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Au197 Page 7

by Aline Riva

  “I'm just a pilot...” he stammered, “Please...please don't kill me...”

  She leant in close to him, curious as a tear ran down his face.

  “Kiiilllll...” she murmured, and he looked at her in horror.

  “No! Don't please...please!”

  “Pleeeeease...” she repeated.

  “What's she doing?” Jody whispered.

  Mack was stood on the other side of the cell, showing no fear as he fixed his gaze on her.

  “I think she's trying to learn the language...Are you, is that what you're doing? Because you can come over here and learn from me – leave Rik alone, he's no match for you! But I might just be what you're looking for... what ever your name is...”

  She turned her head sharply, black eyes shining with a mix of curiosity and anger at the human male's lack of fear or respect. As she paced towards him in spiked, transparent shoes that clattered on the metal floor with every step, Jody gave a gasp.

  ”Don't, Mack!” she whispered.

  “I know what I'm doing,” he murmured and then he turned to face the ruler of the settlement.

  “I am Mack,” he stated, “I am charge of these people. I protect these people.”

  “Proteeeccct....” she rasped, then tilted her head again.

  “You,” Mack said as anger began to build as he heard his best friend give a terrified sob, “Are a vile, disgusting murdering bitch from hell and very soon, my people will come over here with big ships and fucking nuke you!”

  “Nuuuuuke?” her double row of pointed teeth glittered as she laughed at the language she was yet to absorb, and Mack laughed too.

  “Fucking boom and bye bye, bitch!” he added darkly as he felt the fighter in him rising once more.

  “Mack!” Jody whispered, and he glanced at her as she shook her head and looked at him pleadingly.

  “She's still catching up,” Mack said to her, “Must be a smart species to pick up our lingo so fast...either that or she's just copying us...”

  The alien queen extended her hand, sweeping it over his hair , watching the way the grey and silver strands shone under the light, the look of it fascinating her. Then she pressed her fingertips against his temple and Mack gave a cry of pain as pressure seemed to shoot through his skull.

  “Mack!” Jody said again anxiously, but as the pain throbbed and made him buckle, he caught his breath and pulled sharply upright as she removed her hand and the pain swiftly vanished.

  “Human species,” she said, her voice soft but rasping as she processed all she had come to understand, “Origin – Earth. Gender – male. I will take this one...” she had glanced to the guards, who now also understood the language she had absorbed.

  “How the hell...” began Jody, but then as the guards entered the cell, Mack gave no resistance as he was seized.

  “Whatever it takes,” he murmured, shooting her a look as he was removed from the cell.

  “And...that one,” the alien queen added, indicating to Jinx, who pressed his back to the wall as his face paled and the other guard seized him.

  “No...please...let me go!” he said in panic.

  “Don't fight them!” Jody reminded him as he was led away, but then she said no more, shocked as the queen turned to the cowering girl in the corner and stroked her long fair hair.

  “You,” she said to Cora, “Must walk with Lazzarra...Come, is time you join us...” And she took hold of Cora's hand and pulled her to her feet as Cora shot Jody a terrified look.

  “Please – leave her alone!”

  The alien queen named Lazzarra regarded Jody patiently with a look that bore no malice, then led Cora from the cell, and her sobs were audible as she was taken away, and then the heavy door was locked and more guards remained behind, watching the remaining, terrified prisoners.

  “Maybe we should make a run for it...Mack...Mack! I said -”

  Mack turned his head to see a trickle of sweat run down his best friend's face.

  “And several hundred guards with large blades will hunt you down and slice your throat and hang you from a fucking tree!” Mack hissed, “Keep it together, Rik!”

  Jinx cast a glance about at the guards who rose from their bowed position as the queen passed by, and then he looked ahead where the large escape pod was looming closer, no longer looking like part of a space vessel but instead covered with silken drapes as inside, luxurious padded furnishings covered a once open space. The inner door that led to the other half of the mini vessel was open, and led to a room where the lights were dim.

  Then as they passed two large steaming pots that stunk and bubbled as the fire beneath simmered the murky contents, a skull floated to the surface bearing a death grin of double rows of razor sharp teeth.

  “They eat their own kind!” Rik whispered.

  “As long as they don't eat us, maybe we'll get through this!” Mack reminded him, setting his sights on the open doorway and showing not a trace of fear as guards drew their weapons and stood either side of the entrance, watching as they passed. As Lazzarra pulled Cora inside, the terrified girl looked back, right into Mack's eyes.

  “Help me!” she whimpered, and all he could do was meet her gaze, then follow the others inside as behind him, Rik followed and then the three women attending the queen joined them, and the curtain was closed as the guards stood in front of it, still brandishing heavy bladed weapons.

  As the door to the other section of the craft was opened wide, the servant girl with the long copper hair went inside, and a second servant followed, and then the door closed. The remaining servant of the queen stood beside a table, awaiting instruction.

  Then Lazzarra let go of Cora, and the frightened young woman dashed over to the only place she felt safe - huddled beside Mack, who put a protective arm around her shoulder. She looked up at him, and he looked down into her frightened eyes as he did his best to give her a look of reassurance that he hoped would serve as a promise that he would not break - escape from this situation as impossible, and he intended to keep her safe, at least, if he could...

  “If you regard the female race as superior, why treat her like this? She's frightened!” he said, “I mean no disrespect...Majesty...but she is female.”

  “She is human!” Lazzarra snapped, and then she stepped closer, sniffing at the side of Mack's neck as she sampled his scent.

  “She is your offspring?” she questioned.

  Mack shook his head.

  “She is a nineteen year old student named Cora who, as a passenger on my ship, is my responsibility and I intend to protect her!”

  The alien queen shifted closer, her breath warm against his flesh as her hand rested on his waist, then slid to the front of his flight suit and he caught his breath, tensing as she gave his balls an unexpected squeeze and then slid her hand a little higher, feeling his cock.

  He hastily gave Cora a gentle shove, pushing her free of the sordid event, but the queen 's hand remained rested there, over his groin as she spoke again.

  “You will remove your clothing, Mack.”

  He blinked.

  “What?” he said, feeling genuinely stunned at her request.

  “Remove your clothing or it will be removed,” she replied, and as she looked to the servant, the girl picked up a straight razor and opened it up.

  Jinx glanced at Cora, who was backed into a corner and weeping.

  “It's okay,” he said in a shaken voice, “Nothing bad will happen...right, Mack?”

  But Mack said nothing, just met the black eyes of Lazzarra with a cold steel gaze and tugged down the zip on his flight suit.

  As he stripped off the suit, took off his boots and then stripped off his t shirt, Cora was still weeping as Jinx took hold of her hand and they backed away into a corner. There was no escape from this situation, but at least for now, being in a corner was better than being centre of the queen's attentions...

  “Everything?”Mack asked in a hushed voice as he stood before her in just his boxer sh
orts, “Or will this do? This is me, human male. Have you seen enough?”

  She looked to his shorts, and Mack tried to block out the thought of Rik and Cora in the same room and terrified for their lives as he stripped naked and the servant of the queen stood before them with an open razor.

  Lazzarra stepped closer, her black eyes running over his toned body, all the way down to his groin, then she gave his cock a soft stroke with a fingertip, watching and smiling as he drew in a sharp breath, trying to fight against his body's reaction as the touch stirred the flicker of feelings that made him harden slightly, as he mentally tried to block it out, hating himself for having a reaction to her touch in the first place. It was physical, that was all, he knew it. But all the same, he still wished he had felt no stirrings of any sensation at all.

  “You are a warrior?” she questioned, as her gaze shifted over the scarring to his body, and in that moment, her interest in his war wounds felt like the worst violation of all.

  “I was a warrior,” he replied darkly, “And you can be sure I have not forgotten how to be a warrior again, Lazzarra!”

  The darkness of his tone was lost on her, as was the murderous fury in his eyes as she smiled and her eyes glittered like inky space reflecting the stars and now, all the evil things that hid in that darkness, too...

  “You are a warrior,” she said, “You shall serve my needs...and I shall spare you.”

  He looked at her.

  “Needs?”he repeated, not quite understanding her intention.

  She slipped her hand between his legs and gave his balls another squeeze, and this time he froze as her grip felt surprisingly strong, like she had just closed his testicles in a vice and was about to crank it shut at any moment...

  “You shall serve me,” she stated, letting go as he breathed a relieved sigh to know his balls were still intact, “But you must prove you are worthy, warrior. You will make the girl a woman.”

  Mack stared at her.

  “No I will not, you sick twisted -”

  “You will make the girl,” she said again, nodding to Cora, who was sobbing in Rik's arms, “A woman. You will show me how you fuck, breed, intercourse... You fuck, you intercourse with Cora. You show me, now.”

  He stared at her in horror, unable to turn around and face the sobbing young woman who he had vowed to protect.

  “I...I can't...” he said in a hushed voice,”No, I won't do it! She's nineteen years old and I will not force myself on her!”

  Lazzarra's evil smile looked like something he imagined from the pits of hell itself as she took the straight razor from the serving girl and her gaze shifted to his groin and then she met his fearful gaze and in that moment he swore she could feel the depth of his terror.

  “You make her a woman,” she ordered, “Or I cut it off.”

  Mack's heart was hammering violently as he broke out in a sweat. Behind him he heard Cora sobbing as Jinx spoke quietly to her, his voice trembling as they both cowered in the corner and Jinx tried to protect Cora from the horrors that seemed inescapable.

  “No...” Mack whispered, his mouth dry and his throat tight as the razor she held in her hand glinted cold and sharp in the dim light.

  “No?” Lazzarra questioned, and as she saw defiance in his eyes, her own expression turned to one of anger as his turned to one of utter shock as she grabbed him roughly, and he realised she had his penis in her grip as she raised the blade.

  “NO!” yelled Cora, dashing forward and closing her hand over the alien queen's wrist, blocking the path of the razor. For one awful moment that seemed to go on forever as Lazzarra still held on to his cock, and Cora's hand gripped her wrist, the razor hovered mid air.

  “Don't hurt him!” Cora said, “Please, Majesty...I want him to make me a woman. He will obey me...won't you, Mack?”

  Mack blinked as a tear ran down his face and he realised that young woman he had vowed to protect had just protected him, and left them in an unthinkable situation...

  “Yes...” he whispered in a shaken voice, “I will obey both of you...”

  And Lazzarra let go, and he breathed out and wanted to weep with sheer relief as she folded the razor and handed it back to the serving girl. Then she turned back to Mack.

  “Make her a woman and you shall serve me, Mack. I shall watch.”

  Mack looked into Cora's eyes.

  “I'm so sorry, I don't want to do this but -”

  She took him by the hand. Her face was pale and her hand was shaking in his grip as she led him over to a bed covered by silken fabrics.

  “Whatever it takes, remember?” she whispered, and then she stripped off her clothing, took off her bra and then her underwear, her eyes locked with his, silently demanding he take in the sight of her naked body to ensure his arousal, because failure to so do would mean death, probably for both of them...

  Chapter 6

  As he joined her on the bed, Cora gave her own breasts a squeeze, then spread her legs wider as that same determined look burned in her eyes.

  “Come on, Mack...” she said, “Let's get your dick know you want some of this...”

  He caught his breath, his gaze shifting down her body and then quickly up to her face again. She ran her hands over his chest, gripped his shoulders and drew him down on top of her.

  “You can do this,” she whispered in his ear, “I can feel you getting hard against me...we have to do this...I'd rather it was you than one of the others, Mack...”

  As he held her, she saw surprise in his gaze and she flashed a nervous smile.

  “I've done everything but intercourse,” she whispered, “I'm not innocent, Mack. Put on a good show for this's okay if you hurt me...I want you to...”

  He trembled, feeling her growing wet and warm as his erection began to harden swiftly.

  “That's it,” she said gently, kissing his cheek and then sweeping her hand through his hair as she shifted a little, making access to her body easy, “Just do it, Mack. Pop my cherry. Fuck me senseless...”

  “I'm sorry,” he whispered and slammed into her, making her cry out as he felt tightness give way as she cried out again. He mentally switched off all feelings that could get them both slaughtered as her wetness increased and he glanced down, saw his body joined with hers, blood on his erection as he slammed into her again, fucking her hard, brutally as he gave into animal lust, knowing he had done exactly as he was asked to do, proving himself as man in front of Queen Lazzarra.

  Proving himself?

  He had wrecked her tightness and torn her innocence with his cock...

  That thought sent him over the edge and he buried himself deep, yelling out sharply as he felt orgasm block out all remains of reason, and he stayed deep inside her until every last throb of pleasure was spent.

  As he separated from her, he saw pain register on her face.

  “Sorry,” he whispered again.

  Cora pushed her hair off her face and looked up at him.

  “It's okay,” she whispered back, and as she embraced him she gave him a quick squeeze of reassurance, and that small gesture made him want to weep. Then he turned his head, towards light he had not been aware of, and as he realised the curtain was back and saw the whole settlement looking his way, he realised with horror he was also in plain view of the exposed cells his crew members were held in...

  “No...” he said in a hushed voice.

  Cora's face paled.

  “They watched us?”

  Lazzarra looked to the servant girl, who pulled the curtain back down, restoring privacy.

  “You have done well, warrior Mack,” she said, “I accept you as my mate. You shall make fine sons.”

  “I need to throw up,” Mack whispered as he glanced to Cora and sat up. Cora made a move to get up too and Lazzarra placed a hand on her thigh, briefly watching as semen ran from her body, pooling on to the fresh blood stain on the bed.

  “You are a woman now,” she said to her, and smiled as the double row of
pointed teeth made Cora shiver, “Perhaps, in time, you also have warrior son?”

  Then as a look of alarm came to her face the servant girl placed a robe in her arms. Cora quickly put it on and stood up, looking shocked as she exchanged a glance with Mack, who was equally alarmed:

  Lazzarra wanted him to make Cora pregnant too?

  She was actually hoping for this?

  “You stay with us now,” she promised Cora, who glanced at Mack and he got it at once - it was a look that said, At least we're safe for now...

  Then Lazzarra unfolded the razor and strolled over to the corner of the room, where Rik Jinx stood with his back to the wall, his face pale as he trembled with shock. Her dark gaze wandered up and down his body and then she ran a hand down his hip, pausing to admire the way his jeans hugged his slender body.

  “Remove your clothing,” she said.

  Jinx looked to his best friend, who looked back at him, unable to help as Lazzarra opened up the straight razor.

  “Please...I can't...” he said as he shook with fear, and then he fell to his knees and sobbed at her feet, as she looked down at him and the open razor glinted sharply as she held it at her side, considering his fate.

  A shocked silence had fallen on the crew still locked in the holding cells. Jody's fingers were laced tight up against the metal grille as she looked to the escape pod where the silken sheet now covered the glimpse of the interior. She could not erase from her mind all she had seen, Mack savagely taking Cora on that bed as she gave a cry of pain...But she had also seen Lazzarra and the open razor, she had seen the guards outside with their heavy blades.

  Whatever it takes to survive...

  “We have to get out of here,” she whispered, still clutching at the grille as she turned her head and looked to the others, who had also seen what had happened. Tina was in a state of shock as she looked to her, pale and speechless. Jules shook his head.


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