The Silver Stain

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The Silver Stain Page 15

by Paul Johnston

  ‘Occasionally. She seems like a nice person. I don’t like her assistant, though. She’s got a tongue in her head.’

  ‘You heard she went missing?’

  ‘I did. Can’t say I was sorry. She’d have got on all right. She could tell anyone what she thought of them in the coarsest Greek, Cretan pronunciation and expressions included.’

  That was interesting. No one had said that Maria spoke good Greek, let alone the local dialect. What might that add to the issue of her disappearance?

  ‘How about the director, Luke Jannet?’

  Yerasimos overtook an ancient tractor smoothly. ‘Jannet? I’ve only had him a couple of times. What was that you said about loud and overconfident? I won’t be going to see his film, I can tell you that.’

  ‘You reckon it’ll be another Captain Corelli?’

  ‘Full of inaccuracies and unconvincing love affairs? Probably. But not just that. It’s an exercise in bloodsucking.’

  ‘Striking phrase. What does it mean, exactly?’

  The driver smiled tightly. ‘You’re from Athens, right? I know that plenty of people there died during the Axis occupation, maybe you’ve even got relatives among them. But here it was different. People haven’t forgotten on Crete.’

  ‘You mean the massacres?’

  ‘Those, and the burning of villages and the torture and the beatings. It may look like everyone’s welcoming German tourists with open arms – and they are, for their money – but deep down there’s a hatred, especially among the older generation and in the villages that don’t have income from tourism.’

  ‘What about Rudolf Kersten?’ Mavros asked. ‘He was a paratrooper during the invasion.’

  ‘Ah, Mr Kersten is the exception that proves the truth of what I’m saying. He’s done so much for this part of Crete that it would take days to list everything. He’s rebuilt villages, he’s given thousands of people jobs over the decades, he’s set up scholarships for poor kids to study abroad . . . he’s that rare thing, a genuinely good man.’

  Mavros thought of David Waggoner. ‘But still there are some who hate him.’

  ‘There will always be dissenters, jealous people who got less than others.’

  The lights of Chania’s suburbs were shining ahead.

  ‘I heard Mr Kersten was involved in the massacre at Makrymari.’

  Yerasimos didn’t speak for some time, his hands tight on the wheel.

  ‘There are people who say that, usually inspired by that piece of shit Waggoner. The British think he was a hero, but all he did was bring down more Nazi reprisals on the heads of innocent Cretans. We didn’t need the British. If they’d dropped us the weapons, we’d have done the job ourselves but, of course, they never trusted us enough.’

  That was a different angle to those Mavros had heard before. He thanked the driver when they pulled up outside the clinic. Mikis was at his door before he could open it.

  ‘Interesting guy, Yerasimos,’ Mavros said, after the saloon had departed.

  ‘Yeah,’ Mikis said, with a grin. ‘Hidden depths. Did he tell you he was in New York for years?’


  ‘But he didn’t tell you why he went, did he? He was involved in a vendetta. He pushed a guy who betrayed his father to the Germans off a cliff.’

  A tremor of unease ran through Mavros. ‘How was it resolved?’

  ‘Eventually the major players died of old age and agreement was reached.’

  ‘Thirty years,’ Mavros said ruefully.

  ‘Yeah, encouraging, isn’t it?’

  Mavros looked around at the men on the street – some of them he recognized, other not. The Range Rover was where it had been in the afternoon, baseball bats visible through the windows.

  ‘The influence of American culture,’ Mikis said, following the direction of his gaze. ‘They’re useful weapons because they aren’t lethal unless you really want them to be.’

  ‘As long as you don’t bore out the middle and fill it with molten lead.’

  Mikis laughed. ‘Now there’s a thought.’

  ‘Are your boys all right for an hour or two while we go and eat?’

  ‘They’re organized for the whole night and I’m only a phone call away.’

  He went over and spoke to the young men and then beckoned Mavros to the Jeep.

  ‘I’ll take you to a good place,’ the Cretan said, heading for the city centre.

  ‘On the harbour front?’ Mavros asked, not wanting to run into the well-lubricated Luke Jannet.

  ‘No, this is a family taverna in the backstreets. If you’re lucky, they might have snails.’

  Mavros made no comment. Cretan snails were a delicacy he had no desire for, having had a disastrous encounter with them in the past.

  Mikis parked near the cathedral and led the way down a narrow street. The taverna was under a huge spray of pink bougainvillea blooms. There were only a few tables outside and the nearest was occupied by two men, one stocky and one lanky, both of whom Mavros recognized immediately. He put his hand on Mikis’s shoulder and retreated behind him.

  ‘We’ve got to go back the way we came,’ he said in his ear. ‘I don’t want those guys to see me.’

  Mikis stared at him and then turned, keeping himself between Mavros and the taverna. ‘Start walking,’ he said, ‘single file like in the army.’

  After they were round the corner, Mikis spoke. ‘So you didn’t want to see David Waggoner. I can understand that – he’s a nasty piece of work. But the tall streak of piss?’

  ‘That was Tryfon Roufos, the owner of Hellas History SA and the most bent antiquities dealer in Athens, probably the whole of Greece.’ Mavros shook his head. ‘He’s also a suspected child abuser and blackmailer of the rich and famous.’

  ‘Charming. Do you want me to bring him in for questioning?’

  ‘No! What I would like to know is what he’s doing in a huddle with the British war hero David Waggoner.’

  ‘Want me to tail them when they’ve finished?’

  Mavros smiled. ‘Did you get rejected by the police academy?’

  ‘You think I’d work for those bullies? No, I’m trying to learn from you. It might help me stay alive.’

  ‘It might help us stay alive,’ Mavros corrected. ‘No, let’s leave them to it. At least that asshole Oskar Mesner wasn’t with them. If he had been, I’d have been straight on the phone to Rudolf Kersten about his coin collection.’

  ‘Speaking of which,’ Mikis said, leading him down another narrow street. ‘I’ve got something to tell you about that.’ He smiled. ‘But let’s wait till we’ve had something to eat and drink. I could put a donkey away.’

  Mavros followed him reluctantly. It wasn’t beyond the realms of possibility that the taverna they were en route to offered stewed beast of burden as a speciality.


  As it turned out, the food in the small taverna Mikis knew was excellent, the lamb succulent and the mountain greens a subtle blend of sweet and bitter. The owner’s casked wine had a faint taste of flowers to it and they got through a kilo quickly.

  ‘OK,’ Mavros said. ‘Time to talk.’

  Mikis grinned and discarded a toothpick. ‘If I wasn’t such a pushover, I’d be charging you for this.’

  Mavros had a vision of the fight on the way back from Kornaria. ‘“Pushover” isn’t the word that immediately comes to mind. Anyway, I can pay you, as I did before. One thing you can say for the production is that there’s plenty of cash around.’

  ‘Except this doesn’t directly concern the film people,’ Mikis said.


  ‘But it may have something to do with that mismatched pair we saw round the corner.’

  ‘Roufos and Waggoner? I’m all donkey’s ears.’

  ‘I was going to ask you about that,’ the Cretan said, laughing. ‘All right, here it is. I got this from my old man, among others. The story goes that during the war, in late 1943 after the Italians had surrendered and the Germ
ans got even more jumpy, a group of resistance fighters found a hoard of silver – ancient stuff, coins and other things – in a cave up in the White Mountains.’

  ‘Has this got something to do with Rudolf Kersten?’

  Mikis held up his hand. ‘I’ll get to that. And before you ask, it wasn’t near Kornaria.’

  Mavros let him continue, taking notes.

  ‘The andartes wanted to rebury it and split it up after the war was over – at least, that was what their leaders ordered them to do. They were from different villages, so there was some dispute.’

  Mavros imagined the half-starved mountain men, few of whom would have possessed more than a coin or two after years of fighting, coming to blows over this sudden source of wealth.

  ‘And then other people got to hear of the find.’ Mikis raised an eyebrow suggestively.

  ‘David Waggoner.’

  ‘One out of two. It wasn’t his area, but the British commander there had been sent back to Egypt after being wounded and Waggoner – Lambis – was temporarily in charge.’

  Mavros nodded. ‘And the other guy?’

  ‘A Communist, one of the few EAM people with any influence in western Crete. He was known as Kanellos. Maybe he had cinnamon-coloured hair.’ Mikis drained his glass. ‘As you can imagine, he was keen on the silver being used for the good of the people.’

  ‘Meaning, not divided amongst the andartes.’


  ‘So then what happened?’

  ‘You should ask Waggoner.’

  Mavros gave him a stony look. ‘Maybe I will. But he’s not the one sitting opposite me.’

  ‘All right, all right. What I heard was that Lambis wanted to send the hoard to Alexandria on a submarine. He ordered it to be brought to a monastery called St Athanasios that’s in the middle of nowhere on the south coast, just a few hundred metres from a small beach that had been used for landings more than once.’


  ‘The Germans were waiting for them. Over twenty andartes were killed, while Waggoner managed to get away with a bullet in his shoulder. The silver was taken to the German headquarters building in Chania and that was the last anyone heard of it. The rumour was that Kanellos had betrayed the mountain men and Waggoner rather than lose the silver to the British imperialists.’

  Mavros knew there had been such betrayals during the occupation. He looked at Mikis. ‘There’s more?’

  The Cretan nodded. ‘In the Sixties, workers found a safe in the foundations of a building scheduled for demolition near the harbour front.’

  ‘The German headquarters?’

  Mikis raised his head in denial. ‘That had been thoroughly checked years before. No, this was a private house. The owners had been Jews, but there weren’t many left after the Germans had finished with them.’

  ‘And the silver was in the safe?’

  Mikis shrugged. ‘So some people said. The problem was, it disappeared a week after it was found.’

  Mavros sat back in his chair, unsure where this information left him.

  ‘You mentioned Mr Kersten,’ Mikis said, waving for the bill. ‘Some people, the few around here who don’t like him – maybe egged on by Waggoner – say he got hold of the safe’s contents and that his collection of silver came from it.’

  ‘And what does your father think about that? What do you think?’

  The Cretan counted out banknotes, brushing away Mavros’s attempt to pay. ‘I’ll tell you what I know. After he came to live here, Rudolf Kersten spent a lot of his own money buying up silver ritual objects and ornaments that had belonged to the Chania Jews. He contributed towards a museum to their memory – it’s only a couple of streets from here – and he donated the pieces he’d bought.’

  They walked up the quiet lanes. Mikis’ story had been fascinating, though it hadn’t added anything to the Maria Kondos case. But it had provided more background to the curious relationship between Rudolf Kersten and David Waggoner, as had the meeting between the former SOE man and the dubious antiquities trader.

  After parting from Mikis, Mavros looked up into the star-dotted night between the balconies. He had the distinct feeling that he was on the verge of a momentous discovery, not necessarily one that would do anything for his peace of mind.

  He tried to sleep in Nondas’ and Anna’s wide bed but, after rolling about for what seemed like hours, he gave up. Booting up his laptop, he checked his emails. There were some more attachments from The Fat Man, but they didn’t tell him anything else suggestive about Kersten or Waggoner. He sent a message asking for information about the EAM operative known as Kanellos. The Communist Party archives were hard to access, even for a long-standing member like Yiorgos, but he had no option. Pandelis Pikros, the disaffected old comrade he used to tap as a source, had died a few months ago.

  Mavros went on to the Internet and typed ‘Kersten Jewish Museum Chania’ into a search engine. All he found was short reference in a local newspaper article about the opening of the museum in 1987. Rudolf Kersten had been present at the ceremony as a major donor, but had declined to comment. That squared with Mavros’s take on the former Fallschirmjäger’s character – he wasn’t the type to go courting praise.

  He tried to find more details about the silver hoard in the mountains, but there was nothing. He wasn’t surprised – stories like that tended not to be written down. Then he tried ‘Waggoner Silver Hoard’ and was directed to an extract from David Waggoner’s Where the Eagle Flies, his memoir of the war in Crete.

  ‘. . . on November 1st 1943. With great difficulty, I had convinced Captain Dhiavolos that the silver would cause nothing but internecine strife if it remained on the island. Runners were sent out to the Abbot of St Athanasios and to the men guarding the cave, while radio contact with Cairo resulted in a submarine being dispatched four nights later – when the moon was only two days beyond new.

  Although I had studied Cretan archaeology at Cambridge, much of the silver was beyond my ken. There were around fifty Hellenistic coins and over a hundred Roman, the former ranging from Armenia to Sicily and the latter mainly from the late Empire. But the majority of pieces were even later – ranging from the Arab occupation of Crete in the ninth and tenth centuries, to the Byzantine reconquest of the island, to the Venetian period of rule, to the Ottoman domination that followed. I had no idea of the coins’ value, but it must have been considerable. There was no question of the hoard being split up amongst uneducated mountain villagers, even if the leaders of the andartes permitted that.

  Although I found the coins interesting, it was the prehistoric pieces that caught my imagination most. They comprised thirty-two double-headed axes, the primary symbol of the Minoans. I had visited Knossos several times before the war and was aware that the labrys had great religious significance. The Minoans seem to have worshipped a mother goddess, the religion being largely administered by females, and it was said that the priestesses used the axes to sacrifice animals. Some of the pieces were about six inches across, while others were much smaller, presumably votary objects. I have since learned that gold labrys were prevalent in other areas, but for some reason no doubt lost in history, our hoard had only silver examples. According to some scholars, the curved shape of the opposed blades represented the waxing and waning moon, which doubtless was one manifestation of the deity’s power. Less inspiring had been the use of the labrys by the pre-war Greek dictator Metaxas as a symbol of his regime’s integrity. For that reason, the andartes had no interest in the axes.

  I reached the rendezvous with my men in the late afternoon. The Abbot, Father Christodhoulos, was his usual charming self, plying us with bread, olives, goat’s cheese and raki. Shortly after dark, the sound of muffled hooves could be heard on the steep path leading down the gorge. Captain Dhiavolos burst into the monastery, bellowing for food and drink, his men apparently unaffected by the long and dangerous trip.

  The submarine was expected at midnight, but such operations rarely went accor
ding to plan, the southern coast of Crete being a perilous place even in daylight. At last, one of the lookouts spotted the brief flashing of a red light out to sea and we prepared to greet the crew in their inflatable dinghy.

  The German is a patient hunter. They waited until we were all on the narrow, stony beach before the lights from the patrol boat came on and the machine guns on it and on dry land opened up. I later learned that HMS Whale Shark tried unsuccessfully to torpedo the enemy craft before turning back to Alex. Andartes fell all around me, Captain Dhiavolos’s chest riddled with bullets. I was knocked to the ground by a round in my left shoulder, but two of my surviving men managed to drag me out of the lights and up a steep defile. I later heard that Father Christodhoulos and his six monks had been shot against the wall of St Athanasios.

  I have no doubt that the ambush was a result of treachery by the EAM man known as Kanellos. I first met him during the Battle of Crete, when he tried to dissuade Greek gendarmes and local people from taking part in the attack on Galatsi. At the time, I thought he was a coward and denounced him as such to the people. From then he worked tirelessly to undermine both my efforts and those of my fellow SOE officers. He had the deluded idea that passive resistance would be more effective and less costly in terms of Cretan lives. Fortunately, the islanders left him in no doubt as to their feelings on that issue. After the Germans slaughtered us on the beach and took their savage revenge on the churchmen, Kanellos disappeared from Crete. No doubt he returned to the mainland and continued to sow the seeds of dissension that led the country to civil war after the Nazis had been defeated. Such men are dangerous beyond their station – the one known as Kanellos was of scarcely medium height, with a great hook for a nose and unnaturally bright blue eyes. May the earth lie heavy on his bones and those of his vicious, misguided comrades. As for the silver, it was lost to the occupier and probably ended up in the cellars of the arch-thief Göring.’

  Mavros noted the date of the book – it had been published in 1957. Waggoner wouldn’t have known about the discovery of the safe in the Jewish home at that time, and Kersten’s donations to the museum were still far in the future. Which didn’t mean that he wasn’t in full possession of those facts now.


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