Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J)

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Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J) Page 13

by King Coopa J

  “Told you,” he muttered to his co-workers. “The old man still got it.” He walked away from them and over to Paula with his hand out. “Yes Ma’am, my name is Brent. How can I assist you today?”

  Paula shook his hand. “Thank you so much for helping me, Brent. I want to buy a car. There are so many to choose from, though.”

  “Well, Ma’am.” Brent was admiring her amazing figure. “You asked for the right guy. I’m guessing your favorite color is red?”

  Paula knew she had the old geezer where she wanted him. She caught him staring at her chest and well lotion legs. She played it like she didn’t notice him. “Yes, it is.” she smiled warmly. They turned away from the building and started looking through the vehicles. She knew exactly the vehicle she wanted. She didn’t want it to be obvious, of course. “I like convertibles,” she told him with a smile.

  “That’s a start,” Brent said following her through the cars watching her ass move side to side. She turned around and he hurried to look up. Not wishing to get caught. “Red and convertible. Check this one out Ma’am.” He pointed to a red convertible 3 series.

  “Nah,” She walked away seductively knowing the old guy was checking her butt out. “I don’t like that one.” She spotted a red 650i convertible. That’s the one, she thought. She walked over to it. “What kind of car is this one?” she already knew what it was.

  He followed her over while covering up the hard on in his pants from thinking about a chance to have sex with her. “That’s the 650i. It’s a beautiful car, isn’t it?”

  Paula was reading the numbers paper on the window. “What’s twin turbocharged?” something she already knew.

  “Means it has a twin turbo system which makes the car faster.” He said coolly.

  “Ninety-one thousand.” She gawked at the price. “I’ll take it. Can we test drive it?” she pulled at his tie seductively. “Please, Brent.” She whined.

  “I’ll get the key.”

  Brent went off to get the key. He returned and Paula hopped in the driver seat. She pulled out of the dealership. She hit the open road and punched it all the way to 150mph.

  Brent was scared for his life and the car. “Ma’am, please slow down and take me back to the dealer.”

  Paula started laughing. “You’re not having fun Brent?” she skidded the car sideways. She took her hat off and let her hair down. She dropped the top.

  “Ma’am, please!”

  She ignored him and put on her red lipstick. “That’s better.” she grabbed her pistol from her purse and aimed it at him. “I’ll take it.” She popped the locks signaling for him to get out. “Bye, Brent!” after he exited the vehicle she performed a burnout. She left a cloud of smoke circled around him before she sped off.

  Brent thought it was fucked up. He was cool, although. He had the experience of a lifetime.


  Mercedes S63 AMG/CLS63 AMG

  “Soyou were the best huh?” Jeff asked Bobby while they walked to the Mercedes dealership.

  “That’s what they were saying bro,” Bobby responded.

  “I can’t believe your little brother is that smart.” Jeff saw the dealership come into view. Jeff parked his truck four blocks down just to be on the safe side. They were the first team to pair up.

  “Jimmy is the smartest person I know bro.” Bobby noticed the dealership. “He takes after our father.”

  “How did you get into lifting cars for a living?” Jeff asked. “With your brother being a genius and all. Don’t you think you’re setting a bad example for him?”

  “Bro,” Bobby sounded serious. “Jimmy’s the one who convinced me.”

  Jeff looked shocked. He was thinking about the kid convincing his older brother to lift cars. The answer took him totally off guard. “How did your brother convince you to lift cars? That’s something I have to know if you don’t mind.”

  “T.V. bro,” Bobby replied. “He loves cars. One day he was doing research on car thieves. He was only eight then. Five years ago to be exact. He pulled up the greatest car thieves of all time. He stumbled across Twenty. He was considered the number one guy. Jimmy researched everything about him. That’s how I found out about the Lifters. For some reason, Jimmy wanted to be like Twenty. He wanted to be a tough guy. So I went out and stole my first car and told my brother about it. I wanted him to look up to me like he did Twenty. I wanted to be a Lifter like him. I wanted to be better than him. Jimmy said he could do it. Make me better than him. Twenty was already gone five years before. There was no one else until I stepped up.”

  “Touching,” Jeff said sarcastically stepping in front of the dealership. “Still closed.” He looked at his watch. “We got one hour until it opens.”

  “More than enough time bro.” Bobby stepped next to him. “How you want to do it?”

  Jeff smirked. “Watch the master.” Jeff hopped over the little rail. “C’mon,” he walked to the door. “What you’re waiting for… the weekend?”

  Bobby hopped over the little rail. He followed Jeff through the parking lot. Jeff seemed to be walking right up to the front door. I know that’s not what I think it is, he thought. Bobby stopped and turned around. “Shit!” somebody was coming through the front gate. “Jeff!” he called. “Somebody’s coming!” Bobby ducked off behind a Mercedes.

  Jeff turned around. “What?” he barely heard Bobby, he had got a good distance away. He noticed the car pulling in. “Damn,” he muttered and ducked off in cover. He crept around to Bobby.

  “I thought you said we had an hour?” Bobby whispered to him.

  “Someone probably opened the place up an hour ahead to set up.” He whispered back.

  “I got an idea bro.” Bobby crept around to get a good view. He was watching the car park.

  “What you got in mind?” Jeff crept up behind him.

  “Watch the master,” Bobby whispered to him. A male emerged from the vehicle. He walked over to the front door. Bobby pulled out his Beretta. It was time.

  “Bobby,” Jeff whispered. He didn’t want Bobby to do anything stupid like kill someone. They wouldn’t be able to lift the vehicles. Somebody would probably hear the gun fire.

  Bobby paid Jeff no attention. He needed to act before it would be too late.

  The man didn’t notice him creeping up. He opened the door and went through.

  Bobby caught it just before it closed. “Excuse me.” Bobby held the man at gunpoint.

  He dropped everything. “Oh my God!” he looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

  Jeff came through the door. He noticed Bobby holding the man up. “Good work.” He shrugged. “I’ll get the doors so we can drive the cars out.”

  “Gotcha, bro.”

  Jeff opened the doors.

  Bobby tied the man to a chair so he couldn’t alert the law after he disabled the alarm for the building. He hopped in the Benz. Bobby spoke with his head out the window of the S63 AMG. “Thanks for the hand bro.” then sped out behind Jeff.


  Test Driver

  Twentyducked swiftly and countered with a kick to the tester’s stomach.

  The tester flew backward up against the soda machine. He fell down onto his butt while dropping his helmet and holding his stomach. “Ah.” he groaned heavily. He was trying to catch his breath. His stomach hurt like hell and it felt like he had to take a mean shit. Talking about kicking the shit out of somebody, he thought. Twenty had kicked the wind completely from his lungs. He didn’t know what was going on. He watched Twenty stand over him with a weapon. “Please don’t kill me. I… I have a family.” He cried.

  “Man,” Twenty shook his head at the tester. “I don’t want to kill you. All I want is the suit you’re wearing.”

  “My suit?” the tester was confused. “All you want is this stupid suit and you’ll let me go?”

  “All I want is your suit and I’ll let you live, not go.” Twenty told him. “I mean, I’ll let you go after I’m finished doing what I have to

  “Ok,” the tester was ok with that. Take the suit, he thought. As long as I’m going to make it out of this situation alive. “You got yourself a deal.”

  Twenty reached down and helped the guy up. “Sorry about that.”

  That tester came to a full stand. “It’s my own fault. No need to apologize. When a guy has a gun pointed at you. The first thing you should do if he doesn’t shoot is give him what he wants, right?” he slid off the driving suit.

  Twenty laughed a little. “I would guess so.” The guy had the suit off and gave it to him. “Good man.”

  The tester wondered what Twenty wanted with the suit. He almost got his head blown off for it. It wouldn’t hurt to ask. He seemed like a nice enough criminal. “Now what?”

  Twenty didn’t answer. He just fitted himself inside the suit. “Perfect,” he muttered zipping it up.

  “Why do you need the suit?” he was curious. “Is it that important that you had to put a gun in my face?”

  “You’re an investigator now?” Twenty asked. “Yes, it’s that important. Come with me,” he waved the gun at him. He opened another closet. “Get in.”

  “What?” He had a confused look on his face.

  “Get in and count to one thousand.” He ordered. “When you’re finished. You can come out and do whatever you want.”

  “That’s it and you’ll let me go?” the tester was worried about getting into the closet.

  “That’s it and you can go.” Twenty picked up his drink. “Take that with you. You might get thirsty in there.”

  The tester took his drink and got in the closet.

  Twenty grabbed a chair and prompt it up against the knob just in case. He might get brave and make a run for it.

  The tester couldn’t believe what just happened to him. He was robbed at gunpoint for his racing suit. Then put in a closet and ordered to count to one thousand. The guy was even nice enough to give him his drink. He tried the door knob after he heard Twenty walk off. “Fuck,” he muttered. “I knew it.” He locked me in, he thought. At least, he didn’t kill me. He shrugged and opened his drink. The drink sizzled and exploded all over him.

  Twenty walked over and grabbed the racing helmet off the ground. He put it on and left out towards the track. He noticed the car was racing around the track. He waited where the other tester was standing.

  The cameraman came up to him. “It’s about time you got back.”

  Twenty nodded at him. Speaking was not an option. C’mon with the damn car, he thought.

  “What took you so long in there? Bill had to take your turn.”

  Twenty still didn’t answer. He gestured his hands and arms like I don’t know. The car finally came around. Twenty walked away from the cameraman to greet the other tester as he got out.

  “What took you so long,” he asked? “I had to take an extra lap.”

  Twenty didn’t respond to him either. He got in the McLaren MP4-12C and shut the door.

  The tester walked over the cameraman. “What’s his problem?”

  “Probably had something bad to drink.” He joked.

  Twenty floored the MP4. He was speeding around the track at 200mph. He saw his opening and the MP4 was gone for good. See ya!


  Second Run

  Twentydrifted the McLaren sideways onto the road. “Forty yard dash baby,” he muttered spotting Tech up ahead with the lift on the eighteen-wheeler down. He shifted back into first gear. The McLaren was a beast. The best car he’s ever driven in his life. The McLaren had him ready to lift the other concept cars. He hated thinking about it. He felt his adrenaline pumping as he sped from 0 to 60 in 3 seconds flat. He slowed the MP4 down and the rear wing lifted 32 degrees for an enhanced down force that acted as an air brake. He carefully pulled up the ramp and parked in the back of the trailer. He swept his hand along a flush surface and the insect-wing door opened. “What a car,” he shut the door. He exited the trailer and hit the side with a closed fist signaling for Tech to close the lift. Twenty watched the first car disappear inside the trailer. He walked around and jumped in the passenger seat. “Let’s go.”

  Tech fired up the eighteen-wheeler and they headed back to the garage. Twenty told Tech the whole story about the lift on the way back. The lift went perfectly. They had no encounters with the law on the way back. Tech pulled into the garage parking lot at the same time Paula did. “Look at her.” Tech was admiring her beauty.

  Twenty hopped from the truck and watched Paula emerge from the BMW. “Dayum.” He muttered noticing her sexy figure.

  Tech lowered the lift.

  Twenty and Paula pulled the two cars into the garage. They heard two cars racing in the parking lot. Twenty turned to the Mercedes CLS63 AMG and slowly pulling in followed by the S63 AMG.

  Jeff hopped out of the CLS63 AMG and hurried over to Bobby emerging from the Benz. “I told you I was going to smoke you! Where’s my hundred dollars?” he said while tapping the hood.

  “You got lucky bro.” Bobby reached into his wallet to give Jeff his money. “I’ll get you next time.”

  “Yeah,” Jeff said coolly. “I had to show this young buck how to drive like a man.” Everyone started laughing.

  Bobby started checking out the MP4. “What a badass looking car bro,” he said aloud.

  “Drives like a Formula 1 car too.” Twenty told him walking up next to him. “Watch this,” he swept his hand along the smooth surface tucked under the side scoop upper edge. The MP4 dramatic insect-wing door opened. “Insect-wing doors.” Twenty told him. Everyone came over to check the car out.

  “Bro,” Bobby was amazed. “That’s the coolest ever.”

  Tech looked at his watch. “Guys, it is 9:05 am. The mustang dealer opens at ten. You two need to be on the move.” He pointed at Twenty and Bobby. He turned his attention to Jeff. “The Dodge dealer is open. You have to figure out how to snatch one of those new Vipers. A little test drive wouldn’t hurt. Paula, you’re on break until later so you can give Jeff a lift over. I’ll give Twenty and Bobby a lift in the eighteen-wheeler. I want to be ready for when they’re on the way out.” Tech grabbed the keys for the mustangs. “You’re going to need these. You lose them and you’ll have to find the other at the dealer. When you get in the building the security code is 9,9,4,2. I’ll remind you before you get out.” he handed Twenty and Bobby a key. “Let’s move.”

  They all locked the place up tight. They covered the cars so no one would peep in and notice them. Tech would look them over later and then move them to El’ Nino’s garage.


  Shelby GT500/Boss 302

  Twentythought it would be a great idea to lift the Mustangs from the dealer he got arrested in ten years ago. He knew the place well and it was a convenience being in the area they were working.

  The second car of the day, he thought. You get this one and you’re two for two Twenty. Get the Porsche tonight and I would say you’re on a roll. He thought about the situation he was in while looking out of the passenger side window. He listened to Tech and Bobby talk about how cool the MP4 was the entire way to the Mustang dealer as he thought. They were about two more minutes away from the dealer when his stomach began to turn. He started to feel sick as he got closer to the dealership. Maybe it isn’t a good idea to hit the same dealer, he thought. Just thinking about going back in gave him the creeps. He felt like he needed to throw-up. He let the window down. All I need is some fresh air and I’m good. If Tech knew how to lift cars. He would’ve sent him in his place.

  Tech parked the truck. “Y’all ready?” he looked over to the dealer. It only took them fifteen minutes to make the drive over to the Mustang dealer from the garage. Tech checked his watch. “Twenty minutes to make this happen.”

  “Ready bro,” Bobby assured him.

  Twenty got out of the truck. “Let’s get this over with. I hate this fucking place.”

  “Remember,” Tech said from the driver seat. “The code is 9, 9, 4, 2.”

>   “Got it bro,” Bobby got out behind Twenty. “9, 9, 4, 2.”

  “Follow me,” Twenty ordered. “I know the way in through the back door.”

  “Back door it is.” Bobby followed Twenty across the street. If only Jimmy could see me now, he thought. My second job with Twenty, but this time. I actually get to lift a car with him. Twenty and I side by side bro. I still can’t believe I’m a Lifter. Nothing can top this. The best working with the Legend. This was the best moment in Bobby’s life and he would cherish it forever.

  Twenty crept up to the back door of the dealership. He used his lock pick tool to enter the exact same way as the last time. The lock clicked with ease.

  “That was awesome bro,” Bobby watched him successfully pick the lock. “You have to teach me how to do that one day.” He whispered.

  Twenty opened the door. No one was home and they only had about fifteen more minutes. In his mind, everything that happened here ten years ago was happening again. This time, he had Bobby with him. They entered and Twenty gave Bobby direct orders. “You go to lift the door so we can drive the cars out. While you do that I’ll take care of the alarm. Got that?”

  “Ten-four,” Bobby said and hurried over to the door.

  Twenty remembered where the pad was. He went right over to it. He remembered the code without any problem. He punched 9, 9, 4, 2 and the pad lit green. Suddenly, he heard noise coming from the front. “Bobby,” he called to him. “Somebody’s coming, hide.” Twenty ducked behind the GT500.


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