The Princess in the Tower

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The Princess in the Tower Page 14

by Cordelia Gregory

  Diana’s body shivered and quaked with hot, deep desire as they held her there poised, waiting for the first thrust. She bit her wet, red-coated bottom lip in anticipation. As she expected and hoped for, Alexandrov’s first thrust was hard, almost brutal, driving inside up to the hilt in one fluid motion. The force he used made her cry out and throw her head back. Ilya took advantage weaving his hand through her blonde curls to tug her head back and keep it there. Her breasts were raised to prominence in front of the billionaire’s face just where he had clearly wanted them. The subservient position allowed Alexandrov to close his lips around one nipple and nip at the teat with his teeth stretching and drawing it to its capacity until she yelped and moaned unable to ascertain whether she cried with the sharp pain or the pleasure the sensation created. He spread his hands up her back, growling as he used his male strength to thrust upwards forcing her to meet each drive into her body, moving his cock until it stroked her G-spot.

  Diana moved up and down on top of him obediently to the rhythm and pace he set. She could sense Ilya watching her. She felt his hand cup the seat of her bottom and grip tight, firmly guiding her up and down. He closed his own leather gloved hand around the opposite breast and squeezed. The dual touch threatened to blow Diana’s mind. She loved the way the leather caressed her soft pale skin. Their touch was firm, even rough at times, spurring her climax to readiness. It made her feel loved, cared for, protected. The list was endless. Best of all she was given no choice to accept that she belonged to them both. She was their precious possession and treasure just like they told her so often. Now she was finally allowing herself to trust and accept their wonderful assertion.

  To her surprise, Ilya suddenly raised his hand and smacked it against her bottom to encourage her movement when Alexandrov increased the tempo of his thrusts reaching up to stretch her bound arms out further behind her until it bore her some discomfort. She panted and cried out watching the windows of the sleek classic car steam up around them as she felt it move underneath them.

  “It is nearly time, little one,” Alexandrov breathlessly told her.

  She could barely manage to contain her climax. Alexandrov was stoking a fire deep inside her, somewhere James had never ever reached when they were happy together. Each thrust felt as though he was spearing her insides, reaching deep into her soul. If he didn’t allow her to come soon, she was sure she was going to faint. The feeling of being consumed was so intense and every slap Ilya spanked across her bottom only exacerbated the feeling.

  “Please, please I can’t…”

  “Just a little while longer then you can beg me, kotyonok,” he instructed.

  Ilya’s grip on her tightened making her let out a scream.

  “Please, I am begging you. Please, Alexandrov let me come. I beg you.”

  It felt exciting, forbidden and dare she say it, natural to beg him. There was no shame this time. She wanted them to have all of the power.

  “Okay, little one. I won’t deny you anymore.”

  His thrusts became slower, deeper, stabbing up inside her. Her orgasm screamed inside her, spiralling through her body with force making her movements feel as if they were in slow motion. His seed spurted hot and strong in a torrent making her climax melt and pool warmly. It was as though she were locked in a warm loving world where she could access her full submissive nature and accept all that she was without guilt or fear. As her orgasm dropped from its great height, she lamented its departure but she was to learn it wasn’t yet over when Ilya pulled her naked slumped body away from Alexandrov into his arms.

  Sliding his arm underneath her legs he carried her out of the car. The cool air made contact with her hot flushed skin and was welcomed. She tried to push the fear of being outside away from her mind loving the feel of Ilya’s arms around her. Alexandrov got out of the other side of the car and followed them. Ilya carried her to the bonnet of the Volga and laid her on the warm top. She looked up at him to see him undoing the zip on his black suit trousers. His brother was now positioned on the other side of the bonnet. He’d untied her hands and took hold of her arms to stretch them out above her head. He joined her wrists together and held them down with one hand to keep them tight in place. Ilya lifted her legs up onto the still warm bonnet, to bend them. Once bent, he splayed them wide and pushed her backwards making her bottom lift from the bonnet leaving her pussy spread open and vulnerable to his deep penetration and the cold air.

  Ilya guided his long, hard cock to her entrance and nudged the tip just inside. Before driving himself inside her, he inserted his index and middle finger between her drenched pink, pussy folds. He stroked her for a moment making her pant and moan and her desire for him cried out into the night scattering the nocturnal animals in the undergrowth and the sleeping birds from the trees. He grinned at his brother, satisfied with her response. Then he abruptly stopped and removed his fingers. He reached his gloved hands underneath her bottom and cupped each cheek. To her shock, he moved his wet middle finger in between the crease to circle her anus. He poised his soaking, leather-covered middle finger just outside the small, dark, puckered hole but did not yet move it inside. With one firm hard thrust he was suddenly ramming himself hard inside her to reclaim her from James and his brother’s own taking. Now it was his turn and she could feel his determination to show her she belonged to him as much as she did to his brother. Neither would part from her. She understood that now. They weren’t arguing about who took ownership of her now. They had worked together to rescue her just as they had done that first night to get her away from her ex-husband, putting their family feud and anger aside to do it.

  Another of her cries rang out in the forest as she felt Ilya’s cock reach deep inside her. Just after his first thrust she had felt him nudge his middle finger just inside her anus. The gentle invasion felt snug and appeared to accentuate the intoxicating feeling of helplessness and submission she felt firing her climax to readiness in the misty air. She bucked like a woman possessed enjoying the callousness of his thrusts as her bottom rocked back and forth on top of the car while his brother, seductively covered her mouth with his other hand intensifying the whole experience.

  Diana’s climax came swiftly but she would not allow it to blossom until given permission by her second Daddy.

  “Good, my zyozdochka,” he said huskily increasing the delicious severity of his thrusts making her body jolt and move across the bonnet, a fine sheen of sweat covering her pale skin as the mist curled around them and settled to cool the heat radiating from her naked figure. She breathed hard against Alexandrov’s hand covering her mouth, her whimpering and moans of pleasure barely contained as she fought to hold her orgasm.

  It seemed as if the delightful torture would never end. Ilya expertly took her to the edge several times then slowed the pace of his thrusts and the movement of his finger inside her anus just enough to keep her perched on the edge and then finally the direct command came hard from his lips.

  “Now, zyozdochka. Now, my little star.”

  He gave a harder thrust and it was as though it had miraculously punched some magic button inside her. She would be amused by the connotation later but at that moment that was how it felt, and her orgasm spurted to life in perfect unison with his own just as it had done with Alexandrov. She stared up into the night sky feeling as though she was skyrocketing up towards it as Ilya snaked his penis through her body twisting his own body slightly to accommodate the movement. Her orgasm screamed out until it melted and pooled as Ilya roared out his own then fell from its height to soothe her body with a warm after glow.

  Chapter 15

  Diana sat listening to the engine noise as the Empyrean-629 glided through the air on its inaugural flight to St. Petersburg, Russia. It sounded perfect. The aircraft was plush inside. The upstairs level was fitted to the latest first-class standards and beyond. There was so much space. It was a dream come true to be on the first flight of her aircraft. But this was not just about being on the flight. They were
going to bring her son Ethan home. The family had been found now that Bazanov had finally been taken into custody and his operation shut down. Her life was turning out just the way she wanted it.

  She glanced at Ilya and Alexandrov engaged in an argument about the state of the aviation industry in the lounge upstairs as they and the other travellers sipped champagne for the last time. The flight was nearing St. Petersburg and soon they would be descending. Diana sat back in her chair contented and allowed herself to relax and close her eyes.

  All of a sudden there was a bang. Diana’s eyes flew open. She couldn’t be right. It sounded like she had just heard a gunshot. There was another one. The plane gave a shudder that she would have normally put down to turbulence, but she’d flown enough planes including a military jet and a 747 to know something was wrong. Another loud bang followed but this time she had no doubts it came from the aircraft. That sound only occurred when there was decompression somewhere. She was so attuned to listening to engine noise and the mechanics of an aircraft she could note any changes instantly. It wasn’t the engines. It was definitely decompression. Ilya and Alexandrov were looking at her with concern.

  “What is it?” Alexandrov asked.

  “Decompression,” she answered authoritatively.

  “But how?”

  “Someone has put a hole in the side of the aircraft.

  The large aircraft shuddered again and dipped. Diana suddenly found herself on her feet. As if to confirm her suspicions the oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling of the aircraft. The cabin was filled with concerned gasps from those around them.

  She was already heading to the stairs and down in the direction of the cockpit at the front of the plane.

  “We have to hurry,” was all she said.

  Alexandrov and Ilya jumped to their feet.

  “They aren’t going to let you in,” Ilya called after her as she hurried down the stairs from the top deck through another bar area and the wide aisle of first-class seats, towards the galley area and crew rest area.

  “They will when I tell them I am the designer and with the airline’s owners. And if they don’t, I will break the door down. I designed the damn plane and I want to know what the hell is going on,” she told him fiercely. “Give me some credit, I…”

  Diana’s speech was halted when three gunshots echoed in unison with a high-pitched scream. Another loud thud quickly followed, and the plane started to lose altitude. Diana felt wind brush against her face. Then she was falling backwards in to Alexandrov and Ilya’s arms. Debris lifted into the air around them.

  “Hold on to something. Put your oxygen masks and seatbelts on,” she shouted out loud to everyone around her with the help of the cabin staff hurrying around them. “The cabin has decompressed. Put your mask on before helping anyone else,” she insisted feeling Alexandrov and Ilya keep hold of her with their arms around her waist.

  There were no announcements from the Captain and the plane was losing altitude fast.

  “We have to get to the cockpit.”

  “You are staying here,” Ilya was firm. “Gunshots have been fired. We will handle this. We know what we are doing.”

  “Yeah but do you know how to fly a plane? There have been no announcements and it appears the pilots are not flying the aircraft anymore. I am coming with you. You can spank me later when I get us out of this.”

  “You know how to fly a plane?” Alexandrov asked astounded. “I thought most aircraft designers didn’t fly. I never thought…”

  “You never thought a small, defenceless woman like me would be a pilot,” she said with sarcasm.

  Alexandrov nodded with a grin.

  “We will discuss this later,” she told him. “Lots of designers do fly.”

  “But have you ever handled an aircraft of this size?” Ilya demanded.

  “I have flown 747s, private jets, military jets and an airship. I think I know what I am doing,” she snapped. “Just fucking get me in there.”

  Alexandrov raised an eyebrow in warning making her heart thud even harder than it already was doing. Although he didn’t say anything, she knew fine well she would be over his knee for any reckless behaviour with her safety for the spanking of her life if they got out of this alive. He pulled her back when she started moving down the plane again with difficulty.

  “You do this our way and I want your complete obedience,” he told her above the roar of the air circulating around the cabin. She nodded.

  “We haven’t got long. The plane has to descend to at least ten thousand feet to get the air circulating again. This is heading straight for the ground,” she warned.

  It was Alexandrov’s turn to nod.


  He was in military mode again.

  “Ilya stay behind her. I will go first.”

  It was a struggle to make it up the plane. As they approached the crew rest and sleeping area just outside of the cockpit they were forced to step over the body of a steward and stewardess covered in blood from where they had both been shot in the chest. Up ahead two men in the airline’s uniform were wrestling with one of the pilots and a steward who both held guns. It was obvious this pilot and steward were behind the shootings. The cockpit door was wide open and one of the windows was blown out. There was blood all over it. Diana closed her eyes for a moment feeling her heart sink when she realised the pilot had been sucked out of the window when one of the assailants had fired shots.

  “You have to get me in there,” Diana was urgent. “The autopilot doesn’t look as if it is on and no one is in control. The other pilot is dead,” she told them directing her eyes towards the broken window drenched in blood. “This must have been arranged by Bazanov.”

  Both men nodded. Ilya pushed her backwards out of the crew rest area.

  “Keep low and keep out of the way. Come when I tell you,” he insisted with a warning look. “Or you won’t just be in trouble with Alexandrov.”

  But another shot rang out. One of the men had turned and aimed his weapon directly at Diana. She cried out as it grazed the arm of her black dress leaving a hole. Ilya’s hand was on her head pushing her down and behind one of the seats before she knew what was happening. Alexandrov rushed towards the man evading another shot.

  “Stay here,” Ilya commanded going to join him.

  She nodded then pulled him back by his arm.

  “Please, both of you be careful.” She felt the sting in her arm.

  “We will,” Ilya promised following his older brother’s direction.

  Diana reached for one of the oxygen masks to take in some air feeling nausea stir inside her. One of the signs of hypoxia. They had to hurry.

  Ilya and Alexandrov moved in to tackle the men, along with the crew, and succeeded by using a set of fighting moves, including head butting, to disarm the two men as the aircraft plunged towards the ground from its optimum altitude. Finally, Alexandrov came to retrieve her, pulling her up, the assailants both knocked out and secured.

  He pulled Diana into the cockpit past a young, injured steward.

  “Do you know how to fly this plane?” he was shaking like a leaf.

  “Yes. Trust me. I designed it,” she snapped reaching for the pilot’s mask trying to ignore the nausea she was feeling from the lack of air. “Now get to your seat and get your mask on. You too, Ilya.”

  Alexandrov sat in the pilot’s seat next to her and put his own mask on. His brother frowned at him but didn’t hesitate any longer and left the cockpit for one of the seat’s just outside. The Master warning alarm was sounding loudly in her ears as the wind blew hard in her face when she took control of the aircraft. She switched it off and contacted the tower in St. Petersburg explaining the situation. The computer was informing her of their descending altitude that was gaining in speed. Calmly, ignoring the blood and pain coming from her arm, she took hold of the lever and levelled the plane off so that she could make the descent in a controlled fashion. She was able to bring the aircraft to the safe
altitude of ten thousand feet and then began tackling the approach to the airport.

  The whole situation was stirring her blood. She was afraid, she hadn’t flown in so long, but everything seemed to be coming back so easily to her mind. It was like riding a bike, you never forgot how. She couldn’t deny the thrill and dangerous excitement she was experiencing of being in control of her life again. Her blood was pumping fast and her mind was clear and alert. She gave Alexandrov some tasks to complete and asked him to inform the crew to prepare for landing as the airport came into view while she checked the flaps and prepared to put the plane on the ground. He carried them out diligently and gave her the information needed as though he was addressing her as the commanding officer. He quickly removed his tie and leaned over to place his pocket handkerchief on top of the wound in her injured arm and put the tie around her arm to hold it in place to stop the bleeding.

  “Landing gear out,” she confirmed feeling her adrenaline pump faster when she lined the aircraft up on approach.

  “Altitude three hundred feet,” the computer informed her.

  Correct altitude for approach. She is handling like a dream despite everything going on.

  A stray thought entered her mind just before she was to set the giant aircraft down on the runway. She loved being in control but with Alexandrov and Ilya she chose to allow them to be in control of her. It was her choice and her choice alone. That was her liberation. This wasn’t a relationship like the abusive one she and James had shared. No one could take that choice away from her.

  With skill, she landed the aircraft gently onto the tarmac and applied the brakes as the aircraft continued past the emergency vehicles waiting for them should they be needed. The plane was brought to a safe halt. Alexandrov removed his mask as the plane was boarded and the passengers evacuated and stared at her in awe.

  “I never thought…”

  He got out of the pilot’s seat and came towards her to help her remove her mask and pulled her up into his arms. He was trembling when he held her.


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