The Princess in the Tower

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The Princess in the Tower Page 4

by Cordelia Gregory

  Ilya’s grip on her bottom suddenly strengthened as he pressed his fingers into her soreness. Then he took his hand away. She felt cool air brush across her bare bottom and the hard slap of the flat of his palm making contact with her rump. She yelped but her pussy appeared to flood all the more and the feeling between her thighs, they were both building, felt as though it would rage out of control. The second strike came hot and fast to the opposite buttock making her buck all the harder down onto their fingers as they stretched them even deeper, fucking her into submission forcing her down onto them with each spank of her already flushed, pink, bare bottom.

  The spanking continued for a short while becoming firmer, harder, her bottom quivering and lifting with each strike. Alexandrov held her throat a little firmer restraining her movement to the rhythm of undulating they set with their fingers inside her depths. Diana didn’t know whether to cry with pain or pleasure. All of her senses were alive, her whole body awakened and at their command.

  Diana let out a sob when suddenly both brothers removed their fingers together in one fluid motion. She glanced downwards to see how thick her juice was coating them. Alexandrov pulled her closer carefully using his hold on her throat as a rein to bring her to him. Ilya moved in closer from behind as they both slipped their wet fingers between the crease of her bottom to seek out the small hole. She shivered with a new sense of unexpected forbidden pleasure when they took turns to circle her anus with their wet fingers as they inserted their middle fingers from their opposite hands in to her pussy to begin their teasing once again. She was tight and compact between them, locked firmly in place, just where they wanted her. Once more their fingers drove deep inside her pussy, a little rougher than last time now she had been stretched to accommodate their internal caress. They slipped along the silky wet lining of her channel to return to her G-spot just as they competed to gently slip their middle fingers into her anus to lubricate the inside. Here they were gentler, first one probing, then the next.

  Diana experienced some small discomfort but the pleasurable torture they now inflicted across her G-spot was to prove an overwhelming distraction and they were able to take turns penetrating her anus before the internal muscles ceased complaining and stretched to accommodate their dual penetration. James had taken her anally once or twice before, but it had been brutal and cold. She’d never thought she would gain any arousal from something being driven into her anus but her two handsome billionaires were teaching her different. They were masters at their own game.

  Her orgasm was screaming to be let loose, returning to the peak of eruption she had felt before they had removed their fingers.

  “Please, please,” she begged feeling her breasts and taut nipples brush roughly against Alexandrov’s silk evening shirt as she moved up and down fucked by their fingers. Ilya kissed her shoulder, then her throat.

  “What do you think, Alexandrov?” Ilya began with a husky tone. “Should we let her climax? Has she been a good girl?”

  Alexandrov was studying her face, his black eyes full of lust for her.

  “I don’t think we should be cruel. Not this first time.”

  “I agree. Let’s take control away from her. We control your pleasure now; you will not take it without our permission, Diana.”

  In perfect united motion the Russians thrust their fingers together, deeper, harder and in and out of her pussy and anus at the same time. Their thrusts were almost cruel driving her passion to a height she had never attained before giving her no choice but to surrender and submit to their command. With a helpless cry her orgasm broke hot, wet and so strong she thought she might faint with its power. It slowed her movements, covering her lithe warm buttery body with a fine sheen of moisture. As it did, Alexandrov captured her lips again with his mouth and Ilya feverishly sucked and kissed at her throat as though he were trying to brand her. His brother repeated the action on the other side of her neck as she panted and cried out her release feeling her hot core melt and pool around their fingers.

  Diana slumped between them warm and comfortably exhausted. They both caught and held her, showering her with kisses, whispering Russian endearments. She felt safe between them. This clearly wasn’t the first time they had made love to a woman together. She’d never expected to find them so attentive.

  “Did you enjoy that, little one?” Ilya asked her. He was much more vocal than his brother who just quietly smoldered with his good looks and communicated with his eyes making her want to obey with the flick of his gaze towards her.

  “Yes. I can barely get my breath back. I have never experienced so much pleasure,” she gushed, her cheeks warming with embarrassment at her words. Both of them were stroking her bottom and still brushing gentle kisses across her throat as though they were unable to tear themselves away from her.

  Diana didn’t want them to leave. She wanted to curl up in bed with them both, but reality began to set back in. James would be missing them. If he found out… He couldn’t. There was too much at stake and maybe now they really could help her find her son and escape this gilded prison in the tower.

  “I don’t want you to go,” she said solemnly worrying for them. “But James will be missing you by now. He can’t find you both here. I don’t know what he would do.”

  “Relax, Diana, we can take care of ourselves. It is you we are more concerned about. I want to take you out now, but he is not going to let you leave without a fight and there are too many people here, including Bazanov, to help him keep you here. So, this is what we are going to do…” Alexandrov began. He led her to the bed and made her sit down while he narrated the plan to her with input from Ilya and made sure she knew the role she was to play and by the end of the weekend she would be a free woman in the Russian billionaires’ protective care.

  Both men cleansed and corrected their attire before leaving. She hated the idea of being left alone again. Ilya hugged her close, his gorgeous, ice blue eyes looking at her with protective concern.

  “I am going to run a nice, warm bath for you before we leave. I want you to soak in it for a while. It will soothe your little, sore, spanked bottom and help you sleep,” he instructed leading her by the hand to the bathroom. She watched him turn on the taps in the free-standing, white marble bath in the white and grey painted room, then reach for a bottle of mandarin and lemon bubble bath. It was soon foaming and taking a hand each, the brothers helped her step inside. Grateful, she slid her body down underneath the warm bubbles. They each kissed her long and lovingly, capturing her lips possessively as they did so and then they reluctantly walked away from her. She heard the key turn in the lock of the door behind them confining her in the tower alone once more and burst into tears.

  Chapter 5

  It had been two days since Ilya and Alexandrov had visited Diana in the tower and the time had passed in a whirlwind. Ilya hadn’t spoken to his brother for years but now they were being forced to reunite to rescue the beautiful, clever princess from the tower. And what a prize Diana was for them both. Once this was all over and she was safely in their possession, he envisaged another war between them until they made Diana their own but until then, just like Alexandrov he was prepared to work together for Diana’s sake.

  After making a discreet exit down the stairs to re-join the party that night, he and his brother had gone their separate ways to maintain the illusion of their estrangement. Ilya hadn’t been able to forget being with Diana or the way her body felt in his hands. He could still smell the intoxicating musky scent of her on his fingers despite having cleansed them. He wanted to be inside her, penetrating her, riding her deep to claim her as his own but he would have to exercise patience, something he wasn’t particularly good at doing when he badly wanted something or someone.

  Businesswomen and wives fawned over him all night and for once even his ego wasn’t interested. All he could think of was holding Diana underneath him in bed. Alexandrov, to his amusement, appeared to be feeling the same. He watched him spend the entire evening
excusing himself from pretty women competing for his attention. The urge to sneak up to the tower room and see her was overwhelming but he and Alexandrov had made a pact and they couldn’t afford putting Diana at risk. James was already drunk which usually made him violent according to reports and he was retreating into a private room to gamble with Bazanov Victorovich, Max Taylor and a few other dubious men and women from the airline industry rumoured for taking cuts on aircraft safety and more. Perhaps he could just…

  Alexandrov was suddenly at his side watching them enter the room.

  “Don’t even think it,” he warned. “It is too much of a risk. We got lucky earlier. I want Diana kept safe until we get a lead on her son, then we can execute the plan to get her out and secure the contract for the Empyrean-629.”

  Ilya felt frustrated and it spilled out in his speech.

  “It’s just like old times isn’t, Alexandrov? You giving the orders and me jumping to them. It is like we never left the Spetsnaz, but we have and you are no longer my commanding officer.”

  “Stick to the plan and keep your ardour under control. We are taking Diana safely out of here tomorrow. If you cause trouble now you will be putting everyone in this room at risk as well as Diana’s son. Think about it.”

  Alexandrov walked away leaving Ilya to gulp his cognac and calm his temper. Ilya excused himself from the party and returned to his room to take a cold shower. It was difficult to sleep, and he lay with his arms above his head imagining Diana lying naked in her bed all those floors above him. Sleep came in fits. He dreamt of her and all she’d been through. It made him nauseous. His thoughts about her changed to ones about James Logan and the others and what he wanted to do to them for hurting her so much. He wasn’t going to let them get away with anything. He prayed Alexandrov’s contact in the Russian Mafia would be able to find a lead on Diana’s son. Bazanov had taken the child and given him to a Russian family. If they didn’t find some way of at least locating the child and making an attempt to secure him, Diana wasn’t going to leave her prison voluntarily.

  He rose at five o’clock and left his room for a run around the grounds. It was his usual habit but today he needed to get rid of tension and clear his head. He needed to be levelheaded for the plan. He glanced at his watch hoping Alexandrov would ring soon with some information about Diana’s son. The guy he had asked to dig around was close to members of Bazanov’s family and those who worked for him. He’d never let Alexandrov down yet when he needed information about something going down. Their own family had vague connections with the Russian Mafia through their father. It wasn’t something either of them wanted known or were proud of but on occasion it proved useful if necessary. He rounded the corner of the castle after coming up from the path weaving around the loch, looking upwards to pinpoint the tower he knew Diana was being held in. He stopped to stare up at it. Perhaps she was at the window looking down on him right now.

  He felt himself harden as he thought of her standing there naked, looking out. It was barbaric what James had done to her but the idea of her being locked away, naked, while she waited for him to attend her like a captive princess in olden times was an appealing fantasy. It made him smile at himself for indulging in a boy’s fantasy but the image of her standing there by the window so helpless, open, ready and willing for him reappeared much stronger.

  Ilya pictured himself stealing into her room just as he had in his mind last night. He would find her by the window looking out, her back to him. The moonlight would be casting its silvery shadow over the curve of her breasts and her silhouette. Locking the door behind him he would approach her, placing his hands on her waist. No words would be spoken. He would simply slide his hand over her hip down to the mound between her thighs and sink his fingers between those slippery pink folds. She would be wet for him. She would have prepared herself for his arrival. He imagined Diana lying on the bed her own fingers caressing her pussy, squeezing her breast with her other hand as she writhed arousing herself, her slender finger slipping up inside her channel, moving in and out. Perhaps he would have prepared her for anal before he left to return at a later time. He would turn her over on to her front to caress his hand down her back and over the curve of her beautiful bottom to appreciate it, pausing to spank it gently for a while just to colour it that perfect rosy glow he loved to see on a woman’s butt. Then he would part the crease between her buttocks and bend his head to kiss the small hole in the middle before coating his fingers with lubricant and circling them around the rim, dipping his finger inside and out to lubricate the channel for penetration, stretching it with two fingers to help prepare her for penetration. Before he left, he would circle the shiny steel butt plug, topped with a ruby jewel, around her anus before pushing the lubricated end inside her. Then kissing her bottom, he would leave her there to rest until he was ready to return and mount her.

  He would leave her for a while, continuing with his day, his mind often returning to the image of her lying on the bed patiently, obediently waiting for him to return while he was in a meeting and conducting business downstairs. When he deemed enough time had passed for her to have contemplated her role as his submissive wife and her surrender to him as the dominant force and leader in their relationship, he would return to wake her from her rest, caressing her body until her eyes fluttered open. They would kiss leisurely as he stroked her pussy to build the fire between them just a little more enjoying the way his fingers slid so easily up inside her channel moving against the soft wet muscles until he reached her G-spot. He would idly play with it for a while, teasing her, hearing her pant and softly cry out her pleasure.

  She wasn’t the only one he would be teasing. He would force himself to wait, to grow so hard he thought he might explode. Sometimes he would have time, others he wouldn’t be able to wait just like this day. There would be no time to waste. He would have to have her. He imagined himself pulling the zip down on his suit trousers as she writhed against his side on top of the bed. His movements would become a little firmer, perhaps rougher, driving her desire. Pulling her up onto her knees with one hand underneath her body, the second woven in her hair to use as a rein he would carefully remove the butt plug tossing it away from the bed. Continuing to hold her hair in a makeshift riding rein he would tug her into a submissive position he always liked to see her in and knew gave her deep pleasure. He made her bend her body down on to her knees with her arms placed around her legs to hold her in place in the turtle position. While she turned her head to one side and lay it on the bed, he would hold his long, wide, pulsing cock, pressing it against her entrance, guiding the tip inside. Then with one deep, probing thrust he would embed himself inside her to the hilt, then gripping her hips tightly, he would ride them both to satisfaction.

  “Good Morning.”

  Ilya jerked his head away from the window coming back to Earth with a heavy thump, his fantasy shattered by the cruel intrusion of reality. He put his hands on his hips and looked at his brother in his own running gear trying to hold his temper in check. Alexandrov wore an irritating smile of knowing on his face.

  “It’s strange to think she is up there all alone, a captive princess waiting to be rescued. It’s like a fairy tale. And all we can do is stand here, for now, and imagine what could be with her.”

  Clearly, Ilya wasn’t the only one having indulged in his own fantasy about Diana that morning.

  “I thought about her all night,” he confessed.

  “So, did I.”

  Alexandrov looked wistfully up towards the window.

  “Have you heard anything from your contact?” Ilya asked feeling possessive again.

  “No but it won’t be much longer. He has never let me down and he won’t now.”

  “I want her out of here today.”

  “I know. I do as well but we have to play it safe. Bazanov has this place filled with his men. My own security team is ready. I want to ensure the safety of all of the guests. It will be a battle to get Diana out so I have arrange
d a distraction for Bazanov that will make him leave and take his men with him giving us a clear opening that will endanger no one.”

  “Okay. Then we can really fight over Diana,” Ilya challenged him. “And this truce will be over.”

  “I am not going to let her go. And besides, we will be working together, like it or not. Diana will not let either of us have the Empyrean-629 on our own. She was very firm on this. She doesn’t want to cause any more animosity between us. I don’t like this any more than you do. The last time we shared a woman when we were teenagers didn’t end well but like it or not, we are going to have to work together to make this work. Diana means everything to both of us and I will do whatever it takes to protect her.”

  A knife stabbed and twisted inside Ilya throwing his anger at his brother up to the surface.

  “It’s a shame you didn’t think about that when you left Anishin, our mother and me with our father.”

  Alexandrov narrowed his black eyes coldly at him.

  “You are doing this now?”

  “You would never speak to me about it when I joined Spetsnaz and was put under your command.”


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