don’t think so. I know I had a talk with Troy about it when I first signed on. At the time I was pretty cocky. But we’ve lost three men in the last year and a half,” he said. “So my policy is relatively new. I want to
save my wife any financial hardship.”

  “I don’t have a wife and kids,” Frank said. “But my sister’s a single mom with four kids. One of my bimonthly paychecks goes to help keep a roof over her head. I’m in IT and can afford to help her. And she needs my support right now. Anything happens to me, well …” He glanced toward the door and said, “I guess a lot of people have life insurance here, don’t they?”

  “Some do. Some don’t. Not a lot of people believe in it. Both Ronnie and Howard did though.”

  “Good, considering what happened.”

  Jace stood and shook the men’s hands. “Sorry to disturb you guys. I need to speak with one more volunteer, and then I should be done.” He glanced at his notes and said, “I’m looking for John.”

  “Yeah, we haven’t seen that much of him since Ronnie died. They were tight.”

  Jace frowned. “Maybe I’ll call him. He might meet me for coffee somewhere instead. Coming here might make it harder on him.”

  Back at the truck, he phoned Ice and gave her an update. “I’ll call this John guy, maybe run by his place.”

  She sent the phone number. He clicked on it and waited until it rang. A man answered. Jace explained who he was and that he was interviewing everybody at the center about Ronnie’s and Howard’s deaths.

  “Sorry. I haven’t been around much lately. But I can’t stand Troy. And Ronnie, well, he was the best damn leader we had.”

  “What about the leader you lost last year?”

  “Ken was pretty good. But there was something wonderful about Ronnie. And, even if he wasn’t there, we should have had Howard, and that would have been fine too. Ronnie and Howard were both cut from the same cloth. Both were good to have your back.”

  “And Troy?”

  “He’s filling in for me. I’m supposed to be in charge now. But, … well, I’m not sure I can do the job. Still, he’s not the same leader as the others. It’s kind of hard to see three damn good men go down and leave someone like Troy in charge.”


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