Ivy's Dragon: Dragons of Telera (Book 7)

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Ivy's Dragon: Dragons of Telera (Book 7) Page 5

by Lisa Daniels

  And where do I fit into this?

  “That depends on if you will help us or not.”

  What kind of help?

  “We need to destroy them. We’ve had one of their kind for years, but apparently, he was not enough to lure any of his friends here. That had worked to our advantage. But now they are all here, right before we are about to triumph. They must be taken care of before they ruin everything.”

  The oily voice cut in, “But clearly you are something they want to save. Funny how they don’t know you, yet they feel compelled to save you. Without you, they would never have made it this far.”

  They had set off to look without me.

  “Yes,” the oily voice purred, “but they have a short schedule. They are needed elsewhere. Our prisoner wasn’t even important enough to rank as their highest priority.”

  “No, he wasn’t,” the other voice hissed. “They merely tried to squeeze him into their adventures.”

  Don’t know what you are talking about.

  “And there is no reason that you should. We don’t need your understanding, we simply need you to give us assistance.”

  The hissing voice broke in, “It should be something you can do easily. We want your help destroying them, something that you should take great pleasure in doing. It was their fault you were there, in the woods. Alone.”

  Ivy kept an ear out for what Anani, Cyprian, and Noely were saying, and she could tell that their concern was far deeper than what the two voices were professing. At least Cyprian and Noely were concerned; Anani seemed only half present as the other two appeared to be trying to track her. She could feel the tears of Noely as she listened to the voices, and it shocked her to learn how ashamed Cyprian was at failing to protect her. It made no sense – he hated her. Didn’t he? Then she felt Noely trying to calm the situation, to tame him through her own tears, but he refused her comfort. He was blaming himself for what had happened, and his emotions were beginning to take an effect on the area around them. The clouds above them were growing dark and a wind was beginning to whip around them. Anani was trying to talk to both of them, but his words appeared to fall on deaf ears. Ivy suddenly hoped that Anani had some way of getting things under control considering the other two were relatively useless at the moment.

  For the first time in her life, Ivy felt guilt. She should have waited, but instead she had fled out here, and this was the trap. They had tried to protect her, clumsily, without explanation, but they had tried. Cyprian had even shifted for her, and saved her from the fate this pair seemed to have set up for her.

  I was supposed to die in that tunnel.

  “Of course. Cyprian’s pet would have been distraught, and that would have gotten to him. Your strange heroics and disappearance seems to have worked just as well.” There was a high-pitched laugh at that. “He is, indeed, getting weak.”

  Ivy relaxed her body and put her emotions aside. You tried to kill me, and now you want to recruit me?

  “You are quite stupid, aren’t you? Of course. We had to kill you to accomplish our goal. There was no way for us to know just how docile Cyprian had gotten within a month’s time. What other purpose could we have for you?”

  It seems you have found another one that does not require killing me. And I assume that as soon as I help you, you will dispose of me as well.

  There was quiet for a moment. “We’ll probably kill you so that you don’t report anything that happens here.”

  “At least you will have a chance for vengeance before you die. They pulled you out here, so you can take them down with you.”

  Your honesty is almost refreshing, but I’m afraid that I’m going to have to turn down assisting you.

  “But why?”

  If you are only going to kill me anyway, I see no point in making things easier for you before you do it. You don’t seem to think you will be successful without me, and I think I would love for it to be incredibly difficult for you.

  There was a sudden shift in the air under her feet and Ivy felt the air move almost like it was a door as the voices growled and hissed at her. A smile spread over her face as she began to plummet into the widening chasm.

  At least the suffering is over. The thought flashed through her mind, not for the first time. She had never longed for death, but Ivy had never found it to be beneficial to fight it too hard when it looked inevitable. Things had always ended up working out, although things had only looked this bad a couple of times in her life.

  Leaving her eyes closed, she spread out her arms and figured she would at least enjoy the last few moments of her life before she shattered on the metal she was now certain was at the bottom of the new chasm. Her life had been one continuous fight, and finally she could let things go wherever the world wanted to take her. She firmly believed that it was always best to find the enjoyment in life when everything else was against you. For the first time in a long time, she let her guard down, an honest smile flitting across her face as she accepted death as the result of yet another failed attempt at freedom.

  Chapter 5

  Through the Prisoner’s Eyes

  Ivy felt her hair billowing against the side of her neck and face as she plummeted. Wanting to see the sky one more time, she opened her eyes. Unfortunately she had already fallen too far to be able to see anything but the dirt and debris falling around her as she passed through the chasm. Surprisingly detached from the events around her, Ivy found her mind providing critiques of the latest events.

  I suppose something like this was bound to happen. Never could just leave well enough alone. Just like that time when I was at the gates of Shrinton with the royal jewels and I saw that child trying to protect the dog. I could have been rich. I could have gotten away with it. But noooo, I just had to step in and blow my own cover. Why is it I always have a fit of conscience right when things are starting to go my way? Knew it would get me killed someday. Well, at least my killers will have a more difficult time without me. Petty vengeance, but it does make me feel a little bit better.

  The narrative was interrupted by a bright flash from the opening of the chasm. At first, Ivy thought that it was the end, but the light appeared to get brighter. Too late, she realized that it was some kind of explosion. Attempting to shield herself, Ivy brought her arms around in front of her face as she felt a blast pushing her down faster.

  Well, shit, that was completely unnecessary. I’m already about to die. They didn’t have to add that to it.

  Then the world stopped.

  For a few moments, Ivy lay there trying to figure out if she had reached the afterlife or if something else had happened. When nothing happened, the thief moved one of her hands. It made a slight metallic noise as she moved the fingers up and down against whatever she was laying on, and she could feel it reverberating under her. Feeling a little more certain of her surroundings, Ivy moved her other arm. Her right hand stretched out, and for a moment, she thought that it should hurt as she moved it from her face to the metal beneath her.

  Apparently this thing stretches for several miles. Wonder what it’s for. I suppose that means I’m not dead either. Or the afterlife is a lot more boring than we were told. Hmmm. Ivy’s detachment from her predicament continued as she felt around her new surroundings. Finally, she began to feel brave enough to start exploring with a little more tenacity.

  Not going to get anywhere just lying here like a corpse. I’m either dead and have to contend with the afterlife or I’m still alive and have to contend with the fallout. A laugh at her own mental choice of words let her know that she didn’t feel any pain after everything that had happened. Lack of pain probably means I’m dead. At least I’ll finally get a chance to see if any of the religions had a leg to stand on. Wish I could rub the results in everyone else’s faces, though. Damn, but I hope they are all wrong because then they will be just as lost as I was in life.

  Curious to know if the flash of light was either her life getting snuffed out or some kind of miracle that kept her
from breaking on the metal structure, she tentatively opened an eye.

  Darkness. Really not too surprising. Wonder if I can see my hand. Ivy slowly lifted her hand to her face; there was no reason to rush anything since she figured she was trapped wherever she was. She felt her arm moving, but still saw nothing.

  Haven’t seen this much darkness since that time I hid in the sewer for three weeks. Ivy’s thoughts continued to flow as she began to sit up.

  “I hadn’t imagined that I would be receiving another companion. I suppose I should be the one to make the introductions.”

  Ivy’s head swiveled around trying to find the source of the voice. “Who’s there?”

  “Yes, that would be the point of introductions.” She felt a pair of hands grasp her hands and pull her up before she could protest. The hands were firm, yet managed to be soft and warm. They were clearly those of a man. “My name is Augustin. At some point I am sure you will meet my charming caretaker, Ester. May I ask who you are?”

  “Oh, you are the guy that everyone is looking for. Wonder if they will give me anything for finding you.”

  There was a moment of silence before the voice responded, “I beg your pardon?”

  Ivy ran her hand through her hair. When it tangled, she began to yank at it as she tried to explain, “There are people looking for you, you lucky bastard. And I don’t mean in the kind of way that people end up looking for me. Congratulations, you’re popular on many levels, apparently. Not that those pricks who threw me down here seemed to realize that. Damn hair!” She yanked really hard trying to get a huge knot out of her hair.

  “Here, I can help with that.” Suddenly she felt hands on her head. Any desire to draw away were immediately dismissed because it felt so good.

  “Thank you. That is very kind of you,” she murmured, closing her eyes.

  As the speaker fixed her hair, he continued with the conversation, “There is no reason for anyone to be looking for me. I failed in the only task that mattered.” There was regret in his voice as he finished with her hair. “It’s really nice. You are fortunate.”

  “Good genetics.”

  There was a laugh, “Yes, I know. It’s kind of a defining characteristic of kitsune, even for those who aren’t fully part of the species.”

  “What?” Ivy was running a hand over her hair, impressed by how quickly he had fixed it. “What do kitsune have to do with anything? And what makes you think that no one is looking for you? I am only here because so many people are out looking for you. And the assholes who want to kill them threw me down here because I refused to help.”

  The voice paused as if torn between talking about one topic and another. It was the impossibility of what she had said about people wanting to find him that won out, and he felt that was the more pressing problem. “That is sweet of you to say, but I have already accepted the fate that I have earned. For my transgressions, my punishment has been to rot down here, as you can see.”

  Ivy’s eyes managed to follow the sounds echoing around her. It was obvious that the person she was talking to was pacing, but why he would do that in the dark made no sense to her. Still, one problem at a time. “This is certainly not a normal kind of prison if it is so far underground and runs basically from the outside of Derbe several miles into the woods. Hardly seems like a prison. Who could possibly make something like this, and why would they make something so elaborate just for it to serve as a prison?”

  “Oh, does this look like a day spa to you?”

  Ivy’s expression of annoyance was automatic. “Oh, haha, aren’t you hilarious. It looks more like the underside of Shrinton on a winter’s night.”

  The voice said nothing, but she thought she could feel something like an air current in front of her face. Taking a step back she tried to figure out what could be so close without being visible. The person behind the voice cleared his throat. “I am so sorry. I did not realize you were blind.”

  “What are you talking about? I’m not blind.”

  There was another long silence. A hand grasped hers. “Come along. I think you are in need of my other companion at the moment.”

  Ivy yanked her hand out of his. “Look, I don’t know what kind of kinky stuff you are into, but I am not interested, buddy.”

  There was a loud laugh that felt like it shook the entire building. “My other companion is a medic. The only thing kinky about her is her attitude.”

  “I think that is a requirement for the profession.”

  “Known a lot of medics?”

  “Only lately.”

  “I look forward to hearing the story.”

  “You are going to be looking forward to it for a long time. As soon as you point me to the exit, I’m out of here.”

  “Given your current predicament, I seriously doubt that is a good idea, even if I could point you to an exit. Let Ester have a look at you and see what can be done. She won’t be able to fix the problem with your magic, but she should be able to do something about your eyes.” A hand slipped around Ivy’s again and began to pull her forward.

  Again, Ivy pulled away. “All I need is the exit.”

  The voice was dripping with sarcasm as the man spoke, “If I could leave, do you think that I would be here in this underground hell? Surely you still have some of your gods’ given sense. Use it. Also, I can let you walk on your own if you would like, but I don’t think that is the best idea. Then again,” the voice seemed somewhat resigned, “you seem quite intent, so I will sit back while you explore your own folly for the time being. It’s been quite a while since I have been entertained.” The sound of things shifting made her imagine that the speaker had just leaned against something.

  “How do I know that you aren’t leading me somewhere even less safe? The last things to talk to me were clearly not looking out for my best interests. I mean they said as much. But why would you care? It’s far more likely that you just want to do something to me and are trying to lead me through the darkness because you can see in it.”

  “Are you always this distrusting?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been alive long enough to know what trust will get me.”

  “That is very sad. You are only 33, and yet you are so distrusting of everyone. It seems pretty clear you have lived with humans your whole life, which explains a lot.”

  “Of course I’ve lived with humans. Why wouldn’t I live with my own kind?” Ivy felt something welling up in her, and she pushed down the sense of panic. Clenching her fists, she tried to be defiant. “I would know if I wasn’t.”

  There was pity in the man’s voice. “Oh gods. Gods, I am so sorry.”

  “Sorry about what? The fact that I’m human?”

  “The long road ahead of you. It won’t be easy. But I am willing to help. I mean, I have nothing but time, from here to eternity. And down here, you can be yourself without too much judgment. For now, though,” the voice was very close, “I have to cause you a bit of discomfort.”

  Suddenly there was a hand on her shoulder and her mind began to race through images of things that she had never experienced. The world looked younger, as she flew over a few small towns. They reached a small town that looked a lot like a small version of Melzi. Through each of the flashes and images, she was helping others.

  Just as suddenly as the hand had touched her, it pulled away. The images faded away as the thief stood there gasping for breath.

  The voice was low and soft as he stood close by, “This one will be a little more difficult, but I believe it is necessary because I don’t have the words to convince you of your current situation.”

  Her newly fixed hand was lifted and a different set of images flashed through Ivy’s mind. She saw herself falling through the ceiling – but the ceiling was still whole. It looked almost like she had fallen out of thin air, as if something had drawn her through the metal and into a strange-looking prison. Her view was from a completely different angle, and that angle included a pair of incredibly muscular arms that reached out
and caught her body as she fell. There was a moment where she stared at herself before heading toward a small metallic table. A minute later, she began to stir as the person standing nearby watched. The sound of her laugh startled the person watching her.

  She felt a smile spread across her face. The voice was a little different because it was coming out of her. “I hadn’t imagined that I would be receiving another companion. I suppose I should be the one to make the introductions.”

  The warm hand left hers as Ivy stumbled backwards. “What did you just do? What was that?”

  “I’ve shared a few memories with you so that you can see that you are not somewhere that is dark. I don’t know how, but something brought you through the prison and it has left you blinded. The other problems we can deal with later. For now, Ester may be able to help you, if you are willing. I am not going to pressure you or force you to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “So, you want me to believe that you are just going to sit here and wait for me to come around?”

  “I don’t see that I have much of a choice.”

  “Well, most of the time people would disagree with that.”

  “I’ve never been accused of being like most people. It used to be one of my defining characteristics.”

  “Aha! Used to be. It isn’t any more, so you admit that you are more like them now.”

  “I’ve been here for years, and I was dying slowly until somewhat recently.”

  “But you still admit – wait, what do you mean you were dying slowly?”

  There was a sigh. “Here. Sit down and get comfortable because this will take a while.”

  “Is that really necessary?” Ivy was feeling a little dizzy from the flashes in her head. Or maybe from the fall. Or years of running. Suddenly she felt much older. “Alright. If you will help me sit down, I would appreciate it.”


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