BY CHANCE NOT CHOICE: Marco's Choice - Moretti Brothers Series Book Two

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BY CHANCE NOT CHOICE: Marco's Choice - Moretti Brothers Series Book Two Page 14

by Sage Young


  The next morning a caravan of three black escalade SUVs and an ambulance headed to the airport. Ken, along with his two doctors, rode in the ambulance. Kiyomi, Monica, and Kiyomi’s security team, minus Takeo, rode in the first car. Muri and her security team rode in the second car and Takeo, Marco, and Suri rode in the third car. They all exited the car and headed for the airport hangar to board the Takahashi Jet. They all went through the security point except the security teams, who were not traveling. Suri, being the senior member of the security teams, dismissed the rest of the security teams.

  Suri called Yoshio to inform him that it was done. Yoshio hung up the phone and called another member of his secret security team. He didn’t trust that Suri would carry out his plans completely, so he had another explosive device placed on the plane, in the event that his gut feeling about Suri, working with Takeo was true.

  Everyone boarded the plane. The medical staff made sure that Ken was stable and secure for the trip as everyone else settled in their seats and prepared for takeoff. Monica refused to give Marco eye contact and when he tried to talk to her she totally ignored him. Monica had been so distracted with avoiding Marco that she didn’t notice Muri enter the plane. The pilot announced a short delay and Monica took the opportunity to use the restroom. It was at that moment that she noticed Muri. She turned, walked towards Marco’s seat, and leaned into him as she spoke just above a whisper. “Marco, I can‘t believe you are taking your whore back with you. She must have really made a good impression on you.” The hurt she felt was almost crippling as she stumbled trying to put distance between her and Marco. Macro stood to address Monica but the pilot turned on the seatbelt light and announced over the speaker that they were taking off. Marco decided to finish their conversation when they landed. “Monica, please sit and put your seatbelt on,” he said in a soft commanding voice. She did as he said but turned her head towards the window, totally ignoring Marco. As they started to ascend there was a loud explosion.


  “This is Sue Chin reporting live from Narita International airport where there has been an explosion. We are getting word that the explosion was aboard a jet, privately owned by the Takahashi Corporation. According to the manifest, the plane was heading to the US. It is unclear who boarded the flight but there are reports that three bodies have been discovered in the explosion so far. The identities of the individuals that perished have not been released. Reports are that the engine malfunctioned causing the explosion.”

  Jun stood in his bedroom, stunned by the news report. He quickly dressed and immediately tried Kiyomi’s phone, which went straight to voicemail. He then tried Muri’s phone, again straight to voicemail. He began to panic as he left a message. “Muri, please call me to tell me I’m in a nightmare and that you and Kiyomi are safe. Please call me to tell me you are safe.” He disconnected the call and tears began to run down his face as he slumped to the floor.

  “Please don’t let this be true.” He called his father next.

  “Father, are you looking at the news? What the hell happened?”

  “I am getting the reports in now, son. As soon as I have concrete information I will call you back,” Yoshio said as he hung up the phone.

  Jun called his cousin, Takeo, next. His phone also when to voicemail. He alerted his security team that he needed to get to the airport to find out firsthand what happened. Within minutes, they were speeding down the interstate heading to the airport. Because the explosion and subsequent fire was contained to the hangar where the Takahashi jet was located, planes in the other part of the airport were cleared for takeoff. Jun’s security team was unable to get him close to the scene because the explosion was still being investigated.

  Jun and his security team sat in the private parking garage and continued to listen to the news. He felt like he needed to be near in the event that someone survived. Then he heard the reporter say, “This just in…We are being told that it may take days before they will know how many individuals died in the fire but it appears that no one survived the explosion. Jun began to have shortness of breath as tears sprang in his eyes. “Get out!” he ordered his security team. They all got out of the car, closing the doors behind them. Jun sat in his car and openly cried. He cried for the only woman he ever loved. Images of Kiyomi’s smile flooded his thoughts as he began to punch the headrest in front of him. He could not stop the tears as he also thought about her young impressionable sister, Muri, who never had a chance to find true love. If this was not an accident and they died at the hands of another, that person would pay with their life. He promised himself.


  Yoshio was also watching the live reports as they were coming across the television. He began to smile when they said there were no survivors. With one explosion he had regained his entire company. He walked over to the bar in his office and poured a glass of bourbon. “Here’s to you old friend,” he said aloud as he gulped his drink.


  Suri sat in his first class seat on the plane leaving Tokyo. He was happy to be leaving that part of his life behind forever. Once he was given the all clear to use electronic devices he sent a text. ‘Plane was grounded for several hours. Finally got in the air. I should be landing in about 5 hours. How was your flight?’ He received a response. ‘A little bumpy at first but bearable. We made sure Kiyomi’s father was settled. Now we are heading to Kiyomi’s sister’s house. We will be there to get you when you land.’ Takeo put his phone back in his pocket.

  This had been a stressful twenty-four hours, but thanks to Suri and Marco everyone arrived in the US safely. Now everyone but Monica was heading to Dominic and Victoria’s house. She wanted to go home but promised to come by tomorrow. She was still refusing to talk to Marco or even acknowledge Muri. She slept or pretended to be asleep for most of the flight, only getting up to use the restroom. Kiyomi felt butterflies in her stomach as they drove through the gate. Muri held her hand because she was also nervous to meet her half-sister for the first time.

  When the car rounded the entrance and came to a stop, the front door opened immediately and three children ran out with their parents close behind. When they stepped out of the limo, Takeo helped Kiyomi out of the car and the three children stopped in their tracks as they stared at Kiyomi then back at their mom then back at Kiyomi. Although Dominic saw Kiyomi on the computer, it was still difficult for him to process another woman looking exactly like his wife. As Kiyomi and Takeo walked towards the door, Muri and Marco got out of the limo. When the triplets saw Marco, they all ran to him. “Uncle Marco!” they yelled in unison as they jumped on him. He knelt down so that they could give him a group hug.

  Kiyomi looked at her nieces and nephew and felt instant love for them. Kiyomi walked up to Victoria; neither could stop the tears as they hugged. “You think we can move this reunion inside?” Dominic asked as both sisters began to laugh. Once inside, everyone introduced themselves and the sisters walked into the living room and began to talk while the men went into Dominic’s office.

  “So I see switching planes was successful. Did you encounter any other issues?” Dominic asked as he poured both men a drink. “No, and that is largely due to Takeo’s friend, Suri. If it were not for him, this could have ended badly. We heard the explosion as we were taking off. Takeo and I knew what the noise was but the pilot announced that it appeared to be a lightning strike, but nothing to be alarmed about because we were above it. The ladies still have no idea that they were in danger,” Marco explained. “Mr. Yoshio Yamada should be brought up on attempted murder charges.” “You mean murder charges. I heard that three people perished in the explosion,” Dominic interjected. “What!” Takeo said loudly, as he looked at Dominic. “I ordered everyone off the plane before we boarded our flight. The only casualty should have been the loss of a plane; no one was supposed to be on it. I need to call and find out who was on the plane.”

  “You can use my office phone, unless you need privac
y.” Dominic said.

  “Your office phone will be fine,” he said as he dialed and began to speak Japanese. “What happened? I ordered everyone off that plane. That is unacceptable. I need the names of the individuals. Yes, called me back with the information.”

  Takeo hung up the phone harsher than he intended. “I need to inform Kiyomi of the explosion. The official report will state that there was a malfunction with the engine and that is what the investigation will yield. The company will not allow this scandal damage its image. One of the VPs will have to make a statement and I don’t want Kiyomi to be blindsided by the reports,” Takeo said as he took a gulp of his drink. “But I guarantee that Mr. Yoshio Yamada will pay for trying to kill the woman I love and our unborn child,” he said with resolute. Dominic was well aware of what Takeo was capable of. “We need to calm down and think of a way to handle this situation without it resulting in any more deaths.” Takeo took another gulp of his drink and glared at Dominic. “Really? Good luck with that,” he said as he walked over to the bar to pour another drink. Dominic and Marco gave each other a knowing look.

  Victoria and Kiyomi talked for several minutes. Victoria shared the photos, cards, and letters her mother had saved for her. They both shared stories of their childhood. Muri only sat and listened, allowing her sisters to connect. They talked about everything, including pregnancies. “Have you had a chance to get an ultrasound to determine if you are having more than one baby?” Victoria asked as she touched her sister’s belly.

  “With all of the craziness going on I haven’t had the opportunity to go,” Kiyomi responded.

  “I will call my doctor and have her see you tomorrow. I may be wrong but I have a feeling you may be pleasantly surprised,” Victoria said as the triplets ran into the room.

  Muri smiled as her nieces and nephew ran around the room. She retrieved her phone and checked it for messages when she saw she had several missed calls from Jun. She listened to the message and could not believe what she was hearing. She excused herself and walked into the dining room to call Jun.

  The phone rang once before Jun picked up the phone. “Muri?” he said in a strange voice as if he was expecting someone else. “Yes Jun, it’s me. What’s going on? Your voice message was confusing. What the hell happened?” Muri asked confused and slightly irritated. “Muri, thank God you are safe. Where is Kiyomi? Is she safe?” he asked overly excited. “Yes we are both safe. What’s going on, Jun?” She asked again, now getting worried. “There was an explosion on the Takahashi jet. There was some sort of engine failure and the entire jet was destroyed. They found three bodies and have only been able to identify one person so far. The manifest said that you and Kiyomi were supposed to be on that plane. Thank God that you weren’t.” Jun paused before continuing because he knew that what he was about to say would upset her. “Muri, Kimi was the stewardess for that flight. I’ve been trying to get confirmation of the other two people but it’s been confirmed that she died in the explosion.

  Muri started to cry uncontrollably. She began to shake as she slumped to the floor. “Jun, are you sure? I just spoke with her.” She started sobbing loudly. She didn’t realize that someone had just walked into the room. Rafael, Dominic’s oldest brother, had come by to pick up papers from Dominic and to see Marco. He knew that Victoria was reuniting with her sister and wondered if it was her sister. He saw the distraught young woman in the dining room and walked over to see if he could console her. When he knelt in front of her to ask her if she was okay, it startled her, causing her to jump. Rafael put his hands up in a surrender motion. “I’m just making sure you weren’t hurt? Are you okay? My name is Rafael; my brother is Dominic. Are you Victoria’s sister?

  Rafael tried to use a calming voice as not to upset her further. She looked up at extremely handsome man who had the same amazing gray eyes as Dominic and Marco. She stood as she tried to compose herself. “Forgive me for my behavior, I just received some devastating news.” Her thought about her best friend Kimi and the tears started again. “Hey, please don’t cry,” Rafael said as he held her as she continued to cry.

  Kiyomi went in search of Muri who had disappeared. She walked into the dining room and saw a man hugging her. “Muri?” Kiyomi asked as she lifted her head from his chest. Rafael turned and said, “Hey Vic, I was trying to calm your sister down; she is really upset. Kiyomi looked at him then back at her sister and began to speak to Muri in Japanese. “What’s wrong Muri? What has you so upset?” Rafael looked confused. Vic, you speak Japanese too,” she said then realized that there was something different about Victoria. He stared as he tried to figure it out when Victoria walked in the room.

  “What the Hell…” Rafael said, seeing double. Victoria walked over to Rafael and kissed him on the cheek. “Hey Raf, this is my twin sister, Kiyomi, and this is my baby sister, Muri. Muri, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” “I was just trying to find out the same thing,” Kiyomi added. Rafael kept looking at both Victoria and Kiyomi. They look exactly alike, he thought. “I just got off the phone with Jun and he said there was an explosion on the Takahashi jet. Three people were killed including Kimi,” she said as tears began to fall again. “What? Is he sure?” she asked with unshed tears in her eyes. “Victoria, I need to speak with Takeo.” “Come with me,” she said as they all headed towards Dominic’s office.

  Victoria knocked softly before entering. All three men turned to see the group enter the office. Kiyomi started speaking in Japanese to Takeo. “Takeo, Jun said that there was an explosion on the jet. What happened? Did you know anything about this? Were we in danger? Is that why we switched planes?” Takeo responded in English. “Ki, please calm down baby.” It was at that point that she realized that she was speaking Japanese. “What happened, Takeo?” “Everyone have a seat and we can explain what happened,” Dominic said. Takeo explained how he found out, through Suri. “Yoshio’s planned to get rid of you, your sister, and your father. He figured if all of you died in the explosion he would gain total control of the company.” “So Kimi died because Uncle Yoshio wanted us dead?” Muri asked as tears began to fall again. Kiyomi began to comfort her sister. “I ordered everyone off the plane. I don’t know why the flight crew was still there, but I will find out,” Takeo said angrily. They finished their conversation and Rafael and Marco left. Victoria showed Kiyomi and Muri to their rooms so that they could relax before going to the hospital to visit with their father.

  Later that evening, Marco picked Suri up from the airport and made sure he was settled, while Takeo and Dominic accompanied the sisters to the hospital to see their father. Initially, only Kiyomi and Muri went into the father’s room. They were amazed at how fast their father was recovering. He was awake but still really weak. He smiled when his daughters came in. Muri ran and gave her father a hug as the tears began to fall. “Hey, none of that, I’m doing fine and I should be out of this place in a few days,” her father said as she released him. Kiyomi also hugged her father and sat on the chair in front of him as Muri sat on the side of the bed. “Father, I need to tell you something. It’s about Uncle Yoshio… He interrupted Kiyomi, “He is not your uncle. Never refer to him as such again,” he spat. Both sisters gave each other a look.

  “Okay, Yoshio has done something unforgiveable.”

  “I already know. He’s the reason I have to go through these treatments.”

  “Wait, Yoshio was the one who poisoned you?” Muri yelled. “He is going to pay for what he’s done. First you, then Kimi…”

  “What do you mean Kimi? What has he done to Kimi?” Ken asked as he feared the worst. “Father, Yoshio was responsible for an explosion on the Takahashi jet. Takeo found out about it and we switched planes. We used Mr. Dominic Moretti’s plane. Takeo had ordered all the crew off the plane but they didn’t get the order and Kimi and the two pilots died in the explosion,” Kiyomi explained.

  Ken Sato was furious. Yoshio tried to eliminate his entire family. He was going to pay.

  “Father, I need
to talk to you about something else, the real reason I came to the US, but first I need to you to tell me about my mother and how you found me.”

  “I told you this story many times before. Why the sudden interest?”

  “When you came and got me, did my adoptive mother say anything to you about my birth?”

  “No, I was so angry that your mother just gave my baby away. I didn’t really ask her. My main concern was getting you back. You were all I had left from…” He rested his head against his pillow.

  “Left from what, father?”

  “Left from your mother,” he said just above a whisper.

  Kiyomi placed her father’s hand inside her and began to softly rub it.

  “Father, I recently found out that I have a sister.”

  Her father looked at her with a confused look that quickly turned to anger. “I never fathered any other children. There is just you and Muri. If some other woman has come forward claiming to be my child she is lying.”

  “Father, what I’m trying to say is when mother had me she also had another baby, I have a twin.”

  Ken looked at her astonished. “What do you mean, another baby? Are you sure? You know that people run scams all the time. What proof do you have that she is your sister?” Ken asked defiantly. “She’s here. Can I let her come in and you can see for yourself and talk to her?” Kiyomi asked.


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