The Mist Tree

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The Mist Tree Page 2

by Darren Drake

  Evolution comes with trust and an open boat.

  The Nautilus is a mausoleum of floating collectibles. Ahab and Nemo are driven mad by wanting to Have Everything. The whale swallows them both, like a scientific theory.

  The open boat is just Being.

  In the Deep, new worlds come to those who sit in trust beyond belief.


  Superman or Merlin: who do you want?

  I want to be me.

  The Feminine Spirit drifts into being, unannounced. She is nuanced blue-gold integrity. A fresh femininity.

  She is a river of fire and a river of water. She is a genuine smile to welcome you when you wake in the morning. She is quietude.

  She is a kissing riot. She loves you, yes she does.


  Putting my Atlas bone back into alignment cured a whole host of health issues in me. I walked for six hours straight around a mountain lake the next day. Then I walked an Irish country town for hours to visit a millennia old natural springs. All kinds of Yes in the motion of the human body, unfolding from restriction.

  Agreeing with gravity, even as it does not exist beyond 17D. Agreeing that the human body is a vehicle to the stars and inner worlds. Yes. Getting our head on straight. Yes. All seasons begin with you. Yes.

  One world we melt into One. Wrist and hands are vibrating, releasing old grips and gripes, old habits that do not serve Lightness of Being. Yes. Easy. Epigenetics, yes. Changed structural relationships and new movement possibilities.


  Draw your strength from who you are.

  Yes. A Light Little Being in Planet Earth’s family. Down to earth. Real.


  Do you want the Japanese dramaturges to explain No? Or Nietzsche? Or more questions, endless questions about Existence.

  Just Be.

  “Pinning the Soulflower to the Karmic wheel” is a good line from a John Lennon song. Imagine the Karmic wheel like another Matrix, a Sphere of Control, a dodgy school where the Headmasters are men drunk with power.

  Just stop doing what you feel you must not do. Karma will fade. Right action will prevail naturally. There will be no thought. Only feeling. It will be enough.

  It’s our karma to learn to escape. Unpin yourself. Peel yourself away, slowly but ever-so surely. Walk placidly through the waste to the open door of the prison. A door that was always open.

  Imagine precisely escaping the Matrix by being wide, humble, open, genuine and brave. And letting go, trusting we can redeem ourselves with Good Feelings. Stay a little longer and be aMazed.

  Carve an original soul of your own.

  That is my No.

  Ritual Geotherms

  Running along a sandy beach as the storming rain comes in, laughing. Wet to the knees, a phoenix on our back. A rainbow left behind us, a Moments archway between worlds, stepping through black to white to aqueous green to frothing grey. A painting and a grandfather comes to mind from different coasts and legends of overseas travel. Riding a dolphin friend through the waves. The sky is mine, my hands are yours, my body heaves heavy breaths, then lets go refilled with light. Let the sun in again. “The sun is god,” as a painter once said before he left, as if he took his life-Time of life-lines, to remember. How prescient of him.

  Hot planets birthing Children of Light. Go with it.

  Paucity, Purity

  The Time Lord began to realise that, “I am Time”. In this awakening he understood that Time was controlling him, he was not controlling Time. He was lost to Time. So he searched beyond Time.

  Beyond the Matrix are worlds unfolding in unimaginable beauty. Trillions of universes, more than any one human can think.

  Beyond the Mind, are worlds unfolding in unimaginable beauty. Trillions of universes. A trillion Trillions… Sextillions…

  He sought She for clarity, paucity, purity.

  Amber Fluid

  Drinking was not enough. Thinking was not worth it. Life is good. Nomads roam the Earth writing nothing down or up. The Drunken Boat cut its way through the drift out at sea through waves that would sunder the cargo of dark gods. Light broke through the white on black enchanting the waters, engaging a single eye from the shore. The eye waited, drank deep, waited, watched. Ventry, the town he rode into at midday was silent, stormy, calming. Pub was open. Not a soul in sight along the Christmas streets, on the shore. Him alone amid the wild panoramic base-bliss colours. Hints of pink, wintercold red, green, blue, sand and kite. Boats rocking ropes in the wind, waiting, unused, unentered.

  Drink it all in. Remember who we are. Prophets have said Our Great Orb circles Arcturus. Imagine that: an Infinite Sun orbiting Invisible Centres. Wild.

  Another Guinness for me mate here, please. Over by the window we’re sitting. Join us. Shout my friend a drink: let her share a word or two with you.


  These hands measure the distance, the density of skin kept in. Over there we are champions of mildness. Pure water distillers make us well enough to handle a week’s worth of earth.

  Life is simple: either we will or, we won’t. Do or do not. Easy. No line on the horizon is simply to see. It’s not there. Just like time. Not there.

  Horizons measure planets, astrological patterns that effect humans. Animals worship Gaia. Dimensions unfold, just like spirits unravel from bodies.

  There is no horizon like The Present.

  Cloud Zone

  I am a Jedi running through the game, lightsaber in hand, ready. Swish, swash.

  I am still that Jedi running through the same game. The borderlands are pixels on a screen in my mind. Count the pixels, one two three four five. How many worlds? Many not so real, some real.

  I seek the Shadow of Revan, a myth in the gaming world. A gray Jedi.

  After 3 months Revan is found, barely a moment’s sense worth the entry fee. Another Darth gone to seed obsessed with Infinite Empire... So be it, a false path witnessed. Turn away.

  Silence at the Inbetween.

  3.47pm Saturday on Ash Road heading north, having bought a tomato from the local market. That is all it takes to enter – briefly.

  Let’s do it again. Kids know what’s good for them. They just keep going. Nothing can really stop them.


  She was right to ask the President about the Drones landing in her sovereign country, her town. No answer forthcoming.

  Her young name birthed in an ancient world of Justice, emblazoned on the wall of a school in another country. Next to a map of the world upside down. Galactic plane re-centred, refigured, rezoned. No borders.


  The Matrix has you. Get out. Get out now!

  Corporate Media Disaster Porn

  The title is enough. Whitewashing the dawn and day and night with its self-interested produce. Demonic. Mind Control & Emotional Pollution. Over and over, end over end. Sad, laughable, mesmeric, ignoble. Time destroyed endlessly. Gone, gone, gone…


  Let the Fat Controllers be whatever they want to be. Forget them. They will eat themselves.

  Remember the Light. Return to that which Nourishes us. We deserve better.


  Pinball, anyone? Remember the pinball machines at the Fish and Chip Shop three decades back? The big kids would risk tilting them seeking the prize. Another game of pinball.

  Crystal fortitude. Open heart magic. Soul in the wind, a shirt beating free, undulating. Deep Yellow armbands, Dark Purple Robe. A classical arcanist. Now the cymatics:

  Remember Eire & Amergin: learning to speak: Singing glossolalia to shape their feelings about what Home is like:

  The world is mad. We are light.

  The world is neither mad, nor not mad.

  Light. Light. Light. Light. Light. Two suns high in the east. Flip flop, losing the moon. Everything skin. Not very least.

  Magic is not Fact. Magic is Always.

  Magic is. Fact is not.

  Magic plays. Fact warns.

p; Magic Warms. Facts can harden Cold.

  Being Time. Having Time.

  Being well. Having wellness.

  Being love. Having love.

  Being kind. Having kind.

  Sound your voice with celestial inner sentiments.

  Sign of things arriving.

  The best dreams happen when…

  Market Day

  Within the fire and out on the shore, people make space to bring their wares. Do you have need? Barter begins:

  The magazine Hyper opened him to a video game called Beyond Eyes. A blind child’s play. Feeling white at the periphery when happy. Feeling black at the borders when afraid. The market buzzes with delight, a library of concerns and endlessly screened options.

  Food is medicine. Simple healing nexus. A basket and a green bag to carry fruits of the earth in. This is going nowhere. Stop. There is no Supermarket that can carry all your needs. It’s another illusion. Are you certain you need it All?

  The Race

  And so it begins, Achilles. Are you in this time? Paris is a city now, and you are Psyche’s weakness. You still in?

  Go! We have faith in you.

  Morning Restaurant

  The scrumptious feeling of spiritual food in the air when opening the car door. Architectures of Light, molecules and atoms misting the room between tables, vitalised people eating minimally. Plants have invested their cells for human energy fields. Animals feast among the human forms, happily entertaining friends with new conversations. There is symbiosis here. All is well. Transforming, digesting very slowly.

  Forest Portal, Wandering Sun

  We fold in to become physical. We unfold to journey wide into dimensions beyond It All. Extravagant way of expressing how we agree to Chains, then we break our Chains to Evolve. Interesting evolutionary experience at the root of trees. In to the Heart Wood. So we drive to a forest track, lock the car, get out and begin. Very dark at midday, the trees are so tall. Yet there is a slaking thirst above us – the Sun breaking above our heads, way up. Wherever we walk, we can feel the sun light guiding us on. We connect to Sun with our hearts, Light to Light. Going up the mountain feels amazing, fresh scents, green everywhere and everyway.

  Forty year old songs have codes written inbetween the twang of string… to help us remember. Metal and wood resonating the Oneness. Remember, remember. Play what’s not there.

  I have not forgotten you, though you be this world’s forgotten boy.

  You are Light.

  The women are amazingly Light here, gravity is a joke given endless definition.

  Be among us. Open your doors, your travails, your grit. Express what you have. Be who you are. Begin now.

  Avaunt: Awake!

  Encounter with the Author

  I haven’t read all your book yet, because I am still reading you.

  I wanted a word in the moment, a fresh energy passing between us. Anything.

  “So you’re coming back to the new library soon?”

  “Yes. I wanted to be the first to speak in it. But I couldn’t have my way. Oh well. I like the architecture.”

  “It is an architectural…. Freak.”

  “I think it’s lovely and good as well.”


  “Thankyou” taking the signed book. He bows deeply before her, turns and hurriedly leaves, embarrassed.

  He learns how One Word unlocks a Torrent of Farewells from childhood and books.


  Sense and Sentience. Port and Portal. Being and Having. The forces of Nature unleashed. Occult forces, intense dreams, and dangerous times. Perilous situations in cyclic transformation during mysterious forces of the night. Strengthened by the intoxicated demonic mind. Nature smashes on through, wind on the sail, the masts of empire set on fire. Nobody owns anything. Light the bonfires, free your mind. Metamorphose from beauty to beast and vice versa. Do it. Kundalini yourself within. Sing something sacred. No body owns you.

  Dog’s Yard Hidden in a Forest

  I am Nowhere. I like it here.


  No illusion can keep us apart, unless we agree to remain enamoured with it. Blind, arrogant, the Marid conjures grief, never feeling love, unremembered. Sad really, when all that is needed is a single effort.

  The old Uruguayan president said it best, “We are never defeated, unless we want to be.” Yet, stopping is an artform few seem to understand. It is not a defeat: it is a sideways travelling effort, to go beyond burden.

  Conjure love. It’s easy and lasts as long as we concentrate clearly.

  Time is an illusion, conjured by the mind, for the mind. Use your illusion, yet know the opening to a multiverse. Accept incomprehension as normal and indefatigueable. Why resist infinity?


  Gentlest hands now guide us deeper into You. Easing into rest through the sweetest smile, the knowing heart, an empty flowing cup of golden grace.

  You’ve been here in other times. Welcome! Return and enjoy the warmth. Leave it where you find it, a purple flower in a deep blue river.

  The blessing way helps me heal with star charms shimmering as I sleep. Destination flow over to happiness kissing everytime it feels good completely refreshing.

  I give up what I have to say so completely that I am filled with Voice.

  Love, a simple life. A fire, a home. A place to be.


  It was a good day.

  She knew the lion and the witch needed the wardrobe to summon friends to their cause. She would not be drawn into conflict. Refused, point blank. She would not waste her energy.

  Instead, finger painting an ice shelf on an ocean. Colours spread out. A world of one’s own. Of all colours, impossible connections realised, like glee and concrete walls.

  Youth like a deep and easy sigh. A dance of kung fu in black chalk and green scattered lines made by a girl who knows the world is never full.

  It was a good day.

  The Birds shattered the air, drinking fresh water, singing white and pink tones amid the structured gray sub-tangents. Old stacked bricks broken by color. Balancing human equations.

  Youth has the most beautiful smile.

  In this room is a nameless view of the ocean.

  The sunsets of Youth are infinitely beautiful.

  Give full urge to your peace. Swing your arms and float and wonder. Curious yourself under everything. Every. Thing.

  Wet Leaves, Magical Edge

  Lost One, Immortal One, hear us now. Restless One, everything said to her is a beautiful risk, well worth the time spent recording thoughts of Her Valour and Your Enchantment.

  The One Whom Holds Life Prisoner is wounded. Wounded One, beware. Do not linger in shadow. Return to Light. Again and again. A Greater Mystery unfolds another layer every time you do so.


  Get in the car and go. Where?

  Just go.

  Get on your feet. Go.

  Find Your Light.



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  “Numbers” – has a number of short quotes from the 2014 film Lucy, written and directed by Luc Besson. Theme of spiritual evolution is explored.

  “Breathe” – has a number of short lyrical quotes from the first London Grammar’s 2013 album of music If You Wait. Used to push themes throughout the text into other poems.

  nb: Short quotes appear from both of the above sources, very briefly, in other aspects of this book. The reader may notice a line here and there, merged into the overall work, cinematic and musical doorways into expanded consciousness…

  Photo by Elrowien

  Darren Drake would like the quality of his work to be the credentials that he can be understood by. The poems alone are the qualification - without degrees, certificates, opinions & devices attached. He currently lives where he was born on this planet, making good time to explore the Way of the Warrior Sage, and to travel to places he has not visited before.

  Born in Geelon
g, Australia at a hospital that no longer exists.

  Interested in spiritual evolution, natural health, music and multidimensionality.

  Other Books by Darren Drake


  New Sphinx

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