The Complete Dramatic Works of Tang Xianzu

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The Complete Dramatic Works of Tang Xianzu Page 95

by Tang Xianzu

  Brother Chunyu woke up when we were washing our feet.


  Where is the sun now?


  It is setting in the west.


  What’s on the window-sill?


  The half cup of wine is still warm.


  Oh, the slanting sun has not set behind the west wall and the remaining wine is warm beside the east window. In the twinkle of my dream, I seem to have spent my whole life.


  What’s in your dream?

  CHUNYU FEN (Thinks for a while):

  Fetch me a cup of hot tea!

  (Partridge fetches a cup of tea)

  Fetch me another cup of tea! I’m not yet fully awake.

  (Partridge fetches another cup of tea)

  CHUNYU FEN (Drinks):

  Well, Brother Liu, Brother Sha, what a distinguished place it is! Princess my wife!


  What princess wife? Have you become a royal son-in-law?


  Yes, I have.


  A royal son-in-law in which dynasty?


  It’s a long story. But first help me up!

  (Liu’er and Sha San help Chunyu Fen up)

  Didn’t you see the Royal Envoys?


  No, we didn’t.


  It’s strange. Let me tell you!

  (To the tune of Yichunling)

  In the room in the east wing

  I was sleeping soundly

  When some Royal Envoys came to meet me with a carriage.

  Where do you suppose I was going?

  In the cave at the root of a locust tree

  Was a pretty princess of Peaceful Locust.

  I still remember that her name was Yaofang, who made me her spouse. I went hunting with the King on Mount Tortoise.


  What happened next?


  To the south of the state is a Nanke County, where I was assigned as the magistrate for twenty years.


  You must have enjoyed yourself! What next?


  The princess gave birth to two boys and two girls. Frightened by the bandits from the State of Sandals and Vines, she died of illness and was buried on Mount Dragon.

  PARTRIDGE (Wails):

  Oh, my poor mistress!


  She defended the country on Mount Tortoise

  And was buried on Mount Dragon.


  And then?


  After the princess passed away, I returned to the court as the prime minister, but things were quite different now.

  As I could hardly stay in that country,

  I begged to return from the dreamland.

  Seeing that I would like to go home, the King and the Queen had to agree to my request. The Royal Envoys who accompanied me were both of the first rank.


  Oh, I forgot to serve them tea.


  Brothers, what do you think of my experience?


  I have no idea.


  I have no idea, either.


  What about going to the locust cave?


  Maybe the old locust tree has immortalized as a spirit.

  (To the previous tune)

  Be it the fairy fox or the mountain demon,


  With picks and shovels we’ll dig the locust root.

  (Partridge fetches a shovel)


  Master, master, you used to sleep in drunkenness below the locust tree. Maybe you were bewitched.


  There is some reason in it. Let’s go and have a look!

  (They walk and look)


  There is a big hole below the locust tree.


  There are ants! Ants!

  When we explore the cave,

  We find ants running along the path.

  Let’s shovel the earth at the top!

  (All are surprised)

  Look! The cave is three feet in breadth and three feet in depth, and is bright inside.


  On the root of the tree, soils are piled up into a city. On each tier of the city is a terrace. Fantastic! Fantastic!

  PARTRIDGE (Surprised):

  Oh! Myriads of ants are gathered in the cave. Terrible! Terrible!


  Don’t disturb them!

  There are tall buildings and city walls,

  With a big terrace afar in the centre.


  The color of the terrace is reddish.


  The two big ants sit side by side, with white wings and red heads, about three inches in length. They are attended by dozens of big ants while all the others dare not come near.

  CHUNYU FEN (Sighs):

  It must be the royal palace of the State of Peaceful Locust.


  These two big ants are your father-in-law and mother-in-law.

  CHUNYU FEN (Weeps):

  I have affections for them

  As they have treated me with due respect.


  Let’s dig toward the south. Look, on the southern branch, there seems to be an earthen city ten feet in breadth. A small building is inhabited by the ants. Look, at the sight of Brother Chunyu, they either look up, or nod or lie prostrate toward you. Isn’t this the Nanke County you mentioned?


  It’s the county you ruled.

  (To the previous tune)

  On the southern branch

  With flat paths and small buildings

  Is located Nanke County.


  This looks like it.


  I was busy here as the magistrate. Did I rule over these ant citizens? The seven thousand and two hundred tablets to commemorate my meritorious management and the memorial temple are all gone, except for the sand dyke leading to the Departure Pavilion.

  What is virtuous management?

  It owes to their support in these twenty years.


  Let’s dig toward the west!


  Well, six feet toward the west is a cave high up with a hollow inside. What’s this?


  This is a huge tortoise shell, with flourishing wild grass after the rain. As it is situated to the west of the locust tree, isn’t it Mount Tortoise?


  That’s it. It is a pity that for Tian Zihua’s Poetic Essay on the Grand Hunting on the Tortoise Hill,

  A good essay is buried under the pavilion

  As a scenic spot for people to visit.


  Digging eastward for three feet, there is another cave with intertwining ancient roots.

  With the shape of a dragon,

  Isn’t it where you bury you princess wife?

  CHUNYU FEN (Looks carefully and wails):

  True! The large tomb is where my wife lies. Oh, my dear princess wife!

  (To the previous tune)

  With you looming before me,

  I shed torrents of tears

  For you cannot lie in the same grave with me!

  When the King compelled me to leave,

  Why couldn’t you hear my call for help?

  Brothers, when I buried my wife, I argued about feng-shui with Right Prime Minister Duan Gong for my children. He said that there might be ants here, but I argued that they do not matter. It looks like as if there are mosquitoes here.

  What’s the use of the dragon according
to feng-shui?

  The princess once said that

  She would strive to win distinction for me.

  (Wind arises within)


  A big storm is coming. Let’s destroy this nest of ants!

  CHUNYU FEN (Flurried):

  Don’t try to hurt them!

  Let’s shelter the locust palace for them!

  (Covers the cave)


  The cave is shielded. Let’s take shelter from the rain!


  “Instead of taking shelter from rain,

  Who will mind the ant with pain?”

  (Exeunt all)


  The rain has stopped!

  (Enter Partridge, giggling)


  Funny, funny indeed! Like a child’s face, rain and shine in a flash!


  Alas! Master, hurry up!

  (Enter Chunyu Fen, Liu’er and Sha San in haste)


  Look! Where are the ant holes?

  ALL (Astonished):

  How accurate is the prediction!


  It is predestined! There was the rumor in the ant state that the country would be in great trouble, and that the capital would have to be moved. Isn’t the prediction accurate?

  (To the tune of Dashiyin)

  The astrology

  Is accurate enough,

  For he should not have invited a guest star like me!


  The great changes in life

  Are incurred by your affairs with the ladies.


  When I walk along the path, everything conforms with the dream, except the State of Sandals and Vines and the River Town.

  PARTRIDGE (Thinks):

  Yes, I see. On the long ditch of the ancient stream to the east of our house, there is a sandalwood tree, intertwined with vines that shelters from the sky. I used to take a day break there and see red ants coming and going. It must be this.


  That’s it. That is the unarmoured army of the State of Sandals and Vines.

  These tiny creatures dared to fight,

  Defying the valiant General Zhou.


  Which General Zhou?


  Zhou Bian is the general. Both he and Tian Zihua were in Nanke with me.




  He got a letter from my father, who promised to meet me in the year of dingchou.


  This year is the year of dingchou.


  How could it be like this! Dubious indeed!

  With all things entangled,

  Like meeting my dead father,

  Am I bewitched to have spirits around me?


  As to the dead soul, we’d better inquire an enlightened Zen Master.


  Yes, there is one. I happened to meet a monk taking shelter from the rain near the door.


  Invite him here at once!

  (Exit Partridge to invite the monk)

  (Enter a monk)

  MONK (To the previous tune):

  Who is inviting a wandering monk?

  (Greets Chunyu Fen)

  What can I do for you, Master Chunyu?


  Where are you from, master?


  I am from Luhe County.


  May I ask you whether you know the scholar Tian Zihua and the military candidate Zhou Bian in Luhe County?


  Yes, I know. They are my bosom friends, but they died a natural death on the same day.


  Then, it’s all the more strange.


  Why is the locust tree dug up?


  I am just to inquire about this. There are myriads of ants in the cave of this tree. I was taking a nap in the east wing when two envoys invited me to marry the daughter of the king. With the swift passage of twenty years, I woke up to find that it was a dream, with Zhou Bian and Tian Zihua in the dream. Just now I heard from you that they died and became roving spirits. I do not mind that, but I got a letter from my deceased father saying that we are to meet in this year of the ox. I am in great suspicion as to

  Whether I shall be in disaster

  As it is the year of the ox.


  It happens that Master Qixuan is at the Gathering of Water and Land to expiate the sins of all the dead souls. Why don’t you write a prayer and inquire about the predestined fate at Moksha-nulha-parishad, the gathering for almsgiving. The Master will

  Reveal to you all the shadows

  And explain all the causes and effects.

  CHUNYU FEN (Bows):

  Thank you for your instructions

  As if I attended the Ullambana service

  And was moved to sing the Bamboo Tune again!


  This service is much more serious than the Ullambana service. You must fast and confine yourself in a room for forty-nine days. Chant “Amitabha Buddha” thirty-six thousand times within twenty four hours. Then you’ll burn your fingertip as incense and write your prayer to be offered before the altar of Buddha. Only in this way will there be some effect.


  I’ll obey your instructions. But I don’t know whether the Zen Master will ferry all the citizens in the Great State of Peaceful Locust to the Heaven.


  Of course he will.

  CHUNYU FEN (To the tune of Coda):

  I’ll offer all I have to Buddha,

  To save the ants as the human beings.

  I shall ask Master Qixuan about my haunting illusion.

  The empty existence is not a void,

  But who has the insight to see through?

  I’ll go to the sacred Buddhist temple

  To save the citizens of Peaceful Locust.

  Scene Forty-Three

  Affections Expounded

  (Enter Monk A, holding a banner)


  (To the tune of Langtaosha)

  When we lie prostrate before Buddha,

  Beating drums and blow horns,

  The heavens resound with kinnarra, the god of music.

  The everlasting altar lamps with surviving banners

  Shine over the world of suffering.

  (Enter Monk B, holding a chiming stone)

  MONK B (To the previous tune):

  Men inhabit the world of desire,

  In daily apprehension of Yama, the king of hell.

  Is there sorrow in the world of rebirth?

  While all the wheels in the hell are broken,

  What is the world of suffering?

  (Enter Chunyu Fen, holding an incense burner)

  CHUNYU FEN (To the previous tune):

  As the spouse of the king’s daughter,

  I once held office in Nanke County.

  What happens in the world of utmost light-purity?

  A man of affections will never be deprived of affections.

  A young man may also be tormented by sufferings.

  (Places the incense burner on the ground and lies prostrate before Buddha)

  (Salutes the monks with his palms crossed)

  My respect to your all.


  All the living beings should lie prostrate before Buddha’s powerful light, and rely on the magic power of the Zen Master. There are almsgivers cherishing sincere desires and acolytes obeying the Buddhist disciplines. Thousands of people come to sing praise of Buddha’s merits and virtues, with the chanting of sutras like thunders. Those come to worship and pray for forty-nine days are shedding torrents of tears. Those who are unhindered and treat all as equals will impress Buddha with their sincerity. With
his wisdom to sever all worries, the Zen Master will bring all the living beings to ascend to the heaven in due order.


  All the men with affections cherish the common desire of being blessed by Buddha.

  (Enter Master Qixuan in a dignified manner)

  MASTER QIXUAN (To the tune of Northern Xianlu Dianjiangchun):

  The chanting of sutras

  Brings light to the skies

  And clarity in the hall.

  The karma in the dreams

  Will be testified in Buddha’s sphere.

  CHUNYU FEN (Bows to Master Qixuan):

  I, Chuyu Fen, bow to the Master.

  (The monks make a bow)


  I have practiced Buddhism to the age of ninety-one before I hold this Gathering of Water and Land to expiate the sins of all the dead souls. Thanks to the piety of the monks, they have fasted forty-nine days and offered the prayer before the altar of Buddha for seven days and seven nights. The floating lamps on the river break the darkness of the night while alms are distributed to all the hungry ghosts. All your pious beseechings will be duly attained. As the gathering will come to an end this evening, do you have any wish that I can help you to fulfill?


  My first wish is to see my deceased father ascend to the heavens; my second wish is to see my wife Yaofang ascend to the heavens; my third wish is to see all the citizens in the Great State of Peaceful Locust ascend to the heavens.


  What great wishes! You may burn your fingertip as the incense and I’ll enumerate them for you. They might be fulfilled to reward your piety.

  (The monks beat drums and blow horns)

  (Chunyu Fen kowtows three times)

  MASTER QIXUAN (To the tune of Hunjianglong):

  The humble disciple in Huainan,

  Chunyu Fen lies prostrate to worship Buddha.

  (Chunyu Fen burns his fingertip)


  He is willing to skin his fingertip

  And burn it as candle or incense

  For his deceased father who is buried in the north,

  And for the ruined locust palace of his spouse.

  His father wrote a letter

  And sent it from the underworld

  While his ant spouse bares her affection

  In the Buddhist Hall.

  Oh Buddha, by your immense blessing,

  Ferry those affectionate ones into the heavens!

  I have prayed for you. And now I shall sprinkle the water with the willow twigs and scatter the sweet flowers.

  (The monks sprinkle water with the willow twigs)

  (To the tune of Youhulu)

  I shall twist the willow twigs a thousand times

  To sprinkle the cleansing water like nectar.

  (Scatters the flowers)

  The fragrant wind swirls the flowers in the hall

  When the fairy comes to scatter them.


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