The Carrero Heart_The Journey_Arrick and Sophie

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The Carrero Heart_The Journey_Arrick and Sophie Page 20

by L. T. Marshall

  ‘Who knows. He’s a guy…We’re all fucking weird when it comes to women.’ He shrugs, smiling in that dazzling Hollywood special as if that’s going to excuse either an answer and I just screw my face at him a little.

  ‘I forgot you were also an emotional cripple with an aversion to drama.’ I point out, more truth in that statement than I like to admit. Even I know that he’s a guy who will bury his head when things get messy and avoid any sort of conflict until it passes. I guess growing up as a kid in a time where Jake was making his family’s life chaotic, taught him he hated to get caught up in emotional mess. I wonder how much of that is to blame for the ass he made of things between us.

  ‘Yet somehow that made me perfect for you. Go figure.’ He chuckles, screwing up his face to match mine and laughing heartily when my expression drops to one of complete deadpan, when I click on his sarcasm. That I am clearly an over emotional drama attracter.


  He leans in and covers my glare with another swoon worthy kiss that makes me forget to knee him in the balls, and instead get lost in how good that tongue always feels in my mouth. I don’t think I will ever stop having butterflies from the way he kisses me. He just knows how to make me feel like I am the sexiest and most beautiful woman on the planet when he does. Moving back and leaving me light headed and giddy, still wrapped up tight in our happy cocoon, Arrick frowns past me at my friends and shakes his head.

  ‘Maybe next time we pick something the two of them can actually do.’ He laughs and hauls me back with him towards the seats. Arm around me possessively and I notice he has bought me a fresh Pepsi refill and a hot dog with a side of fries. Despite the constant lectures and always telling me to order healthier options.

  ‘Aww you love me.’ I grin picking up the food, throwing fluttering lashes of adoration at him with a grin.

  ‘I clearly do… I even bought you this.’ Arrick pulls a bag from his jacket pocket, a flat, striped paper bag I don’t recognise and take it from him. Opening carefully, I realise it contains a plastic wrapped cookie in rainbow colours with a sticker that reads.

  ‘Magical Unicorn Cookie’

  It’s a colourful, chocolate and candy stuffed cookie in supersize and looks like he brought it all the way back with him from wherever they were today. My heart does a happy little skip and almost melt with the gooeyness of how incredibly cute he can be when I least expect it.

  ‘Aww Arry, I thought you put me on a candy ban?’ I throw my best loving look at him, knowing fine well he has tried several times to do that and failed spectacularly.

  ‘Like anything I ever try and enforce works with you.’ He winks at me as Nate shoves him from the back rudely, almost making him bang facially with me as he was so close and turns both of our attention to him.

  ‘One of you two take the shot, Jason has teamed you as a pair.’ I turn and look up and our names linked on the screen for the next shot and smile merrily at the little names linked together as one. Stupid, juvenile, but whatever floats my boat.

  ‘The Dream team…You are so going to get your ass kicked.’ I poke fun at Nate, pointing my poky finger in his face and almost getting him in the eye. He bats me away with a scowl that’s meant to intimidate and Arry just raises a mock slap hand as if to say, ‘try it buddy and I’ll hurt you’, that only encourages my smug side and I stick my tongue out at Nate instead. He just shakes his head at me, knowing fine well my bodyguard is more than capable of breaking his face and then is instantly distracted seeing Jenny walk by quickly, avoiding looking his way, he turns to follow without hesitation.

  ‘We’ll see.’ Nate winks back at me over his shoulder and then disappears after my girl as she heads for the bar at the back. Arrick watches him too, looking like he isn’t even surprised by Nate’s slinking after her, lifts his beer from beside the food I am happily stuffing in my face over his arm. I try and ignore it and hope Jenny really does have the strength to end things tonight.

  ‘You show them how it’s done beautiful. Make me proud.’ Arry pats my ass affectionately and gives a little nudge towards the alley, despite my handful of fries that I gracefully dump in his hand. I don’t hesitate, secure in the fact he has taught me how throw a strike for years. I am his little prodigy and he knows it.

  Picking up my size of bowling ball I wander to the perfect spot, limber up like a pro and wiggle my butt while glancing back at him watching me with a smile, he gives me an encouraging wink, eyes honed in on me like we are the only two people here. I lean into the swing, down low for the let go and give my perfect bowling throw, the ball sliding out at speed and a straight line down the centre to a perfect strike out that has an eruption of cheers from our group of friends. Inwardly I swell with a ‘YESSSS’ moment, giggling to myself and acting like the cat who got the cream. I jump up and down in satisfaction giving a little squeal; I have not lost my touch, before turning and trotting back to Arry’s open arms. He looks equally proud of me, grinning crazily as he picks me up, planting a kiss on my mouth with a smile. His arms crossed and held tight under my butt, so I am pretty much sitting at his abdomen level and so much taller than him right now.

  ‘That’s my girl…Perfect, as always.’ He keeps me up with my arms around his neck, legs bent so my heels are kicked up and carries me back to my table of junk food with his eyes on mine.

  ‘Like there was any doubt?’ I giggle, unable to tear my gaze from that face which just melts me in every way. Something out of the corner of my eye catches my attention, spying someone over his shoulder and I start tapping him subtly.

  ‘Arry put me down.’ I nudge him again, then take hold of his chin and turn his face towards Natasha’s approaching figure across the back of the hall. Through the crowds of milling bowlers, like a bad mood walking into a happy day. Instantly I feel like I shouldn’t be flaunting ourselves like this as it just looks callous to everyone here, and last thing I need is her playing victim while spoiled brat Sophie acts like a jealous baby.

  Arrick slides me down to my feet and lets me go slowly, sliding a hand over my dress to smooth it down and depositing a chaste kiss on the corner of my mouth. It’s obvious he feels uncomfortable about her presence too and I am in too much of a state of surprise to really react. I didn’t think she would come here, I guess it’s not hugely unbelievable though as these are her friends too, I guess someone had to tell her we would all be here tonight.

  ‘I better go say Hey or else it will be more awkward. You want to come?’ He turns to me in complete seriousness that makes me almost blanche. I honestly blink at him for a full three seconds, like he has completely lost his mind. I don’t even have space for the hints of green eye hatred while my brain is on ‘What now?’

  ‘Ummm nope… Think I will stay right here.’ I frown at him sarcastically, as though he has lost his mind and then can’t help the spike of anger I feel when he walks off towards her and leaves me here. That spike of jealousy hitting hard because he did what he said he was going to do, and yet I clearly expected him not to when I said I wasn’t coming. I know I was the one who pointed her out, so we wouldn’t rub salt in the wound, so to speak, but I never thought he would willingly go over there and speak to her while he has me standing like a spare part over here. I just feel that inner erratic rage rise up again and literally scowl at his progress across the floor towards her. All inner happy bubbles burst, and I am back to thinking my boyfriend is the biggest idiot on the planet sometimes. I know it’s dumb… but right now, I am beyond livid.

  Stupid Sophie, get a grip!

  I glare at his back as he wanders off towards the group of people who have arrived with Tasha, relieved to see none of them are mingling with our friends and not part of this group after all. I guess there’s hope in the fact she won’t be coming over here to mingle and play, and we might lose her again, sooner rather than later.

  ‘Is that the competition?’ Christian slides in, dropping an arm around my shoulder and glares with me. He knows fine well about the Natasha t
hing and I guess the venomous look of ‘die bitch die’ probably crossing my face right now has been pretty obvious to him. I turn to look at him, his eyes fully zoned in on them across the room with a look of loyal hatred, clearly not impressed with either her or Arrick.

  ‘Nope. According to him, there is no competition. Sure doesn’t look like that now.’ I pout, turning back towards the group of chatting friends all taking the piss out of Nate as he makes a throw. He isn’t bad at bowling, he just likes to turn clown and make everyone laugh and is trying to throw the ball backwards, through his legs with a stupid expression on his face. Jenny is laughing too, despite herself and the wink he casts her way makes her blush and look away rather obviously.

  Nate wanders towards me when he finally takes his throw and surprisingly smashed a strike, grinning at me and pinches my cheek in passing.

  ‘Green is not a good colour on you, tiny. Arry aint a guy that deals with it either.’ He reminds me and wanders off to pick Jenny up and throw a kiss on her, unusual for a guy who normally keeps his dates hanging on to him and acts like he doesn’t give a toss. I start to wonder just how much he feels for her after all. Clearly happy with his crappy bowling score and being weirdly affectionate for a fuck buddy.

  I scowl his way, catch sight of Natasha throwing a hug on Arrick in the background, all smiles and doe eyes and he seems to endure it rather than give one back, but I spin away regardless, in a rage again. This time I really cannot control the wave of hate I feel towards her in this moment for even touching him, the urge to stomp over there and kick her multiple times in the face.

  ‘Fuck you.’ I spit back under my breath, not sure which male it’s intended for and seething so bad I almost pierce my own palms with my nails. Christian lets me go, throws me a pained expression of solidarity and turns too.

  ‘Calm down… He is clearly one hundred percent head over heels for you. She’s history and it’s pretty obvious to everyone. Arry would never go back there.’ Claire cuts in, coming back to my side and nudges me softly, flanked by the two of them and Christian smiles at her.

  ‘Smitten kitten alright, he manhandles this puppy more than most men handle their family jewels.’ Christian beams at me with that deliciously wicked face and then saunters forward to retrieve his drink, leaving us momentarily alone. I frown with a smile after him, not sure if what he said is meant to appease me. He is a funny one, my beau.

  ‘I hate that he was with her in the first place.’ I admit stupidly, suddenly realising this is the first time I have just come out and said it to someone. Strange that I pick Claire, she’s never been someone I confided in really. I always liked her and felt at ease with her though.

  ‘We all know Arry, all saw what they were like as a couple… You have nothing to worry about Babes. He’s just being him, not an asshole like most of the men are in here. Right Nate?’ Claire throws Nate a challenging look, still nearby; no doubt an ex conquest of his, and he just grins back, throwing an arm around Jenny’s shoulder with an uncaring shrug.

  ‘What was he like with her?’ Christian asks innocently, returning to my side with a pink fluffy cocktail in his hand that is dripping with glitter and I elbow him in the ribs; warning him with a scowl that this is not a cool topic, especially when I am in head ripping mood. I am brimming on the psychotic here with a torrent of heavy rage waves ripping through my soul, despite the calm façade I have going on.

  ‘Oooh me, me, me.’ The small blonde girl named Anna, sitting nearby and obviously listening in shamelessly, jumps up and joins our little gossip group, sniffing out a hint of turmoil no doubt. She seems like the type of girl who is always in the fold of a good drama.

  ‘I am totally in on this.’ She giggles childishly, leaning in conspirationally and very clearly in her element. I just regard her coolly and realise she’s one that I have met before, but hasn’t been around long term or for long stints at a time. I wonder what she could know to be honest.

  ‘Anna is the gossip queen.’ Claire eye rolls with disdain, then laughs as Christian switches his arm from me to her and smiles wider, giving her the ‘you are my new BFF’ look and smarming over her a little too obviously. He is a shameless flirt when he has someone to extract information from and probably even more of a drama lover than Anna here.

  ‘Spill it sista.’ He winks at her and hits her with his sexiest ‘I know I am hot’ jaw dropping smile that seems to melt her into a gooey puddle. She obviously missed the ‘I am Gay’ t-shirt he is wearing and the pink cocktail to hand. If James was here tonight I am pretty sure he could be straddling him, and Anna would still fail to see the signs.

  ‘Completely not happy. I mean, look at him, and look at her. Totally unmatched in every way. Arry was a wild little thing, seriously good in the sack…. According to rumour.’ She blinks at me innocently, blushing a little and looking a little panicked that I may beat her around the head. I seriously do not want to know if he did, or didn’t, bang any of these women in here. I don’t want that thought to cross my mind at all and I know it’s probably likely that at one point he has. Most of the girls in this group came from dating one of them and stayed when they either formed real friendships or started dating the one they stayed with. His past is his past and it is not going to get to me at all, I have no desire to be upset over stuff he did before me. Ironic really, seeing as I can’t seem to do the same with Natasha.

  ‘Why have you never given us these details lady?’ Christian frowns my way dramatically, demanding to know why I am holding back just how good in bed he is, when I really do not know. Not that I will ever admit it to any of them. I just shrug coyly and make a locking motion across my mouth as if to say, ‘A lady never tells’ and he narrows his eyes at me brutally.

  ‘Go away.’ I turn and try my best to ignore them as Christian prods Anna into more details, coaxing and questioning her with his eyes. I try to turn off my ears, avert my attention because I really do not want to be a part of this, but I can’t help but listen in.

  ‘She totally hated that about him, she’s a bit of a prude, not that into sex really. It’s a wonder he stayed loyal for so long, considering he went from almost daily kinky banging to probably monthly, dutiful missionary style, judging by how pissed off he always seemed.’ Anna seems to be relishing the audience she has and now another new girl has joined the mix, someone I don’t know, and I think her name may be Susie or Sandra. I try and ignore them all crowding in for the juicy tit bits over my boyfriend and his ex and gawp at the fact that none of them think this is inappropriate in the slightest.

  I stop and think about how different Arrick seemed over the last two years and don’t like to think it comes down to sex or lack of, my head immediately jumping to our lack of and wondering if he wishes he could just find a normal girl. I pick up my food from the table and nestle between Jason, Claire’s husband, and Dave, Anna’s man of the night. Both of them are glued their phones, silently watching a basketball game, oblivious to the conversation happening feet away as I stuff more food in my mouth and stare at the little brood of gossipmongers, trying my hardest not to listen or even react. I know Arry would hate this, them all sitting dissecting his personal life, he’s always been so private and introverted when it comes to emotional stuff and I can see why. I hate it too and feel annoyed on his behalf.

  ‘So, he wasn’t getting enough kinky or regular sex huh? She does look a little sex after marriage.’ Christian looks out across at her again and I almost feel myself wanting to throw something at his head for being so obvious and encouraging this bullshit. I hate what they’re talking about, but I would hate to make that obvious more; like some jealous immature girl who can’t accept he has a past. I keep quiet and just pretend to be absorbed in my food, feeling sick from what I am learning and adding to the weight in my chest.

  ‘He’s obviously getting a lot of kinky sex now… Judging by his constant good mood of the last month, and his inability to stop pawing Sophie.’ Claire cuts in, throwing me a wink, she seems to be
equally unimpressed with the topic and is eyeing them all up with a little bit of stern maternal frowning. I feel myself recoil inside.

  I know she thinks she is reassuring me, because she is a lovely girl and none of them would ever assume he wasn’t sleeping with me, seeing as he never stops putting his hands all over me. They all know we have been inseparable and he’s had some of them over for late night movies and they know I sleep over and share his bed. It’s only natural to assume we are having ourselves nightly aerobics, especially with his reputation for having a high and adventurous sex drive. But all she has done is make me obsess over the fact I am not giving him anything of the sort. Not even dutiful monthly and boring sex. I feel nausea rise in my stomach even higher and push my food down, that gut wrenching pit of anxiety forming in my chest that threatens to flatten my lungs and close me in an airtight box.

  I know he said sex wasn’t a big deal and we would come to it again in time, but it’s all that is going on through my head now, thanks to this little lot of nosey assholes and the fixation on his sex life.

  If he was really that unhappy with her, how much did sex play a part?

  ‘Hey you, move over.’ Arry’s voice catches me off guard as he slides in besides me, sliding an arm behind me on the seat as he steals some of my fries. I notice the group break up and disperse at his return, looking guilty as sin and scattering to the wind as Claire gives me a shaking head sigh. I hand him the bowl, suddenly so nauseous that I can’t even stomach looking at them.

  ‘You can have them, I’m not hungry anymore.’ I push the hot dog his way too and see his face tighten in reaction to my refusal of junk food. A huge neon sign that something is off.

  ‘What’s wrong? It’s not like you to turn food down?’ He leans in and brings his face to mine steadily, so he’s almost nose to nose, trying to get me close so he can dissect my face. Looking intensely at me.


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