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The Princess in the Tower

Page 3

by Cordelia Gregory

  “He sold each one of them fifteen percent of his share and retained twenty percent. He has done this illegally and it is void because I needed to be consulted on the sale. I have the final say. He said he’d done it to pay debts but also because he said they made him feel more of a man than I did. He feels like he is a nobody in the company next to me and my designs. He never understood he was the mouthpiece, the person who got our sales and made the company a success.”

  She felt that strangle hold on her heart tighten harder than Alexandrov’s on her throat. Tears of hurt brewed at the back of her eyes. Alexandrov must have seen them because his gorgeous black eyes softened just a little.

  She swallowed again, noticing how unafraid she was of the billionaire and how disturbing it was that his hold on her throat actually made her feel comfortable. A part of her was enjoying being held down. Quickly, she distracted herself by continuing the story of how the princess in the tower came to exist.

  “He has gone into business with them. I know he is now involved in helping them traffic women into the UK amongst other things. It all funds his gambling, his taste for extreme sports, women and drink. He started to hit me, to keep me in line when I complained about him gambling again and being involved with them. Then I discovered they had convinced him to launder money through Empyrean. When I found out about this and everything else, I told him I was going to the police.”

  A tear escaped and ran down her cheek and to her frustration her voice broke and shook when she narrated the next part.

  “I’d just found out I was pregnant from the last time he’d forced himself on me when he’d been drinking, and I had let him just to keep the peace and my marriage intact. I loved him and I couldn’t bear to be without him or so I conned myself into believing. I think I was just too afraid to be alone. I couldn’t see straight, and I didn’t know what to do. I just kept thinking if I did what he asked things would change. I could make it change, make him go back to being the man he used to be. I was so very wrong.”

  Once more Alexandrov’s eyes seemed to soften. She felt the light brush of his finger as he caressed the tear away from her cheek. Still he said nothing, offering no comment as he patiently waited for her to finish her tale.

  “He told me he wasn’t going to let me go to the police or leave the castle again. He locked me in here that night and the only time I have been out is to go to the hangar to test the engines of the aircraft. I haven’t even seen the assembled aircraft in the hangar at the airfield we own that everyone is celebrating downstairs. He said he had managed to stop Bazanov from killing me and removing me as a threat. They couldn’t find a way to get my fifty percent from me without causing suspicion so instead they control it by keeping me here and the lawyers thinking I consented to James selling the percentage of the business and their involvement in the company. He found out I was pregnant and as soon as I gave birth in here, he took my baby away from me.”

  Diana finished her last sentence with a sob. Alexandrov lessened his hold on her throat in response and moved his hand up and down her throat in a calming motion. Her breathing calmed.

  “James has told me my son has been placed with a family in Russia and if I don’t comply with their wishes for the company or do everything they say, they will kill him.”

  “Shh, you are no longer alone in this,” Alexandrov stroked her cheek, his features now fully relaxed and his words came gently.

  “James put it around that I became a recluse. It was the perfect excuse for my absence in the business world and has not aroused suspicion. He gets to do what he wants with me and keep me down, so he feels like a stronger, more in control man, he told me. He wants to see me suffer. He has even brought women in here to fuck in front of me or made me fuck Bazanov’s business associates for fun. I tried not to let him get to me but when he kept forcing himself on me, I couldn’t help begging him to stop. I feel so ashamed.”

  More tears fell. Alexandrov growled and said something fierce in Russian she didn’t understand. He kissed the top of her forehead then the tears on her cheeks.

  “There is nothing to feel ashamed of, little one. I will take care of you, now.”

  His touch was so soft, so gentle. She hadn’t experienced tenderness from a man in such a long time she had forgotten some of them were actually capable of it.

  She tried to stop crying, feeling it was weak. She’d learnt to only show strength and anger to make herself appear strong, wilful and determined to James. She’d hidden her emotions so James could not manipulate or hurt her with them and now she was stuck in the pattern. She hardened her voice as though nothing had happened making Alexandrov look confused.

  “Thankfully, he hasn’t come near me for seven months now. I think he has realised he just can’t break me anymore. I am too numb now. I also think another woman is satisfying all of his needs.”

  “And who is satisfying yours?” he asked seductively casting his eyes over her curved form. He knew it. He knew she was wet. She could tell by the way his eyes flicked back and forth along her completely shaven pussy. She said nothing, breathing hard, disturbed by the way the heat from his eyes made her melt and for the first time in a long time made her feel desirable. He stroked his fingers up and down her throat while he curved his hand around one breast, studying it closely as he gently tugged on the nipple. Unable to help herself she let out a pleasured moan of satisfaction enjoying the piercing shot of hot, cold pain as he bent to nip the teat sharply between his teeth. He slid his hand down between her cleavage over her stomach to her vagina to sink his fingers inside the hot, soaked pink folds. She felt him caress his middle finger around the entrance to her channel teasing her with the prospect of penetration, flicking her clit, expertly building her need.

  “We can do amazing work together, kotyonok. I want to buy the 629 and invest in your new experimental wing design, the Empyrean-800 as well as your dream to design spacecraft to orbit the earth and land in any city within less than an hour. I love the way your mind and the designs you create are pushing the boundaries of what we have already achieved. Your mind is so full of wonderful ideas and inspiration. You told me of them when we last met and I have never forgotten them,” he whispered against her nipple pausing his speech to suck it like a man possessed. “I have wanted you for so long, little one. You are such a rare combination of beauty and genius. You captivate me. Tonight, I will take you from here.”

  He lifted his face from her breast to capture her lips to devour them in a possessive demanding kiss that took her breath away. His grip on her throat tightened a little heightening the experience of feeling bound and confined in his power and she found herself reaching for more with her mouth. She was lost, almost consumed in him when she was rudely awakened by the door to her room being slammed shut and a key being turned in the lock.

  Chapter 4

  Diana’s eyes flew open wide in terror. Alexandrov stared at her for a moment his gorgeous black eyes communicating reassurance. He let go of her throat as the footsteps from the intruder approached the bed. She watched the Russian billionaire reach into his tuxedo jacket and pull out a revolver. As the intruder came closer, he quickly stood up directly in front of Diana to shield her and aimed the weapon.

  Diana heard Alexandrov issue some words of reproach in Russian and ventured a look to her side to see who it was.

  “Ilya,” she whispered his name.

  Alexandrov was lowering his weapon and putting it back in its holster and both brothers were now engaging in a war of words. She knew enough to get the gist of what they were saying and decided it was best to stay exactly where she was in case the row erupted into one of their trademark fights they had become famous for over the years.

  “Are you really still carrying that around?” Ilya gestured at the revolver as Alexandrov finished replacing it inside the holster. “Who do you think you are? James Bond?”

  “I came to get Diana out of here. I wasn’t coming unarmed. James Logan is not going to let her go wit
hout a fight. What the hell are you doing here? You have no reason to be. Leave.”

  Alexandrov’s tone was now threatening.

  “Is that an order, Alexandrov? I don’t take orders from you now, remember? Our Spetsnaz days are over or are you still stuck reliving them? Besides, I am here for the same reason you are.”

  “You are not needed. Leave before I make you.”

  Diana saw Ilya tilt his head to one side to look down at her. A smile lit his handsome dark features as he took in her naked appearance. He spoke in English.

  “Hello, Diana. Looking as beautiful as ever,” he said with gentleness. “Looks like you have two knights in shining armour fighting to be the one to rescue you.”

  Alexandrov turned to look at Diana.

  “You two know each other?”

  She nodded.

  “Yes, I met him at the conference as I did with you.”

  “You never said.”

  Diana gulped suddenly acutely aware she was naked, bound and at the mercy of both dominant men who were spoiling for a fight over her. It made her feel more than uneasy and at a disadvantage. She decided honesty was the best policy.

  “I didn’t tell either of you. I didn’t dare,” she said with firm conviction. “I heard about your rivalry and estrangement and the way it always erupted into a fight. If truth be known I would like to work with both of you but at the time you were just too much of a risk and I turned to Eagle Airways as the first to be able to contract one of my new designs.”

  Both men looked at each other and frowned but said nothing.

  “Can someone help me up?” she asked irritated. “And let me get a sheet to cover myself. I feel rather exposed. Then we can all talk.”

  Both Alexandrov and Ilya took one of her arms and raised her from the bed to standing.

  “I can see you have already made a start on convincing Diana to your way of thinking,” Ilya said with one dark eyebrow raised in surprise at her tied hands. Alexandrov took off his tuxedo jacket, untied her hands and helped her put it on. It was obviously too big for her and the sleeves too long for her small curved figure, but she was grateful for the way it sheltered her large breasts and covered her naked flesh. She walked away from the bed and back to the window, lamenting how Alexandrov could no longer continue his pleasurable assault upon her.

  “I can’t leave with either of you,” she confessed looking out at the guests spilling onto the grounds. “I have to stay here and do what I have been asked so I can keep my baby son safe.”

  She stared out of the window at the guests in evening dress laughing and chatting while hearing the sound of music drift up towards her. She was so far up in the tower they would never see her looking out of the long window. She sat down in the window seat with a sigh and then a small cry, prompting her to rub her sore spanked bottom. She heard Ilya chuckle, then he spoke in a serious tone.

  “We aren’t leaving you here.”

  “I will find your son,” Alexandrov’s tone was firm. “And I…”

  His brother corrected him, “We will do whatever it takes to bring him back to you. Did you name him?” he asked gently.

  “No. I never got the chance to. He was taken from me the moment he was born. I never even got to hold him. But in my mind, I call him Ethan.”

  There were no tears in her voice just numbness. The two men were silent for a moment before they conversed in Russian. She closed her eyes remembering her son’s birth again, too lost to bother translating in her mind. Shortly after, the discussion became heated drawing her attention. Frustrated with them both, she rose and placed her small body between them as Ilya went to get physical with Alexandrov.

  “Please stop. I can’t take you fighting. Neither of you can help me. And just for the record, The Empyrean-629 is my design and I get the final say as to who contracts it first and at this rate I am not giving it to either of you,” she snapped pushing them apart with a hand on each of their chests. “And I am not leaving with either of you.”

  Alexandrov swore in Russian and then paused before speaking in Russian to Ilya again. Ilya was quiet before he responded as though he were thinking seriously. She hadn’t been able to make out what they said but she decided discernment was best and kept her hands where they were to keep them apart. The meaningful conversation appeared to end with a nod from Ilya to his brother.

  “We have decided to work together. We will get you out of here and help you find your son. Hopefully, you will see fit to bestow the aircraft on one of us,” Alexandrov told her.

  “You don’t understand. I can’t leave. He will have my son killed.”

  “We are not leaving you here. What kind of men do you think we are to leave you locked up in this tower like a captive princess?” Ilya fumed taking hold of her wrist to tug her towards him. “You are leaving with us and that is the end of the argument.”

  “Ilya is right. Do as we say, or we will carry you out in a hail of bullets, if we have to. This is not just about the Empyrean-629. This is about you and your freedom, woman.” Alexandrov’s tone was uncompromising.

  Diana pulled her wrist out of Ilya’s hold and moved away, pulling the tuxedo around her again.

  “Okay. I just don’t want anyone hurt.”

  The Russians moved towards her again and stood either side of her, trapping her between them.

  “I have an idea,” Alexandrov announced reaching for the front of his tuxedo jacket, still covering her naked body, to open it. “But before we discuss it let us show you just how well we can work together when we put our minds to it,” he said in a caressing, dark, velvet voice intoxicating her with his delicious Russian accent playing on top of his words as he opened the jacket wide.

  His brother moved behind her sliding his hands softly over her shoulders to remove the jacket leaving her naked between them. She gasped when Ilya placed his smooth, cool palm on top of one of her hot bottom cheeks and gently rubbed it.

  “You spanked her well. But I can see you have been lenient,” Ilya said with some amusement. “I would have done the same.”

  It was in her mind to protest, to say no to the sexual tryst but her body ached to be satisfied by them both. Should she be doing this? Three years ago, she had befriended them both and had fantasised being with them both, unable to choose between them despite her notion of a happy marriage. Their images had often crossed her mind at night in those, more lonely hours. Now they were here in her prison room ready to make love to her at the same time just as she had pictured so many times. It was as though her fairy godmother had granted her wish.

  “What if someone comes in? What if James…”

  Alexandrov moved closer to her to hold the side of her face with measured roughness that ignited a fire inside the pit of her stomach and melted her pussy.

  “Hush, little one. We will protect you,” he informed her before roughly closing his mouth over hers, thrusting his tongue inside her mouth, wrestling her tongue for supremacy while his free hand closed around her breast and squeezed tightly just as he had been doing before Ilya’s interruption.

  At the same time his brother brushed his lips across her shoulders and back as his fingers circled to caress her bare bottom. He slipped his hand around to her front, spreading his palm over her unattended breast to knead it. He played for a while before sliding his hand down over her stomach until he reached her mound. He cupped it and squeezed hard, possessively and inserted his middle finger between the soft, juicy, pink folds. Somewhere deep inside, a small voice cried out with satisfaction when she felt his touch. Ilya’s caress was gentle but firm enough to be purposeful and direct, teasing her with penetration, circling around her entrance, dipping the tip of his finger just inside and then quickly out until she began to buck restlessly against his fingers.

  Alexandrov moved his hand from her face to place his hand around her throat while Ilya gripped her hip to hold her in place between them. There was no escape from the pleasure they were thrusting upon her body. Alexandrov remove
d his mouth from hers leaving her wet lips swollen to close them over her nipple, tucking the teat neatly between his teeth to suck as though drawing milk from it to nourish himself. It drove her wild when he gently nipped her flesh searing her with a hot, cold sensation of pain that fired her arousal to the next level.

  Not to be out done, Ilya moved his hand down her body to join his brother’s by placing his finger next to his inside the petal folds. They stroked in unison taking turns to tease the small bud nestled there. Her body responded by bucking downwards to their devilish fingers competing for their turn to press the pad of their finger against the small hole marking the entrance to the depths of her channel and the centre of her pleasure, mercilessly teasing her.

  The torment made her whimper and she was on the verge of sobbing with delight. She hadn’t been touched by a man in so long. Ilya’s hand smoothed over her bottom before cupping a buttock and gripping it. Another shot of that wicked pleasure pain paradox racked her body making her give a small cry. She closed her eyes, lost, enjoying the way her body fell and rose between them and how they moved in time with her. Ilya’s lips brushed her spine once more as he slid the tip of his finger inside her at exactly the same time his brother began to insert his own.

  Diana panted feeling her core consumed with fire. She’d forgotten how to take pleasure from sex. James had forced his so-called love making on her and she’d learned just to accept and endure but this was so different. This was how she truly remembered pleasure, yet she wondered if it had ever been this intense and consuming. Ilya turned his head to look at her from the side. Both brothers watched her flushed look of pleasure caressing her face intently. They made her feel as though she was their world for that moment in time and it left her feeling awed by their intimate attention, so expert and precise as they stretched their fingers with gentleness up inside her tight pussy unused for the last seven months. They stroked the pads of their fingers across the rough front wall of her vagina where her G-spot dwelt and found her breath coming in short gasps. She desperately wanted to come but she had the feeling she wouldn’t be allowed to yet. The boys had a reputation for being Dominants and highly skilled in bringing out a woman’s submissive nature, if she should possess one, and training her to their individual taste. They liked to command in bed, and she was beginning to discover that was exactly what she wanted from both of them. They were experts in teasing and plying pleasure across her body, and she knew they would have her begging to come before they would grant their permission. The very idea thrilled her and made her want all they could give her.


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