Divining Elise

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Divining Elise Page 21

by Jody A. Kessler

  When her doorbell rang again, she nearly had a stroke. She jumped and started to dial nine-one-one, but Colton brought her back to reality.

  “Dinner?” he signed.


  Elise sent a text to Rob: Are you here?

  Rob: Yes. Food delivery at your service.

  Elise had lost track of all time. Vague thoughts of having left her body while coping with Javier’s surprise visit flitted through her mind as she went downstairs to open the door for Rob.

  “Hi.” Elise reached for the bags of food. He held the infant carrier in his other hand.

  “You sound out of breath. You okay?”

  “I’m not sure. Come on up,” she said and turned for the stairs before having to answer any more questions.

  Elise set the bags of takeout on the counter and unpacked their dinner without consciously thinking about her actions.

  “I’ll be right back.” He set the baby down and turned for the door.

  “Will you double check the lock before you come back up?” she asked.

  “Yeah. No problem,” he said.

  Rob returned with the portable crib and an overnight bag. He set everything down and came to her side. “What’s going on?”

  Elise shook her head and didn’t answer as she settled Colton down at the table with his dinner from the Mountain Spoon diner. He dipped his chicken in a small cup of barbeque sauce and took a huge bite.

  She stepped away from the table and looked up at Rob. The concern on his face only served to depress her already somber mood.

  “I’m not feeling well.”

  He placed a hand on her forehead. “Are you sick or is this still residual effects from what happened today?”

  Her gaze dropped to his chest. “It’s from today.”

  “Do you want me to go? I don’t want to add to your stress.”

  Elise reached for him and curled her fingers into his shirt. “No. I want you to stay. I’m not going to be the best company, so if you want to leave, I understand.”

  “I don’t want to leave,” he said and tipped her chin up so he could look into her eyes when he said it.

  A million words wanted to spill from her mouth, yet nothing came out. If she could only confide in him about what happened this evening, but she couldn’t find the courage to tell him.

  She used to try to tell her father everything she felt and experienced with ghosts and bad dreams when she was a child, but he made fun of her or told her it wasn’t real. Eventually, she stopped telling him. Then he left her and her mother for another woman and another family. Elise learned long ago that confiding in men caused unbearable pain and anguish. It was better to say nothing. But Rob wasn’t her father and he definitely wasn’t Javier. Still, her anxiety kept her quiet and her exhaustion was indescribable. What if Rob overreacted when he found out? All she could do was stand there and hope Rob didn’t leave her alone with her debilitating thoughts.

  “I’m pretty hungry. Mind if I dig in?”

  “Please do. It’s getting cold.” She moved into the kitchen and made herself and Colton a glass of apple juice. “What would you like to drink?”

  Rob opened a takeout container and peered inside. “Anything, thanks. I brought you a grilled chicken sandwich with guacamole and Monterey jack cheese. The diner cuts their own fries and they’re pretty good. You going to join us?”

  “Maybe.” She brought her takeout box and their drinks to the table and nibbled on fries while Colton and Rob ate everything in front of them. Maisie woke up and began fussing.

  “I’ll get her,” she said and went to pick up the baby before Rob could put his burger down. “I’m happy to hold her while you finish eating.” Elise could use the distraction and she no longer had any appetite.

  “Thanks. You’re a lifesaver.”

  She tried for a smile, but it felt forced. That is until Maisie grinned at her and began blowing tiny spit bubbles. The baby’s innocence cured her melancholy. Elise settled into the couch cushions and cuddled Maisie and her stress melted away. Rob and Colton joined her a few minutes later and Elise found peace, even if temporary. Rob suggested starting a movie while they rebuilt Colton’s giant puzzle on the floor.

  Everything is going to be okay, Elise told herself. Then repeated it.

  After putting the puzzle together and driving trucks on the coffee table, Rob read a book with Colton. Her son tried to teach Rob a few new words from one of his sign language books and Elise fell in love with her kid all over again. And Rob was right behind Colton on the heart meter. She couldn’t help it. He did everything right where her and Colton were concerned and appeared to enjoy every minute.

  They nestled onto the couch together to watch the cartoon movie. Elise fed Maisie a bottle then Rob put her in the portable crib to sleep. She helped Colton into his pajamas and made sure he brushed his teeth before climbing into bed.

  He signed, “I love you.” Then he asked if Rob and the baby could sleep over again every day.

  Elise kissed his forehead and signed that she loved him with her whole heart. She said she didn’t know if Rob and the baby would spend the night every day. He would have to wait and see. Her answer satisfied him enough that he didn’t ask more questions. She checked the monitor and turned off the light. Elise double checked that the front door was locked before returning to the living room.

  “You look like you need some sleep, too,” Rob said.

  “I do. I’m sorry. Tonight probably isn’t what you thought it was going to be,” she said.

  “Am I sleeping on your couch?” he asked.

  “Only if you don’t want to sleep in my bed.”

  “I definitely want to be in your bed, but if you’re not ready for Colton to see us together, I’ll be comfortable here.”

  Elise took Rob’s hand in hers and pulled him toward the hallway that led to the bedroom. She stopped outside her bedroom door. “Will you sleep with me and hold me all night?”

  “I will,” he said.

  “Then I’m ready for Colton to know we’re more than friends.”

  * * *

  The next morning, she woke with a sense of calm and peace. She slept better than she could have hoped. With Rob wrapped around her it was as if she were protected in a blanket of security. It was illogical, but that’s how she felt. Or maybe sheer exhaustion was the reason for eight hours of blissful oblivion. Either way, she had a new, brighter outlook for the coming day. And she thought their day ought to start with muffins. Elise mixed up apple cinnamon muffins and sprinkled a crumble top over the batter before sliding the pan into the oven.

  “I can’t believe it,” Rob said as he stepped out of the bathroom followed by a cloud of steam.

  “What?” Elise asked, smiling at the look of surprise on Rob’s face.

  “I think last night was the first time I was only awake one time with Maisie. Is this a new stage?”

  “Maybe. For you, I hope so. There’s nothing quite like getting normal sleep again,” she said as she washed strawberries and blueberries to go with the muffins.

  As they ate, Elise’s nerves began to fire back up. She couldn’t find the right words to tell Rob about Javier. She wanted to tell him. She really did, but didn’t know how. Rob said he had to get to work. Bodie and Shane were expecting him today. They had drywall to finish and Fridays were their day to catch up on business and budgeting. She needed to get Colton to school for his last day of summer camp. After loading his truck, he kissed her goodbye and was intercepted by Colton before he could pick up the infant carrier. Rob squatted down to be on eye level with Colton. He turned his hat around and asked Colton what he’d just signed.

  Colton asked in ASL, “Can you come over tonight?”

  Rob shrugged and signed, “I don’t know.”

  Colton looked at Elise. She said and signed, “Ask me later. Let Rob leave now.”

  Colton threw his arms around Rob’s neck in a huge hug, then skipped over to the living room and returned to his truc
ks. Rob rose to his feet and picked up Maisie.

  Elise said, “I’ll text you later.”

  Rob spun his ball cap back around and said, “You better.”

  The drive to Colton’s school allowed Elise too much time to imagine the worst where her ex was concerned. By the time they arrived, there was no way she could leave Colton’s side. She walked in and asked if she could spend the day as a parent volunteer. They welcomed the extra help and Elise spent the day reassured that if Javier put in an unexpected appearance, she’d be there to protect Colton.

  Elise had to tell someone what was going on. After the kids ate a snack and went outside to the playground, Elise moved out of hearing range of the staff and called Autumn.

  If Elise didn’t say it fast, she wouldn’t at all, just like she had done with Rob. “Javier came to the store yesterday.”

  “Oh, Elise. Tell me you’re kidding,” Autumn said.

  “I wish I was, but I wouldn’t joke about this.”

  “I know you wouldn’t. I just don’t want to believe it. Did you call the cops?”

  “No. I froze. I was so terrified.”

  “Are you and Colton okay? Did he try to hurt you?”

  Elise watched Colton playing with edible finger paint on giant sheets of paper. “We’re fine. Colton didn’t see him. Javier was remorseful. He begged me to take him back. It was all very strange and uncomfortable. I don't trust him.”

  “Neither do I. You don’t know him anymore. You need to report him to the police. I thought you said he wasn’t allowed to leave the state for a year as part of his parole agreement.”

  “It is. He’s in violation.”

  “Then call Arizona or call the local police station. This is serious, Elise.”

  “I know. That’s why I’m telling you.”

  “I’m glad you called, but you need to tell the authorities, too.”

  “After seeing him, I kept thinking I don’t want him going back to prison. If he’s changed and clean again, he doesn’t deserve more prison time. He needs to move on with his life.”

  “Who cares about what he needs? Don’t think about what’s in his best interest. Yours and Colton’s safety is the only thing that matters.”

  “You’re bringing me back to reality, Autumn. This is exactly what I need to hear.”

  “You’re welcome. Please, take me seriously and call the police. How did he even find you?”

  “I’m not sure. He didn’t say.”

  “I’m scared for you,” Autumn said. “Did you have any inkling of his arrival? Any sixth sense hunches or dreams about him?”

  “Nothing. My intuition and visions run on their own agenda. It’s entirely unfair considering I could have used a heads up this time.”

  “That blows. Hard.”

  “Tell me about it,” Elise said.

  “Did you tell Rob?”

  “No. He stayed with us last night, though, and I feel safe with him,” Elise said.

  “That’s good, but Rob should know that your ex is in town and knocking on your door.”

  “I didn’t want to scare Rob off. We haven’t exactly made any commitments to each other. I don’t want to dump my sob story on him. He’s a nice guy and has a lot of his own stress to deal with right now.”

  “Can you hear yourself?” Autumn asked. “Listen, Elise, I know it’s hard for you to let people in and trust them, but if Rob cares about you, he’ll want to know about Javier. He needs to know. Make sure his brother knows, too. They’re genuinely good guys, and they’re our business neighbors. They’re also strong and capable. I’m only seeing green lights here. They are our allies. Maybe if Javier sees some muscle hanging around you and Colton, he’ll keep his distance.”

  “That was a really long lecture,” Elise said, trying to lighten the heaviness of the conversation.

  “And I’ll keep doing it until you walk your butt into the police station.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I hear you loud and clear. I’ll report him on our way home,” Elise said, already feeling the dread of walking into the station to pour her guts out to a stranger in uniform.

  “And you’re going to tell Rob as soon as you can, right?”

  “Yes. I suppose I can go ahead and kiss my friendship with Rob goodbye. He’s not going to want to keep seeing me after I tell him about this new drama.”

  “You’re being ridiculous. Rob isn’t going to walk away because of your ex. And you know what? If he does, then he’s not good enough for you.”

  Elise fell silent and let that piece of wisdom sink in.

  “Elise? You still there?”

  “I’m here,” she said.

  “I’m going to buy a security system for our building and have it installed as soon as possible,” Autumn said.

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  “And I can come back sooner if you need me. I was planning to be there next week anyway for Colton’s procedure. Do you want me to cancel my book signing and come right now?”

  “No. Please, don’t cancel your author signing in Tampa. It’s a big deal. Next week is fine. I’ll take every precaution I can. Like I said, Javier wasn’t acting aggressive or dangerous. He was more regretful than anything.”

  “I’m trying not to spaz out and jump on the next plane, so promise me you’ll go to the police today.”

  “I promise,” Elise said.

  “And stay with Rob and don’t work in the shop alone. I’ll call Brenna and Andre and entice them with double overtime pay.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I’m totally doing it,” Autumn said. “I have to go, but I’ll call you back in a couple hours.”

  After Elise and Colton left school, she drove straight to the Granite Lake police station and made a formal report of Javier’s appearance in town. When she left, she didn’t feel better for doing so, but Autumn was correct when she reminded Elise that her and Colton’s safety came first and foremost. Javier broke the law, and that was his choice. If he chose to do the right thing and return to Arizona and leave her alone like she asked, then he wouldn’t be in further trouble. Elise prayed that her ex made the right decision.


  ELISE WALKED INTO THE FUTURE kitchen of Black Bear Brewing and Rob’s face lit up, his smile wide and endearing. “Hey there. I didn’t think I’d see you today.” He strolled over and pulled off his work gloves.

  “I’m glad you’re still here. I thought you might be gone for the day.”

  Elise glanced around the room and wouldn’t meet his eye. Colton’s hand was tucked securely in her own. He waved hello.

  “Are you still upset about yesterday?” he asked.

  The more he looked, the more Rob noticed the stiffness of her shoulders and jaw.

  “It’s something else. Can we talk outside?” she asked.

  Shane had his playlist blasting at full volume all day as they hung drywall, taped seems, and spread drywall mud. Rob felt great after a day of physical activity. But the loud music wasn’t conducive to holding a conversation. He hoped it wasn’t too serious, but her face indicated it might be.

  “Yeah, of course.” Rob unbuckled the tool belt and left it on the floor by the wall. He held the door for Elise and Colton and they walked onto the large deck that overlooked Granite Lake.

  Colton signed something that was too fast or unrecognizable for Rob to read.

  “No lake right now,” Elise said and signed.

  Colton pouted, leaned his chin on the deck railing, and stared at the water with longing.

  “I’m almost finished for the day. Would the two of you like to have dinner with me?” he asked.

  “I need to tell you something,” she said without answering his question.

  Due to the current state of his life, he experienced a fleeting moment of hysteria that she was about to announce she was pregnant. But he shook it off as soon as the thought struck him. He’d used protection with her every time. Not that condoms were a foolproof guarante
e, but...

  “I told you about Colton’s father,” she started.

  “You did,” he said. She wasn’t pregnant, she was— He let her continue and stopped trying to guess.

  “I moved here without telling him. After he scared the living daylights out of me, I didn’t ever want to see him again.”

  Rob couldn’t help himself as he glanced at Colton, who continued to stare at the beach and the lake. There were so many questions he didn’t have the answers to about Colton and his father. Elise picked up on his thought train.

  “Javier,” she started, then inhaled a shaky breath. “He...” She stalled again.

  Rob had never seen Elise struggling so hard to find words.

  “Colton’s dad said things about his son that were unacceptable. He called him deformed and said other things I won’t repeat. I can’t allow Javier to make my mijo feel less than anything but perfect. We left Arizona before his parole and with the hope of never seeing him again, but he showed up here yesterday.”

  “Yesterday? When?” Rob was confused.

  “I should have told you. He showed up when you left to pick up Maisie.”

  “Christ,” Rob said and ran a hand over his scalp. “That explains a lot about why you were so quiet and upset last night.”

  She only nodded. The tears welling up in her lower lids did him in. Rob gathered her in his arms and held tight. Every possible scenario of what could have happened to her flashed through his mind’s eye like an explosion. She could have been attacked. Colton could have been— He stopped himself again. Conjecture never solved problems. They needed a solution to her dilemma, not an overactive imagination.

  “Is he still in town?”

  “I don’t know. I told him to leave and never come back.” Elise went on and filled him in about filing a report with the police.

  “On a scale of one through ten, how dangerous is he?”


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