The Wilderness Warrior

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The Wilderness Warrior Page 126

by Douglas Brinkley

  I’ve been a member of the Theodore Roosevelt Association since 1990. Besides attending annual meetings, I’ve participated in TRA excursions to the Netherlands, North Dakota, San Antonio, and Tampa Bay. A few stalwart friends I’ve made in the TRA include Theodore Roosevelt IV, Edmund and Sylvia Morris, Admiral C. S. Abbot, Mark Ames, Dr. William N. Tilchin, Robert D. Dalziel, Norman Parsons, Lucky Roosevelt, Stephen and Regina Jefferies, Simon Roosevelt, Elizabeth Moore, and Dr. Cornelius A. van Minnen. Two ardent Rooseveltian conservationist friends—Nate Brostrom of the University of California–Berkeley and William J. vanden Heuvel of the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute—have helped me every step of the way.

  At HarperCollins, my editor, Tim Duggan, was his trademark self—smart, proactive, and devoted. Anybody who believes the days of quality editing are over has never worked with Tim, whose standards are the best in the business. Jonathan Burnham epitomizes an excellent publisher in 2009—a lucid thinker and marketplace-savvy friend. Brian Murray, the president and CEO of HarperCollins worldwide, was typically helpful at every stage. I’ll always be grateful for his wise counsel. Others at HarperCollins who deserve thanks are Allison Lorentzen (a genius facilitator), Susan Gamer (copyeditor), Katharine Baker (production editor), and Leah Carlson-Stanisic (designer). The indomitable Trent Duffy of New York assisted me in editing the first half of the manuscript. Likewise, the ethereal Emma Juniper assisted me during my final stages. Lisa Bankoff of ICM—my agent since 1992—offered her trademark sound counsel.

  My indispensable research associate for the past two years has been Stone Weeks. Stone’s father, Linton Weeks of National Public Radio, has been a longtime acquaintance of mine. One afternoon, he telephoned me about grabbing a cup of coffee with his twenty-two-year-old son Stone, who was poised to graduate from the University of Delaware. I said, “Sure.” After meeting Stone in New Orleans, I was deeply impressed by his intellect, drive, and computer skills. Rice University president David Leebron hired him to be my personal assistant on this book, and we’ve worked closely together over the last two years. An Internet wizard, he helped me track down obscure books, academic articles, and interlibrary loan titles. During the manuscript preparation phase he was exemplary. He became like family. The world can expect great things from him in the coming decades.

  As always, my most profound gratitude is reserved for my wife, Anne, who shared this adventure into T.R.’s America every step of the way. When other families were visiting Disneyland, the Brinkleys spent their summers at Roosevelt sites such as Muir Woods, Mesa Verde, Crater Lake, and Ocala National Forest. Together, Anne and I have tried to bring nature into our children’s lives. Our backyard in Austin is full of wildlife—a family of deer lives in our mesquite forest, and a raccoon mother recently gave birth to a kit under my daughter Cassady’s bedroom. Weekly we jog around Lady Bird Lake in Zilker Park, looking for great blue heron and wood duck. Like pied pipers, whenever we have free time, we march Benton, Johnny, and Cassady to the Wild Basin just down Highway 360 to hunt for pinecones and smooth rocks near the magical waterfall. These regular family outings have convinced me that Theodore Roosevelt was right: we all need to bring nature into our daily lives.

  Austin, Texas

  April 12, 2009


  Note: Entries in this index, carried over verbatim from the print edition of this title, are unlikely to correspond to the pagination of any given e-book reader. However, entries in this index, and other terms, may be easily located by using the search feature of your e-book reader.

  Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

  Abbey, Edward, 19, 467, 764

  Abernathy, Jack (Catch’Em Alive), 592–94, 618–24, 641

  appointed U.S. federal marshall, 621, 622–23

  movie about, 621–22

  T.R.’s wolf coursing with, 308, 592–94, 599–608, 616, 618–22, 745

  T.R.’s writing about, 620–21

  White House visit of, 612, 620

  Absaroka Forest Reserve, 472n

  Adams, Ansel, 450

  Adams, Brooks, 297

  Adams, Charles Francis, 101

  Adams, Henry, 57n, 228, 247, 342

  T.R. criticized by, 227, 266, 313

  Adams, John (Grizzly), 444

  Adams, John Quincy, 3, 737, 787

  Adirondack National Park, 237, 307–8, 339, 372, 772

  Adirondacks, 5, 103–8, 161, 339, 344–47, 351, 357, 359

  Pinchot in, 342, 345–47

  speed-logging in, 236–37

  T.R. in, 39–40, 70–73, 103–6, 108, 353, 392–96

  Adventures in Bird Protection (Pearson), 479

  Adventures in the Wilderness; Or Camp-Life in the Adirondacks (Murray), 39–40

  Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 703

  Afognak Island Forest and Fish Culture Reserve, 77

  Africa, 24–25, 147n, 308, 656

  T.R.’s travels in, 412, 702, 733–34, 762–64, 774, 779–80, 794–95, 808, 815


  Benga episode and, 658

  “Brer Rabbit” stories of, 82

  as buffalo soldiers, 444

  in Confederate Army, 435

  discrimination against, 41–42

  lynching of, 433, 441

  in Mississippi, 433–42, 436, 585–86

  as slaves, 27, 34, 435, 436

  T.R.’s relations with, 404–6, 405, 431–34, 441, 442, 572, 582, 617

  African Game Trails (Roosevelt), 764, 794

  African Nature (Selous), 762

  Agassiz, Alexander, 299, 445

  Agassiz, Louis, 43, 101–2, 103, 143, 283, 299n

  Age of Reason, The (Paine), 48

  Agricultural Appropriations Act (1907), 580

  agriculture, 92, 425, 433–34, 667, 746, 748

  Country Life Commission and, 783–85, 787

  fires and, 664

  in Florida, 480

  in Midwest, 129, 133, 134

  in Nebraska, 468–69

  Agriculture Department, U.S. (USDA), 210, 214–16, 247, 398, 468, 499, 662, 664, 670, 799

  Alaska and, 321, 564

  Breton Island and, 570, 571

  buffalo repopulation and, 277–78

  Division of Economic Ornithology and Mammalogy at, 214–15, 288, 298, 616n; see also Biological Survey, U.S.

  Forestry Division in, 238–39, 342, 345, 372, 400, 422

  Luquillo forest and, 446, 447, 449

  Pelican Island and, 13–14, 16, 492–94

  transfer of forest reserves to, 356, 422, 579, 663; see also Forest Service, U.S.

  T.R.’s praise for, 410

  Yearbook of, 12, 492, 785

  Akeley, Carl, 763, 764

  Alabama, 731, 733

  Alaska, 21, 76–77, 242, 284, 294, 320, 469–73, 520, 562–65, 575, 806–7

  bears in, 300

  gold discovered in, 293

  Merriam in expedition to, 300, 385, 469, 562, 563, 675

  Muir in, 469, 541

  seals of, 76–77, 216, 284, 564, 579, 651–54, 721–22

  Albany, N.Y., 49, 86, 88

  T.R. in, 142, 147, 166, 168, 336–39, 342–47, 351, 355, 356, 361–62, 772

  albatross, 566, 739

  Albuquerque, N.Mex., 524–25, 786–87

  Alder, Jacker, 538

  Aleutian Islands, 652, 653

  Alexander Archipelago National Forest Reserve, 469–73, 564, 806

  Alexander the Great, 770

  Alexandria, 55–56

  Alfonso XII, King of Spain, 446

  Alger, Russell, 313, 332

  Allegheny, 129, 199, 373

  Allen, Charles Herbert, 446

  Allen, Ethan, 39

  Allen, J. A., 156

  alligators, 733–34

  “Alligator Shooting in Florida” (Murphy), 733

  Amazon, 22, 247, 445–46, 541, 702

  America Horse, 581

  American Big-Game Hunting (Roosevelt and Grinnell, eds
.), 259–65, 284, 285, 378

  American Big Game in Its Haunts (Grinnell, ed.), 555

  American Birds (Finley), 550, 744

  American Bison Society (ABS), 285, 625, 627, 628, 778

  American-British fur seal commission, 215–16

  American Civic Association, 568

  American Earth (McKibben, ed.), 19

  American Federation of Labor (AFL), 635

  “American Forests, The” (Muir), 292, 410

  American Historical Association, 231, 554

  American Ideals (Roosevelt), 319

  American Museum of Natural History, 1–2, 15, 43–45, 65, 294, 584, 669, 780

  Burroughs’s views on, 219

  founding of, 2, 42, 43–44, 63, 145, 202

  opening of, 44–45

  Southwest and, 415

  taxidermy at, 44, 45, 55, 333, 485, 490

  T.R.’s donations to, 45, 145, 146

  American Ornithologists Union (AOU), 214, 363, 366, 367, 417, 571–72, 714, 801

  Florida birds and, 12, 13–14, 491, 495, 496, 738, 739

  Protection of North American Birds Committee of, 363–64

  T.R.’s report for, 686

  American Prairie Foundation, 235

  American Scenic and History Preservation Society, 414, 765

  American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), 49–52, 288

  Ammál (Kootenai Indian), 209–10

  Among the Water-Fowl (Job), 711

  anarchists, anarchy, 95, 391, 408, 636

  Anasazi, 19, 414–15, 462, 644, 656, 781

  Andersen, Hans Christian, 63, 478

  Anderson, George S., 263, 269, 270, 272

  Anglo-Saxon race, 331

  animals, 24

  humans as, 350

  neglect or abuse of, 37–38, 42, 46, 48, 49–52, 55, 59, 316, 327, 465

  protection of, 42, 45, 46–53, 59, 142, 201–2, 206, 288, 316, 327, 702

  Rough Riders’ mascots and, 324–27, 326, 332–33

  slaughtering of, 47, 59, 136, 154–55, 186–88, 201

  stories about, 82, 387, 437

  truthful writing about, 387–88, 504–5, 781–83

  see also specific animals

  antelope, 150, 157, 169, 184, 195, 213, 232, 273–74, 512

  at Bronx Zoo, 279

  conservation of, 6, 183, 206, 406, 629

  pronghorn, 9, 180, 199, 206, 263, 411, 529

  slaughter of, 189

  antilynching laws, 433, 441

  Antiquities Act (1906), 414, 642–49, 663, 670, 679, 689–90, 691, 754–59, 761, 776, 810

  bird reservations and, 712

  Fulton’s views on, 676–77

  Grand Canyon and, 224, 755–57

  Lacey’s work for, 416, 642–49, 688

  passing of, 645, 656, 661

  antitrust laws, 634, 685

  ants, 28–29, 161, 322

  Apache, 74, 195, 315, 509–10, 581, 586, 587, 590, 591, 595, 660

  Apache National forest, 399

  apes, 25, 60, 207, 388–89

  Appalachians, 667, 684, 758

  “Arab Courier Attacked by Lion” exhibit, 54–55

  Arapaho, 591, 632

  Arbor Day, 683–84, 685, 790

  Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge, 488

  architecture, 44, 257–58, 414, 415, 781

  Arctic Circle, 418, 702

  aristocracy, 42, 43

  hunting and, 3–5, 136, 182, 204, 440

  Aristotle, 60

  Arizona, 224, 243, 245, 290, 294, 397–400, 422, 543, 575, 623, 663, 738

  bird reservations in, 20

  Coues in, 95–96

  Cuba in, 333

  Great Loop tour in, 508, 525–29, 526

  Merriam’s focus on, 215, 306

  mining in, 451, 650

  national monuments in, 707, 754–58, 775, 776, 781

  Native Americans in, 241, 280, 451, 755, 756

  prehistoric sites in, 294, 414, 616, 644, 755–56

  Rough Riders and, 314, 331, 403, 756, 775–76

  statehood for, 354n, 635, 649–50

  T.R. in, xviii, 20

  Arizona Antiquities Association, 671

  Arizona Rangers, 775–76

  Arkansas, 287n, 569

  Arkansas River, 73, 129

  Army, U.S., 248, 271, 286, 288, 371, 398, 450, 531, 611, 775, 809

  buffalo slaughtered by, 604

  California earthquake and, 637, 638

  Native Americans and, 255, 590–91, 628

  Yellowstone and, 231, 270, 272, 400, 507, 512, 514

  Yosemite and, 537

  Army Corps of Engineers, U.S., 693, 701

  Arnold, Matthew, 192

  arsenic, 54, 59, 60, 71, 363

  Arthur, Chester, 268, 364

  Ascent of the Mattern, The (Whymper), 140

  aspens, 250

  Aspinwall, John, 33

  Associated Press (AP), 384–85, 404, 576

  Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, 691–92

  Astor, John Jacob, 202, 620

  Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe railway, 259, 398, 524, 675

  Atlantic Flyway, 360

  Atlantic Monthly, 4, 82, 292, 298n, 410, 542

  Burroughs’s article in, 504, 505

  T.R.’s work reviewed in, 228, 229

  Atlantic Ocean, 29, 35, 53–54, 482, 721

  in Maine, 125, 126

  Audubon, John James, 23, 38, 68, 96, 101, 102, 206, 263, 364, 394, 485, 554, 687

  Baird respected by, 144

  Bell’s relationship with, 54, 55

  buffalo drawn by, 277

  on buffalo slaughter, 187

  Burroughs and, 220, 221

  in Florida, 4, 89, 481, 710, 724

  Grinnell influenced by, 187

  hunting of, 4, 58–59

  in Louisiana, 700

  T.R. influenced by, 28, 34, 55, 60, 67, 73, 99, 182, 249

  Audubon, Lucy, 187

  Audubon (boat), 495, 497

  Audubon (magazine), 3, 358

  Audubon Society, 12n, 259, 304n, 361, 363, 499, 678, 715, 720, 727, 745, 801

  Dutcher as head of, 744

  founding of, 10, 189, 202, 214

  McLeod and, 729

  name changes of, 720n

  state, 11, 12n, 304, 366, 408, 411, 473, 570, 714

  T.R.’s sympathy for, 1–2, 11, 189, 499

  Watch List of, 73

  see also specific states

  auks, 9, 205, 362

  Austria, 59–60

  Autobiography, An (Roosevelt), 17–18, 29, 34, 214, 422, 424, 578, 679

  Bureau of Forestry in, 411

  hazing incident in, 93

  O’Neill in, 143

  Reid in, 28

  Theodore, Sr. in, 42, 43, 67

  T.R.’s ambition in, 99

  wife Alice left out of, 167

  wildlife protection achievements in, 721

  Yosemite in, 538

  Autobiography of a Bird-Lover (Chapman), 15

  automobiles, 375, 384, 396, 576, 685–86, 784, 809

  Avery Island, 695

  Aztecs, 415, 671

  Bacon, Francis, 273

  Bacon, Secretary of State, 804

  badgers, 311, 523, 552–53, 557–58

  Badlands, 129, 150–65, 167–71, 175–81, 178, 184, 189–200, 251, 263, 274, 280, 375, 379

  bad weather in, 160–61, 178–79, 196–97

  birds in, 158

  boat theft in, 191–93, 192

  buffalo hunting in, 150–52, 154–55, 157–58, 160–65

  creeks in, 158, 159

  description of, 149, 152–53, 156, 158, 160–61

  “grand holiday” to, 230, 232–33

  origin of name, 153, 156

  T.R.’s new status in, 193

  T.R.’s writing style influenced by, 175

  Baier, Lowell, 194

  Bailey, Liberty Hyde, 783–84

  Baillie-Grohman, William Adolph, 373–74
/>   Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 28, 37, 99, 108, 228, 245

  background of, 143–44

  Merriam’s meeting with, 107

  R.B.R.’s correspondence with, 90, 91, 143

  at Smithsonian, 143–46, 210, 215

  T.R. compared with, 246

  “Balaam and Pedro” (Wister), 316


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