Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J)

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Lifted: Power, Money And Speed (A Novel by King Coopa J) Page 22

by King Coopa J

  El’ Nino sipped his drink. He noticed his wife walk into the room. “Twenty.” El’ Nino stood. “I want you to meet my wife.”

  Twenty and Paula turned around. They were shocked at who they saw.

  El’ Nino continued. “Rosa, this is Twenty and his wonderful lady friend Paula.”


  The Big Day

  “Ican’t believe the woman you’re messing around with,” Paula yelled hurrying through the parking lot. “Is married to the monster that kidnapped my daughter!”

  Twenty hurried behind her. He was just as surprised as she was. He sure as hell didn’t know Rosa was married to El” Nino. That would’ve been dealt with. “Paula… Paula!” he caught up to her. “I didn’t know she was married to him.”

  “Twenty.” She turned around angrily. “I’m not trying to hear that bullshit!” she turned around and continued to her car.

  Twenty followed. “If I was aware of something like that. I would’ve said something or done something about it.”

  Paula opened the door to the Subaru. “Yeah, but you’re fucking in love with her! Don’t lie to me! I heard you all lovely, dovey and shit while you were speaking with her on the phone!” Paula got in the car and swiftly locked the doors so Twenty couldn’t get in.

  “You back on that? Twenty tried to open the door. “You know I don’t care about her. Remember what happen in the back of the trailer? Please unlock the door?”

  “Fuck what happened in the back of the trailer!” Paula smashed the gas. She peeled all the way out of the parking lot leaving him there alone to find his own way.

  “Paula!” Twenty called after her. “Damn.” He said softly. He watched her pull away. He was hurt. He really cared about Paula. How could something like this happen? What are the odds of that? Rosa is El’ Nino’s wife. He knew she was married, but DAMN, El’ Nino’s wife. He began to walk home. Thinking about everything that just happen. How could Paula be upset with him? It wasn’t his fault she was attracted to him and happened to be the bastard’s wife. Then he began to think about what if El’ Nino sent Rosa? What if Rosa was like, a spy or something? Was she? She didn’t act like it back at the ball. She pretended like she knew nothing about me. She played the best acting role I’ve seen since I got out.

  He walked down the long road. It was going to take him forever to get home. He was taken by surprise because lights began to flash on him. Had Paula come back for him? The light got brighter and the vehicle didn’t seem like Paula’s. A Lamborghini LP570-4 Superleggera pulled up next to him. He stopped. The exotic car was all black, black 22’s and black tint. He didn’t have a clue who was behind the dark tint. Maybe someone from the Ball? The window rolled down.

  “Get in.” said a woman with an accent.

  “Rosa!” Twenty knew who she was. “What the hell were you thinking! Your husband is a fuckin’ monster!” he walked off.

  She pulled up following him slowly. “Get in Twenty. It’s too cold and too far for you to walk.”

  Twenty stopped. She had a good point. Plus, Rosa had some explaining to do. He got in the Lambo. He explained to her what was going on with him and that Mexican they call El’ Nino. Rosa never knew her husband had kidnapped a little girl. The things her husband did, he kept to himself. She promised him she would do whatever she could to get her back and Twenty knew she meant it. They got back to the garage and she kissed him goodnight.

  Twenty walked towards the door. “What the fuck!” someone grabbed him from behind. It was Daverson.

  “You’re fuckin’ under arrest!” he yelled.

  “For what?” Twenty fired.

  “Four Ferrari’s asshole!” he snapped.


  “Stolen,” Daverson pulled out a pair of handcuffs. “Three hours ago.” He tried to put them on Twenty and got his arm twisted.

  Twenty held him down. “You’re going to stop putting your hands on me!”

  “Let him go!” Matt yelled.

  “I was at a Mexican Ball.” He pushed Daverson away and showed them his invite.

  Twenty woke up the next morning. He had caught the biggest break. Since the Mexican Ball was a highly advertised event. Daverson had little evidence that it was Twenty and his team behind the Ferrari’s. All he knew was that the drivers were skilled. Twenty also had proof that he attended the Ball. When he produced the invites. There was nothing Daverson could do. The invites were official.

  Last day, he thought. He took what seemed to be the longest shower in his life. He needed to enjoy every moment of it. The showers in prison aren’t that nice and there was a high possibility he would be back there after the Land Rover lift. He thought about Paula. She was really upset with him. She must’ve been really emotional after what happened in the trailer. Then to see Rosa and not to mention she’s married to that Mexican they call El’ Nino made things a hell of a lot worse. He couldn’t think about if Paula will forgive him or not. He had to focus on the Land Rover lift. That’s the Presidents ride we’re talking about here. Twenty and Tech had mastered the best possible plan.

  They would use transmitters to communicate with each other while they were out in the field. Bobby would set up at one end of the block. He would transmit when the President and his team would hit the block. Tech would set up at the other end with the eighteen-wheeler. When Twenty lifts the Land Rover, he would head in Tech’s direction. After he passed, Tech would pull the eighteen-wheeler out into the middle of the street long ways. He would block any chance of a chase. Jeff would set up in the building across the street. His job is to watch Twenty’s back. That’s because Twenty would take the place of one of the security guards who would be waiting for the President to arrive in the front of the embassy. They security guards would be wearing black suits and shades. Twenty had his best suit picked out. Paula job is to walk down the street and distract the other guard while Twenty made his move on the Land Rover. After the President and his men went inside. The vehicle would be left for them to guard. Hopefully, Paula would show. If not, he would manage to figure something out. He is Twenty, the greatest car thief of all time.

  He got out of the shower and dried himself off then took a long look in the mirror. He put his game face on. He finished up and went into the bedroom. He put the suit on that was laid out perfectly on the bed. He fixed his tie in the mirror. It made him think about when Paula fixed his tie the last time.

  “Twenty!” Tech called from downstairs. “It’s time man!”

  It was time. After they went over the plan one more time they would move out. This was dangerous and the dumbest thing anyone could do. The only problem is, he had to do it. He cared about Paula too much. She needed her daughter and he wouldn’t let that little girl down. Prison meant nothing to him anymore. All that mattered was Janet.

  “Twenty!” Tech yelled again. “C’mon man we’re waiting on you!”

  Twenty left the mirror after saying one last prayer. He went downstairs and scanned the room. There were only three faces that met his. Tech, Jeff and Bobby. Paula didn’t show. It hurt his heart even more. She probably hated him more than ever. He sat down with the rest of his team. The plan would have to work without her. They gathered and finalized the plan. There was a knock at the door. Tech opened the door and Paula walked through. That showed how serious this situation is. She showed. This is for Janet.


  Middle East

  Sayyidwalked to the back of the barn. He was staying with his brother in Winder, Georgia. His brother was away at the moment buying some last minute supplies. Sayyid loved spinning time with his brother in the states. His brother moved over ten years ago. Sayyid has been wanting to move, but it is hard because he loved the Middle East so much. Even though his country has experiencing the worst type of hell. He still loved it dearly and would do anything for his country. The Americans would never understand the type of things the Middle Eastern people went through. Here, was a good life. There, was the life no one wanted. If y
our family wasn’t rich in America you would still have a chance of making it in life. You still had good schools and sports. If your family wasn’t rich in the Middle East. Things could turn out for the worst. Although, there is some type of school. Sports was not an option, not happening. There were none where he’s from. Your family had no type of power and without that. You could end up in their army or some type of suicide bomber. The army ran the streets. All of that stuff the Americans talked about. The Bloods, the Crips, the Mexican Cartels and all the other type of Spanish gangs taking over North America was a tickle to Sayyid. Try waking up every day seeing tanks and soldiers on the streets with assault rifles and other heavy artillery. Kids running up to you with bombs strapped to them. Missiles being fired at the houses and building around you. A constant hostile environment of everyday life endangerment. The gangs of America had nothing on the terrorist and their armies. They wouldn’t stand a chance. The terrorist would obliterate the gangs.

  Sayyid looked out towards the field. The sun was beautiful. The sun is always beautiful to him. That’s something he rarely had the chance to enjoy. Here in America, it’s nice and quiet. This was a feature he could enjoy without threat. If only there were peace in his homeland. If only his people weren’t at war with themselves, the government, the terrorist, the rebels, the Americans and other terrorist that were against them. There’s so much one man could do for his country. There’s so much one man could say for his country. That’s why he needed a change. It’s time for that change and change would happen today.

  “Brother.” Al bin Sodd called from behind. He was back from the store.

  Sayyid turned around. “Brother, you’re back.”

  “Yes, brother.” Al bin Sodd handed his brother the bag with all the items he had requested. “I have returned with everything you asked for.”

  Sayyid looked through the bag. Everything he had asked his brother was there. The bag is a part of that change. “Everything is here. You have done very well with what I asked for, brother. We must hurry. We have very little time to spare. Come, let’s get started.”

  Sayyid and his brother walked to the back of the barn. Al bin Sodd cut the light on in the dark room. The light flickered and cut on. Sayyid sat the bag on the table. There’s much work to be done. He took all of the items out of the bag and laid them on the table. The next step was to bless the items.

  “Brother,” Sayyid slipped his sandals off. “We must pray to Muhammad.” Al bin Sodd slipped his sandals off. They bowed to their knees and began to pray.


  President’s Land Rover

  Twentyand his team were moving into position. The President of the United States of America would be arriving in the next fifteen minutes.

  Bobby transmitted to Twenty. “I’m in position bro.” Bobby parked his Hellcat on the side of the road. He got out and pretended to be on the phone in a phone booth that was located on the corner.

  “Roger,” Twenty responded. He had tricked the security guard that was in position waiting for the President. He put a good whooping on him and placed him behind the dumpster. He lured him back there by telling him the back needed to be checked out before the President arrived. All of the surroundings of the embassy must be secured. Too bad for the security guard Twenty was the one who was the threat. Twenty stepped into position. He smirked at the security guard on the other side. “I just stepped into position myself.”

  Jeff made his way to the top floor. He had a bird’s-eye view of Twenty. “The bird is in position.” He transmitted down to Twenty.

  “Ten-four on the bird.” Twenty transmitted to Jeff.

  “The blocker is in position.” Tech transmitted to Twenty while backing the eighteen-wheeler up on the opposite end of the block. He parked on the next block so he could pull straight out.

  “Ten-four on the blocker.” Twenty transmitted to Tech. The other security guard kept staring at him funny. Hopefully he wouldn’t cause any problems. That would be another person he had to deal with. Luckily, Paula would distract him in about ten minutes. That’s all the time he needed.

  “I’m in position.” Paula transmitted to Twenty from the news stand. She was pretending to read the paper until it is her time.

  “Check.” Twenty answered. Everyone was in position. Bobby, the alert. Jeff, the eye. Tech, the blocker and Paula, the distraction. Everything is good so far. Twenty stood there casually waiting for the President to arrive like that really was his job. The other security guard kept giving him a funny eye. He checked his watch. About five more minutes to go. This is the last five minutes until the last lift. This is it. The moment that mattered most. Twenty-nine cars down and there is only one vehicle left. The only truck on the list. The Land Rover. The President’s Land Rover. Twenty checked his watch again. Three minutes left and the President would be arriving. He transmitted to Jeff. “Bird, what’s the view?”

  “The coast is clear.” Jeff transmitted to him. He scanned the entire area around Twenty. Twenty and the security guard were the only two people around the embassy.

  “Check.” Twenty felt the pressure. Especially from the security guard with is eyeing. One minute left. He transmitted to Paula. “Move.”

  “Twenty.” Bobby transmitted.” The President and two black SUV’s just turned on the block, bro.”

  “Copy.” Twenty was about to get approached by the other security guard.

  Paula bumped into the security guard and dropped her purse. “Oh, my.”

  The President Land Rover pulled up to the curve with the two SUV’s. Twenty exhaled. This was the big moment. The guards emerged from the SUV’s and surveyed the area. It was clear and the President appeared from the SUV. Paula did her job and vanished. Twenty made his move. He shook the President’s hand before he was escorted into the embassy. Twenty walked around to get the door for the first Lady. That was his job before they escorted her in as well. He opened the door. Suddenly, he heard assault fire and was pushed inside the Land Rover.


  For My Country

  “Whatthe hell.” Twenty groaned in agony. He was popped in the back of his head with an assault rifle. He fell over on the First Lady of America.

  “Brother!” Sayyid yelled. “Come, the President is in the vehicle!” He fired assault rounds at the guards as they ran out of the embassy.

  Al bin Sodd fired at the guards. He hopped in the driver seat of the Land Rover. This was his time. The time he spent in America is for this very moment. He fired out of the window. He started the Land Rover. He got the key for the SUV by shooting the driver to death.

  Sayyid fired a couple more rounds before he hopped in the passenger seat. “Drive brother!” His brother pulled back into the SUV and crashed the backend of the Rover before he pulled away. Sayyid pulled a cell phone from his pocket and watched the rearview. The guards piled into both of the SUV’s and Sayyid pressed zero on the phone. Both of the SUV’s exploded. Black smoke engulfed the air after the thunderous explosion. It gave him and his brother the clear. Sayyid pointed his assault rifle at Twenty. The First Lady kept screaming at the top of her lungs. “Be quiet!” He ordered as his brother wildly made the next turn. She kept screaming and he smacked her across the face. He aimed his assault rifle at her head. “Now be quiet or I will shoot!” This made her quiet. He turned his weapon on Twenty. He poked him with the head of the gun. “Mr. President.” He called Twenty and poked him again. “You’ll meet all of my demands and the demands from my country. Do you understand me?”

  Twenty slowly picked himself up and noticed the two Middle Eastern men with long beards and turbans on their heads. He figured they were Muslim terrorists. He had an assault rifle pointed at him. What the hell is going on? The First Lady of America was still in the vehicle. Where was the President? He kept hearing the Middle Eastern men call the President. The President is not in the vehicle. So why were they calling him? They’re not on a phone, neither. The next voice answered his question.

r. President.” Sayyid looked Twenty dead in the eyes. “You will meet our demands.”

  “He’s not my husband.” The First Lady cried. “Now let us go!”

  “Don’t tell me your American lies!” Sayyid yelled.

  “Brother.” Al bin Sodd called from the driver’s seat. “What is she talking about?” He made a sharp turn.

  “She lies brother.” Sayyid said. “She is trying to protect her husband.”

  They think I’m the President of the United States? How could they make a mistake like that? “I’m not the President.” Twenty told them. “She’s telling you the truth. I’m not her husband.”

  “Lies!” Sayyid struck Twenty in the chest with the butt of his assault rifle.

  Twenty grabbed his chest and bent forward. On any other day he would’ve attempted to grab the weapon. He didn’t want to endanger the First Lady. He still had his chrome 9 on him. He would wait until the perfect time to pull it out. “I’m not… the President.” He choked out.

  “You look like the President.” Sayyid suggested. “You were in the President’s SUV. You’re with the President’s wife. You were guarded by the President’s men. You are the President and you will meet mine and the demands made by my country.”

  Twenty did resemble the President a little. Jeff used to crack on him about that. These terrorist men were not going to let up. He had one decision… run with it. “Ok, I’m the President.”

  “What?” The First Lady said confused.


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