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Au197 Page 11

by Aline Riva

  “You wait at the table now,” Lazzarra said, “We shall join you.”

  And the silk curtain was briefly pulled aside to allow the humans to exit the escape pod. Mack and Cora looked down at the sight of the vast tables that had been assembled – at the end closest to the queen's residence was a throne made of wood, and beside it three places had been set, so the humans would be at her side as they feasted.

  And what a feast it would be. Pots of human and alien flesh had been lined along the table. In between this were vegetables, stewed in the juices of the meat. There was nothing they could eat that was not tainted with human or alien flesh. As the guards moved aside, they reluctantly headed for the table, and Jinx playfully jabbed Mack's arm with his elbow.

  “Cheer up!” he said, as he took a seat at the table, “At least we're not on the menu, Mack!”

  And Mack looked in horror at his best friend, as he wondered how the hell he could save him, not just from this place but from himself, as he had clearly lost all sense of reason...

  As the lift came to a halt and the door opened up, Jody was relieved to see that in this wide area that led to the tunnels where walls glittered golden, the area was well lit, even going into the mine...

  She listened, looking about the empty place cautiously.

  Zeke caught the look in her eyes and laughed.

  “The droids are in sleep mode!”

  “Where are they?” she asked.

  He looked to a closed door marked Machine Storage.

  “In here,” he replied and went over to the door and opened it, chuckling.

  “I was expecting it not to be locked. I mean, why lock them away down here when the project was closed? This place will be like a ghost town forever!”

  And then all trace of amusement left his face as he looked around the vast, empty storage area.

  “No droids?” said Jody in a hushed voice as her words echoed about the empty room.

  Zeke's dark eyes scanned the empty storage room, and then he shook his head.

  “But...where did they go?”

  A sudden crazy thought hit Jody as she looked about the empty room.

  “Remember when Jules analysed the soil? He found traces of gold.”

  “From when the droids were transferred to the mine.”

  She shook her head. An icy feeling was creeping over her flesh as the pieces began to fall into place, making for a horrible picture.

  “But they wouldn't have carried traces of gold on the way to the mine, they'd have to be brought out of the mine to have traces of gold...How many droids do you think may have been stored down here, Zeke?”

  He cast a glance about the room.

  “Let me see...Humanoid shape, allowing for containment ties to hold them in place in case of command failure,” and he indicated to the wires that were hooked to the walls with clear insulation around them, “I'd say a round five hundred.”

  Her theory seemed crazy, but it was making sense in a terrible way.

  “And how many make up the alien tribe?”

  His eyes widened.

  “About five hundred I guess...You think -”

  “Jules found Android Loslium fluid... that's a small trace amount that is carried internally by the digger droids. It shouldn't leave a trace anywhere externally within a digger droid. I read an article on upcoming tech a while back and Android Loslium fluid only leaves a trace when it self renews under android jelly – fake skin! It wouldn't have taken much for the Shine Corporation to go to one of their android partners and have those droids altered – hands instead of diggers, jelly skin and new set of commands! If they want this planet that badly, what better way to claim it back from the colonist movement? Make it a place of death, every mission to settle fails, ends horribly...colonists found slaughtered every single time...think about it!”

  Zeke was thinking about it.

  “And then have the colony movement hand over ownership to Shine at a dirt cheap price to offload a bad bet!”

  “Zeke, we need to get back to the ship – we have to tell earth about this. They don't need to turn on the satellite – it's already running a program, the android alien tribe! They need to destroy it!”

  Zeke paused for thought, then looked to Jody with worry clouding his gaze.

  “A droid set are simple to program. But a leader droid? Shine are mixed up in all kinds of investments...experimental science tech too. I'm willing to bet when help arrives and they scan this planet they'll find two semi organic creatures – Lazzarra and that other female we saw walking about the camp, the other one the males bow down to. I'm guessing they manufactured two semi organic androids to lead the set...One as the leader, the other a back up in case of power failure.”

  “We have to report that suspicion.”

  “Too right we do,” Zeke replied, thinking on all the horror he had witnessed, “Scans will come back androids and semi organic creatures – there's no worries about them believing us now. They'll get us out and then nuke this planet.”

  “So we need to get word to earth and then go back for Mack and the others.”

  Suddenly the enemy didn't seem so impossible to fight now the theory made sense.

  “I think we can go back,” he told her, and indicated to the cables attached to the walls.

  “We'll need some of those containment cables...They have a switch on one end to activate, lash a droid with that and they're paralysed. We'll need as many as we can carry!”

  Lashing a droid sounded easier said than done as she thought about their heavy bladed weapons, but as Zeke began to unhook cables and gather them up, Jody did the same, thinking of Mack and the others as she set to work, knowing this could be their only chance of making it out alive...

  As the queen and her sister sat down to eat, the servants sat further down the tables as the men took their places far at the edges of the banquet. Other males remained away from the tables, guarding the camp as usual.

  Mack looked down at the wooden bowl in front of him, for now it was empty and he didn't want to think about what would be placed there soon. Cora was beside him looking pale and nervous as she averted her gaze from the human and alien flesh laid out in steaming bowls along the table.

  Jinx was beside Vishcarra, and he smiled warmly across the table at Mack as the food was served up.

  “I'm so glad we came here,” he said, “Vishcarra is amazing! She shaved my cock last night..and my balls...she's got a dildo and she knows how to use it on me...”

  Mack closed his eyes, looking away, but opened them again as he was hit in the face with the scent of steaming human flesh, and looked down to see a lump of meat alongside vegetables in a pale sauce set not his bowl. Jinx was still talking, and he looked at him again, wishing he could reach over and shake him, knock him out, anything to stop his insane ramblings.

  “...And I'm getting used to this... Love being fucked by my alien beauty...I can still feel it when I sit's lovely... I want some more! Ooh, I like the look of this, send my compliments to the chef...”

  Jinx picked up a boiled human finger, and took a bite.

  “Tastes like chicken!” he said in surprise.

  Mack fought the urge to gag as he turned away, breathing heavily, but was met with the dark gaze of Lazzarra.

  “You may have one taste only,” she said teasingly, “We must protect the human warrior seed.”

  He forced a smile, looking down at the bowl filled with remains of his crew mates. Then he heard a strange, pretend chewing noise as Cora held her fingers to her lips, a false look of guilt in her eyes.

  “One taste only!” Mack teased, giving her a wink as he realised the clever girl had just avoided touching the food by pretending to scoff a huge mouthful, “No more for you, Cora!” he said, and she swallowed, relief shining in her eyes, silently thanking him for aiding her deception.

  Jinx had ate around the finger, then dropped the bone into the sauce with a splash, picked out some human hair and grabbed a sliver
of meat, sucked the juice from it and took a bite.

  “I love you,” he stated, looking to Vishcarra.

  She smiled as her double rows of pointed teeth shone stark in the sunshine.

  “Don't look at me like that, my beauty,” he added, “My cock hurts. It wants to be in your mouth again. I want those teeth teasing it...I love it when you scare me!”

  Mack shook his head, resisting the urge to yell at Jinx to find his fucking sanity, because it was clear any kind of outburst of anger would not be appreciated by Lazzarra, who had looked across the table as she bit into alien flesh and smiled warmly at her sister's human lover.

  Mack lowered his fingers cautiously into the stew in front of him, knowing Lazzarra was watching, to be sure he had that one bite she had promised him. One bite would be enough to make him vomit, and he knew then the game would be up, there was too much at stake to lose his chance of survival over one piece of meat...

  It was meat.

  That was what he told himself, just meat.

  Then he raised the wet flesh to his mouth and took a bite, chewing quickly, surprised the taste was not unlike pork or chicken, and he kept in mind memories of stews he had enjoyed as a child on cold winter nights, cooked by his mother when he had been a young boy He remembered the warmth of the room, the smell of her cooking, the taste of it...and then the meat was swallowed, and its taste lingered and he swallowed again, thinking once more of home and long ago as he realised the deed was done.

  “And that was good,” he said quietly to Lazzarra, who was sucking up some loose alien guts, looking like clear strings of spaghetti. As they disappeared into her mouth with a slurp and she chewed, she smiled, her mouth partly open, the guts sticking to both sets of teeth as her dark eyes sparkled.

  As he looked away he saw goblets being filled with blood.

  This was something he could not deflect with the power of other memories... This was the blood of his crew mates, and it was being shared along the table like a fine vintage champagne. As his own goblet was filled he was glad he did not know whose blood it was...maybe Jules, maybe Tina...He would never know, and that was a blessing.

  He looked across the table. Rik had leant back in his seat, tipping the goblet carefully, letting a trickle of blood run down his bare chest as Vishcarra licked it off. Cora tipped the goblet, quickly wiped blood from her mouth and then bowed her head. Clever girl, she had faked it yet again, although the taste of it on her lips and the way she had dashed her hand across her mouth told Mack she was close to nausea.

  But no one was looking at Cora. Rik Jinx was the centre of attention as he smeared blood on his nipples and looked invitingly to Vishcarra, whose long tongue swirled around the hardening flesh as he closed his eyes and gave a quiet moan of pleasure as she cleaned every trace of blood from his chest. Then the unexpected happened as Jinx looked to Mack.

  “Drink up!” he said, “It's lovely, Mack!”

  He had spoken so sincerely. Now all eyes were on Mack as he looked to the blood in the goblet, then raised it to his lips as he met the eyes of Lazzarra.

  “Warrior,” he stated, seeing a spark of excitement in her eyes.

  Mack tipped the goblet back, swallowing the blood quickly. Trickles had run from the sides of his mouth and he wiped it away, focussing on this moment and getting through it. Suddenly he had not consumed the blood of his crew mates but had instead made a declaration that stirred something deep inside him, something primitive that he had first felt on proving his worth as he bathed in a wave of animal lust, deflowering a virgin...

  “WARRIOR!” he yelled, and slammed the goblet down on the table as the alien savages erupted into a roar of approval as the queen smiled his way, her two rows of spiked teeth glittering like needle points as her black eyes fixed on him as desire burned darkly within.

  Suddenly the taste of blood felt like a taste of victory as the savages hollering rang in his ears, then he caught the look of approval on his best friend's face, right before Jinx turned and slipped his tongue into Vishcarra's mouth and they kissed deeply, and that look of madness he had seen in his eyes was something he was determined would not reflect in his own as he swallowed again, his mouth dry, the taste of blood lingering.

  “I want you, Mack,” Cora said softly.

  As the crowd settled down again and the queen looked to Cora and then to Mack, she smiled.

  “Today you have us both,” she promised him, and suddenly the blood that had hit his stomach threatened to rise up again, and he swallowed hard, fixing the queen with a steel gaze that she took to be the look of a warrior, as he made a silent vow that he would avoid her mating desires at all costs – Cora was losing her mind, she would be next...Or maybe he was already insane, because that declaration he had just made had caused the blood to pump in his veins, a rush of adrenaline had shot through his body as he recalled taking Cora's virginity...

  The queen was still smiling at him. He nodded politely to her, then looked down at the meal he thankfully did not have to finish, as he remembered that meat was not meat but the remains of two of his crew mates. This was hell. He had to get out before this insanity took him over, before it pulled out the primitive savage that slept inside every human being, and only needed a shift in reality to wake it from its slumber. He knew if he didn't escape soon, he would become what they believed him to be, he could feel it slowly eating away at everything he knew to belong in the civilised world back on earth... Here it was being eroded, and it was claiming them one by one, and he was determined not to be next...

  Chapter 9

  As they carried bunches of cables out of the empty storage area, Jody paused, looking to Zeke.

  “Why are you going that way? It leads to the mine.”

  He looked towards the mine, the shaft long and straight and leading into what seemed like an endless journey where overhead lights shone down from above, making the walls glitter as the gold within caught the glare.

  “The mine runs underground for about twenty miles,” he told her,”It comes out above ground, near the dry lands at the edge of the forest – close to the wreck of the Pharaoh.”

  She stared at him, then looked to the mine shaft and back at Zeke.

  “We're going to walk twenty miles underground?”

  “No,” he replied, walking into the mine, as she followed, and then he gestured to a row of carts set upon a track.

  “Were going to ride...should take about an hour on a slow and steady climb...We can just sit back and relax.”

  “Unless any of the droids are lurking.”

  “We know where the droids are,” he replied, and then he went over to buttons on the wall, hit amber and then green and jumped into the front cart.

  “Come on, fifteen seconds or you're walking!”

  She hurried to join him as she heard power singing down the track, climbed in beside him and sat down, the cables on her lap as the carts gave a jolt, and then began a slow and leisurely ride through the mine.

  The black and gold walls blurred into a shimmer of soft golden glitter as the cart moved along smoothly, going deeper at first and the beginning a slow climb. The ride was soothing and Zeke blinked, trying to stay awake as exhaustion caught up with him. Then as he felt the weight of Jody's body grow heavier as her head rested against his shoulder, and he looked down and realised she was asleep.

  He put his arm around her, let her sleep on as he tried to stay awake as the walls and the light and the blur as the cart moved along had an almost hypnotic effect. They were now ten minutes into their journey, by his estimation. His eyes were growing heavy and he let them close, remembering there were no droids down here in the mines, because they both knew the fate of the digger machines...Then he thought on nothing else, giving in to the urge to sleep as the cart went on, carrying the two exhausted crew members closer to the surface, closer to the wreck of the Pharaoh.

  The blood had felt cold and sticky as she poured it between his open legs, but as her tongue had slid deep in the cra
ck of his backside and then stayed there to toy with him awhile, Jinx lay back on the floor of the sealed room behind the queen's chamber and gave a sigh of satisfaction as Vishcarra sucked on his balls, her teeth gently scraped against them and he gave a whine of helpless bliss as his cock threatened to explode. Finally she was on him, he was in her mouth and as she slid the firm, lubricated wood inside him, his body shook hard.

  “Oh, I fucking love you!” he gasped as sweat ran from his body and the thought occurred to Jinx that suggesting they take her goblet of blood back to their room was the best idea, the very best...there was no blood on him now, she had poured it between his legs and licked it all off like it was whipped cream.

  He was helpless to her attentions and he knew it as he lay back, shifting position slightly, enabling her to push the dildo deeper. It hit the magic spot so easily, lubed up with human fat that he swore had to feel so much better than regular lube bought over the counter on earth...Earth didn't matter any more, nothing mattered but this moment, he wanted to stay in it forever, to live and die in it as he came hard, summoning the strength to look up in time to see his alien lover give his cock a sharp and merciless jerk as she buried the object deep inside one last time.

  He cried out as what seemed like rivers of white heat flowed from his erection, spurting and running down and over her hand as she stuck out her tongue between parted rows of razor like teeth and tasted his cum.

  Then he fell back, exhausted as sweat made his body shine in the heat. The room stank of semen and sweat and human fat that had turned slightly sour, but in that moment, it was hellishly delightful.

  As she lay beside him he looked into her eyes.

  “I will stay with you forever,” he vowed, “I love you.”

  “I desire that you stay,” she replied, as she placed the wooden dildo back in the bowl of fat and he looked at it, then back at his lover.

  “No one has ever made me feel like you do, Vishcarra. I wish to be your mate for life, understand?”


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