The Book of Joshua I - Trust (The Gems & Gents Series 2)

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The Book of Joshua I - Trust (The Gems & Gents Series 2) Page 16

by Iris Bolling

  "Why do you insist on referring to him as that ridiculous name? Is it not clear to you he has shared his true identity with me?"

  "Tsk, tsk. Your fangs are beginning to show. We would not want to tarnish that subdued persona, now, would we?"

  "I do not like you very much."

  "That gives you a one up. I don't like you at all." She uncrossed her legs and sat forward. "There's two things you need to know. First, I'm not buying your act. You have fooled an individual whom I admire and I am somewhat disappointed with that reality. The other thing you should know, and this is very important. I kill people for a living. I don't ask questions, I just take them out." The expression on her face changed as she glared at the woman. "I want to be sure there is no misunderstanding." Monique stood, walked over to where Akande sat. She placed her hands on the arm of the chair trapping the woman inside and glared into her eyes. "You've been warned." She held the woman's eyes for a moment then walked out of the room.


  “Mommy,” a small voice called out from her room. “Uncle Joshua is here.”

  Cynthia Lassiter walked into the room with her golden curls bouncing around her shoulders and a stomach that walked in the room before her feet did. “Joshua,” she called out, a bright smile appearing on her face as she stretched her arms out.

  “Good Lord, woman. What is that brother of mine doing to you?” Joshua’s smile beamed as he embraced his sister-in-law. He looked down. “What? Do you have a beach ball in there?”

  She hit him with the dishcloth. “When did you get back from Emure?”

  “A few hours ago. Where’s Sammy?”

  “With JD.” She knew this brother-in-law almost as well as she knew Samuel. She could tell when something wasn’t right. “Can you stay for a minute?”

  “No, I’m working. I wanted to see my niece.” He bent down to retake his seat next to Samantha.

  “Mommy, Uncle Joshua wants one of me. I told him, he don’t have to. You and Daddy will share me.”

  “Doesn’t have to sweetie,” Cynthia corrected her two year old as she watched Joshua.

  “Doesn’t have to,” Samantha repeated.

  “Try this one,” Joshua gave her a piece to the puzzle.

  Samantha put it with the others and jumped into her uncle’s arms when it worked. “Uncle Joshua made it work, Mommy.”

  Joshua kissed the child.

  “Yes, he did.” Joshua looked different. “Go wash your hands, sweetie. It’s time for lunch.”

  “Okay,” Samantha kissed her uncle on his cheek then skipped from the room.

  “Use water,” Cynthia turned to say. When she turned back, Joshua was gone. She stood there staring at the spot he’d previously occupied. Something was amiss.


  Sally Lassiter loved three things with a passion, her husband, her twelve children and her garden. When her spirit wasn’t right, that meant one of her children was in trouble. It wasn’t Sapphire, her youngest. She was in school, eager for the Thanksgiving break. She had spoken with both sets of twins. Jade and Adam were fine, well except Adam, who almost blew up one of the buildings on the Morehouse campus. Opal and Timothy were at Hampton University, both planned to be home for Thanksgiving. Luke was at practice. Since his NFL team did not have to play on Thanksgiving day, she was expecting him home. Mathew had just moved into his new apartment and was being frisky with some girl when she called. Her sweet Diamond was with her new husband, Zack, making babies she hoped. Pearl and Samuel were on a road trip with Governor Harrison. Pearl was his press secretary and Samuel was on his security detail. Ruby was at the shelter where she volunteered with the homeless. That left Joshua. She sat back on her heels, wiped at imaginary sweat on her brow, then bent back over her garden. This would probably be the last set of greens she would get before the winter really sat in. Joshua Theodore Lassiter, her gift from God. He was the restless one who was always trying to live up to his bigger than life brother Samuel. She prayed for him the most.

  He was such a caring spirit and an accomplished man in his own right. But he always seemed to be searching for something. He would find it. Love. As soon as he stopped searching by bedding every woman who came his way, he would find that one woman who would calm his spirit. That’s what she prayed for, for all of her children. Samuel found Cynthia and Diamond found Zackary. Soon, Joshua would find someone. A smile crept into her heart.

  “I have told you about sneaking up on me.”

  Joshua stood behind his mother in the backyard where he, his brothers, whom his father referred to as gents, and the wild bunch of sisters, his father called gems, because he thought they were all precious gemstones, would play. None of them, nor any woman he had met thus far, came within a mile of being as precious and rare as this one. His mother meant more to him than anything in this world. She would move heaven and earth for him and he would do the same for her.

  Sally stood to see her son standing there with his arms folded across his chest, dressed in a navy blue suit, crisp white shirt, a striped navy, white and black tie. His trench coat swung open and free, looking like a modern day sheriff from the wild, wild west. Aww, this one. This handsome double dimpled devil stole her heart away the moment he came into the world. She loved her children, all of them. This one she worried about, because of his chosen profession. For the most part, Sally had no idea where in the world he was, but knew in her heart God would protect him. Yet, she worried.

  “As I was with Moses, so I will be with thee. I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Book of Joshua, Chapter 1 Verse 5. Hello there, mother of Joshua.”

  Sally laughed as she hugged him. “Be strong and of good courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Book of Joshua, Chapter 1, Verse 9.”

  “So why are you fretting?”

  “What makes you think I’m fretting?” She wiped her brow, then put her hands on her hips and looked up at him.

  “You’ve beat the poor greens to death with the spade.”

  Sally looked at the garden and had to laugh. She turned back to him. “Come in the house smarty pants. I have a hot pan of peach cobbler in the oven.”

  He grinned and followed his mother into the house. “You are the second person to call me that. Where is everyone?” Joshua took off his coat and placed it across the back of the chair as he sat at the kitchen table.

  His mother was at the oven, busy, pulling out a saucer and filling it with cobbler then dropping a big dip of vanilla ice cream on top. “Well, your father is upstairs asleep. He has to work tonight.” She placed the saucer and a spoon in front of him then counted off. “Everyone else is at, work, work, work, practice field, apartment, school, school, school, school and school. She thought for a minute. “Yeah, that just about covers everyone.” She smiled and sat at the table with a cup of coffee. She took a sip as her motherly eyes roamed over him, assessing, looking for the things only a mother’s eye can find. “So, tell me about her.”

  Joshua sat back and laughed with a spoonful of cobbler in his mouth. “Cut right to the chase, Mom.”

  “You don’t have time for me to be subtle about things. So spill it.”

  This was the reason he came home. He was tied up in knots. If anyone could clear his mind, it was his mother. “I met this woman. I can’t tell you where.” he sighed. “Mom, she is beautiful, and courageous. She touches something deep inside of me that I can’t explain. She’s had a sad life and I find myself wanting to change that, you know make it right for her.” He told her about Akande without giving too much detail. Instantly, he stopped talking.

  Sally waited. “But?”

  He smirked. “I don’t know if I trust her.”

  Speaking from her heart was the only way Sally knew how to be when it came to her children. She wanted all of them happy and the only way she knew to ensure that was to do all she could to make certain they ended up with the right person in their life.

  “Trust is the c
ornerstone of any relationship, be it brothers, sisters, husbands, or wives. In your line of work trust is paramount. Every human beings life is built on trust. You have to trust the people around you to do their part to ensure a successful mission, for your life is on the line. You trust your brothers and sisters will always be there to support you and have your back in all things. A relationship is built on love, respect and above all else trust. Without trust, you cannot love. Without love there is no relationship. See in a relationship, you entrust your heart to another person. You have to trust they will protect it above all else. Once trust is broken it is not easily repaired. Ask your father. He was with a woman before me.”

  “No,” Joshua had sat back in his chair, legs stretched out, crossed at the ankles, ready to receive any wisdom she had to offer. “Say it ain’t so.”

  “Yes, my son. Your father was stupid at one time. But I love him anyway.” she smiled. “This woman was beautiful, intelligent, wealthy, had just about everything going for her. She was fierce. She had your father too.” Sally picked up her cup of coffee. “Mmm hmm, she sure did. Then she lied to him. It wasn’t even a big lie.” She took a drink as if thinking back, then sat the cup down. “When he discovered the lie, he was devastated. He tried to forgive her, for it was a petty issue she had lied about, but he never could. You see. When you put your trust in a person, you have to believe they will cherish and protect it. They will put your interests above their own. She did not.”

  “Whatever happened to her?”

  “She married someone else. You’ve met her.”

  “Really?” Joshua sat up. “Who?”

  “Her name is Sofia Thornton.”

  “No.” Joshua laughed. “No. Daddy was with Cynthia’s mother? That lady is a bitch on wheels.”

  “Don’t curse in my house. Yes, he was too. Hell, that man is lucky I came along.”

  “Thank God he came to his senses.”

  Sally reached over and covered her son’s hand with hers. He pulled hers to his lips and kissed it. “Trust in the Lord, Joshua. He will lead you in the right direction.”

  He had barely touched his cobbler, Sally noticed as she watched him walk out the door. This woman had him confused, but she wasn’t concerned. Not once did her son ever mention the word love. She prayed that all of her children would recognize it when it appeared, and knew to turn away from what only looks like love.


  Joshua started his jeep and was about to pull off when his side door opened.

  “Hello, little brother.”

  Joshua did not fear many things. Only three: God, his father and his big brother, Samuel Lassiter. He may be CIA, but Samuel was ex-Navy Seal. He had experienced things Joshua could only dream of doing one day.

  “I heard you need me.”


  Samuel smiled. “Let’s have a cup of coffee.”

  “Make that a cognac and you are on.”

  Samuel looked at his watch. “It’s nine in the morning.”

  Joshua pulled off, as he looked sideways at his brother. “Yeah.”

  Ten minutes later, Joshua and Samuel walked into one of their favorite hangouts. The Renaissance, which was owned by a friend and not open to the public that time of morning. They had the place to themselves as Joshua told Samuel everything that happened from the moment he touched down in Emure.

  “You have a hell of a situation on your hands and the week isn’t over yet.” They sat in similar positions, legs stretched out, crossed at the ankles, arms folded across their broad chests. “I know Senator Davenport. He’s not the type of man to leave a child behind. I doubt that he is her father.”

  “Men do it all the time, Sammy.”

  “I agree. Not this man.” He saw his brother begin to withdraw as he always did when he thought Samuel was questioning his judgement. “She may have been told this by this Sermyera woman and believe it to be true. But, I doubt the Senator is her father. There’s something else.” He sat up, which got Joshua’s attention again. “We did a recon in that region about ten years ago. We were asked to try to locate a child. I remember because we failed. We had to close the file because we never found the child.”

  “There’s a file in the Asmere folder that is sealed. I believe information in that file holds the answer to this situation.”

  “Ned can’t get into it?”

  “No, he’s tried.”

  “That can only mean one thing.” Joshua raised a brow. “It’s sealed by the Secretary of Defense and it is related to a current security issue.”

  “I believe it’s a current issue. I can’t explain why, but the timing has me concerned.” Joshua frowned. “Why the urgency now to take the Senator out? And there is something else. Princess Zsa Zsa said something to me and I didn’t think about it until I was in the chopper watching Emure soldiers using us for target practice.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She believes a member of her family was involved in her kidnapping.”

  “Did she say who?”


  “I’ll talk to LaVeré about it. He flew back yesterday. I think he’s planning to bring Zsa Zsa here to stay with him for a while.”

  Joshua nodded. “I think that might be good for her. Is his security detail tight?

  “I believe that’s why he’s here. He asked for Brian’s contact information.”

  “His protection firm is good. Top notch. He could use a few tweaks, but not bad.”

  “Where’s the chopper?” Samuel asked.

  “Helipad on Leigh Street. Why?”

  “We should go to D.C.; meet with the Senator. I’ll call ahead to have the Governor arrange it.”

  “Will he? You know the man better than I do.”

  “JD will do anything to keep you from blowing up things in Virginia.”

  “I haven’t blown up anything in awhile. Ned wouldn’t let me.” Joshua grunted.

  Samuel laughed. “So tell me. Are you serious about this woman?”

  “Akande,” he smiled. “She can fight. She has a smart mouth. Easy to blush.” He laughed thinking about the leaves. A frown appeared. “She’s tough.” He took a drink. “When we were at the waterfall, I was tying the leaf around her and she had five fresh whip marks across her back. Not once, the entire time we were together did she complain and I know she had to be in pain.”

  “Whip marks? Who in the hell would do that?” Samuel asked outraged.

  “Her aunt.” Joshua poured another drink and swallowed it down. “She’s going to be the first one I kill.”

  Samuel studied his brother. He looked tired and angry. If he wasn’t careful, he could cross the line. In a number of ways his little jokester of a brother was more dangerous than he would ever be. Joshua killed first and asked questions later.

  “It wasn’t the first time.” Joshua poured another drink and held the glass in his hand. “There were older marks on her back. It looked like they were trying to beat her into submission or just for the hell of it. I don’t know. I know no one deserves that type of punishment, especially a woman.” Joshua swallowed another drink. “Did I tell you she was a virgin?”

  Samuel smirked. “Was?”

  “I like her, Sammy. I like her a lot.”

  “I couldn’t help but notice you used the word like. There is a difference between like, lust and love. You are familiar with lust, so I’ll stay away from that one.” Joshua grinned. “This is the first time I’ve heard you use the word like since high school. Now love, love is easier to recognize for us because we have seen it all our lives. The moment I saw Cynthia at the Brooks mansion, it hit me right in my gut. I knew. Not a question in my mind.” He looked up at his brother. “You have questions. I know because you are questioning your instincts. Don’t. Go with what your gut tells you.” Samuel stood, finished his drink and left money on the table. Joshua did the same. “Here’s the only question you need to answer for yourself. Do you like her, more than you love your country? If what
she plans to do comes to fruition, you will have to make that choice.” As a sign of support Samuel squeezed Joshua’s shoulder. “I’m always here.”

  Joshua drove to the helipad and parked.

  “Can I fly the chopper?” Samuel asked.


  “You let LaVeré fly it.”

  “Just to get it back home.” The men climbed in as Joshua started the chopper and pulled off.

  “You’ll never steer my submarine,” Samuel shrugged his shoulders. “So we’re even.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Monique watched the satellite feed she received from Ned at least a hundred times. The clarity wasn’t the greatest, but she knew something was there. Maybe there was something on the license plates of the cars, or a partial facial recognition; anything that could give her some indication who from Emure was working with Tarik. She had just hit the play button again when there was a knock at the door.

  “Yeah,” she replied knowing it could only be Akande. No one else was in the place but them. She had put sensors on all the doors and windows, so she knew no one had entered. What’s more important is the little liar had not gone out.

  “May I come in?”

  What kind of bull crap did she want to try to lay out now? Monique thought. Monique placed her gun close to her hand, paused the computer then replied, “Sure.”

  The door opened and Akande walked in. “May I have a moment of your time?”

  “What’s up?”

  “I’m worried about Joshua. It’s been hours and he hasn’t returned. Has he been in contact with you?”

  “No,” Monique replied. She had to give it to the woman, she really did look concerned.

  “I know you do not understand, but I cannot stay here. I must find my father.”

  “What are you afraid of, Akande? I may not like you, but I will protect you and so will Absolute.”

  “It is not about me. It is about my country. I must do all I can to restore my country’s honor. Secure its future.”


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