The Complete Dramatic Works of Tang Xianzu

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The Complete Dramatic Works of Tang Xianzu Page 99

by Tang Xianzu

Take a seat please, sir.


  I put my parcel down

  And am well received.

  The Yueyang Pavilion

  Is farther away than I believed.


  May I ask where you are from?


  I’m a converting Taoist priest by the name of Hui. I’d like to sit for a while.


  Here comes the man on a black donkey.

  (Chants incantations)

  The donkey, the roosters, the dogs and the people in the human world, all those who have body and soul, do obey my miraculous orders and never violate them. That’s my edict!

  (Enter Lu Sheng, dressed in a short fur-coat and riding a donkey)

  LU SHENG (To the previous tune):

  While the wind blows at my hat,

  In an unbuttoned marten coat,

  I whip the black donkey in a sharp note.


  Welcome, Master Lu.


  With the fields at my heels,

  Who’s calling me by the waterwheels?

  Oh, it’s the innkeeper. I’ll sit there for a while. Tether the donkey on the stump and let it eat some hay.


  Yes, I see.

  LU SHENG (Greets Lü Dongbin):

  I raise my hand

  And make a bow.

  When we meet,

  I’ll say hello now.

  Where is the old man from, Innkeeper?


  He’s from a Muslim country.


  He doesn’t look like a Muslim.


  My surname is Hui. I’ve made my way from the Yueyang Pavilion. May I ask what’s your name?


  I am Lu Sheng. I heard of the Yueyang Pavilion long ago. How does it look like now?


  There is an essay entitled The Yueyang Pavilion. I’ll recite a few lines for you: “The finest sights of Baling are concentrated in the region of Lake Dongting. Dongting, nibbling at the distant hills and gulping down the Yangtze River, strikes beholders as vast and infinite, presenting a scene of boundless variety; and this is the superb view from the Yueyang Pavilion. Since the lake is linked with the Wu Gorge in the north and extends to the Xiao and Xiang rivers in the south, many exiles and wandering poets gather here, and their reactions to these sights vary greatly. During a period of incessant rain, when a spell of bad weather continues for more than a month, chilly winds bellow angrily, tumultuous waves hurl themselves against the sky, the sun and the stars hide their lights, hills and mountains disappear, merchants have to halt in their travels, masts collapse and oars splinter, the day darkens and the roars of tigers and howls of monkeys are heard. If men come to this pavilion with a longing for home in their hearts or nursing a feeling of bitterness because of taunts and slander, they may find the sight depressing and fall prey to agitation or despair. But during mild and bright spring weather, when the waves are unruffled and the azure translucence above and below stretches before your eyes for myriads of li, when the water-birds fly down to congregate on the sands and fish with scales like glimmering silk disport themselves in the water, when the iris and orchids on the banks grow luxuriant and green; or when dusk falls over this vast expanse and the bright moon casts its light over a thousand li, when the rolling waves glitter like gold and the silent shadows in the water glimmer like jade, and the fishermen sing to each other for sheer joy, then men coming to this pavilion may feel complete freedom of heart and ease of spirit, forgetting every worldly gain or pain, to hold their wine-cups in the breeze in absolute elation, delighted with life.”*


  What a magnificent sight! You have such a good memory that you can recite the essay so fluently. How many times have you been there?


  Not many times, just thrice. As it goes in a poem:

  I visit Green Void in the morn and Cangwu in the eve;

  I’m bold since I’ve a miraculous sword up my sleeve.

  I’m not known although I’ve passed Yueyang three times;

  I fly over Lake Dongting while I recite the rhymes.


  What a good poem you’ve recited! When you mention “I visit Green Void in the morn and Cangwu in the eve”, I know that Cangwu is in southern Chu, but where is the Green Void?


  The way to Green Void lies ahead of you.

  LU SHENG (Laughs):

  You’re hoaxing me.


  Then, how are things going with you?


  Thanks to the gods above, I reaped 7.8 hectolitres last year and 9.9 hectolitres this year.


  That’s enough for you.

  LU SHENG (Laughs):

  That’s true.

  (Rises to his feet suddenly, looks at his ragged fur-coat and sighs)

  The lucky star is so against me that I’m badly off.


  From your appearance, I can see that you are tender-skinned, plump, healthy and talk in a pleasant mood. How can you be badly off?

  (To the previous tune)

  You enjoy good health

  And reap a bumper yield.

  We meet here like old friends.

  In a good shape, you do not have to pretend;

  You have every reason to be overjoyed.

  Why are you annoyed

  And do not think everything is perfect?

  You sigh that you are badly off;

  What is it that you expect?


  You say that I am in a happy mood, but where’s the happy mood in my poor life?


  How can you be in a happy mood if you are not contented with your present state?


  A gentleman must do merits to build a fame, be a high-ranking official or general, have sumptuous meals, listen to choice music, have a big family and live a luxurious life. Only in this way can he be in a happy mood.

  (To the previous tune)

  I am learned

  And aim high.

  To gain a high position,

  I was able to try.

  By now, I am score and ten,

  But still walk in the fields.

  How can I not be annoyed

  And think that everything is perfect?

  Old man,

  You said that I am not badly off,

  But what is there for me to expect?

  (In a state of doziness)

  I am feeling dozy.


  You must be hungry. I’ll prepare a meal of millet for you.


  I’ll take a nap on the bed.

  (Goes to bed)

  There’s no pillow here.


  Lu Sheng, Lu Sheng, since you want to be in a happy mood all your life, I’ll open the parcel and get a pillow for you.

  (Opens the parcel and gets the pillow for Lu Sheng)

  (To the tune of Coda)

  You feel dizzy and fall asleep.

  When you sleep on this pillow,

  Everything will be perfect all the time.

  Well, Innkeeper, go and

  Make the meal of millet while his dream is deep.


  LU SHENG (Tosses and turns in bed):

  (Inspects the pillow)

  (To the tune of Lanhuamei)

  This pillow is not made of silk or rattan,

  But seems to be made of some sort of jade.


  It is of stainless porcelain from Cizhou!


  How can there be holes at both ends?

  (Wipes his eyes)

  My sight is blurred, I’m afraid.

  (Looks round)

  The light is penetrating into the room. Maybe it’s
the sunlight.

  (To the previous tune)

  This room of half a hut is so bright;

  Is it the setting sunlight?

  Maybe it’s because of my blurred eyesight.

  Let me get up to take a look.

  (Gets out of bed and is astonished when he looks at the direction of the entrance)

  Why is it growing large and bright?

  I’ll jump into the gourd and see what is inside,

  (Jumps into the pillow)

  (The pillow falls off )

  LU SHENG (Turns to go):

  Alas, how comes this straight highway?

  (Walks on)

  What a huge scarlet wall!

  (To the tune of Chaotianzi)

  I walk along a sandy path

  And see a residence where the wall turns.

  Since the gate is open here, I’ll enter the house without invitation.

  When the copper ring rolls the curtain,

  The flowers in the yard come into view,

  Enshrouded in dense mist.

  Who owns the residence, a duke or a marquis?

  Who owns the residence, a duke or a marquis?

  Inside the gate curtain is a big house with a spacious yard. When I look from outside, I can see a Taihu rockery in front of me. Within the hall I can see ancient paintings and lutes, an incense tripod, a bronze crane, green corals and red carpets.

  (To the previous tune)

  In the clean, quiet and well-furnished hall,

  People seem to move behind the scarlet gate,

  Behind the tiny windows.


  There’s a stranger outside. Stop thief! Stop thief!

  LU SHENG (Flurried):

  I’ll hurry down the corridor to avoid trouble.


  Shut the gate! Stop thief! Stop thief!

  LU SHENG (In a panic):

  What’s to be done? The gate is tightly shut now. What luck that there is a hibiscus trellis nearby, where I can hide myself.

  I’ll keep my mouth shut,

  Like fish out of water and a lotus flower on land.

  I’ll have to linger here;

  I’ll have to linger here.

  (Enter Maidservant)


  Where’s the man? Please come here, mistress.

  (Enter Miss Cui, followed by Meixiang)

  MISS CUI (To the tune of Bushilu):

  Like visionary waves and blooms,

  A country girl’s soul wanders here and there.

  Transformed by an immortal,

  I stay in the house and make myself fair.

  I am from the family of Cui in Qinghe. This is my maidservant and that is Meixiang. I live in this huge residence and have not got married yet. Someone has entered the yard. Where can he be hiding now?


  In the thick leaves,

  The man

  must be hiding behind the hibiscus trellis.


  Why don’t you come out, man?

  We’ll have you arrested and your legs broken.

  LU SHENG (Gets scared and comes out of hiding):

  Don’t have me arrested. Here I come.


  None of your fine words! Hang your head!

  (Grasps Lu Sheng, makes him lower his head and kowtow)

  In this noble residence,

  We cannot tolerate your indecency.

  How dare you!

  How dare you!


  Ask the man, where is his hometown, what is his first name and what is his last name.

  LU SHENG (To the previous tune):

  A lover of books,

  I’m from the family of Lu to the east of Mount Taihang.

  On a leisurely walk,

  I’ve entered your house by mistake.


  What are your family members?



  With no wife, no children, no parents.

  I’m living alone all by myself.


  You have no wife, and so you’re loafing here?


  By no means!

  You must know,

  A scholar is honest and obeys the law.

  How can I behave frivolously?

  How can I behave frivolously?


  Tell the man to raise his head.


  I dare not.


  My mistress allows you to raise your head.

  LU SHENG (Looks up):

  Oh, what a pretty lass!


  How dare you!

  MISS CUI (To the previous tune):

  I’m from an age-old eminent family,

  A family out of the ordinary.

  How crafty you are

  To peep at a distinguished flower of a lady!


  I dare not.



  Have him arrested at once.


  I have no rope with me.


  The swing ropes are hanging high.


  I have no cudgel with me.


  Give him a hard beating with a drum-stick.


  How miserable I am! How miserable!


  Beg for pardon!


  I know that I’ll beg for pardon.


  The man is kowtowing and begging for pardon.


  Since he’s here either for an illicit affair or for theft, he will not escape punishment by the imperial law. Auntie, ask him whether he wants to settle the problem in private or in court. If he wants to settle it in private, he’ll have to remain here and be my husband. If he wants to settle it in court he’ll be sent to Qinghe County.

  MAIDSERVANT (To Lu Sheng):

  I’ve begged pardon for you. The mistress says that if you want to settle the problem in private, you’ll have to remain here and be her husband. If you want to settle it in court, you’ll be sent to Qinghe County.


  I’d like to settle it in private.


  He’s ever ready to comply.

  (To Miss Cui)

  Mistress, the scholar is ready to settle the problem in private.


  In that case, he is pardoned and allowed to rise to his feet.


  The mistress allows you to rise to your feet.

  (Lu Sheng rises to his feet and laughs)

  MISS CUI (Looks in an ashamed manner):

  Auntie, lower the curtain at once so that I won’t see him.

  As he is dressed in indecency,

  You’d better

  Take him to a bath down the corridor.

  Bring word to me by then!

  Bring word to me by then!


  Scholar, the mistress tells you to take a bath in the Fragrant Hall.

  LU SHENG (Smiles):

  She’s simply making me embarrassed.

  Beneath the eaves of a shed,

  I have to bow my head.


  (Reenter Lu Sheng, ushered in by Maidservant)

  LU SHENG (To the previous tune):

  My wife sent me to the Fragrant Hall,

  To clean my hands, feet, brows, teeth and all.


  It’s too early to speak of your wife.

  Now that you’ve cleaned and shaved,

  Kneel before the steps and cross your hands.

  (Lu Sheng stands respectfully)

  MAIDSERVANT (To Miss Cui):

  Mistress, the man has taken a bath and changed his clothes.


  What does
he look like?


  In his intellectual brilliance,

  He is now well-dressed and shows elegance.

  MISS CUI (In a low voice):

  What about his inner ability?

  MAIDSERVANT (Giggles lightly):

  Even if he is impotent,

  You can play with him.

  MISS CUI (Laughs):

  None of your nonsense!

  Roll up the curtain, Meixiang.

  (Meixiang rolls up the curtain)


  As I am eager for my first-night love,

  Get the bamboo curtain ready at once.

  (Lu Sheng kneels)

  MISS CUI (Helps Lu Sheng to his feet):

  A man has gold under his knees!

  A man has gold under his knees!

  Lu Sheng, Lu Sheng, I’ll keep you company out of pity for your poverty, but there must be a matchmaker. What is to be done?


  I’ll act as your matchmaker so as not to delay your wedding date.

  (Drumbeats and music within)

  (Maidservant presides over the wedding ceremony)


  Man and wife drink the wedding wine.

  MISS CUI (Holds the wine in her hands):

  (To the tune of Hexinlang)

  Shy and coy,

  With the cup of wine,

  My face turns red and bright with joy.

  Living an easy and natural Iife,

  Why should I walk around like a fairy,

  Only to meet my lover?

  I grin,

  I smile,

  For I’ve become a wife.


  The bed scene at night

  Is by no means a fright.

  LU SHENG (To the previous tune):

  A bachelor at thirty years of age,

  I happen to stop over in Handan,

  In a shabby state.

  Out of my expectation,

  I would make love in bed —

  A wretched man with a lovely mate.

  It will grow;

  It will thrust;

  It will reach its goal.


  The bed scene at night

  Is by no means a fright.


  Man and wife are ready to enter the bridal chamber.

  (Leads the way)

  ALL (To the tune of Jiejiegao):

  From the families of Cui and Lu,

  Two youngsters

  Met by chance and fell in love.

  When she told him to bathe and shave,

  He lost no time

  To make himself clean and tidy.

  His hat is shining bright

  While the lamp sheds tender light.

  Cui is from a house of great renown

  And Lu is a man in his prime.

  (To the previous tune)

  On a raft to cross the Milky Way,

  A man attracts the Weaver Star,

  Who marries him on the same day.

  Do not worry;

  Do not sigh;


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