Naval War of 1812, The (Roosevelt), 149, 181, 311, 414, 724
publication of, 142, 145, 148
reviews of, 145
writing of, 125, 138, 140, 141
Navy, U.S., 310, 371, 384, 397, 448, 534, 638, 651, 737
bird protection and, 738–39
Navy Department, U.S., 653, 739
T.R. in, 294, 297–98, 303, 310–13, 797
Nebraska, 129, 137, 149n, 511, 683
Grinnell in, 187–88, 245, 254
reservations in, 226, 254, 255, 628
Nebraska National Forest, 468–69, 519–20
Necker Island, 799
Neel, Harry, 761
Nelson, Ed W., 280
Nelson, Horatio, 298n
Netherlands, 79, 264
Nevada, 243, 305, 422, 636, 742
water issues in, 342, 422, 575
New Brunswick, moose hunting in, 260–61
“New Conservationism,” 535
Newell, Frederick H., 423, 424, 425
New England, 43, 84, 87, 180, 256, 426–27
see also specific places
New Hampshire, 84, 618–19
New Jersey, 44, 98, 352, 372, 622
Newlands, Francis G., 240, 423–24
Newlands Act (1902), 423–26, 467, 573, 736, 746
New Mexico, 243, 290, 314, 331, 380n, 400, 403, 422, 466, 528, 663
bird reservations in, 20
Great Loop tour in, 524–25
national monuments in, 706–7
prehistoric sites in, 414, 520, 524, 616, 644, 647, 756
statehood for, 354n, 635, 649–50
New Orleans, Battle of, 414n, 435
New Orleans, La., 414, 695
New Orleans (steamboat), 695
Newport Mountain, 126–27
Newspaper Rocks Petroglyphs, 646
Newton, Henry, 632–33
New York, N.Y., 4, 11, 181, 623, 761
animal protection in, 48–52
Audubon Park in, 186
bird dishes in, 10
Bowery in, 287, 288
Burroughs in, 217–18, 220, 222–23, 368
club set in, 80–81
Committee on Measurements exhibition in, 287
customs officials in, 226
degradation of waterways of, 219
election of 1886 in, 196
Fellowcraft Club in, 217, 222–23, 368
Hell’s Kitchen in, 217
Lower East Side in, 478
museums in, see American Museum of Natural History; Roosevelt Museum of Natural History
police in, 50, 52, 287–89
reform movement in, 142, 150, 165
Roosevelt homes in, 30, 43, 65, 66, 81–82, 125, 138, 147, 166, 202
tenement houses and slums in, 217, 222, 223
T.R.’s political activities in, 177, 196
New York Association for the Protection of Game (NYAPG), 85, 264
New York Audubon Society, 351, 360, 370
New Yorker, 320n
New York Harbor, 29–30, 65, 307
New York repopulation plan, 276–77
New York Sportsmen’s Club, 83, 85
New York State, 39–41, 43, 684, 687
deforestation in, 236–37
New York State Fish Commission, 85–86, 88
New York State Fisheries, Game, and Forest Commission, 339, 345, 351, 352, 357, 372, 377, 403
New York State legislature, 284, 307, 353, 372
assembly of, 142–43, 150, 154, 165, 166–67, 168, 185, 190, 225, 731
T.R.’s second annual message to, 356–58
New York Sun, 167, 177, 229, 373, 528
New York Times, 17, 44, 51, 52, 83, 109, 153, 167, 244, 289, 292, 333n, 338, 394, 418, 427, 561, 582, 596, 614, 638, 666, 704, 810–11
on Antiquities Act, 689
Benga episode and, 658, 660
boxing in, 121
Bronx Zoo in, 279
on Crater Lake, 455, 462
on elephant, 647–48
on Great Loop tour, 507, 509, 514, 517, 531, 537
on Grinnell, 185, 186
on Josephine, 325, 332
Merriam’s bear views in, 301, 302
Oklahoma trip in, 601, 605
R.B.R.’s obituary in, 648
trapshooting and, 264
on T.R. in Mississippi, 438
T.R.’s work reviewed in, 183, 228, 266, 621
on Wind Cave, 462
New York Tribune, 170, 348
New York World, 163, 310, 322
New York Zoological Society, 276–80, 284, 406, 418, 521, 590, 628, 656–58
Bulletin of, 657, 658
Department of Tropical Research of, 448
see also Bronx Zoo
Niagara Falls, 353, 373, 377, 638–39
Nile River, 57–58, 67, 763
Niobrara National Forest, 468–69, 519–20
Nobel Peace Prize, 618, 669–70, 764
Noble, John W., 224–25, 237–40, 245
Nomadic Life (Jusserand), 432–33
Nordenskiöld, Nils Otto Gustaf, 655
Norris, Edwin C., 772, 776
Norris, Frank, 651
Norris, Thaddeus, 84
North, Frank, 188
North, Luther, 188
North America Conservation Congress, 790
North American Conservation Conference (1909), 804
North American Review, 318, 330, 505
North Carolina, 428, 572, 667, 758
North Dakota, 6, 134, 149n, 152, 273–74, 419, 567–68, 578, 784
birds in, 6, 567, 568, 583–84, 746
Great Loop tour in, 507, 513
T.R.’s campaigning in, 374–75
Northern Pacific lobby (Railroad Gang), 205
Northern Pacific Railroad, 148–55, 165, 209, 244, 259, 271, 293, 516, 588
Northern Securities Company, 575
Northern Trails; Some Studies of Animal Life in the Far North (Long), 619–20
North Woods (Maine), 110–20, 114, 161, 209
Norton, C. E., 510
“Notebook on Natural History” (Roosevelt), 54
Notes on Natural History (Roosevelt), 98
Notes on Some Birds of Oyster Bay, Long Island (Roosevelt), 108
Notes on Walt Whitman as Poet and Person (Burroughs), 222
Nuttall, Thomas, 38
Nuttall Ornithological Club, 107, 108, 111
Oak Lodge, 488–90
Obama, Barack, 705
Ocala National Forest, 736–37
Odall, Ben, Jr., 332
Ogallala, Nebr., 137, 153
Ogden, Peter Skene, 720
Ohio, 597, 634
Oklahoma, 129, 314, 403, 585–97, 599–612, 599, 616, 622–30, 663, 675
Abernathy appointed federal marshall of, 621, 622–23
acquisition of, 586–87
buffalo repopulation in, 511, 588, 589, 590, 593, 594, 610–11, 624–28
oil in, 383
reservations in, 226, 241, 585, 587, 591
statehood for, 586, 605, 635, 649–50
wolves in, 308, 581, 585, 589, 594, 600, 601, 604–9, 608, 620–23, 745
Oklahoma City, Okla., 587, 623
Olympic Elk National Park, 810
Olympic Games, 567
Olympic Mountains, 305–6, 342, 344, 410, 417, 809–10
Olympic National Park, 811
Olympic rainforests, 148, 305, 306, 551, 811
Olympic Range Elk Reserve, 647
Olympus, Mount, 306, 417, 535, 633, 649, 680, 809–11
Omaha, Nebr., 154, 519
O’Neill, Bill, 143
O’Neill, William (Bucky), 330, 671
“On the Little Missouri” (Roosevelt), 308–9
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (Darwin), 23–24, 25, 73, 97, 102, 182, 370, 383, 555, 641, 812
Theodore, Sr. and, 43
T.R. influenced by, 8, 60, 62, 67, 228, 245
, 317, 318, 686
U.S. impact of, 44–45, 245
opossums, 356, 443, 602
Oregon, 425, 738, 744–49 bears in, 680
bird reservations in, 714–18, 721, 744–48
forest reserves in, 421, 676, 678, 778
Great Loop tour in, 548–51
Oregon Audubon Society, 549, 551, 715, 716, 748
Oregon Trail, The (Parkman), 128, 208, 228, 264
Organic Act (1897), see National Forest Management Act
Organic Act (1916), 450
Organic Act (Foraker Law; 1900), 446
Osborn, Frederick, 94–95, 96, 104
Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 8, 278–79, 301, 305, 448, 537, 780, 803
Osgood, Wilfred H., 214–15
O’Shea, Minnie (Mrs. Robert F. Fortescue), 78
Oskaloosa, Iowa, 520–21, 563, 668, 672, 677
Osprey, 330n
ostriches, 90, 97, 488
O’Sullivan, Timothy, 74
Otero, Miguel, 524
“Other Animals, The” (London), 781–82
O’Toole, Patricia, 57n
“Our Forest Reservations” (Roosevelt and Grinnell), 242
Our Landed Heritage (Robbins), 667, 676
Our National Parks (Muir), 293, 410, 545
Our Vanishing Wildlife (Hornaday), 5, 9, 283
Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter (Roosevelt), 21, 110, 380, 381, 555, 607, 620–21, 733
Outing, 347, 385
Outing Magazine, 194–95, 206, 708, 709, 713, 733
Outlook, 115, 522, 683, 712, 731, 780, 794, 809
Owens, Uncle Jim, 778
owls, 11, 146, 230, 700, 806
Oxford University, 781, 812, 813
Oyster Bay, N.Y., 96–98, 104, 105, 112, 116, 117, 125, 137, 289, 333–34, 377, 385, 618, 637
birds of, 69–70, 71, 96, 108, 146
Sagamore Hill in, see Sagamore Hill
Tranquility in, 69, 91, 108, 149
oysters, 372
Pace, Mildred Mastin, 51
Pacific Cable Company, 739, 797n
Pacific Flyway, 360, 744
Pacific Forest Reserve, 291n
Pacific Northwest, 290–96, 343, 410
bird reservations in, 714–20, 744–48
see also specific places
Pacific Ocean, 250, 306, 311, 471, 618, 637
expansionism and, 531, 534–35
Paddock, Eldridge, 155
Page Wire Fence Company, 521, 590
Paine, Thomas, 48
Painted Desert, 149, 290, 525, 535, 645, 672
paintings, 60, 74, 140, 154, 227, 260, 450, 688, 710
of Hudson River school, 33, 125–26
of Mount Shasta, 547–48
Pajarita Plateau, 524, 644, 647, 655
Paleolithic Man (Remington), 640
Palisades Park, 352, 372, 414, 766
Palma Sola, 727–28, 738
Palmer, Theodore, 490–91
Palmer, William, 797–98
Panama, 384, 668–69, 733
Panama Canal, 534, 575, 600, 635, 668–69
Pan-American Exposition, 389, 391
Panic of 1893, 259–60, 268–69
panthers, 380n, 699
parakeets, 9, 205, 352, 727
Pardee, George C., 536, 771
Park Commission, U.S., 556–57
Parker, Alton B., 574, 575, 576
Parker, Cynthia Ann, 594
Parker, John M., 434, 437–40, 695
Parker, Quanah, 586, 590, 594–95, 596, 598, 608–11, 623
buffalo repatriation and, 594, 595, 596, 610, 611, 626–27
drug use of, 594–95
honor for, 630
in inauguration parade, 581, 594
in Oklahoma hunt, 600, 605, 609–10
surrender of, 586, 591
Parkman, Francis, 101, 208, 209, 264, 554, 609
T.R. compared with, 184, 228, 247
T.R. influenced by, 128, 163, 198–99, 228
T.R.’s correspondence with, 229
Parks, Burdett, 760n
Parrish, Maxfield, 640
parrots, 288, 445, 448–49, 448, 559
Passage Key, 18, 20, 500–501, 727
Passenger Pigeon, The (Mershon), 687
Passing of the Great Race, The (Grant), 285n
Passing of the Great West, The (Reiger), 189
“Passing Show, The” (“Drawing the Line in Mississippi” Berryman), 441–42, 441
Past Preserved in Stone, A (Protas), 671
Pathfinder Federal Bird Reservation, 18
Paton, Thomas, 202
Patterson, John Henry, 762–63
Patterson, Thomas MacDonald, 384
Pawnee, 188, 255, 275, 326
Peabody, Lucy, 654–56
Pearson, Thomas Gilbert, 479, 727
pecarries, 251–52, 287
Pecos River, 239, 320
Pelican Island, 7, 12, 13, 474, 476, 477, 479, 481, 487–88, 584
centennial of, 16
preservation of, 13–17, 20, 483, 489–94, 499–500, 501, 550, 568
Pelican Island Federal Bird Reservation, 709, 736
pelicans, 15, 17, 19, 133, 489, 490, 715, 721
brown, 4, 7–8, 13, 18, 474–75, 479, 481–83, 487, 583, 727, 728
Job’s photographs of, 709, 711
white, 6, 568, 583, 728–29, 730, 746–48
Pender, John, 159
Pennsylvania, 684, 738
Pennsylvania Railroad, 507, 509
perch, 83, 85, 100
Perkins, George Clement, 642, 801–2
Perry, Oliver Hazard, 138, 150
Peterson, Roger Tory, 716
Petrified Forest, xviii, 15, 462, 525, 623, 633, 634, 635, 642, 645–49
Petrified Forest National Monument, 670, 672, 688
Pettigrew, Richard Franklin, 292, 296
Pfannenbach (thief), 192–93, 192
Phelps v. Racey, 264n
Philadelphia, Pa., 4, 98, 373
Grand Exposition in, 99–100, 138
Philippines, 384, 397, 425, 426, 445, 447, 449, 507, 534, 583
bird protection in, 739
Spanish-American War and, 310, 311, 318, 460
Phillips, William Hallett, 237, 272
Pick, Nancy, 66
Pierce, Franklin, 268
pigeons, 97, 686
passenger, 9, 41, 46, 68, 97–98, 220, 320, 352, 686–87, 767, 774
Pike, Warburton, 808
Pike, Zebulon Montgomery, 129, 241, 243, 297
Pikes Peak, 74, 227, 378–79
Pinchot, Gifford, 5, 103, 257, 340–47, 343, 353, 358, 372, 388, 398, 406–9, 411, 430, 447, 494, 503, 566, 569, 579–80, 616, 663–65, 777, 778, 786, 790, 803–5, 815
background of, 340–41
as confidential special agent, 294–95, 344
Crater Lake and, 452, 453, 457–58, 459, 544, 549
Everglades drainage scheme and, 735
forest reserves of 1907 and, 675, 676, 678, 680
Grinnell compared with, 189
Hetch Hetchy and, 544, 636
Marcy climbed by, 346–47, 393
on Mississippi River trip, 693–95, 694
Muir’s views on, 345, 544, 579, 772
national monuments and, 759
Nebraska project and, 468, 469
reclamation work and, 423, 424, 747, 748
Taft’s relations with, 793, 795, 803, 804–5, 816
tree museum idea of, 577–78
T.R.’s alliance with, 345, 346, 407, 422
T.R.’s correspondence with, 387, 447, 469, 519, 663, 664–65, 813
writings of, 6, 238, 341, 343–44, 805
Pinchot, James Wallace, 340, 347
Pinchot, Mount, 627
Pine Island, 727–28, 732, 741, 742
Pine Knot, 119, 615–19, 665–67, 666, 767–69, 773–77
birds at, 618, 686, 687, 767, 774–75, 777
Pine Ridge Reservation, 253–54, 273, 277
pines, 239, 46
9, 648
Pinnacles National Monument, 758–59, 766
pioneers, 129, 228, 233, 256, 348, 564
Pioneers, The (Cooper), 40–41
“Pioneer Spirit and American Problems, The” (Roosevelt), 809
Pisani, Donald J., 566
Pitcher, John, 399, 413, 429, 635
Great Loop tour and, 502, 507, 514, 516
Place of Passages (Evans-Hatch and Evans-Hatch), 760n
Places of Quiet Beauty (Conrad), 646
plagiarism, 229
Plains Indians, 188, 190, 255, 587, 626–27, 641
see also specific groups
Plains of the Great West, The (Dodge), 380
Platt, Orville H., 613–14
Platt, Thomas (Boss), 347–48, 353, 355, 373, 376, 613
Platt National Park, 614, 632
plovers, 10, 18, 61, 103, 362–63
Plutarch’s Lives, 770
poachers, 85, 264, 286, 367, 743, 796
seal, 651–54
western, 76, 201, 205, 231, 236, 242, 248, 263, 269–70, 272, 273, 403, 467, 626
Pocahontas, 691–92
Pocatello National Forest, 779
Poe, Edgar Allan, 28, 156
poetry, 111, 180, 237, 768
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