The Complete Dramatic Works of Tang Xianzu

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The Complete Dramatic Works of Tang Xianzu Page 19

by Tang Xianzu


  I have quit thinking of the worldly life, let alone the old prince!

  (To the tune of Haojiejie)

  I burn the incense

  To pay homage to the immortals.

  Standing by the silver lined screen,

  I look far beyond

  At the verdant spring.

  I have not the slightest interest

  In the swallows fluttering past the flowers

  Or the orioles hidden in the willow branches.


  Darkness is descending and the moon will soon come up.

  ZHENG LIUNIANG, HUO XIAOYU (To the previous tune):

  In front of the eaves,

  Willows and flowers fall asleep.

  Birds perch and sing in the tree

  On the moonlit and dewy night,

  When the wind whistles through the trees like flute music.

  Behind the curtain,

  The poet Lu Jin is no longer so romantic

  While the cute Biyu has left words of cheers.


  We must be leaving now.


  I am sorry that I have nothing to entertain you but bland tea and random chat. Please excuse me, Xiaoyu!

  ZHENG LIUNIANG, HUO XIAOYU (To the tune of Liupomao):

  A refreshing heart-to-heart talk is conducted

  Over the fine green tea which brings warmth

  And excels the mellowest wine.

  The water in the jade teapot

  Cleanses the earthly mind.


  We shall invite you to our Red Mansion.


  How can I go to the earthly places in such attire? You may come whenever you have time.

  DU QIUNIANG, SHANCAI (To the previous tune):

  Uninterested in visiting the earthly places,

  We ask whether you would come at leisure times.

  It is hard to tell when we shall separate and meet again,

  Even when we live close to each other

  In the same city.

  (To the tune of Coda)

  When the two guests are gone, I can only see

  The cold moonlight and the shadowy paths.


  Qiuniang, how can you bear a separation like this without paying us a visit?


  Liuniang, I would only feel all the more sorrowful if I went and saw the old house and the old friends. Let me show you to the gate,

  As we have been good sisters for twenty years.

  With fragrant breeze into the fairyland,

  Two ladies visit former Taoist friend.

  When they talk about the worldly affairs,

  They nearly forget when time will end.

  Scene Thirty

  Stationed in the Frontier

  (Enter Military Commander Du Huangshang, followed by the subordinates)

  DU HUANGSHANG (To the tune of Baoding’er):

  Our camp hall looks imposing,

  With the Emperor Star shining above

  And the War Stars setting in the west.

  When the frontier warfare is over,

  The swords and chariots will be left aloft.

  A military commander will stay behind

  And enjoy the mellow wine in the hot weather.


  It is time to enjoy the grapes

  And the delicious food

  Over the cool drinks.


  “The wine is cool, bubbling with foams,

  When mountains are still covered with snow in this season.

  With music heard all over the town,

  There is nothing like the frontier.”

  I am Du Huangshang, in a high position appointed by His Majesty for my literary and military talent. Now stationed in Shuofang, I am glad that our barbarian enemies have fled for fear of His Majesty’s imposing authority and power. I went a long way beyond the border with my military consultant Li Yi yesterday and returned without seeing the barbarians. As summer has begun in this area, ice and snow has vanished. We would like to taste the cool drinks to kill the heat. I have told my men to prepare some fruits to have a good time with Mr. Li over the drinks. I think he has arrived by now. Attendant, go to the gate and get ready to welcome Mr. Li!

  (Enter Li Yi)

  LI YI (To the tune of Hudaolian):

  I drop the pen and take up the sword in the frontier,

  Where the Yellow River flows from its source to the capital.

  When the sun sets in Chang’an,

  The flowers by the window mirrors the beauty’s face.

  ATTENDANT (Reports):

  Here comes Mr. Li!

  (Du Huangshang gets up and greets Li)

  LI YI:

  “You hold a high official post;


  You boast incomparable talent.

  LI YI:

  The warfare has come to an end,


  To give place to music day and night.”

  LI YI:

  The weapons are laid off for display when war is over. Why are you summoning me today?


  By relying on His Majesty’s authority and power as well as the collective wisdom and efforts, I have recovered a thousand miles of territory and taken command for years. I have suffered from the hardship of night marches, but have not enjoyed the pleasure of daytime entertainments. As I have been in this remote region of Duqu and Heyuan for years, I am expecting His Majesty’s decree to summon me back but in vain. I have spent some pleasant time with you, and today we shall listen to the ancient music and drink the cool wine.

  LI YI:

  You have quelled the barbarians in the western frontier, grasped the fortress in the northern area, controlled the passage to the south, and are now facing the east to host a grand dinner party. I feel sorry that I have not put forward many valuable proposals. In the frontier regions, there is the music of “Bronze Hooves”. I have the honor of attending the banquet and listening to the songs of victory with respect. On this occasion, let me propose a toast first!


  You are my guest here. Fill in the cups, attendant!

  (Holds the wine cup)

  (To the tune of Zhumating)

  In the peaceful military camp,

  The tent is magnificently decorated.

  It is the season when chinaberry flowers fall,

  The bamboos grow up

  And the daylilies are the most luxuriant.

  Fish play among the water lotuses,

  While orioles peep at the red berries in the trees.

  Mellow wine is drunk,

  While songs are chanted loud and clear.

  We are living an idle life like Prince Cao Zhi,

  With green moss gathering around our camp.

  LI YI (To the previous tune):

  When the weapons are laid aside,

  We view flowers and grass in the daytime.

  The breeze arises,

  The sunflowers sprout

  And the rainy spell is over.

  The mists and clouds are merged in the sky,

  Enshrouding the verdant peaks.

  The snow-mountains are high and steep;

  The snow-mountains are high and steep.

  The luxuriant woods on the peaks

  Are dimly discernable in the distance.


  Mr. Li, I am growing old now, but am still contributing my share to the country. Sooner or later I shall make retirement and return to the south, while you ought to remain in the northern frontier. Let’s drink a few cups at this gathering!

  (Drinks the wine)

  (To the previous tune)

  In intoxication,

  I am proud that my feats have excelled the ancient generals.

  The red flowers are in full bloom,

  The green grass overgrows<
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  And the bright foliage shines in the sun.

  Experiencing the coolness on the bamboo mat,

  I appreciate the picturesque landscape.

  Holding the wine cup, I talk in a lofty strain;

  Holding the wine cup, I talk in a lofty strain.

  It would be amusing to ask where the war hero is,

  For he is reading books at leisure by the window!

  LI YI:

  You have brought peace to the northern frontier and invited us to the music, but after the grand banquet, you say that you will return to the capital. I am not as talented as you, but I am willing to inherit your ambition and strive to make new achievements. Today,

  (To the previous tune)

  When horses are grazed by the Golden River,

  Their neighs are heard in the deep summer mansion.

  Fortunately, with round feather fans

  Spreading heat-relieving fragrance,

  Echoes the music of “Clear Waters” and “Auspicious Clouds”.

  When singing and dancing are over, the mansion will be deserted,

  For the swallows to make nests on the beams.

  Time is wasted in the song and dance;

  Time is wasted in the song and dance.

  But with dancing girls serving in the camp,

  I feel happy and contented.

  (Enter the post station chief)


  “The moonlight links the Great Wall with the frontier,

  Where barbarian waters flow into the Hans’ area.”

  Sir, here comes the imperial envoy!


  Get the incense-burner table ready to greet the imperial decree!


  Here is His Majesty’s decree. Fall on your knees and listen the decree: “When I compose this decree, I have long missed my worthy subjects, both valiant officers and intelligent officials. Prime Minister Du Huangshang, Duke of Fen, bears the appearance of an immortal and masters the military tactics and strategies. I have been converted to follow the Taoist teaching of Huang Shi and have subdued the tribes of Wuzhu. When I look west, I think of Du Huangshang who has served at the frontiers for a long time. So I give consent for him to be fetched in a special wagon. The military consultant, Li Yi, is to return to the court at the same time and take charge of decree-writing. The military affairs in the frontier are committed to Left General Hao Pin, and Right General Yan Chao is to be his assistant. Once you receive this decree, you should start the journey to come back as soon as possible to fill the vacancy of the official postition.” Now look towards the palace and express your gratitude to His Majesty!

  (All shout “Long live the Emperor!”)


  Invite the court courier to have a rest in the Huanghua courier house. I will start soon after I give some instructions to my men. Mr. Li, Shuofang is of military importance and used to be harassed by Tubo and Huihu tribes. The late emperor appointed me as Prime Minister to be stationed in the frontier, and appointed Your Honor as Grand Academician to serve as the military consultant in Shuofang. On hearing the news, the tribes realized the seriousness of the situation and dared not to make harassment at the borders anymore. I am afraid that when both of us leave our positions, they will consider harassing this area again. The two generals, Hao Pin and Yan Chao, are audacious, but not strategic enough, so I suggest that you stay for half a month more after I leave tonight. You will give advice to the two generals about the management of the frontier affairs. I shall dispatch my men to pick you up when I reach the Great Wall. What do you think?

  LI YI:

  I will surely obey your order!


  Attendant, invite generals Hao and Yan here!

  (Enter generals Hao Pin and Yan Chao)


  “Weathered by wind and dust in the frontier land,

  We are full of heroic spirits that go with rewards.

  With jade-decorated swords in hand,

  What is the use of broad swords?”

  We greet you with respect!


  Please rise to your feet! General Hao built a fortress in Linjing so that the enemy from the west dare not come near. The Tubo King made a golden figure the same size of General Hao as a reward to whoever kills the general. Your name is also used to stop the babies from crying. General Yan kept guard of the Shazhou fortress. When you were besieged by the enemy and our rescue forces could not reach you, not a single soldier gave up during these ten years. Now you are required by the court to stay, so you are the real defenders. I will return to the south tonight and Military Consultant Li will stay here for half a month before he leaves. I will send for him when I reach the Great Wall. The Shuofang area is committed to you!


  Please don’t worry! We guarantee that the enemy will not be able to cross the border and drive south!


  You are heroic and audacious enough to wipe out the enemy.

  (To the tune of Douheima)

  (To General Hao)

  You suppress the enemy in the Linjing county

  And breed steeds to be used in battles.

  Your name is awesome enough to stop babies’ cry

  And you are worth the gold of your size.

  (To General Yan)

  You guarded the Shazhou area,

  Slaughtering the enemy

  With no reinforcements available

  In the ten years’ fierce battle under siege.


  When the sharp-edged swords are drawn out,

  The imposing momentum soars to the star.

  Great ambitions are realized in the frontier

  To make contributions to the country in the long run.

  LI YI (To the previous tune):

  Skilled in the military strategies,

  We boast an awe-inspiring army.

  We are bold and wise

  In various defenses and attacks.

  I will leave

  While you will stay

  When the singing and dancing

  Come to an end.


  When the sharp-edged swords are drawn out,

  The imposing momentum soars to the star.

  Great ambitions are realized in the frontier

  To make contributions to the country in the long run.


  I am leaving. When I reach the Great Wall, I’ll dispatch my men to pick up Military Consultant Li, and inform your family of your return. You two generals are not to go far away from here to see me off.


  The tribe chiefs in Shouxiang city are here to see you off.


  Tell them that there is no need to see me off, and that their loyalty should be manifested in the devotion to the court with no act of offence or betrayal!

  (Takes leave)

  (To the tune of Huichaohuan)

  I’ll return to the court,

  I’ll return to the court

  From this wide-stretching desert.

  The Central Plains are prosperous

  With rich natural beauties.

  “The Frontier’s Moonlight”,

  “The Frontier’s Moonlight”,

  The farewell music is coming to my ears.

  You are seeing me off from the battlefield,

  While my hair has turned gray on my forehead,

  But there is no need for you to feel sad.

  Dressed in a silk robe that sets against my graying hair,

  I will return to the capital in the east.

  Through the Yumen Pass under the bright moon,

  The Prime Minister is to go home soon.

  With a valiant army under his command,

  No barbarians will dare to invade our homeland.

  Scene Thirty-One

sp; Conversion to Buddhism

  (Enter an old Buddhist master)

  OLD MASTER (To the tune of Northen Dianjiangchun):

  For the saintliness of Buddhism,

  All creatures fall under the influence

  Of the All-Powerful Tathagata Buddha.

  In the shadow of the temple pillars

  Appear all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

  The All-Powerful Buddha sheds brilliant light

  Over the whole universe

  And submits all the creatures.

  The fallen petals in the Buddhist yard

  Regain life in the warm breeze.

  (In the pattern of Changduanju)


  Why do people become so wretched?


  Why do people incite disharmony?


  People should chant the Buddhist scripture.


  People should pay homage to Buddha earlier.”

  I am Sikong, a Buddhist monk from the Zhangjing Temple. I am now one hundred and eight years old. I did not fully understand the Buddhist scriptures until I became older. I practice Buddhism all day, so I am greatly illuminated. The immaterial tree in your mind may grow in the sky as you can see the reflection of the tree in the pond; the immaterial lotus in your heart may bloom in the fire as you can smell the fragrance of the lotus on the sea. You may talk about the ashes after the destruction at the end of a kalpa, but the Weaver Star is still hanging in the Milky Way; you may try to ascertain the fall of the stars at night, but the moon is always shedding its light over the dews. I have an old acquaintance by the name of Du Huangshang, who used to study and talk about Buddhism with me in this temple when he was a young scholar. Now he is stationed in the Shuofang area as Military Commander and Prime Minister in the rank of dukedom. His Majesty decrees him to return to the court and he will soon be here in the capital city. It is very likely that he will come here to pay homage to Buddha when he drops by this temple. This man not only holds the topmost official position with meritorious deeds as the ancient prime ministers Xiao He and Guan Zhong, but also cherishes high aspirations. When he comes here, I will illuminate him with a few Buddhist chants so that he will soon reap the fruits of Buddhist attainment and cut himself off from the material world. For a better afterlife, he should be converted to Buddhism. I’ll call my disciples Faxiang and Fayun to wait at the gate.

  (Enter Faxiang and Fayun)


  “While vulgar people are rejected at the Buddhist door,

  When are we disciples permitted to present flowers?”


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