Strip For Me: Part Three (Reverse Harem Serial Book 3)

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Strip For Me: Part Three (Reverse Harem Serial Book 3) Page 2

by G. Bailey

“What?” I ask her harshly.

  “I’m sorry, it just happened and I love him,” she says quietly and I almost feel sorry for her.

  “That man loves no one but himself.” I say and she breaks into sobs. It suddenly hits me, our last conversation and how cold she was with me.

  “You told him where I live, and about my baby, didn’t you?” I ask her, my voice cracks in the middle of the sentence.

  “Yes, but,” she says and I laugh. My laugh sounds cold and heartless even to my ears.

  “Stay away from me, Liz,” I say, my voice sounding strong and hiding the fact that my heart feels like it’s breaking in two.

  “He loves me,” Liz says as I turn around. I don’t bother replying to her as I shut the door behind me.

  I can’t save her from repeating my mistakes and I don’t want to even try.


  “I found her,” Kaiden says as he leans back from the computers in his room.

  “Do I even want know why you can find her phone on your computer?” I ask Kaiden as I hold the bridge of my nose. For fuck’s sake, this day went from bad to worse. First, I come home to see Ellie looking terrified and finding out it was her ex being the one that scared her. I didn’t think as I punched him, and I don’t regret it.

  The only good part of the day was when Ellie kissed me, that was one hell of a kiss and made me feel like a fool for ignoring her. I shouldn’t haven’t ignored her just because I couldn’t cope with how I felt. I’m falling for her and it’s scaring the shit out of me. I don’t want a repeat of what happened with Casey, I made her miserable. When we first met, it was a quick marriage and I fell for her way too quickly. I shouldn’t have married her and I know that. I know she is happy with someone else now, a normal man who works in a bank and I’m happy for her.

  “My mate is a cop, he found her. Nothing illegal,” Kaiden grins as he types away on his phone. Yeah, nothing illegal this time.

  “You found Ellie?” Andre asks as he comes into the room with Todd following.

  “Yes,” Kaiden says to them.

  “What are we going to tell her?” Todd asks, pulling a hoodie on.

  “The truth, and hope she doesn’t run,” I tell him. I don’t want her to think we are all mad but we want to try this.

  “I believe she left because she felt guilty for kissing me,” I tell them as we all walk out of Kaiden’s bedroom and down the stairs.

  “I didn’t get a chance to explain things,” Andre admits and I nod, I had guessed that. I doubt she would have run if they’d talked. I thought when she kissed me that Andre had told her and that’s why I kissed her back like I did. I was so fucking happy that she wasn’t running from us.

  “Where is she anyway?” Todd asks Kaiden as I pull my coat on.

  “In the middle of the city,” Kaiden says.

  “Let’s go and find our girl, and bring her home,” Todd says and storms out the door.

  Our girl indeed.


  “Anything else I can get you, Sugar?” The middle-aged woman asks me as she gives me another cup of tea. I’ve had three since I got here and spent the whole time trying to calm down. Holy ducks, I must look like a hot mess. There’s a pile of tissues on the table where I’ve wiped my eyes from the tears. The woman has her blonde hair in a ponytail, a serious face and a crinkle- free uniform. She reminds me of my mother, who is also blonde and always has everything under control.

  “No, thank you,” I say and she nods before she starts to walk away and stops.

  “Are you okay? I mean, can I help you in any way?” she asks as she turns to look at me. Her look is caring and so she no longer reminds me of my mother.

  “No, thank you, I’m just having a bad day, you know?” I ask her and I’m glad when she nods.

  “Well, I’m over here if you need someone to chat to, we’re pretty quiet today,” she says and walks off. I glance around the small restaurant, it’s a quirky little place that I’ve never been to before. The walls and floors are covered in old preserved newspapers, they’ve been made into tiles and wallpaper. The dates of the papers on the wall near me are from the 1950’s and I’ve read all the papers near me while I’ve been trying to process everything.


  I look up, following the voice to see all the guys stood near the table. I was too busy daydreaming to see them all come in but they are all stood in a line watching me. It was Dominic, who spoke and he is the first one to step forward.

  “You guys must hate me. Holy ducks, I hate me, for messing with you all. I never meant to kiss some of you.” I say to them and they all stare at each other before they wordlessly step forward. Kaiden slides into the both next to me, Andre and Dominic sit opposite us and Todd gets a spare chair to sit at the end of the table. The waitress’s eyes widen when she comes out of the kitchen and sees me stuck in the middle of a hot guy sandwich.

  That’s the only way to explain what it feels like.

  “Can I get you guys anything?” the waitress comes over and says.

  “Yes, four coffees. Two with milk, and the other two black.” Dominic answers and she writes it down before walking off. She looks back and gives me a worried look, I simply shake my head and she nods.

  “Why did you run?” Dominic is the first one to ask.

  “I kissed you, and…” I stop talking when I notice them all looking at me. I sit back in my seat as I glance down at my hands, my cheeks feel bright red.

  “What if I said we all like you and want to date you?” Kaiden says and I look over at him.

  “I can’t date all of you,” I say shaking my head. There are so many reasons that could go wrong, the jealously it would cause for one.

  “I know it’s not common and it might not work but I can’t walk away from you, Ellie.” Dominic says, shocking the hell out of me. I just sit, completely speechless as I lean back on my seat.

  “It might be awkward at times and maybe it won’t work,” Andre says and I have to interrupt him.

  “Maybe? I can’t see any of you being okay with sharing,” I say, shaking my head.

  “The only other solution is you not being in our lives and never giving us a chance to see if we are good for each other.” Todd says, his eyes locking with mine. No one says anything for a while as I look at them all.

  “Can you walk away from us?” Todd asks me. The words gentle but they mean so much.

  “Here you go,” The waitress says, giving me a chance to look away and collect my thoughts. I glance at each of them as they take their drinks off the tray. Andre was the first one I met and I know we could never really be distant from each other because of the baby, but there was always something between us. Kaiden and Todd I’ve had moments with, moments that were far more than just attraction. No, I felt something for them and it would hurt to walk away. Dominic, well I think I fell for him when we kissed and the idea of walking away from him hurts me, too. I know it’s very soon to be feeling this way for them but I can’t help what I feel.

  “Okay, how about a month’s trial?” I ask them and their smiles encourage me to smile, too.

  “Sounds good. How about the days the club isn’t open, we take turns spending the day together?” Kaiden asks. I have the feeling he has a lot of this planned out. The guys all nod and Kaiden winks at me. I want to be happy, but the sight of Liz and Drew in bed is too fresh in my mind.

  “I just walked in on Liz and my ex-husband,” I blurt out quickly, just wanting to tell them and then I can’t stop the tears that follow. Kaiden wraps an arm around me and pulls me to his side.

  “What an asshole,” Todd grumbles.

  “I’m sorry, Ellie, she wasn’t a true friend if she could do that to you,” Andre says, his voice clipped and angry.

  “They don’t deserve you in their lives, Ellie,” Dominic says, shaking his head and I wipe my eyes.

  “Here,” Andre offers me a tissue and I sort myself out before pulling away from Kaiden.

  “I’m sor
ry I got your top all wet,” I say and he laughs.

  “It’s cool, I always win the wet t-shirt contest,” he smirks and the guys groan.

  “Did you actually have a contest?” I ask and they all nod.

  “Yes, I came in second,” Todd says proudly and I chuckle. I just imagine them all having a contest and the women loving it. I don’t know how I’m going to get used to seeing them dancing in the club and not being jealous.

  “Another question,” I say quickly.


  “Do you do private dances at the club?” I ask them all.

  “Do you want one?” Kaiden answers me with a question that makes my cheeks go bright red.

  “I…I well, yes,” I say and Todd coughs on his drink.

  “I didn’t expect you to say that, El,” he says while the others all stare at me.

  “I didn’t ask for that reason, anyway. It’s just that I can be okay with the dances on stage but private dances where other girls can touch you…” I let my words die off.

  “We rarely do private dances, so it’s not a problem.” Andre says and the others nod.

  “So, are you ready to go home?” Dominic asks me, it feels like such a powerful question because I have the feeling the answer is important.

  “Yes,” I say locking my eyes with his.

  “Good choice, Ellie,” he says with his own grin.


  “Yeah, I will come straight away,” I say to my sister on the phone as she asks me to come and watch the kids for the night as her boss has called her into work. She can’t say no because she can’t risk getting fired. I’ve suggested she quit her job a few times but she won’t, and she won’t let me help her with money. I can’t make her leave that shit job at a bar in town that she works at. I only wish it wasn’t tonight that her boss had decided to be a dickhead. “Okay, you sure? I know you had a date today,” Jude says.

  “I’m sure, don’t worry about it. I’ll be there in fifteen,” I say and she says goodbye after apologising again. My date in question walks into the living room, looking stunning enough to shock me into silence. Ellie has a small black dress on, black heels and her hair is wavy as it falls down her back.

  “Todd?” she asks gently. I clear my throat as I stand up and pick the roses up off the counter. I offer them to her and her cheeks go as red as the roses.

  “They’re beautiful, I can’t remember the last time someone brought me flowers.” She says as she accepts them and smells them.

  “Okay, I have some bad news,” I eventually say after clearing my throat and her beautiful brown eyes meet mine over the roses.

  “What’s up?” she asks as she puts the roses on the side table.

  “My sister has been called into work and needs me to watch the kids as her babysitter can’t.” I say and Ellie nods.

  “Give me a second to change into something a little more comfy, and then we can go,” she smiles and I’m shocked by her answer.

  “You don’t have to, I’m sure one of the other guys would happily take you out. I would ask one of them to watch the kids but Harry isn’t feeling well so it needs to be me,” I say, holding back the disappointment in my voice.

  “I want to spend tonight with you, I don’t care what we do as long as it’s with you,” she says and I don’t stop as I walk over to her. I slide my hand into her hair and pull her lips to mine. She gasps, but doesn’t pull away as I take her lips. She melts into my body with each kiss, and her hands slide up my chest. I move my hands down her back, feeling every soft part of her until I find her hips and lift her onto the counter. I move closer as her legs part around my waist as our kisses get more frantic. I have to move away from her lips to kiss down her jaw, gently sucking on her neck which makes her moan out in pleasure. I run my hand up her thigh and pause, leaning back to watch as she nods. I kiss her deeper as I move my hand to her wet lacy underwear and move them aside. She buckles against my hand with a moan as I press down on her clit and start moving my thumb in circular motions. I kiss her more as I slowly insert a finger inside of her, her moans getting louder and making me feel like coming in my pants like a teenager. She buries her head into my neck as I move my finger in and out of her, feeling how incredibly tight she is. I move my thumb around her clit at the same time, her moans are getting louder. Enough that I’m sure someone in the house heard her.

  “Todd, Todd, Todd,” she moans as she comes, her body arching and her channel squeezing my finger like a vice. I move my hand away from her and she stares at me, before gently kissing me and running her hand over my dick that’s tenting my trousers.

  “We have to go, but thank you for giving me that,” I tell her.

  “Don’t you want me to?” she asks and I shake my head. Seeing her like that is enough of a reward and I wouldn’t last long if she tried to touch me now.

  “Not tonight, tonight was for you,” I say and gently kiss her. I turn around to see Kaiden just as he walks into the room. He looks between Ellie and me, most likely seeing my tented trousers and Ellie’s flushed cheeks.

  “Aren’t you two meant to be going out?” he asks, no sign of jealously but he does wink at me while Ellie slides off the counter. I watch in amusement as she tries to pull her dress down and sort out her now messed- up hair.

  “I’m going to change into something more suitable for your sister’s,” she says walking past me, I grab her arm and pull her to me. I gently kiss her and she blushes.

  “Go on,” I say and she walks away, slower this time and I watch her lovely bum in the tight dress until I can’t see her anymore.

  “Why are you taking Ellie to your sister’s?” Kaiden asks me, choosing not to comment on what he walked in on. I’m thankful and surprised it’s not weirder between us.

  “Her boss,” I say as I take my jacket off. I’m dressed in a full suit, for the nice meal I had planned for tonight.

  “Again? What a dick. Do you want me to watch the kids?” Kaiden shakes his head as he pulls a bottle of water out of the fridge. Yeah, I know what he means, Jude’s boss doesn’t care that Jude has kids at home. I seriously need to go and have a word with him.

  “Nah, thanks man, it needs to be me. Harry has a cold and isn’t well,” I say and Kaiden nods, understanding.

  “Have a good night,” Kaiden says.

  “I will and thanks,” I say as he walks to the conservatory and stops to look over his shoulder at me.

  “For what?” he asks.

  “For not being awkward about what you walked in on,” I reply.

  “It wasn’t awkward, seeing Ellie like that was fucking hot,” Kaiden chuckles and walks out of the room.

  Kaiden is damn right, it was.


  I blink and check my bank balance again, there is a serious amount of money in my account that wasn’t in there yesterday. I log out of my internet banking and log back in, just to check because it doesn’t seem real. Andre said they would pay me my first pay check today, three weeks after I started working because I said no to them paying me in advance. I haven’t needed the money anyway; the guys buy all the food and just ask me what I would like. I did try to suggest I would do a shop but they said it was their thing. I also learnt that whoever’s week it is, does the laundry and cleaning. They do have a cleaner come in once every two weeks, an older man who looked shocked when he saw me and then cleaned the whole house. I tried to help him and he replied no.

  So, I just started helping whoever’s week it was with their jobs but they are seriously over- protective. There was no way they were letting me carry any washing down the stairs or doing anything they deemed too tiring. It’s lovely to have all these men caring for me, but it’s so strange to get used to. There is also movie night Tuesday, which all the guys usually watch a movie together and eat junk food. They take turns choosing the movie and let me choose, luckily for them, I’m a big Marvel fan. So, we watched Thor.

  I quickly get out of bed and stop when I see my reflection in the mirro
r, in just my black nightie but there is a clear bump on my stomach. I run my hands over it and I’m surprised how firm the bump feels. I quickly look away and force myself to think about the extreme amount of money I need to talk to Andre about and walk down the stairs, looking at the four room doors. We put our dating idea on hold after Todd’s date because I didn’t feel well. I had these terrible headaches and felt sick, so they stayed in with me which was sweet. I blush as think of what Todd and I did in the kitchen. I know I will never forget that moment between us.

  I stare at the all the doors but the decision is made for me when Kaiden opens his door and leans against it.

  “Why are you standing in the corridor in just your nightie, little missy?” he asks and I look down, as I realise I’m just wearing the silk black nightie and forgot to put my dressing gown on. Kaiden is dressed already in jeans and a grey hoodie with a white top underneath.

  “You’ll get cold in just that,” Kaiden says as he moves away from the door and steps back.

  “Come in,” he says and I nod, forgetting what I was doing as I walk into Kaiden’s bedroom for the first time. It’s simple, with green bed sheets and wooden furniture. There is very little personality in the room, other than the desk in the corner. The desk has tons of computer screens, pieces of broken computer parts and tools all over it.

  “I dabble in fixing computers,” he tells me as he sees where I’m staring and I nod.

  “When did you learn to do this?” I ask him and he moves to sit on the bed. Kaiden pats the space next to him and I go to sit. He pulls me to his side and I lie my head on his chest as he lies back against the side board.

  “Not much to tell, when I was a kid I liked to take apart anything I could and I taught myself,” he says with a little shrug.

  “So, now you do it for fun?” I ask him and he smiles.

  “Yes, just like stripping. I mean we make enough money and have enough staff that we don’t really need to be on the stage a lot, like we are now.” He says.


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