Luna's Lovers [Beyond the Veil 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Luna's Lovers [Beyond the Veil 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 17

by Honor James

  “He could be anywhere,” Kristjan said with a grin. “Good hunting,” he said waving her off. “Go, I’ll take care all of this, darling. He won’t wait forever and if he comes hunting, you’d better run hard and fast.”

  Luna laughed. “Oh heavens no. If he comes hunting that would only make it all the better for me.” Chewing her lip she grinned. “Maybe I should hunt for him, but not find him so that he will have to find me.” Impulsively she gave Kris another peck on the cheek and then took off to hunt down Volker.

  “Make him work for it!” Kristjan bellowed after her. “Be nice if he worked for something once in a blue moon,” she heard him mutter not so quietly. Then she heard a loud smack. “Ow! Son of a bitch, Volker! You’re not even in the room, how the fuck?”

  A deep chuckle seemed to pour from every direction at once. A very neat trick.

  Luna snickered and raced off. She called out to Volker, looking for him, but hoping not to find him so that he could find her. As she moved from one room to another she stripped, leaving clothes here and there for him to find as well.

  “Oh my, you are being naughty aren’t you?” His words were in her ear, his breath warm on her skin, but when she spun he wasn’t anywhere to be found. Was it just a trick or had he been there? “Whatever will I do with you, Luna dear?” Now his voice seemed far off, yet also seemed to echo through the house.

  “I don’t know. I guess you will actually have to come to me to see.” She said as she pulled her panties off and draped them on the bannister. “However that would mean you would have to find me without your tricks.” She teased Volker, mostly because she loved to. “So whatever will you do with me, my dear sweet Volker?”

  Arms slipped around her from behind. “I think the better question might be,” he whispered in her ear. He was naked as well, his cock rubbing between her ass cheeks as he drew her tighter to his chest. “What won’t I do with you?”

  “So glad that you are thinking the same way that I am.” Luna leaned her head to the side, baring her neck for him. “I take it that you need me every single bit as much as I need you? That you are as desperate and hungry for us to come together as I am?”

  He made a purring sound, the first she’d heard from him, as he licked her throat. His one hand slid slowly down her belly and over her pussy to cup her, his fingers right at her entrance. “I could devour you right now, again and again and again,” he told her.

  “And I would totally let you.” The lights flickered around them. She didn’t know if it was her or him but she loved it all the same. Her legs moved so that his hand had free rein and whimpered when he touched her boldly. “Gods yes.” Her hips shifted and she rubbed her clit along his hand and moaned again in pure delighted pleasure.

  “I want to feast on you,” he said against her throat. “Lick you to orgasm and suckle at all the sweet juice you’ll give me. I even promise to keep my teeth to myself,” he said with a chuckle. Then he slipped two fingers into her pussy and rubbed over the bundle of nerves within lightly.

  “But I would not mind your teeth in me at all. I happen to love your teeth on me or in me every chance possible.” Just the thought had a shiver ripping through her body.

  “Even down here?” he asked, stroking a finger over her pussy. “You would let me sink them into your sweet, full lips as I stroked you to orgasm with my tongue? Think carefully about that, Luna. Cause if you say yes I’m pulling out a shit load of tricks to get you on your back on a bed right fast.”

  “Yes, even down there. I want everything with you and I know how much that excites you and it does me too. I know you wouldn’t hurt me.” He would instead give her pleasure, nothing but pleasure and she knew it as well as she knew her own name.

  He let out a rough growl and spun her around in his arms. His head came down and he kissed her, hard. His arms were around her and they felt like they were moving. No, not moving, falling. Her back hit the bed, which should have been impossible, but she didn’t really care since his mouth was now slowly working down her throat. “I love how you taste.” He growled. “So sweet and sexy, sensual and enticing.”

  Luna arched up into him and grinned. “All for you. Since you are the one and only Vhampire that will ever drink from me.” She moaned when he worked his way down her body, her eyes closed in sheer bliss when his mouth covered her breast and his tongue toyed with her nipple.

  “Damned right I’m the only Vhampire.” He growled, moving to her other breast. “I’ll personally destroy any fool that thinks to put his fangs into your delicious little body.” He sucked hard on her nipple, flicking it with his tongue as he tugged gently.

  “Damn straight.” Luna arched up off the bed and tugged at his hair. “That feels amazing, but lower.” She all but begged the poor man.

  “Patience, woman, I’m working my way there.” She could feel the smile on his lips right before he nipped at her belly. His tongue slid out and soothed over her skin, then trailed a blazing hot path down to her waist. “You smell like sex and sin,” he said on a moan, nuzzling his nose to her inner hip.

  “Well those are wonderful names for you and Kris.” Luna teased him. She smelled like them. So if he was telling her she smelled like sex and sin, that was what she would call them from now on in teasing. “I think you would be sin. Right down to your toes. You call to a woman and make her want to sin.” And he was so very damn good with sin too.

  He lifted his head to grin at her. “Sin, huh?” He chuckled. “Well then,” he said, dropping his voice to a lower octave. “Let’s see about helping you sin just a little today.” She saw a flash of fang and then his tongue was on her clit and all thoughts flew away.

  Luna forgot how to breathe for several seconds. Volker could do that to her so very easily. He could make her forget everything, anything and she loved it. Her hands dropped to his head and held him in place, demanding more from him and loving it.

  He shifted her around, moving her legs and settling down between her legs. With two fingers he spread her open, suckling at her clit before lapping at her pussy. He nuzzled, nipped, licked and teased her mercilessly. Then he shot her a look, warning, and slowly slipped his teeth into the lips of her pussy and drove his tongue in deep.

  Luna screamed. She couldn’t help it. Her orgasm was instant, it was intense and she wanted more. Her fingers curled at his scalp. She held his head to her pussy and demanded that he gave her more.

  Reaching up he began to play with one of her breasts. Squeezing it, flicking the nipple and just generally torturing her. His mouth was a tight seal over her pussy, suckling hard on her blood and the liquid her body just kept pouring out for him.

  Luna shivered in reaction, the pleasure washed over her and she knew that this was her newest most favorite position. “Volker.” She could barely moan his name, the need and the pleasure was so intense that she was sure that she was going to die in an orgasm induced stroke. Not a bad way to go at all!

  Slowly he lifted his head, his tongue flicking over one side and then the other, closing the holes he’d made she was sure. She watched as he licked his lips and smiled at her. “So damned tasty,” he growled. Pushing up he crawled up her body slowly, his eyes intent on hers.

  “Oh heavens,” Luna whimpered. She was boneless under him and in such an amazingly good way too. “Love that moment.” When he began to fill her body, when she was forced to stretch to fit him. She loved it. “And you always feel so very damn good.”

  “What’s that?” he asked, settling deeper inside of her. Slipping a hand down her thigh he lifted her leg up and began to slowly thrust into her still-spasming pussy. “Talk to me, Luna. What do you love?”

  “That moment.” She shuddered. “When you first enter me. That feeling of my body wrapping tightly around yours. Yours tunneling in and stretching mine. I love it. All of it. I want more.” She didn’t know if any of that made sense but at the moment didn’t care, all that she cared about was him moving.

  He made that purring sound again
as he took her hands in his and stretched her arms up over her head. It caused her back to arch and her nipples rubbed to his chest as he thrust into her pussy over and over. “It’s like a warm, sexy little hug for my cock.”

  “Damn straight.” Luna lifted a leg and hooked it around his ass. “And I am willing to hug your cock any day of the week, anytime of the day. You name it and I’m there. I don’t care where we are, I’m so there.”

  “I may hold you to that.” He grinned. Lowering his head he kissed her, sucking her tongue into his mouth and teasing her. Sliding his hands down her arms he kept them moving over her ribs and to her hips. Cupping her ass he tipped her up and thrust in deeper.

  Luna’s body was moving with his. It was easy to do now that they found that perfect rhythm, that speed that made both of them ride the edge of their orgasms. “Harder,” she begged softly, her fingers in his hair and pulling him closer for a kiss as well.

  His mouth met hers as he did as she wanted. He thrust into her harder, the bed rocking with each push of his cock into her pussy. Faster and harder, the friction sublime as he tortured her mouth in a devastating kiss.

  When she finally came again she saw stars. Her scream was caught with his mouth, his tongue teasing hers so deliciously that she came a second time. Panting she pulled back from him. Her eyes were a happy glazed over sort of look and a smile, oh her smile was one that would have melted him if they weren’t both already liquid from their shared pleasure. “That was incredible.” The feelings of his teeth in her nether lips, the taboo feeling of it was intense and made their loving only that much better.

  His cock was pumping into her over and over as he nuzzled her cheek. “You enjoyed it I take it?” he asked, grinning as he lifted his head. She gave a happy nod that had him chuckling deeply, sending little shivers through her body. “Good, we will have to do it often then.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” she moaned then. “I loved the way that it felt but you so have to tell me your secret in getting us here like you did.” She liked it, a lot, and she knew that she wanted to do it again. Often. “And how far can you move us so that like if we were at work and wanted to come here, could you do that?”

  “Distance means nothing if you have a target in sight. I have to have been somewhere before to do it into a building. Otherwise I have to have someone inside that I’m connected with who I can use as my eyes so I don’t end up in a wall. Surefire way to die horribly,” he muttered, making a face and shaking his head. “With satellite imagery and such these days, I can land within a couple feet of a target building.”

  “Right, I don’t want you to ever do anything that would endanger you. Getting us here to our bed is wonderful and something that I’m totally down with keeping you doing. We just will ensure that nothing is ever moved in the room.”

  “Probably best since the landing could end up being a little rough otherwise,” he said with a chuckle. “Though, really, we’ll only be here for a short time hopefully. And then we can go home, wherever that might end up being.”

  “Do either of you have a home on this side of the Veil? If not, how do you work? Do you go through the Veil every day?” she was filled with questions, even as she was filled with him she had questions.

  “We have a condo here in town, a couple of blocks from the office actually. But we travel for work all the time so we just stay in hotels when we’re on the road. I don’t think we’ve been in the same city, until now, for at least two years.”

  “And will that continue? You’re travelling for work and such? If so I don’t think that I like that, at all. All that I know is that I really and truly want to be able to be with the two of you, a great deal. I also know that I wouldn’t be able to be very far from the Veil because of my family.”

  “Kristjan and I were talking about it actually,” he said. Rolling he pulled her with him and tugged up the blankets around her. “We know you want to stay close to the Veil and we understand that. We’ll have to get our assignments changed, but it shouldn’t be too hard, we’re due for that anyway. I know that I have one more out of state course I have to do and I think Kristjan’s got at least one, maybe two more to do and then we’re all yours.”

  “That sounds very good to me.” She would miss them while they were gone but if she was lucky they wouldn’t both be gone at the same time. So she asked. “Will the both of you be gone together? I hope not but if you are I need to know so that I can figure out if I want to come with you or not.”

  He frowned and looked thoughtful for a time. “I honestly don’t know. I know mine’s in about four weeks. Kristjan!” he called out.

  “Yo.” Her Ahnjel stuck his head into the bedroom a moment later.

  “When’s your next training session out of town?”

  Walking in Kristjan frowned. “The first one’s in three weeks for a four week period and the second one is about three months after that for two weeks. Why?”

  Volker looked to her. “I guess there’s some cross over there. I’m out of town in four weeks for a two week session,” he said for Kristjan’s benefit.

  “Well, hell,” Kristjan muttered.

  “Yeah I don’t like that either,” she admitted quietly. Sighing she closed her eyes and shook her head. She didn’t like it. At all. “Then I guess that I will have to find something else to do while you are gone?” And someone else to keep her safe. She didn’t like it. At all.

  “Come with,” Volker told her. “It’s only for two weeks and likely won’t be a bad idea to get you out of town for a while. The sessions are only four hours each day and we can do whatever we want the rest of the time. Hell, if you want, we could even pop in to visit Kristjan from time to time. As long as I know where the hell he is of course.”

  “Are you sure that I wouldn’t be too much of a distraction or something?” she asked with a frown. “I don’t want to give the two of you any trouble, I really don’t. I would love to be able to visit Kris as well though,” she admitted.

  “Of course it won’t be a distraction.” Kristjan grinned at her. “It’ll be great. Otherwise I won’t get to see you for four weeks. Four weeks of worrying about you and that just won’t do. Besides all that.” He pouted. “No sex,” he practically whimpered.

  “Yeah I don’t like that thought either,” She admitted with a frown. “Not having the two of you with me. Not being able to make love with you. I wouldn’t like it. At all. Besides, I would worry about you while we were apart as well.”

  “You’d worry about me?” he asked, clearly stunned. “The worst thing that could happen to me is getting a paper cut or something of that sort at one of these things. Either that or having one of the trainees fall on me, guess that could happen.”

  “At least you don’t have the ones with fire arms,” Volker said with a chuckle.

  “This time, shit,” Kristjan shook his head. “Remember that group we had a year and a half ago?”

  Volker tipped his head and then his eyes went wide. “Right! The guy that tried to shoot off his own cock and nearly took us out in the process. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to do more than get out of bed in the morning. He was one of them.”

  “What?” Luna’s eyes were wide and then she began to laugh. “Oh lord. Gangsta wannabe who shoved a loaded and not safetied weapon into the front of his pants. Right? Oh please tell me I’m right.” She was giggling hysterically at this, it was too funny.

  “Yeah, pretty much. And the worst of it was, it had a hair trigger on it,” he said rolling his eyes at her.

  “He was an idiot. That ricochet nearly took us out and several others with us,” Kristjan said. “We flunked his ass right there and then and slapped a warning on his files so he can never, ever get a gun or handle a gun in his lifetime.”

  “Thank god. Hopefully that will carry on into the public life as well, the civilian side of things so that he will never, ever be able to get a gun permit.” She wasn’t sure how classified the ops were that they trained these men for. “
Wait, was he human? Why are you two training humans?”

  “He was human and it’s on his chip permanently,” he muttered.

  “We train humans and the races alike for the private policing forces that the AEDA contracts to. They must all abide by our laws and regulations which means they are trained by us and then they are individually tested by some random member of the AEDA,” Volker said. “The longer training sessions are usually the uninitiated and the shorter ones are for those that have had training at some point but are not up on our requirements, yet.”

  “I see. Well I guess that it’s a good thing that they are getting the best of the best to train these untrained ones, right?” She did see her mates as the best of the best, because they were hers. “I hate to say this, and please don’t take it wrong, but I hope that the two of you never have to train me.” Mostly because she wasn’t sure that they would be able to be hard enough on her.

  “I’m not sure how to take that,” he said with a frown.

  “Are you even allowed to have a weapon?” Kristjan asked, wrinkling his nose at her. “Cause I’m pretty sure you’re not. And, unless you have a weapon and are in the field working, you wouldn’t ever have to be trained by us. Or anyone else for that matter.”

  “I don’t think I like the idea of you being out in the field being shot at,” Volker said, hugging her closer to him.

  “No, I am not allowed to have a weapon. I tried. Crazy things would fire at random things and people.” Before she had known what and who she was she had tried, but failed miserably. “I’m not allowed anything more deadly than a pen.” She admitted with a frown. “And no, I would rather not be in the field. That’s a terrifying place for someone like me. I like my puzzles and I will keep to cryptology if that’s all the same.”

  “Thank the Gods,” both her mates muttered. A little too relieved sounding for her own sanity really.

  “We love you, Luna. But the idea of you being out there with some of what we know is out there, scares me to the bottom of my dark and pitiless soul,” Volker said. “I know this will likely come off sounding sexist and will likely get me punched, but I just want you safe and sound for all time, babe.”


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