Terminus Project: Mars (Dystopian Child Prodigy SciFi)

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Terminus Project: Mars (Dystopian Child Prodigy SciFi) Page 25

by Casey Herzog

  I didn’t know what he was getting at, but I did as requested. I saw all sorts of students, and I was about to question him further, when it finally occurred to me that they were all boys. There was not a girl in the bunch. I was the only one, which would explain the way people were staring at me.

  “Are you saying that there are no girls here? I need some clarification.” I could see he was debating telling me, but I wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “I deserve to know, and you did bring me here for a reason.”

  “The Elders found through their research that the possibility of a female prodigy was quite rare. They couldn’t say for certain that it was unheard of, but they did caution those from certain families to watch for anything out of the ordinary. There hasn’t been a girl with magic in almost 100 years.

  “Your father went through the procedure after your mother died and that’s the reason he was never quite the same. I can’t even begin to imagine what he went through without cringing.”

  I felt like I owed my father an apology, but he wasn’t here to give him one.

  “This is not what you want to show me. I think before my head explodes that you should just get on with it. I’m sure you have gone through this before with other students. There must’ve been a few who rejected the idea they were of magic origins, and I’m sure you had to take necessary steps before making your approach.”

  I had been born into a world where magic was a lost art. There were several assemblies that stressed abstinence from magic. They even went so far as to give us a pill, which we gladly took because we didn’t know any better.

  “There have been a few ‘undesirables’ who didn’t know how to take direction and we don’t keep them here against their will. They are free to leave, but we warn them to keep their magic to themselves. Jasper was the only one out in the open, and he paid for it. He disappeared several months ago and the Elders have claimed responsibility.”

  I needed to know what happened to him.

  “Jasper was one of the strong ones. He couldn’t hold back, and he had started to make inroads with those ready to throw off the shackles of authority. The Elders have been questioned extensively and their stance has been that Jasper will return to society when he is ready. I just don’t know what will be left of him when he finally emerges from the doors of the asylum.”

  I felt like we were doing a dance and William was purposely leaving steps out of the performance! “Professor Bethesda doesn’t look like the same man anymore. There seems to be a new light in his eyes. How can you explain that?” There were still so many questions and not enough answers to go around.

  “Professor Bethesda came to your father looking for a new lease on life. He was vetted extensively before he was even able to find out about this place. He was on probation for a long time, but he has proved to be an invaluable asset. He usually makes the first approach to the uninitiated, but I convinced him that in your case, it would be better coming from me. You are a special case, and some of these students are envious of your heritage. You are that rare variable that we didn’t account for. The legend states that there will be one woman who will lead them all.” I could tell what I had known about William was what he wanted people to think. The truth was more than enough to digest. He was a part of this new world of underground fledgling magicians.

  I couldn’t quite believe all this was happening, but there was no denying what my eyes could see. “You said you wanted to show me something. I’m getting a little tired of the runaround.”

  He kept walking and I followed until he came to a door with a set of stairs.

  “This is when you decide if you want your future to be extraordinary.”

  It was a strange turn of phrase, but I could see that he wasn’t backing down until I made a decision one way or the other.

  Chapter Six

  I knew I was trying his patience by waiting to see what was going to happen next, but I had no choice. This was a big decision, and one I wasn’t going to take lightly. His words had wisdom, and learning about my father had certainly changed things, but the one thing clear was my future was already set in stone.

  "I’m willing to suspend my beliefs until I learn more of the facts. It’s not like I don’t believe in magic, but I never thought a world like this one existed outside of our own. I know that you said that it’s on another plane, so that means we are literally stepping into the shoes of others without them even knowing it.” I looked down into the blackness, and it gave me the impression of how I felt when I was sinking into the doorway to this world.

  “I can only be your guide; it’s up to you to make that final decision. We’re all counting on you, but that’s not meant to be any pressure. You must know your father was a great man, but he had to hide this magic world in hopes of one day blending both worlds. The book of legends has been called into question. It does say that on this day and at this time, a woman will join the ranks and become more than what she thinks she can be. The book is a prophecy we have followed from the moment your father gave us his wisdom.” He walked down the stairs like he could see where he was going. I took one last look down the hallway and saw a little boy staring at me with a scowl on his face. He pointed in my direction, and his finger lit up.

  An arc of lightning streamed from where he was standing to where I was standing. I closed my eyes and thought for sure I was going to fry. I never got the chance to find my full potential.

  I could see light behind my eyelids, and I dared to look; the electricity was surrounding, but not touching me. The little boy with evil intentions started to stomp his feet in frustration, and his anger made the lightning even stronger. It still it did not penetrate my protective shell.

  “Damien, stop that right now; you know the penalty.”

  It was a fitting name. He really did look like he was the devil’s prodigy.

  “I know that you don’t understand, but we don’t act out because we’re ignorant. We learn and then we make an informed decision. That is a lesson you can never forget.” The child was showing his intentions, and I think he was as surprised as I was that I wasn’t injured when he unleashed his power.

  “I don’t like her, and she doesn’t belong. Send her away.”

  His words were chilling. Damien was not holding his tongue. This was a kid with youthful enthusiasm that wasn’t exactly healthy.

  “I don’t know what she is, but I will find out. I’m the one with the power and I will not share it with anyone. I haven’t even begun. If she thinks this is the extent of my power, then she is sadly mistaken. I will make sure she is only a footnote in history.” I couldn’t say anything and staring into his eyes was like looking into a residing darkness that penetrated into his very soul.

  “That is no way to talk to a guest, Damien. You need some time to reflect. Don’t give me the look because this is something you brought on yourself. These things have a way of working themselves out, but only if you give them time. That is something you will have plenty of while you think about what you did.” It did not look like Damien was going to take that lying down. He began to conjure an energy ball, but then professor Bethesda put him in his place by surrounding him in a bubble.

  “I hate you… I hate you… I hate you.” Those were the only words he said before he disappeared in a flash of light.

  “I know how it looks, Gillian. He is a precocious child and there are times I think I can’t reach him. He has strong opinions and doesn’t mind letting people know about them. I do find it quite fascinating that he wasn’t able to hurt you. I knew from the way your father spoke about you that you were special. William wasn’t the only one to try to convince him to bring you into the fold, but he was adamantly against it. I hope you understand that Damien has every right to feel you are going to be a problem.”

  I didn’t get a chance to debate this issue with him. William was pulling me by the hand until I was walking down the stairs. Each step was lighting up in front of me. I took a look back and there was onl
y darkness. It scared me more than my father’s chastising scowl could ever do.

  “Damien is one of our new members. He’s only 10, but he has some real promise. With a bit more coaching and practice, I think he can be one of our greatest finds. He has this natural affinity to magic, and that’s not something we come by often. You were clueless and you had the gift within your reach. I get this feeling that you ignored the signs. I think your father found a way to suppress those thoughts by the things he learned in the library.”

  I followed him closely. I wanted to reach out and touch him, but that seemed inappropriate.

  “I would be very careful about that kid. You may see potential, but I see disaster in the making. He acts without thinking it through first, and I doubt my father would condone those kinds of actions. He needs to learn restraint. I don’t think I’m saying anything you don’t already know,” I said, with real concern for Damien’s development.

  It was a winding staircase and one that seemed to go on forever. If I didn’t know any better, I would think we were going through the stages of hell.

  “Some would say the same thing about you. It’s not natural for a ‘girl’ to possess the kind of power you have. Damien is only one of many voices you will hear complaining about your presence here. They’re just going to have to get used to it. In a short amount of time, you will become one of the teachers of the younger generation. We’re vastly lacking in teachers, and your unique insights and the power that you wield will help to mold the young minds of tomorrow.”

  I was still a student myself in high school and he was proposing that I step into a teaching position! “I wouldn’t even know where to begin. I’m still getting used to all of this, and you can imagine this has been quite a shock to my system. You can’t possibly expect me to start right now.” Damien was one of many who were going to take exception. I didn’t even want to think about what that could mean. Was I really ready for this departure from reality?

  “The only thing I expect from you is to do the right thing. You have a moral compass that you follow and you know exactly what kind of person you are. That self-identification is lacking in most of the students. They need direction and a helping hand from somebody who has been given more than she deserves.”

  This stopped me in my tracks. I reached out and grabbed him by the shoulder to feel the tension tightening the knots in his muscles. I didn’t like what I was hearing.

  “What did you mean by that? I didn’t ask for any of this. Deserving or not, I’m here, and we both need to come to terms with that. I thought we were on the same page, but maybe you have only been saying what I want to hear.

  “Do you really agree with me being here or are you just after what everybody else is after? I don’t want another Mr. Coleman on my hands.” I felt like I was being ostracized for something that was out of my hands. William’s nice guy act was now melting away with the venom spewing from his lips.

  “I’m sorry, that might’ve been going a little bit too far. I don’t want there to be any secrets between us. I thought that what I had with your father was unbreakable. He gave me every indication that when he moved on from this mortal coil I would be given the keys to the kingdom. It was only recently that we learned his intention was to give you the key. I accepted it, but it didn’t mean I had to be happy about it. I’ve been working very hard to whisper into the ears of those who will listen. I’ve been seeding those thoughts, and in we will all be living in harmony together.”

  It was a lofty goal, and I wasn’t sure either one of us was going to be alive to see it come to life.

  “If you’re going to tell me this is a vision my father had, then I don’t want to hear it.” The further that we went down the stairs, the more the temperature was rising. I touched the stone and moved my fingers back to see a blister form where I’d made contact with the scorching surface. It stung and I wanted to scream, but I felt it would only be seen as weakness. I was my father’s daughter. I had big shoes to fill.

  “Your father took me underneath his wing when I was old enough to understand. I know it’s your legacy, but that doesn’t mean I can’t share in it.

  “I would suggest you not touch the walls. That looked very painful, but I think you know what you need to do.” I remembered him telling me to snuff out the blaze with a blanket in my mind. I closed my eyes and envisioned the skin of my finger healing. It was painful for a moment, with a throbbing insistence that had me wishing that I had something to ease the pain. It was there one second, and then, new pink skin was forming over it. That came from my own mind.

  “I’m getting better at that.”

  He grabbed me by my wrists and looked at where the burn had been; he smiled like he had done me a great favor.

  “You haven’t begun to scratch the surface of what you’re capable of. Having magic eyes has given you abilities beyond your wildest dreams. It’s only a matter of time before you tap into it. I hope you know what kind of responsibility you’ve been given. Not everybody can handle it.”

  He was close to me and I bit my bottom lip with a need for something more physical to happen between us.

  “I don’t want any of this. I would gladly give it up for a chance at a normal life. I’m not kidding; I mean every word I’m saying to you. Being special isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. You want me to live up to my father’s expectations, but how can I, when I don’t even know what that is. By your own admission, he sheltered me from the truth, and I’m beginning to think that it was for the best.”

  I thought that he was going to be angry, but he only smiled. He crooked one finger, motioning me to come closer. I followed him down the stairs where the heat was making my clothes stick to me like a second skin. I could feel a bead of sweat on my forehead rolling down the bridge of my nose. I decided to try something: I envisioned that my skin was cool. This time it did not work. It was a good try, but I was asking too much, and I knew it.

  Chapter Seven

  William stood there, at the bottom of the stairs, in front of this large iron door with rusty hinges. “I’m about to introduce you to the gatekeeper. He will determine if you are worthy to keep the magic eyes. To be honest, I don’t think you need to go through this door, but these are steps your father took to ensure only those who could handle the power would keep it.”

  He was scaring me. I tried to remain calm, but my whole body was trembling. “The one thing I don’t know is if I am worthy. My father obviously didn’t think so because he didn’t trust me with the truth.” I suppose it was unfair of me to hate my father for trying to give me a normal childhood.

  I could hear voices and some were becoming clearer than others.

  “I will find you. They can banish me to this room, but they can’t keep me here forever. They think they know me, but they don’t. I am not a prisoner, and I never will be. There will come a time that you and I will face each other, and only one of us will survive. I want you to hear me. William wants you to believe we’re one big dysfunctional family, but I’m just biding my time. What I did upstairs was only a test to give me a better understanding of what kind of power you have.”

  Damien’s voice was ringing in my ears. I was tempted to scream, but I didn’t want give him that kind of satisfaction.

  I concentrated and his voice began to recede into whispers I could barely understand. His anger was something he was going to have to be taught to manage.

  “Your father knew this day was coming. The gatekeeper is waiting for you, and he’s a familiar face.” The door swung open and standing in a black cloak was an ominous figure holding a black stick. He tapped it against the ground and it began to shake underneath my feet.

  “Come closer so I can see you.” I made a few tentative steps towards the dark echo of the voice. “You have traveled a long way. You’ll either succeed or fail by your own hand. Life is death and death is a part of life. Each one has its purpose. The dark arts have called your name and you have appeared to be judged.”

p; I was fearful for my life. I looked at William and saw that he was trying to stifle laughter underneath his breath. “I have been summoned to hold you accountable. Convince me you should not be sent to purgatory.” His emphasis on that word was a little more than was necessary.

  “I don’t know what this is all about, but I’m not sure I want any part of it.” I glanced back to William, and he was shrugging his shoulders. He couldn’t stop smiling like this was some big joke. “I’m not in any mood to play games.” I found the energy within and I tried to reach it, but it was just out of range of my fingertips.

  “You are the prey, and there is no escaping what is to be. The days of hiding are over. Step into your destiny and I will show you the way.” I reached out quickly and pulled back the cloak to see Julian.

  “You are the last person I thought I was going to see underneath that thing. I should’ve known that it was you. You’re the only one I know who has a black sense of humor. Would you care to explain all of this before I wrap my hands around your throat and choke the truth out of you?” I had caught him off guard and I left him speechless for the first time in his life.

  “Julian always likes to find out what kind of strength a new recruit has. I told him it wasn’t necessary, but he insisted. I can hear the sound of your heart beating from where I’m standing. This wasn’t right, and I feel like I have to apologize for his behavior. We gave him the honorary task of unmasking frauds.”

  William stepped back. He closed the door with a resounding clang before I had a chance to react. “I see the way you look at him. I don’t necessarily agree with your taste in men, but the heart wants what it wants. I wanted to tell you about all of this, but I was sworn to secrecy. Your father established safeguards that must be followed to the letter. You have something growing inside you, and this is where it will be decided if you keep evolving. There are three tests. You get to choose someone to face the obstacles with you, and I’m sure I already know who that will be.”


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