by N. S. Moore
It was like pushing the launch button. “Yeah…suck my cock…that’s it…a little more…come on…” And then I came like I’d never come before. Like a good girl, she swallows and keeps swallowing, and all I can think is holy shit.
Slowly she sits up and looks at me. Her eyes are a bit glazed, and she somehow manages to look a little snooty as she wipes at the corners of her mouth. And then looks at me again—awaiting my next move.
So. Fucking. Hot.
“See that bag over there?” I motion to the paper bag I brought back earlier while she was over my shoulder. Luckily I had been quick at the convenience store but smart enough to grab the necessities. “There’s a box of condoms in there. Go get them.”
“But…” Her eyes plead with me a little but I’m too far gone. I’ve got to fuck her.
“Now, Wren.”
She stands up and walks naked across the room. She’s got an amazing ass, and when she turns to come back to the bed, the sight of her perfectly shaped tits makes my mouth water. Yeah, this was a good plan.
Wren stops next to the bed and holds the box of condoms out to me. “Put them on the nightstand,” I tell her and she does. I move over. “Lay down.” As soon as she’s back beside me, on her back, I reach over and gently pinch a nipple. She gasps and her eyes close. Yeah, she likes it.
I shouldn’t be ready to come again, but in that instant she arched her back, pressing her tits up into my hands, and I’m hard again. I lean in close to her ear. “You know I’m gonna fuck you, right?”
She nods. “Yes.”
“You want me to fuck you, don’t you?”
“I’ve already played with your pussy and I’ve already spanked your ass today.” To my surprise, she moans with pleasure at the mention of our earlier play. “But I think I really like you like this—sprawled out for me. Spread your legs, Wren. Show me that pussy again.”
She obeys, and it’s fucking glorious. She’s pink and wet and I know that she’s ready for me. “Tell me what you want.” She shakes her head as she squirms on the bed. My hands are kind of randomly roaming over her—tweaking a nipple, brushing over her clit.
I let my fingers play with her clit a little harder as I lower my head to her tits. I bite her—just hard enough to make her jump. “Tell me. What. Do. You. Want?”
“I want you to fuck me,” she pants.
It’s all the invitation I need. I grab the box of condoms from the bed stand and quickly slide one on and then slam into her. I don’t want nice. I don’t want slow. I want to make her scream my name. I want to bury my cock to my balls in her pussy. She cries out with the force that I pound into her.
“You like that, don’t you?” I grunt, slamming every inch of me repeatedly into her.
“You like it hard, don’t you?”
Shifting my position slightly, I hook my arms behind her knees and lift her legs and spread them wide for me. She screams out because I know that this position has me hitting her even deeper.
“Open your eyes, Wren,” I demand. “Open your fucking eyes and look at me.” Her hands are above her head blindly reaching for something to hold on to—something to ground her against the fierce pounding that I’m giving her.
“Code…please…” she pants as her eyes open, and she looks at me.
“Please what?” I can’t tell if it’s pleasure or pain that she’s feeling and I don’t care because I feel fucking great. “Please keep fucking you?”
It’s hot as hell in this fucking room, and we’re both covered in sweat and yet I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to.
“Let go of the headboard,” I command. “I want you to grab your tits. Play with your nipples.” She shakes her head hard, her eyes closing. “That wasn’t a request. Do it.” My voice is a near growl. My throat is raw and dry, everything in me is focused on coming again.
“Now, Wren!”
Her hands move and she cups her tits and pulls on her nipples and it’s the fucking sexiest things I’ve ever seen. “Look at me,” I pant. “Say my name.”
“Code…Code…” Something in her voice changes and I realize that she’s close too. I change my angle just a bit and then I know I hit the spot because she screams. “Yes…oh God…yes!”
I feel her come, her pussy pulsing around me, and I come so hard that I actually roar with it. I feel like every fucking bit of energy that I had leave me as I come. I’m gasping for breath and realize that I’ve practically got her knees up to her ears.
As soon as I feel like there’s nothing left, I do my best to release her legs and then collapse on top of her. My heart is pounding. My throat is dry and scratchy.
And all I can think is that I’m totally screwed.
Code is heavy on top of me, but for some reason I like it.
I’ve never liked it when guys collapse on top of me after sex. They’re always hot and sweaty, and a lot of the time their breath doesn’t smell very good. I try to get them off me as quickly as I can without hurting their feelings.
I don’t care about hurting Code’s feelings, but I don’t feel compelled to get him off me.
I’m so completely screwed up. The guy kidnapped me and has treated me pretty shitty, and yet I can’t keep my hands off him. And I kind of like how warm and relaxed and sated he feels now, like I’ve given him what he needs. What we both need.
What the fuck is wrong with me?
I’m sore all over now and sticky with perspiration. When he finally rolls off me and takes care of the condom, I force myself to get up and limp to the bathroom. “I’m going to take a shower, if that’s okay.”
“Yeah,” he says, his voice hoarse. The sex seems to have taken a lot out of him too. But not as much as me. “Go ahead.”
I turn the shower on hot and then step under it, grabbing the cheap little soap the motel provides and starting to scrub my body down. I wash off the sweat and the wetness between my legs and all the scent and feel of Code.
After I’ve scrubbed every inch of my skin, I feel emotion shuddering inside me, and I bend at the waist as it wracks my body.
It’s wrong—it has to be wrong—to be so turned on by your hostage taker, to want him to take you the way Code took me, to keep wanting more of him. It has to be wrong. It has to be proof that I’ll never be the normal girl I want to be.
I want to go home and get away from him. I want to see my dad and make sure he’s not frantic with worry for me. I want to go back to classes and feel like there’s still hope for some sort of nice future for me.
I want to go back to hoping for that pathway of light amid the dark billows.
I’ve never felt like my life is nice, but I always hoped one day it would be.
With Code, nothing would ever be nice. And if I’m the kind of girl who wants a guy like Code, then my life can never be what I’ve always wanted it to be.
I stay in the shower a long time, shaking and hugging my arms to my stomach. Then I hear a knock on the bathroom door.
“Wren?” Code asks from the other side. “You okay in there?”
I’m surprised by the consideration. “Yeah.” My voice breaks a little.
“You sure?”
“Then hurry up. I don’t like for you to be in there by yourself for so long.”
Well, that makes more sense, then. He’s asking because he’s suspicious of what I’m getting up to in here by myself. There are no windows in the bathroom so, unless I want to try to squeeze through the drain or the air vent, there’s no possible means of escape in here.
Maybe he thinks I’m making a weapon out of the shower curtain rod.
I don’t have any fight left in me right now, so I just turn off the water and dry off. I put back on the pizzeria t-shirt he’d given me, since it’s cleaner than the top I was wearing before. I slide my pink skirt and panties back on. If I un
derstand correctly, we’re going to stay in this motel room for a while, so I don’t bother putting on my shoes.
I’d kill for a set of fuzzy pajamas right about now.
I braid my hair in two long braids because it’s wet and I have no hairdryer. Then I open the bathroom door.
He’s standing right outside, completely naked. His body is gorgeous, and my eyes linger briefly on his broad shoulders, toned chest, strong flanks, the intricate tattoo all down one arm. I can’t help but appreciate the view, but I’m too exhausted to think about sex again.
“Can I rest for a little while?” I ask, since he’s just staring at me.
I lay down on the bed and pull the sheet up over me. I’m not sure what’s happened to me, but I’m literally about to drop. Too much crisis-mode. Plus a lot of sex.
I don’t even think about trying to escape when he turns on the shower. He doesn’t shut the bathroom door, so I assume he’s listening to make sure I don’t call the police or leave the room.
I’m not going anywhere. He always seems to catch me anyway. If I just cooperate, maybe he’ll get to Laredo more quickly and he can let me go.
Right now, I can’t think of anything but sleep.
When he’s done in the shower, he comes back to the bed to lay beside me. He rolls me over toward him like he did last night—I assume so he’ll wake up if I try to get away from him. He’s clean now too, so it’s not unpleasant when he spoons me from behind.
My bottom is still a little sore from the spankings.
“You’re more trouble than any girl I’ve ever met,” he mutters. He doesn’t sound mad now. Instead, he’s almost resigned.
“You can let me go if you don’t want to put up with me anymore.”
“I’ll let you go in Laredo.”
“Okay.” I breathe deeply, trying to clear my mind of all the fear and confusion. For some reason, I’m not afraid of Code right now. And I believe what he’s telling me. “How are we going to get there?”
“I don’t know. I guess I can try to steal a car.”
“That will draw attention to us, won’t it? If we’re in a stolen car?”
“Don’t you have a car yourself?”
“Not one I can get to.”
I think about that and wonder vaguely where he lives. What his last name is. What his parents are like.
It’s strange to have a man pressed up against your back, his arm holding you close, and have no idea of even the most basic details about his life.
“Don’t you have a friend who can let you borrow a car? Surely there’s someone you can trust.”
I feel a difference in his body, like he’s thinking about that.
“Don’t you have any friends?” I ask after a minute.
“Not really.”
I sigh. “Me either.”
I have plenty of people I hang out with, but I’m not sure who I would trust with a life-or-death situation. My dad, I guess. But none of the girls or guys I call my friends.
It’s kind of sad, but it’s just the way it’s always been. The people you should be able to trust will usually let you down.
“There’s someone…” Code begins, sounding like he’s speaking more to himself than to me. “Maybe…”
“Do you trust him?”
“I think so. Yeah.” He sounds a little better, like he might have a real plan for the first time, and he reaches over to grab the phone.
He has a brief phone conversation, in which he asks someone for a car—and then it sounds even better, like the guy is going to wrangle some fake ID’s as well. He hangs up, nodding in satisfaction. “This might work.”
“Great.” The word is slightly ironic, but I am glad that there’s a plan. The sooner we get to Laredo, the sooner this will be over. “When do we meet him?”
“This evening. After dark. We can hang out here and rest until then, since we’ll want to drive tonight.”
“Okay.” I stretch out again, and he stretches out behind me, wrapping me in his arm again.
“Don’t try to get away again,” he mumbles, sounding kind of sleepy himself.
“I won’t.”
“Do you mean it?”
“Yeah. My ass is still sore from last time.”
He rubs his groin against my bottom slightly, but he’s not really hard. “If you’re really good, maybe I’ll give you another spanking soon.”
God help me, I’m just sick—because I really like that idea.
What a difference a couple of hours of real sleep makes. Lame as it sounds, it’s the fucking truth. While this place is a fucking dump, the bed is comfortable, and there’s air conditioning, and after finally having that shower, I almost feel human.
It’s dark out, and I know that we’ve got to keep moving. Wren’s idea about fake I.D’s was great. I don’t know why she’s suddenly on board with helping us get out of here, but I’m not gonna argue it either.
She’s still asleep on the bed, and that’s fine with me. I’ve got to plans to make. I met Jamie a year ago when I needed a change of identity. He’s pretty much like a fucking vampire—sleeps all day and is up all night—and I know he works fast.
I’ve never been in a hurry for anything, so I know I’m taking a risk on putting in this kind of a favor. Jamie’s a cool guy and I’ve never seen him around Deke or the crew, so I’m pretty confident that it’s not gonna lead to any other issues.
Fucking better not.
I’m not trying to be quiet on purpose but I step away from the bed to call him to confirm he’ll have the stuff when we’d planned. Five minutes later, I’m done and Wren’s rolling over and looking at me.
“What’s up?” she asks.
“We’re gonna meet up with my guy at eleven. He’s gonna bring all of his shit to do the I.D.’s and he’s bringing a car.”
She sits up, her eyes a little wide. “Seriously? Just like that?”
I nod. “Yeah. I’ve learned to not ask questions. I told him what I needed, he named a price and he’ll be here later.”
“Can you trust him?”
“Honestly? You can’t trust fucking anyone, but if I had to trust somebody right now to help us out, it’s Jamie.” I know she’s concerned about getting to Laredo as fast as humanly possible so that she can go home, but her questioning is making me second-guess myself.
“You don’t sound like you believe that.”
“After the last couple of days, do you blame me?”
“Can I ask you something?” I nod at her. “How did you even get into this? I mean, I know I don’t really know you but…you don’t seem like those other guys.”
How the fuck do I even begin to explain my screwed up life to her? “It’s a long story.” I scrub my hand over my face and really, it’s not something that I even want to get into. “Let’s just say that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it seemed pretty harmless to get involved with Deke and his crew for some easy jobs. And now I want out and the only way to do it was to go along with the plan at the bank.”
Wren looks over at the bags—one has cash, one has diamonds. “Deke wants the diamonds.” It wasn’t a question.
“Yeah. He was emphatic about me being the one to grab them. I was just so focused on having a way out of the crew that it didn’t raise any red flags with me. If things had gone as planned, I’d be dead right now.”
“So would I,” she says quietly.
And that’s all there is to say on the topic. Or so I thought…
“So now what? You get to Laredo, I go home and then…what?”
I shrug. “I cross the border and live in Mexico for a while. I don’t want the diamonds, but I haven’t figured out how to get rid of them.”
“Maybe you should’ve just left them in the other hotel when Deke came in. Then he’d be happy and wouldn’t be after you.”
“Us, Wren. He’s after us. And that just goes to s
how how fucking little you understand about this shit. If I had left the diamonds there, great. Yeah, he would have them. But he wants me dead. It’s vengeance with him now. And as for you? I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s pissed off with you too. He’s not going to rest until we’re dealt with.”
“But…after Laredo,” she began with a quiver in her voice, “then what?”
Shit. I hadn’t really thought that through. “Don’t worry. We’ll deal with it when the time comes.” Not the most reassuring of speeches, but there you have it.
Now there really isn’t anything else to say.
Once it’s dark, we each don our hats and walk over to the convenience store to get a little more food and to kill time until Jamie arrives. There isn’t much to say, and as much as I wouldn’t have minded another round of spankings and sex, I need to keep my head in the game.
At eleven on the dot, Jamie knocks on the hotel room door. He’s a short little dude in a long black trench coat. With nothing but a nod in my direction, he comes in and sets up shop at the small table in the corner. Within thirty minutes, we each have a new identity.
Wren watches in apparent fascination as Jamie does his work. With a tiny laptop and mini-printer, the work went a lot faster than it used to. When he stands and packs his shit up, I hand him the cash that we had agreed on and he hands me a set of keys.
“White Honda in the back of the convenience store.”
Shit. I hate white cars. “White? Seriously?”
“Trust me. You’ll blend. There are so many white fucking cars on the road that unless someone is driving around only looking at plates, they’ll have a hard time pinpointing you.”
It makes sense. I still fucking hate it. “Thanks, man.” And then he’s gone.
Wren and I do a final sweep of the room. We managed to grab some stuff for the car at the convenience store, so we’re leaving with a little more than we came with. Then we leave. I check out of the room and go find the car.