Training His Human: An Alien Warrior Romance

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Training His Human: An Alien Warrior Romance Page 3

by Renee Rose

  He lifted her to her feet. For the first time, she appeared subdued, her head bowed, the lovely copper waves falling in her face. With her wrists cuffed behind her, her breasts were pulled apart, showcasing their pert shape even more. His mouth watered because he longed to suck those pretty little nipples until they grew stiff and hard.

  “Do not move.”

  He stood from the hover chair and strode to the box of implements Daneth had brought for her punishments. He selected a butt plug with a bushy animal tail attached and coated it with lubricant from a pump bottle. Daneth had provided the implements and explanations of why they worked well for human females. He chose the animal tail because it would serve the purpose of humbling Leora without causing her pain.

  Leora eyed it as he returned, but he doubted she understood what it was.

  “You have displeased me, Leora. Lie back over my lap.”

  To his delight, she went easily, accepting his discipline. He pried her butt cheeks open and worked the rounded tip of the plug against her anus.

  She immediately seized up, squeezing her cheeks together, her back bowing, legs lifting in the air, her body stiffened over his knees.

  He had to suppress a chuckle as he slapped the backs of her thighs three times each.

  “Ow, you brute,” she spluttered.

  “Leora.” He made his voice hard and firm, disapproval and disappointment lacing the words. “Open your bottom for your punishment. Now.”

  “Wh-what is it?”

  “A tail. If you are going to bite like an animal, you will be treated like a beast. The tail will remain in place until you’ve shown me you deserve to be treated as a human again.”

  She whimpered but gradually, by degrees, relaxed her legs and bottom until she sagged over his lap.

  He rubbed the tip over her anus once more. “Take a deep breath.”

  She obeyed.


  As she blew out her breath, he pushed the plug forward. She gasped and tried to clench again, but it was too late, and she must have realized clenching only hurt her rectal muscles because she immediately let go.

  He eased the plug forward, going slowly as he stretched her wide to pass the largest part of the bulbous plug through.

  She mewled, rubbing the toes of one foot against the other in agitation but otherwise remaining perfectly still for him. The plug sank into her, the largest part inside now, only the neck stretching her little ring of muscle. The bushy tail trailed down the back of her legs. It would not cause any damage, only discomfort, and probably quite a bit of arousal.

  His cock jumped and lurched with excitement—it looked so beautiful, as if her ass had been begging for this adornment, which showed off her exquisite round curves.

  “You will take your spanking with the tail in place, which should remind you who you belong to. Will you bite me again, little one?”

  “No, master,” she said immediately.

  He drew a breath, already dizzy with lust for her. But he, of all males, had self-control. He would complete her punishment without defiling the beautiful human. He lifted his palm and let it smack down on one cheek of her ass. The tail bounced fetchingly.

  He bit back a groan and slapped the other cheek. Another bounce. His cock hardened and pressed insistently against her hip. She surely felt his desire for her. What would she think? Did it frighten her?

  His heart pounding, he drew several steadying breaths. He’d have to get this spanking over with quickly. He already cursed his decision to keep her naked. How would he survive this training?

  He paddled her, striking right side and left, fast and hard. Her hips bobbed on his lap, and the tail shook and quivered, bounced in her ass.

  “Open your thighs.” His voice sounded raspy and hoarse.

  She obeyed, inching her legs apart over his lap.

  He slapped the undersides of her cheeks, the tender insides of her thighs, punishing her intimately and thoroughly while her fingertips danced on the floor.

  One of his fingers contacted moisture, and something skidded and lurched in his chest. Yes—her pussy leaked arousal onto her inner thighs, the glossy substance coating his finger.

  His inner thighs shook with need. He wanted to drop her onto her knees and veck her from behind, pound into her until they both lost their minds and she screamed herself hoarse.

  Because he couldn’t—wouldn’t—anger spiked. He lifted her from his lap and dropped her back to the floor by his feet.

  “You may fetch a cushion from the bed to help you kneel.” He sounded curt, and the bewilderment on her flushed face gave him a pang of regret. It wasn’t her fault he wanted her so badly.

  She dropped a curtsy, eyes lowered, and fetched the cushion. It took her a while to situate herself on her knees, but he didn’t help. She ended up folding the cushion in half and placing it between her heels to lift her bottom slightly higher. The scent of her arousal still filled the air, and the way she rocked on the pillow told him she suffered as much as he did at that moment.

  He flicked through his communications but didn’t see or understand anything he reviewed. All he could think about was Leora, the image of that tail bouncing in her perfect ass as he spanked her permanently burned on his retinas.


  Leora’s brain swam in confusion. She truly had been reduced to an animal, as no thought could formulate or take hold. Her entire body trembled, though less from pain than...something else.


  The plug stretched her anus in the most erotic manner, and it had moved inside her as he’d spanked as if she’d been ass-vecked at the same time. Every firm slap of his hand had registered not as pain, but as foreplay. The throb in her ass matched the one in her clit. Now her entire body buzzed and tingled; her ears rang, and her eyes were unfocused. She needed to orgasm. Sweet Mother Earth, how she needed release! The urge to cry—not out of pain, but out of frustration—pressed behind her face.

  She closed her eyes, trying to rein in her errant emotions. She had gone eighteen years without sex. Just because a handsome alien warrior had stripped and spanked her didn’t mean she needed to turn into a wanton sex slave.

  Johan would be horrified...except even that thought didn’t stick because something about this incredible warrior reminded her so much of her long-dead human partner. While Johan had never spanked her or required her submission, he had been strong and determined, dominant as a decision-maker for all those around him.

  Was it crazy that she wanted more spanking? Wanted to be back over Seke’s lap, those powerful hands slapping open her inner thighs, the undersides of her butt cheeks, the area just below her anus, right over her sex, making the tail jostle and pump in her ass? This had to be why Lamira blushed and smiled when she spoke of Zander’s punishments. It was as much pleasure as it was pain.

  She rubbed her clit over the pillow between her legs. Would Seke notice if she—

  “Don’t.” His voice sounded harsh. Almost alarmed.

  She froze, her chest rising and falling with shortened breaths. Her breasts felt heavy and tight, swollen and aching as much as her sex.

  “Your punishment aroused you,” he rasped, “but you are not a sex slave. I will not be enjoying the juicy little pussy that’s swollen and wet for me.”

  Blessed Mother Earth. She neared orgasm just from his words, from his acknowledgement of her state.

  “And so you will not be allowed release, either. Consider it part of your punishment.”

  She nearly wept. “Evil,” she muttered under her breath. “Mean. Twisted. Wrong.” Louder, she said, “You should not have aroused me, then.” She half-wished to goad him into spanking her again.

  “You should have behaved.” He stood abruptly. “You shall be confined to my chamber while I’m gone. I will have food sent to you.”

  Her stomach clenched as she watched him stride to the door. “Release cuffs,” he muttered before he left without a backward glance and her wrists fell apart.

  Had she pushed him too far? Or had his own sexual frustration driven him away?

  Briefly, she considered offering herself to him. Since Johan’s execution after the human revolt he led, she’d never desired another male. She hadn’t missed sex, as she’d been too busy trying to keep her younger daughter from getting picked up for sex slavery like Lily had been.

  She’d kept her head down and survived.

  But now that the Zandians had bought her, now that they owned her entire family, life had improved significantly. They were treated well—at least she had been until this punishment. The surroundings were beyond comfortable, the food plentiful and delicious. With her improved conditions, the desires of her youth reawakened. She wanted love, like Lamira and Lily had found. Sex. Freedom. Purpose. Things she’d never even dared to dream of when she’d been owned by the Ocretions.

  She rocked over the pillow once more. Would Seke even know if she pleasured herself here, alone, with him gone?

  She didn’t want to, though. Somehow, the idea of them both suffering the same need hurt in the most delicious of ways. She wanted to feel the effects of his punishment, and know he, too, had wanted something more.

  She eased out of the position, taking time for her knees to unbend and shaking life back into them. Walking to the washroom, she stood in front of the looking glass, gazing at her naked form, imagining how it looked through Seke’s eyes.

  Though she’d lived a hard life, she’d always been healthy. Her breasts still had a spring to them, her skin still had a youthful glow, and her hair fell thick and wavy over her shoulders. She had fine lines around her eyes and stretch marks under her belly button but, otherwise, was unmarked.

  She had a distinctly erotic look now, though, naked save for Seke’s collar and cuffs. Her nipples pebbled in excitement, and a flush painted her cheeks. Her pubic hair had been removed by laser by the Ocretion slave masters when she’d hit puberty.

  She turned to gaze at her backside. Her bottom had been painted pink by Seke’s large palm. It tingled now, the memory of that spanking eliciting shivers of excitement. The long, fluffy animal tail hung down between her legs, and gave her ass a perky, cheerful look.

  She cupped her breasts, squeezing her nipples gently between her thumbs and forefingers. She imagined Seke doing the same, perhaps bringing his mouth to one of her nipples and sucking...or biting.

  She hadn’t meant to bite him so hard. She’d tasted his blood, which had run thick and violet from the wound. She rubbed her ass. An Ocretion master would’ve shocked her and put her in isolation. Or worse.

  Seke had put a tail in her ass and given her a spanking. She touched her sex and found it dripping and swollen, terribly sensitive to the brush of her fingertips.

  She groaned. How long would he leave her like this? Would he ever allow her release?

  She wondered, again, about Lamira’s fate. Was she locked in Zander’s chamber now? Or was it worse—had he banished her to the guest room as he’d done before when she’d lied to him about her psychic abilities?

  Their plants would need tending. Lamira had planted nearly a hundred food-bearing plants in Zander’s pod, utilizing the incredible quality of light his crystals provided to produce healthy plants. Zandian crystal was the reason the Finn had taken over Zandia. It had applications in technology and energy generation. Traditionally, Zandians used them to amplify sunlight, providing the energy their bodies required for fuel.

  Lamira’s rare and exotic trees and plants, many grown from heirloom seeds and some even from Earth, flourished here. Her work served as preparation for when Zander took back his home planet, because it would require re-cultivation after the horrific crystal mining by the Finn.

  Every afternoon, she and Lamira checked on the plants, providing water or moving their location to provide optimal conditions. If she and Lamira were both locked up, who would look after the plants?

  She paced around Seke’s chamber, but the movement of the tail in her ass and the rubbing of her clit between her legs only made her agitation grow.

  After a stretch, an elderly servant entered, averting his eyes as he delivered a tray of food for her. Not hungry, she let it sit.

  Hours passed. She changed her mind a dozen times about how to greet Seke when he returned. Sometimes she planned to lash out at him in anger for leaving her alone so long with nothing to do. Other times, she thought it would be best to appear as subservient as possible to prove her training complete so he might allow her to see Lamira again and roam about the palatial pod.

  There was still the matter of her punishment on behalf of the prince. Seke had alluded to it, saying it had not yet begun. Was it more than this training? It seemed so. She eyed the spanking bench and the implements laid beside it. One was a flat paddle, thin and smooth and shaped like an oval with a long sturdy handle. The other was a terrible-looking crop or club, made of woven animal hide, as thick as one of Seke’s thumbs and half the length of his arm. She weighed it in her hand and shuddered. It would surely leave mean welts.

  The door swished open. She dropped the implement and turned like a naughty child, hands flying behind her back, just as he’d ordered. So it seemed her body had made the choice of how to greet him. Submissively.

  His eyes raked over her body, turning more purple. This time, she saw the horns move, actually thicken and grow taller, leaning in her direction. Did they reflect arousal? Interest? She licked her lips.

  Sexy Zandian.

  “Little human.” His voice sounded raspy, almost pained. The door swished closed behind him, and he sauntered forward. “Have you been good?”

  There was the promise of punishment in his voice, a delicious promise, as if he knew they’d both enjoy such a thing.

  She licked her lips. She considered issuing her complaints, but the words fluttered away under his dark stare. Instead, she forced herself to make a plea. “Master...the plants need tending every planet rotation. Has Lamira looked in on them?”

  Surprise registered, as if he’d never considered the plants. He tapped one finger against his sensual lips. “I’m not sure. Put on your robes, and we’ll go check together.”

  Though it shouldn’t have, his decision excited her. Any excursion with him sounded better than one alone and much better than being cooped up in his chamber.

  She picked up her panties and started to thread one leg through before she realized they might not fit over the tail. She glanced over and found him frowning. He shook his head. “No panties. The tail stays in to remind you of my displeasure with your behavior. Just robes.”

  She swallowed and dropped the panties, tossing the robes over her head. They brushed against the tail, which made it jiggle inside her. Her sex flooded with fresh heat. She feared the tail would show beneath the robes, but there was nothing to be done for that.

  Seke opened the door and ushered her out. His hand at her back only served to press the robes more insistently against the tail. When his palm drifted lower and he twiddled the fluffy end of the plug, giving it a shake, she jerked away from him, whirling with flashing eyes. It was bad enough to make her walk about the castle with a tail in her ass, but to tease her with it— to further humiliate her—was not fair.

  Of course, fair didn’t exist for a slave. She knew that, and yet Seke somehow made her believe it might. His adherence to some old Zandian code of honor, perhaps, encouraged that thought.

  Seke stopped, facing her. “Eyes down, hands behind your back. Give me your submission or I’ll lift the robes and let every being here see the punishment you’re enduring.”

  Her face burned, her ears and neck flushed and tingled with anger and embarrassment, but the consequence he described was too horrible. She obeyed, lowering her head and clasping her hands behind her back, holding them above the tail.

  “Better.” His deep voice resonated in every cell of her body. “Don’t test me, little human. I wish to protect your dignity in public, but if you offer resistance, I will not hesitate to strip you of
it. Are we clear?”

  Her cheeks burned even hotter. “Yes...master.”

  “Thank you.” He placed his hand behind her back, fingers twining over hers in no particular pattern. It was an oddly comforting gesture, and it took the bite away from his sharp remonstrance, though her belly still twisted.

  They arrived in the Great Hall, which was empty. She checked the soil on the large banana plant just inside the arched open door and found it moist. Either Lamira had already watered or one of the servants had. She said nothing to Seke, though, not wanting to return to the confinement of his chamber yet. Instead, she walked around, pinching off dead leaves, examining fruit and harvesting the few that were ready, placing them in the enormous copper bowl the palace chef Barr kept on the long table for the purpose. He would use them either for the meal the Zandians ate once every ten planet rotations, or, more likely, to feed her and Lamira, as they required food multiple times every planet rotation.

  “Oh, you’re looking beautiful today, aren’t you?” she murmured to a particularly vibrant tomato plant, whose stalks hung with heavy fruit. Her fingers caressed the leaves as she tested the plump, red fruit to see which were ready to drop. On the agrifarm, they’d raised many crops originally from Earth, but all had been genetically modified to survive on Ocretia. These plants had been grown from heirloom seeds Zander had somehow managed to procure at great expense. The result was the most succulent, delicious fruit she’d ever tasted. All the food served in Zander’s pod was like that—flavors that exploded in her mouth. She almost felt as if she were eating sunshine each time she savored a fresh fruit or vegetable. Her skin had taken on a new glow, hair and nails growing faster since she’d arrived.

  “Hmm, thank you for these. They are perfect,” she cooed to the plant.


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