Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J)

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Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J) Page 17

by King Coopa J

  Twenty knew they were outgunned but he had to try for Janet. He got in the passenger seat. He pulled his chrome 9 out and cocked it. “Catch’em.”

  Paula smashed the gas.

  The Nissan had amazing speed. The $90,000, twin turbocharged, intercooler DOHC 24-valve V-6, aluminum block and heads with port fuel injection could do 0 to 60 in 2.9 seconds and a max out at 191mph. The rednecks wouldn’t stand a chance. There wasn’t a doubt they would get caught. The repo truck supported extra weight from the Nissan-Renault DeZir that slowed the heavy truck down.

  “Left or right?” Paula approached the road from the warehouse. The rednecks were out of sight and they needed to make the correct turn.

  Twenty went with what his gut told him. “Right.”

  Paula drifted the car onto the road heading right. She shifted the 6-speed into gear and accelerated pushing the car to the max. “There they are.” She said seeing them up ahead.

  “Pull up next to the driver.” Twenty told her. “I need to take him out first.”

  Paula maneuvered into the opposite lane. She punched it and got next to the truck.

  Twenty aimed the 9.

  “Bubba!” the redneck in the passenger seat called.

  Bubba fired his AK out of his window while still trying to handle the truck.

  Paula hit the brake a little. She didn’t want Twenty or the car shot up. She gained on them.

  Twenty aimed the nine. He let off on the door and connect with Bubba. The truck swerved off of the road.

  “Bubba!” the other redneck cried. He fired his assault at them. He ran around to the driver side. “Bubba,” he whispered.

  Paula skidded the car to a stop. She hopped out with her pistol. She snuck up on the redneck attending to his cousin. “Put the weapon down.” He turned around and to face an angry Paula. “Twenty get the car.”


  The Shake Down

  Theredneck didn’t give them any problems. He was busy holding his cousin. He got shot twice in the side and in the leg. He was bleeding quite well, but he survived. After Twenty and Paula got the Nissan-Renault DeZir off the truck. He rushed his cousin to the local hospital.

  Paula and Twenty couldn’t race the Nissan’s back to Tech because he was in a hot zone. The police probably are swarming all over that place. Paula called Tech on the phone and told him to meet them back at the garage. The chances would be better if they just headed back. They made it back safely and ten minutes before Tech. They had pulled the cars in. They told Tech the story about what happened. He couldn’t believe the wild manner rednecks would do something that crazy and stupid. It was kind of funny because if it wasn’t for Twenty and Paula the rednecks would’ve successfully got away. Twenty suggest that first thing in the morning they would move the cars to El’ Nino’s garage. It would be safer because the police would be out all night. They’ll be looking for the cars after seeing the warehouse.

  Paula went home. She lived two minutes from the garage and if she didn’t, Jeff would be worried about her. Tech stayed at the garage with Twenty. He was looking the cars over. The DeZir had a little scratch from the repo truck in the front. It wasn’t something he couldn’t handle. He gave the GT-RS35 an oil change too.

  Twenty called it a night and went to bed. The day had taken a toll on him.

  After Tech finished and cleaned himself up, he crashed on the couch downstairs.

  Twenty woke at 9am the next morning. Friday, he thought. The last day of the lifts. They would move on to Saturday with the greatest challenge of all. Lifting the President’s Land Rover. He cleaned himself up and went downstairs. He heard the eighteen-wheeler pull around back. He noticed that the cars were gone. Tech must’ve woken up early and took the cars to El’ Nino’s garage, he thought. He went out of the back door.

  Tech was getting out the truck. “You finally up?” he walked over to him. “You were dead tired. I said fuck it and moved the cars.”

  Before Twenty could respond. He heard a loud beating on the door. He turned around. “Who the hell is banging on the door this early in the morning like they’re crazy?”

  “Beats me,” Tech said following him in.

  Twenty went to the door. The person at the door kept beating. “Hold on!” he checked the peephole. “Shit.” It was Daverson and his partner. “Tech, hide everything.” He whispered.

  Tech ran over to the computer to shut it down. Everything else that had anything to do with the lifts he got rid of. “Good,” he whispered.

  Twenty opened the door and Daverson came barging in. “Hold up old guy before you kill yourself.”

  “Where are they!” Daverson roared

  “Where’s what?” Twenty asked like he was confused.

  Daverson grabbed Twenty by his shirt. “The cars, son.” he said angrily.

  “Get off me,” Twenty brushed him off. “I don’t know about any damn cars.”

  “Well, I have the warrant to search the place.” Daverson showed him the warrant.

  “Search it.” Twenty shrugged. “Doesn’t look like any cars are here to me.”

  Daverson could tell the garage was empty. He still had the feeling Twenty had something to do with it. He asked questions while he looked around. “New McLaren, stolen right off the track. BMW, taken from a test drive. Jaguar, from a car show. Mustangs, stolen while a manager was shittin’ at the same place I busted you.”

  “Well, he should’ve been shittin’ around on the job.” Twenty joked.

  Daverson had got what he wanted. “It’s clean.” He walked to the door. “Don’t forget who caught you last time.” he stepped out. He got in his car. His partner got in the passenger seat. “Look at this?” It was a shredded piece of paper that read, Ferra-. Daverson got it from the trash.

  His partner signed. “What’s this supposed to mean?” he asked confused.

  “They’re going after a Ferrari.” He pulled away smiling.


  16.4 Super Sport

  “He’son to us. He doesn’t know if it’s us for sure,” Twenty told Tech from the doorway. He was watching Daverson and his partner Matt Gains pull away.

  Tech went over to the bar. He needed to get himself a drink after what just happened. It was a close call. If he hadn’t decided to take the cars over early they would’ve had some serious problems on their hands. Lucky us, he thought. “Why do you suggest he’s on to us? The garage was empty and he didn’t take us to jail.” Tech poured himself some Grey Goose.

  “Not yet,” Twenty walked over. “He doesn’t have any hardcore evidence. He wants to catch me red handed, but without any good evidence. He knows I’ll be out in no time. I know he’s planning something. I can feel it. They might try to come back. They didn’t catch us this time and they might put the dogs on us. They will be watching us from here on out. I’m sure of it. We need to be more cautious with our steps. The best thing for us to do is not bring the cars back here. Instead, we’ll just take them straight to El’ Nino’s garage. It’s safer that way. We’ll just have to do our best to inspect the cars there.” Tech poured him a shot. “Thanks. When are the others arriving?”

  Tech downed his second shot. “Jeff and Paula will be here around ten. Bobby will be in around one. Everyone is working solo until we lift the Ferrari’s tonight.”

  “Ok,” Twenty poured himself another shot. “When they get here we’ll let them know the new plans. Until then, let’s start the day.” He threw the shot back. “Ugh.” He signed.

  Tech walked to the computer and booted it back up. He made a couple clicks of the mouse. “Today you only have two cars to lift. You have the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 super sport and the Ferrari 599 Replacement. It’s a light day for you since you have the Land Rover tomorrow.”

  “Where is the Bugatti located?” Twenty walked over to the workstation.

  “It’s at a compound thirty minutes from here. It will be a test getting to it. There’s a huge gate around the compound. You’ll have to find a way to open it. T
here is a keypad. The passcode is unbreakable. The compound is on a mass amount of land and the owner is unidentified to my sources.” Tech turned around in to face Twenty. “Sounds fun?”

  “Great,” Twenty said sarcastically. Why does it sound like I’m going to die trying to lift this Bugatti?” he sighed. “Why we have to lift this one? There’s a couple easier ones around here I’m sure. “It’s the only carbon fiber Bugatti in the state. The others are at a dealer in Cali. Unless you want to try your luck out there, be my guest. I don’t think we have the time for a two-day trip.”

  “Let’s go.” They got in the truck and hit the highway.

  They got to the compound in twenty five minutes. The place looked like it was worth millions. The gate was about eight feet tall all the way around the estate. It was black with gold spikes for the tips. There was a huge lion’s head on the gate’s entrance and it is solid gold. The compound is at the least, two football fields away from the front entrance.

  “Keep driving,” Twenty told Tech. They stopped about fifty yards from the front gate. Twenty noticed a side area of the gate that was covered with trees. “Tech,” Twenty side seriously. “Let me get your gun.”

  Tech pulled out his Desert Eagle and handed it to him.

  “Dayum, and I thought you were just a skinny geek.”

  “Take care of her,” Tech grinned.

  “I’m off.” Twenty got out of the truck and hurried back down the road. He looked through the enormous gate. Something just didn’t sit right about the place to him. He shrugged it off and crept around to the trees. He found a good one and climbed up and jumped over the fence. He stayed low and hurried over to the house. He crept along the house until he heard a voice. He paused and ducked lower. He thought someone was on to him. It was coming from the window up ahead. He crept over to it. The voices became clearer to him. It was two men talking. Twenty stood there a moment and listened. He wanted to know what kind of people he was dealing with.

  He heard a harsh male voice. “How much for the fifty kilo’s?”

  “Give me $15,000 apiece.” The second male voice came through the window. “That’s a total of $750,000. I’m sure you can live with that.”

  He thought, kilos, $750,000? He was at a cartel’s compound. A world of alert went through his body. This is the worse place this Bugatti could’ve been. These were the type of people you wouldn’t want to fuck with and Twenty was on their land… fuckin’ with them. “Damn,” he muttered. He pulled out the biggest gun he had on him. Tech’s Desert Eagle. Thank you Lord. He peeped into the window swiftly. Man oh man, he thought. There were about ten guys in the room. One guy was behind a desk with fifty keys on it. Another guy with a leather jacket on was facing him. The other guys surrounded them. This was bad because Twenty knew the men were armed. How many soldiers were in the drug trade did you know weren’t? He ducked low and continued to creep to the front of the mansion. He remembered seeing a number of cars and trucks. They were too hard to make out from the far road. Maybe he would have some luck and one of the vehicles would hopefully be the Bugatti. He made sure the Desert Eagle was cocked and ready. He got to the front of the mansion. He stooped low looking at the vehicles carefully. “Please be out here,” he said to himself. There it was. He noticed the carbon fiber Bugatti parked at an angle. “Hell yeah.” He whispered excitedly. Now he just had to find a way to get out of the front gate. He had a plan. The first thing he’s going to do is find one of the other vehicles that’s unlocked. Drug dealers always left their cars unlocked at their house. Hotwire it and run it through the front gate. Then hopped in the Bugatti and hightailed it the hell out of there. It wasn’t the best plan, but it was all he could come up with unless the drug dealers were going to be kind enough to let him have the Bugatti. Then open the gate for him and say, good luck with Janet. We’re praying for you. What a dream, but that wouldn’t happen. On to the plan A.

  He crept over and the second vehicle he tried was unlocked. Good so far. He retrieved one of the heavy stones from the front garden. He sat it next to the truck and took his belt off. He tied one end to the steering wheel and the other end to the brake pedal. He didn’t want the truck to brake. The goal was to keep the steering wheel straight. That’s the biggest issue. He popped the truck steering column. This wire here, that wire there and the truck roared to life with the damn alarm. “Shit.” It was over. They’re coming for sure. He knew if they found him. They would try to kill him.

  He continued through with the plan, anyway. He pressed the brake pedal and put the truck into gear. He pulled the emergency brake up and then he tightened the belt. He swiftly place the stone on the gas pedal. The truck revved with a redline RPM. The truck was burning out in place. Suddenly, he heard gun firing. The sound made him duck for cover. He swiftly lowered the emergency brake and the truck sped off towards the gate. He ducked behind a Lamborghini. He peeked out. All of the men came storming out and took firing positions. He pulled the Deseret Eagle and the 9 out. “What have you got yourself into Twenty?” he said as the bullets whizzed by the exotic car. The Bugatti is four cars away from him. If he could get to it. He would be good. He watched the truck. “C’mon, hit the damn gate.” The truck swerved a little. He almost thought the truck wasn’t going to make it, but it crashed right through the front gate. It worked, he thought. It fuckin’ worked! Now all he had to do was manage to stay alive while getting to the Bugatti and fighting off the drug dealers.

  The bullets had slowed down and a harsh voice spoke. “Come out essay!”

  Twenty crept around a Lamborghini and got behind a Bentley. He only wanted to shoot if he had to. His bullets were limited and he didn’t want to give up his position. He needed to come up with another plan. He was trying his best to remember the name that was at the window. What was that damn name?

  “I said come out essay!” the harsh voice commanded. “I wanna see who is crazy enough to try and come for me at my own home. Tell me, who sent you essay!” he fired some shots at the Lambo.

  Twenty thought long and hard about the name. He heard the gunfire and the bullets ricochet off the Lambo. What the hell is this guy talking about? That’s it, he thought. He had some type of plan. Hopefully, it would work. Drug dealers were always paranoid about who’s out to get them. Twenty was going to keep this guy talking and use that tactic against him until he remembered the name. “Hey,” he yelled. “You want to know who sent me!”

  The drug lord held his men down. “Speak to me, who sent you after me, essay!” he wanted to know. If he found out which one of his enemies were after him. He would go at them full blast.

  “We have to make a deal if I tell you!” Twenty yelled back at him. He knew that he wouldn’t be good on the deal. All he wanted was to stall a little while he tried to remember the name.

  “I don’t know essay!” he yelled. “You fucked my gate up, homes! Who’s going to pay for that!”

  Twenty stayed low and crept to the next vehicle. “You worried about the gate or more about who sent me after you and the fifty kilo’s!”

  He looked around his men and the buyers. They were the only people who knew about the kilos. Now he was starting to get suspicious and believe someone among them sent this man after him. “Ok, you have a deal! I’ll let you live essay if you tell me who sent you!”

  That’s the name! Himis, he thought. “It was your boy, Himis!” Twenty yelled from behind the car. He wanted to see the reaction. He came from cover just a little.

  The guy in the leather jacket looked shocked. “He’s bullshitting! Why would I send someone after you!”

  Twenty had them. He kept it up. “He sent me to kill you! He told me I would get ten of the kilos!”

  “He’s fuckin’ lying!” Himis yelled angrily. “Let’s kill this motherfucker!”

  The drug lord turned his gun on Himis and five other men did too.

  Himis men turned their guns on them. It was only four of them all together.

  The drug lord spoke up. “How does he
know about the cocaine!” He roared furiously. This entire deal was a setup, he thought. “The first person I’m going to kill is you Himis! Tell me, essay!”

  “I don’t fuckin’ know!” Himis answered frantically. “But it wasn’t me or my men.”

  Twenty watched in cover. “You’re fuckin’ lying Himis. You sent me to kill him!”

  “Kill them!” the drug lord took the first shot and it smacked Himis in the head.

  Himis fell to the ground dead. Both sides started attacking each other. Twenty had their attention off him and he crept the rest of the way to the Bugatti. He pulled out the key and opened the door.

  The drug lord noticed. “Chase him!” the men started firing instead. “Don’t shoot up my Bugatti essay!” he held them down. “I mean chase him in another vehicle!” by then the drug dealer saw his 2.4 million dollar car speeding off the property. No way were they catching a 256mph car. One thing about being a drug dealer, whatever is stolen, was stolen. He pulled out his phone and punched a number in. “Joe, this is M. I need another Bugatti essay.”


  One More Time

  Daversonsat in his office. He was looking over every single car theft in the last two days. He was trying to figure out the pattern while he sipped his coffee and smoke a cigarette. He thought about what if Twenty was clean? What if he didn’t have anything to do with the thefts? What if there’s someone new? He shook the thought from his head. There couldn’t be anyone as good. One week after Twenty was released the GTA’S picked up. The thefts weren’t random either. These people were professionals. He started back at the first file. McLaren MP4-12C, stolen right off the test track. The test driver was held at gunpoint and was robbed for his racing suit. BMW, 650i convertible, stolen while on a test drive. A beautiful woman held an older salesman at gunpoint. Mercedes S63 AMG and CLS63 AMG, stolen from the dealership. Two men held a manager at gunpoint and tied him a chair. Mustang Shelby GT500 and BOSS 302, stolen from the same dealer he caught Twenty ten years ago. Would Twenty really go to the same dealer? Dodge Viper, a rapper was held at gunpoint right after he purchased it. Three Porsches, 918, 991 and a 911 all stolen from the same warehouse. Chase was given after the 918 but the person driving was too skilled of a driver to be apprehended. The subject got away without a trace of him or the vehicle. Sounds like Twenty, he thought. He moved on to the next file. Jaguar C-X75, stolen from an Atlanta Concept car show. The shower system was somehow activated. When it was finally cut off the Jaguar team found their concept missing. Camaro HP-ZL1 and Corvette C7, stolen from an baseball player’s mansion. The MVP to be exact. He saw two males, one black and the other white. Lexus LFA, stolen from a sponsored Victoria Secret car wash. A beautiful woman disguised as a worker drove the car right off the lot. Two Lamborghini’s, Aventador and a Gallardo, stolen under a cop’s nose. He described the two vehicles as joy riding. He was unaware the vehicles were stolen. Hennessey CTS, stolen from a lawyer at his office. He said a white male came in late and the next minute he was gone. Aston Martin v-12 Vantage. This was the worst one to Daverson. How could anyone be so cruel? Stolen from an old man with Alzheimer’s. His wife’s cousin reported the car and the old man kept suggesting it was taking up too much space. He checked the very last file he had. Last night, the front entrance to a Nissan warehouse was broken into. They got away with a Nissan-Renault DeZir and GT-R35. The scene was reported to have truck tread marks and assault rifle shells everywhere. The front windows were shattered. No blood or bodies on the scene. What was being shot at? This was the only job that didn’t sound like Twenty had something to do with. The theft was reckless and Twenty wasn’t that type of guy and Daverson knew that. What’s this person next move? He looked at the shredded piece of paper. The ripped word, Ferra. Was this a part of a list of cars? There wasn’t any Ferrari’s stolen and there isn’t going to be, he thought. He picked up the phone and dialed the Chief of police.


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