Lover of the Nightkin

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Lover of the Nightkin Page 7

by Lora Darc

  A wave of energy passed through her and she felt her spine pop. Danielle gasped in surprise and then looked down at Prince Ferien, eyes shining bright. With new determination, Danielle pushed the prince down to have him lay on his back and then mounted on top of him. She rode him and he hissed with pleasure.


  Prince Ferien gave her a scale from his arm just like she had hoped and, in return, she had kissed him softly. Just like his brother, he did not pull away or become angry, only placing her hand on his chest, by his heart.

  As soon as Danielle returned to her room, she placed the scale inside one of her empty vials. She slept for a few more hours until Melina returned once again with a few servants.

  “Tonight, Prince Xaris commands your presence,” she said.

  The servants went to work immediately and within a half hour, Danielle’s hair and makeup were styled accordingly and dressed in strings of pearls falling along her body. Melina also ordered them to cover her dark splotches so to not worry the prince. Danielle followed Melina through the great hall then down a passage Danielle found vaguely familiar until she recognized it as the very same one that led to Prince Xaris’ lair from before.

  At the spider’s door, Melina knocked and it opened to reveal a tunnel of webs just as Danielle remembered.

  “Prince Xaris remained here, even after the palace opened…” Danielle stated.

  Melina nodded. “Spiders don’t bother to move about if they’ve already built a nest of webs to their liking.”

  They entered the tunnel and Danielle saw the puppy-sized spiders crawling within the webs. She looked away, trying not to shiver.

  Once inside the chamber, Danielle recognized the throne-like chair at the end and the tower of webs above. The only differences now were a few sets of large cushions and low seats sitting against each side of the room and a few lanterns glowing dimly along the walls, covered in webs.

  Just above the base of the chamber, to the sides and back of the throne chair, Danielle beheld several nightwomen strung up and tied in various positions. Their bodies twisted or spread in ways that showed their lithe forms.

  Most of them seemed to slumber.

  Up above a shadow fell and the spider prince glided down to them from one of his rope-like webs.

  Melina bowed and the prince waved for her to leave. The head servant looked to Danielle one last time and smiled then disappeared back through the tunnel way.

  Prince Xaris studied Danielle for a fine moment, regarding her carefully with cold eyes. He grazed a finger along a set of pearls at her breast and watched her nipple harden.

  “A beauty I have longed to see displayed before me again. And this time I shall have a taste of it for myself.” Prince Xaris smiled and wrapped one long arm about her waist. Danielle made to hold on to him as he rose back up into the mass of webs. When they had risen all the way to the top of the tower, the prince gripped Danielle by one arm and settled her on to a nearby net of web.

  “A predator and its prey... our joining will be divine.” The irony of his words was not lost on Danielle, but she made no comment. She had no words, in fact. She decided as soon as she entered his realm she would be a doll for him to play with. To contort and hold as he wished. She lifted her hands up to him and the prince looked on her, his blue eyes shining in the darkness. He took hold of her wrists, wrapped his web about her, and tugged, lifting her up so that she dangled over the tower.

  Danielle dared not look down, only at him as Prince Xaris wrapped her in his web just as he had so many times. He bent her legs back, bending them so that her ankles hovered over her rear. He connected the rope at her ankles to those at her wrists until Danielle was hog-tied dozens of feet above. He wrapped more rope around her legs to force them open, then around her hips, forcing her rear up. Lastly, he wrapped around her chest, keeping her breasts exposed.

  The prince turned her around several times and tightened the ropes around her upper legs, spreading her out more, then took the braid of her hair and tied it also, connecting everything to the main rope that held her up.

  Danielle couldn’t move as was expected. Though her body swung slightly without her doing.

  Examining her over one last time the prince finally seemed satisfied. After a small pause, Danielle felt his hand glide down her back and two fingers slide slowly into her center. Danielle gritted her teeth to the hard stroke of his fingers. She grew wet quickly, feeling the exquisitely familiar ache burning into her core.

  Unable to move, Danielle tensed and clenched tightly, her moans and cries echoing softly around the chamber. The prince quickened his pace and Danielle squirmed against the ropes, unable to control her movements. She expected the prince to stop, but to her surprise, he kept his pace on her until Danielle felt her center squeezed around him.

  He did not stop even as she came. Danielle let out a whimpering moan, the ropes straining as she shook.

  “Seeing your pleasure like this... feeling it against my touch... is such a lovely sight.” The spider prince drew his fingers slowly from her. Before she could recover, he mounted her from behind and Danielle felt his astoundingly rock hard length drive into her. His thrust was wickedly deep and slow. He beat on her like that for a good while, his now slick length causing her wetness to drip below.

  Using his appendages, Prince Xaris rose up and gripped her thighs, causing Danielle to be hung nearly upside down as he continued to beat into her from above. He pounded harder and Danielle began to worry as she felt the ropes straining considerably, fearing they might break. In his furious passion, the prince didn’t seem to notice. His lower appendages curled around her and his hands gripped her thighs as he pulled her up to grind her against him.

  He hissed and growled and Danielle felt his hardness throb and his thick need pump inside to fill her. He came so much that when he moved his hips back and slid a little out of her, his need spilled out from her center and trickled between her rear and down her core and lower belly. When it reached the ropes at her hips, it dribbled down on to the ground below.

  “Beautiful, beautiful girl.” Danielle heard the prince whisper so low she almost didn’t hear him. His thumbs caressed her thighs lovingly. “What spell have you laid upon us?”

  Chapter 8

  Prince Xaris took Danielle again several times that night, spinning new webs to tie her in, stretching her and twisting her and taking her every way he liked. When he finally seemed satisfied he held her against him, hooking his appendages into various webs to lie hanging; wrapping the rope around her and himself so that she was safely secured to him. He gently stroked her back and occasionally kissed the curve of her neck.

  They hung that way for a good part of the night until he finally brought her back down to the ground.

  “The moon rises soon. As much as I would keep you here with me, I must allow you to rest and clean, for my brothers’ sake.” Prince Xaris gripped her shoulders and Danielle leaned into him. She lifted her head and parted her lips, standing on her toes to bring her mouth near to his. The prince gripped her tighter and brought his head away to stare down at her with a confused frown. He tilted his head and Danielle reached her hands up to his face and brought him down to her. She kissed him and the prince stiffened a little but did not pull away.

  When they parted, the prince looked down on her again with interest. “A very dangerous game you play, girl,” he said softly, his expression darkening. Then he smiled. “To lure us this way.”

  Danielle turned cold and went to speak but the prince placed a finger on her lips to quiet her. “No, you needn’t explain. Strangely, this only pleases me. You feared us not long ago. In this way, you want to please us and make us yours just as much as you are ours. It is fitting. But be wary. Though I—and others, I’m sure—are becoming more easily swayed by the idea, some are fighting such an urge, and may not take kindly to such an innocent, but serious, act.”

  “I... understand,” Danielle said softly. “I truly don’t mean to offend.

  Prince Xaris nodded and grazed his thumb along her lower lip. “You needn’t fear of offending... or of jealousy. My brothers and I are connected in a way that keeps us very close. We share what is ours without anger or resentment. Only fear of the deep emotion beyond wanting and desire... beyond lust... would cause us to turn defensive. It is an emotion known little to us and we fear its cruel sting.”

  “What about you then?” Danielle asked. “Would you... fight it?”

  Prince Xaris studied her for a moment, then smirked. “No... but I am cautious.”


  Danielle didn’t need to ask Prince Xaris for a piece of his webbing as she was already covered in it, some still wrapped around her wrists and ankles and even caught in her hair. Before the servants could see and clean it off, Danielle took a small piece and placed it in another empty vial.

  As she bathed, Danielle became fixated on her nails. They were growing sharp... and darkening.

  Is this from my power? Or is this my body adapting to this new world?

  Unfortunately, a certain witch wasn’t around to tell her and she was too afraid to confront the issue with anyone in the palace. Especially with Melina who had begun to watch her very carefully.

  Out of her bath, Danielle put on her rope and slipped into bed. As she drifted to sleep, she turned over Prince Xaris’ words as well as Melina’s. So far every prince she had encountered had been susceptible to her unexpected advances. She hadn’t needed to use much of her skills in seduction to do so. She wasn’t sure if it was her power that enticed them or her alone. Either way, she was grateful.

  But she still had two other princes to see and knew they would be the hardest to get close to... to acquire their energies. The vampire prince, Danielle admitted, she was uncertain of. He showed considerable blood lust and clearly wanted her. To taste her again. But, beyond that, she was deeply unsure. His rage and uncontrolled outbursts worried her.

  Then there was Prince Morgin. She didn’t even know where to begin with him. Their last encounter had been intense and troubling. His feelings were near impossible to decipher. He liked to play with her, there was no doubt in that. He showed signs of wanting her. But he also showed incredible control on reigning back his desire. A calculated control over himself just like he had over his victims. Only the night he had discovered her power to feel pleasure in pain did he almost lose that control. And she saw how it scared him.

  If she were to attempt anything he might respond very badly. He might even punish her greatly for even trying. And if she couldn’t get him to relinquish control; to allow her to show him true intimacy and close the distance between them, she would never be able to gain his energy and remake the key orb.

  At high moon, when Danielle had awakened, she asked Melina about Prince Sethris and Prince Morgin. She heard little from either of them the past few nights.

  “In truth, Prince Sethris has wanted you in his chambers for some time. But given his... appetite... I thought it better for you to serve the others first,” replied Melina. “Not to worry. He suspects nothing, only believing that his brothers had beaten him to the punch and had requested you first. Though impatient to have you, he respects them too much to complain.” Melina led Danielle over to the vanity and, taking up a brush, began to comb out her hair. “As for Prince Morgin... he has been busy the last few nights. Not receiving anyone in his chambers. Going out of the palace even some nights. Where he goes, no one knows. I’m afraid I can’t say when he will request your service again.”

  This deeply troubled Danielle, but she kept her composure cool. “I see…” She swallowed, her throat tightening a little. She couldn’t keep the disappointment from twisting inside her.

  “I’m sure he will come around…” Melina said, brushing her fingers through Danielle’s hair. “For tonight, however. You will go to Prince Sethris.”


  From high moon to just before moonset Danielle sat in the gathering room with groups of nightwomen including Yuli and Sashya who hounded her on details of her intimate moments with the princes. Danielle told them very little, however, wanting to keep the moments private. Though nightwomen loved to gossip and brag, Danielle’s time with the princes was personal to her. When it was time for the women to go to their requested places, Danielle followed the group prepared for service in Prince Sethris’ chambers.

  His domain remained underground just like it had before but, this time, instead of a single chamber, he now was housed in several, all with high ceilings and wide arches. When they had made their way downward, a set of lesser servants walked beside them holding lanterns so they could properly see. As they went through the vampire’s door and down dark a tunnel way, Danielle felt she was stepping into the underworld where Hades lingered, waiting.

  When they entered the prince’s rooms, Danielle was surprised to find other nobles milling and lounging about. Small servants—creatures she remembered seeing before, with batty features—flowed about the chambers, serving goblets of a dark red wine to their pale masters. The rooms were lit by soft candles instead of lanterns, flickering in alcoves and along the pillars just like Danielle had remembered. The nobles sat on velvet couches or walked around, some even standing on the ceiling. When they saw Danielle and the other women enter they smiled, showing off their fangs.

  Immediately the women knew what to do and where to go. They made their way over to couches, to sit on their masters’ laps; or to stand and bow beside them and allow the vampires to embrace them.

  Danielle stood quiet and alone for a long moment, taking in the scene. She took a deep breath then made her way through the room. She went passed several rooms where lovemaking and feeding were already taking place; searching through the network of connecting rooms, searching for her prince.

  She found him at the last chamber at the end. His back was to her, his wings folded neatly against him. The statue of the bat with its evil grin sat staring down at him at the far wall. A table to one side held several candles along with a jug of wine and a small jeweled dagger. At the center sat a wide velvet loveseat and a long velvet bench.

  “My prince…” Danielle spoke softly. Prince Sethris turned sharply. When he saw her standing before the doorway he grinned and beckoned her in.

  “Come, pet, sit on the couch and make yourself comfortable.” Danielle saw he gripped a goblet in his one hand. In his other, he wore an armored glove with long sharp points for fingers.

  Danielle did as told and sat at one end of the couch, sitting tall and straight with her hands on her knees. She wore a deep red silk dress that showed off her legs and made a deep v-line down her chest, showing off the shape of her breasts. She caught the prince’s shadow move beside her and he stood towering over her, watching her while he drank his wine. He took a full drag then set the goblet down on the table. He came back to her and peered down her body, his eyes darkening with hunger.

  “Take off the dress,” he commanded with a low growl. Danielle obeyed. She stood inches from him and let the dress slip from her. The vampire prince raised his head up but did not look away.

  He wore only a robe made of black silk, but he discarded it quickly, throwing it to the floor. Danielle could almost feel the heat of lust radiating from him. His lips quivered and his upper lip pulled back to reveal his long fangs.

  “Finally... your mine,” he hissed. He gripped her arms and brought her to him. Danielle tensed waiting for the sharp slice of his teeth into her skin as his fangs sank into her. Instead, he brought his mouth over the curve of her neck and let his teeth graze her. He nipped her skin lightly, creating a small tear on the side of her throat, and sucked and licked. Danielle inhaled sharply and goosebumps trailed over her skin. Her nipples hardened and heat blossomed down her center.

  The vampire prince lifted his head and licked his lips. He then sat down on the couch and pulled Danielle to him. She sat on his lap, her legs spread out over his own. She could feel his hard cock resting against her rear and she moved
against it, but he stopped her with a firm grip on her hips.

  “Do not move. If you so much as squirm I’ll punish you.” Prince Sethris grasped her inner thighs and pulled them apart, spreading her more. Then he lifted his armored hand and traced it along her breast, just below her necklace. The sharp points were like knives, one little scrape would tear her skin as easily as a blade slicing through the flesh of a ripe blood peach. He brought his other hand down to her center, tracing and teasing along her core. He rubbed two fingers against her clit and Danielle shuddered. She flinched a little to his touch, surprised by the spark of heat that shot through her and, in response the prince cut a small tear along her shoulder. Danielle lifted her head and moaned as the pain seared down her shoulder to her breasts. The prince gripped her shoulder and brought his mouth down to the trickling of blood that was spilling from her cut, all while stroking and swirling his fingers around her core.

  Danielle hissed through clenched teeth as she desperately tried not to move, unable to keep her legs from shaking.

  “Keep yourself up,” the prince growled, then closed his mouth around her cut once again, flicking his tongue over her skin. Danielle did as told and grasped her thighs from underneath in order to keep herself from slipping. Her breath quickened as she trembled on top of him.

  His fingers slipped down into her wet center and then slid back up to her clit, making it slick with her own wet. He circled around her and stroked along the sides and tiny spasms rippled through her. Danielle lowered her head to watch as he touched her, whimpering and moaning as she could feel the pressure building.

  As the heat in her core burst, Danielle cried out and arched against him. Quickly the prince lifted her and plunged his length into her and Danielle gasped as he gripped her tight about her thighs and thrust madly; her center clenching and throbbing around his hard length. She rose and fell swiftly on top of him; her cry turning into a near scream as he snarled and growled behind her.


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