Under The Rug

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Under The Rug Page 2

by Lina Langley

  Looking both ways down the hall turned up no evidence of John or his cart, so I walked and turned right and down the hall to where the janitor’s closet was on this floor.

  I’d gotten a better look inside than most since Ed had invited me in once. It wasn’t exactly a closet, more like a small office that no one had been using which was converted into what it was now. It was both where the cleaning supplies were stored and a makeshift break room that Ed had explained they’d set up for him when he complained about not having a place to smoke.

  That was years ago, of course, and Ed had quit smoking a few years before the laws changed to make it illegal to do so in public buildings, but his big easy chair had remained and he’d still taken all his breaks alone in that small room.

  The door was open a crack and a soft sound reached my ears which made me tread lightly as I approached. Feeling like a voyeur, I peeked through the slit and into the room. My breath caught in my chest as I took in the scene before me.

  John was in the chair, his pants pulled down to mid-thigh as he stroked his hard cock. The noise I’d heard was the soft moans coming from his parted lips as he strove toward release.

  My cock twitched behind the zipper of my trousers in response. I resisted the urge to jerk off while watching John but that’s all the control I had over my body. I couldn’t make it back away.

  I couldn’t not watch as the slick, pink head of his cock disappeared into his fist only to reappear at an ever-increasing rate until I knew he was on the edge and then falling into the abyss. When my name slipped out on a breathy whisper as he came, I almost lost it.

  Before I could give away the fact that I’d been watching him, I turned quickly on my heel and almost ran back to my office where I locked the door and shut off the light. I prayed to every god I could remember the name of, that John wouldn’t come back to clean my office that night.

  The weekend did me no favors. I ditched my friends on Saturday night, even though they protested because they wanted to take me out for belated birthday drinks. Instead of going out to the club, I stayed home to try and sort out what I should do about the situation at work, because it was now apparent that John was as interested in me as I was him. It’s not like I didn’t know how to hook up with someone, it was more me trying to figure out if it would be appropriate. Yeah, I had all sorts of fantasies that involved John and my desk, but was I really willing to risk my reputation or, hell, even my job for a quick fuck at work?

  By the time I walked into the office on Monday morning, I knew what I had to do, but I wouldn’t get the chance to do it until after the work day was finished, which meant I had nine hours to stew and reconsider.

  When Mr. Harriman popped his head into my office to say goodnight, I was a ball of nerves. The break room was only sparsely populated when I went in to refill my coffee cup for the last time that night. One of the janitors –I wondered if it was John–would shut the machine off and clean it, meaning no more hot coffee, which was why I always ended up drinking it cold.

  Every noise outside my door drew my attention, but it was the sound of the squeaky wheel that made me sit up straight and stare at my door in anticipation. John’s hesitation was palpable and it took him a full two minutes to knock before he opened the door.

  “Is it okay if I clean your office right now, Mr. Honeywell?”

  Oh, I guess we were back to being formal again.

  “It’s fine, John.”

  I tried to sound casual to put him at ease, but he avoided eye contact as he pushed his cart into the office and grabbed the spray bottle and rag.

  “Hey, I wanted to thank you for the cupcakes,” I said when I couldn’t take his silence a moment longer.

  Turning, he finally looked at me, but I could see he was still upset. He shrugged. “I saw your birthday marked on the calendar and remembered the no birthday celebrations rule, but I think that’s a crock of shit. Everyone should be able to celebrate their birthday.”

  “To tell you the truth, I totally forgot about it.”

  That made him smile. I was one of those who actually liked the no birthday parties in the office rule. I barely took notice of mine, why would I want to deal with other people’s?

  “Can’t wait until I’m old enough to forget the important dates like that.”

  His smile brightened when I groaned at his joke.

  “Funny. Anyway, I wanted to apologize for Friday. I was under a lot of stress all week, and I finally figured out the problem.”

  I stood and walked around my desk to lean on the front of it only a couple of feet from where John was standing.

  “What’s that? You need to get laid more often?”

  “Huh?” I had no idea what he was talking about, and I was all of a sudden too captivated by the flush on his cheeks to think it through.

  “Was that the problem, the lack of sex?” he asked, seemingly in the mood to tease even if it turned him into a bright red beacon.

  “Oh, no, that’s funny though,” I crossed my arms over my chest and his smile fell as if in anticipation of a rebuke for his unprofessionalism. “No, it was a computing error that my team had been looking for over a week. You have no idea how hard Harriman rides us when something like that happens.”

  His smirk was back and I realized what I’d said and how it sounded after his joke about sex.

  “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

  “Sorry, no can do, it lives there.”

  He chuckled when I shook my head at him.

  “I’m glad you liked the cupcakes. I hope they were good. I was thinking I’d get one but…” He shrugged as if to ask, what can you do?

  “Yeah, about that,” I said and watched his face to see if he knew where this conversation was heading but other than the faint glow of the receding blush, John looked calm.

  I’d gone over it in my mind a hundred times and in the end, I thought it only right that I tell him I’d watched him jerk off. “I came looking for you after you left.”

  John’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open but he quickly regained his composure. “Oh? What did you want?”

  I stood to my full height which meant he had to look up at me since I was a good six inches taller than him.

  “You left the garbage bin without a bag so that was what I was looking for initially, plus I wanted to apologize for being a dick earlier, but when I found you, I didn’t want to interrupt what you were doing.”

  I left it up to him to figure out why I was hesitant to do such a thing and it dawned on him quickly.

  He shifted from one foot to the other while pushing his hair out of his eyes, a dead giveaway that he was nervous.

  It was a tick I’d noted on the first night. He took a few seconds but then his response wasn’t what I expected, and it left no question as to if he knew what I’d seen.

  A slow sensual smile spread across his lips before he asked, “Like what you saw?”

  It was my turn to look shocked. I had expected him to be embarrassed at being caught jacking off in a closet, but then I was forgetting what it was like to be a horny, gay teenager.

  I coughed to clear my throat and to give myself a moment to get my own hormones under control. “That’s beside the point,” I said in the sternest voice I could muster. “You should know, even if I wanted to, there’s no way that we could start something. It’s against company policy.”

  He stepped in closer to me, and I had nowhere to go since my desk was right behind me.

  “That’s a lie,” he said in a low voice that made a shiver run down my spine. “I’ve read the employee handbook. The only time office romances are in violation of the policy is if either of us was in the position to affect the other’s job either by helping or hindering the advancement through the company’s ranks.”

  He moved in until his chest was pressed against mine.

  “Did you memorize the entire handbook, or just that one passage?” I asked, not even trying to push him away.

  “I rea
d the whole thing but I paid extra attention to that part after I met you.”

  He grinned up at me like he’d won some game I wasn’t even aware we were playing.

  “Well, even though it’s not strictly against the company’s policy, it’s against my own personal one. I don’t date people from work.”

  Finally, I was able to get my body to cooperate so I could grab his arms and use my grip to move him away from me. He didn’t put up any resistance and let me step away from the desk so I could go back to my chair. Trying to intimidate him with my size didn’t work. I’d have to come up with another strategy.

  He watched me with narrowed eyes, and once I was seated, he came around to my side of the desk to lean over me–hands on the arms of my chair, pinning me in.

  “Who said anything about dating?” he asked just before he kissed me.

  I should have pushed him away and told him no–shoulda, woulda, coulda–but I didn’t.

  Instead, I opened my mouth and let him plunge his tongue deep inside it.

  I sucked it in deeper, and he moaned, the sound going straight to my cock.

  That’s when I knew there was no stopping this thing he’d started. The images of him naked and wanting on my desk drove my lust as I pulled him down into my lap. With the arms on the chair, this didn’t work as well as I’d have hoped.

  John pulled back and my lips chased his, causing him to chuckle which only seemed to stroke the fire he’d lit within me. He stood and pulled at my hand so that I would follow.

  I did, and when he wrapped his arms around my neck, I was the one to initiate the second kiss. Our lips moved against each other as I backed him up against the door to my office.

  I may have had nothing but sex on my mind at that point, but just a tiny part of it was still on guard enough to know that the door had to be locked, because getting caught fooling around at work would do nothing for my career.

  Once that was out of the way, there was nothing holding me back. My hands went straight for the buttons on the front of John’s uniform shirt, and when he caught on to my intentions his nimble fingers made short work of those on my dress shirt.

  He grunted when he encountered my undershirt, and I groaned when I found nothing but skin under his. His chest was smooth with only a smattering of hair down the center and when my hands were done exploring, I knew where I wanted my lips to be next.

  Tearing my lips from his was no easy feat, but I managed to free myself to kiss across his jaw and then down his neck, where I sucked until his breathy moans turned into gasps of pleasure.

  There were still too many clothes between the two of us and as his fingernails dug into my bare shoulders my hands went to the button on his pants.

  “No, wait,” he panted.

  My hands stilled, but my lust addled mind could make no sense of why he’d want me to stop.

  I detached my lips from his neck and looked into his face, which looked even younger right then.

  “This isn’t your first time, is it?”

  I was mortified to think I was getting ready to take away his innocence while I pinned him to the door in my office.

  He snorted a laugh and pushed at my chest. “What the hell? I’m nineteen, not twelve. Quit looking at me like you think I’m some scared virgin.”

  I couldn’t figure out why my lips and hands weren’t on his body. If his being a virgin wasn’t the issue, what was?

  “Okay, then what are we waiting for?”

  “I want your pants off too.”

  He grinned, and I wanted to strangle him, but instead I pulled the button on my trousers and let them fall down around my hips before going back to the one on his. Bending down, I kissed him while shoving at his pants and underwear all while he did the same to mine.

  He took the time to kick off his shoes and pants, but I just stood there with mine around my ankles as I pressed my body up against his.

  We both drew in sharp breaths when our cocks rubbed together. Frotting against the door was amazing, but it wasn’t enough to get me off.

  I had nothing in my office or on my person to help facilitate a sexual encounter, so the only thing that came to mind had me dropping to my knees before him.

  He stared down at me with wide eyes as I kissed his toned abs and fondled his balls with one hand, all while gripping his throbbing cock with my free hand.

  When I licked the little bead of precum from the slit, he closed his eyes and moaned obscenely.

  That was the only encouragement I needed.

  After taking the head into my mouth and giving it a suck, I released him and licked down and then back up his length, teasing him. He was impatient. Before long, he gripped my hair when next I took him into my mouth and held me there.

  “Please, Max.”

  I looked up to make eye contact with him and the pleading didn’t stop at his words.

  His eyes begged me to make him come and so I set out to do just that.

  At first, I took my time, but when his hips started bucking, I opened my jaw and let him take the lead, only keeping one hand wrapped around the base of his cock to keep him from gagging me.

  “Max, stop, Max, I’m gonna come.”

  John pulled at my hair but I wouldn’t let up. He came with a sharp shout and then a groan. I swallowed as quickly as I could, but his knees buckled and I had to let off to make sure he slid gently to the ground.

  He sat there panting and trying to catch his breath and when he did, he said, “That was… awesome. I’ve never had a guy let me come in his mouth before.”

  The way he stared at me with a wide-eyed sense of wonder usually would have caused me to preen at a job well done, but I couldn’t really appreciate it when my own cock was still rock hard and throbbing.

  I reached for it, intending to take care of it quickly, but John knocked my hand away and after spitting in his own palm he took me in hand. It wasn’t the sexiest scene ever, but I was still so turned on that it didn’t take long for his strong grip and perfect strokes to make me shoot my load out onto the pile of clothes near his leg.

  “That was my uniform you just came on,” he said when I flopped over and laid on my back, head pillowed on his thighs.

  “Well, you’re the janitor, right? You should be an expert at getting out stains.”

  He pinched my nipple but his smile told me he hadn’t taken any offense at my comment.

  After we’d both dressed, and John had wiped my spunk off his pant leg, he went to his cart and pushed it to the door. He flipped the lock before turning back to look at me.

  “We’re going to do this again.”

  It was a statement, not a question.

  I could only nod in acceptance.


  It was hard to determine which of the two of us was the instigator of our nightly trysts in the weeks to come. Most nights it was like we were of one mind and just came together as if by some unseen force.

  We never saw each other outside of work and as the time passed it seemed to me that we might never take our affair further than the nightly fuck in my office or the storage closet down the hall.

  John didn’t seem overly concerned about it nor did he ask for more, which made me hesitant to suggest that we meet up for something that might be considered a date.

  He was young and still trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. Maybe I was just a fun distraction on the way to where he was going.

  But soon it was evident that I was falling in love, and I didn’t know how to stop it or even if I wanted to if I could.

  It was the night before the annual Fourth of July company picnic.

  I was standing with my back pressed against the wall as John, who was on his knees in front of me, took my cock as far as he could into his mouth and then hummed.

  I groaned and gripped his hair as I came, shuddering at the heavenly sensation of having his lips around my cock as I released a deluge of come into his mouth.

  He was getting so good at
making me come that I was getting a complex about how quickly it happened.

  “You taste good,” John said once he’d let my cock slip from his lips. “You must have taken my advice and lightened up on the meat and dairy.”

  He stood and kissed me, letting me taste myself as if to prove his point.

  A breathy sigh left my lips when he pulled back. “Nope, I had some pineapple juice.”

  I wasn’t going to admit that I’d changed my diet for him when he’d complained about my come being bitter one night and came back the next with printouts on how I could remedy it.

  I figured it was the least I could do since he spent so many nights drinking my come.

  “Well whatever you’re doing, it’s working and speaking of working,” he eyed his little cart. “I should get back to it.”

  He left me to button up my trousers as he picked up the spray bottle and rag.

  “Are you here to work or did you just stay to see me?” It was the first time he’d asked if I was specifically staying so we could see each other, which I’d done on occasion.

  “I have a report to finish up, but it shouldn’t take me too long,” I said. I unlocked the door and then went to sit at my computer while he did his nightly duties around my office.

  It was only moments later when a light tapping preceded Mr. Harriman as he entered my office.

  “Max, I figured I find you here,” he said with a jovial grin.

  “It’s usually where I am.” I smiled back at my boss. I got on well with him most of the time, and he was probably one of the fairest supervisors in the building so that was a plus for him.

  “I was wondering about that quarterly report. With tomorrow being the holiday and all, I wanted to make sure it’s on track to be submitted when everyone comes back from the long weekend.”

  His eyes left me to scan my room and when they landed on the janitor’s cart, they immediately went to John and narrowed.

  “Are you supposed to be cleaning when an office is in use?” His sharp tone made me tense but John rolled his eyes.


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