Wild Thing

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Wild Thing Page 10

by Tawny Weber

  The screaming couple in the middle of the room never acknowledged—or probably even heard—her. The woman gave Percy a shrug, rolled her eyes at Andrea then turned on her heel and left.

  “Excuse me,” Percy yelled.

  The couple shut up. Both turned chilly glares at him. Then, after a stunned look, the blonde with the Botox addiction gave a high squeal and held out her arms.

  “Snookie Bumpkins! Come to Momma,” she called.

  With a grimace, Andrea set Medusa on the floor. But instead of running to her mistress, the dog hurried around to hide behind Andrea’s legs.

  That set the snooty blonde off on another screaming fit.

  Day strode forward, puffing out his chest and trying to look tough. “I assume you’re here to return my property? A day late, I might add. Don’t think you’ll be receiving the full fee for such shoddy work.”

  “Work? Late?” Eliza turned her screeching on him, accusations bouncing between the two of them like a rubber ball.

  Percy didn’t blame the dog for wanting to hide.

  “Actually,” he interrupted coldly, “we’re here to discuss the terms of the lawsuit.”

  That did it. Day and Eliza quit yelling so fast, you’d think someone dumped a bucket of ice water over their hot heads.


  “What’s he talking about?” Eliza asked, directing her question to Andrea.

  “He’s going to explain why he thinks we have grounds to sue both of you,” Andrea explained. Percy knew he was grinning with pride, but dammit, he couldn’t help it. She’d caught on instantly, without any coaching from him.

  Smart. Sexy. Incredible in bed. And the sweetest thing he’d ever known. He’d bet she was a killer poker player, too.

  She was the woman of his dreams.

  “You have no grounds,” Day snapped. His argument with his wife forgotten, he aligned himself shoulder to shoulder with her. The better to emanate that icy wall of disdain, Percy figured.

  “I have very little,” Percy agreed. “Except the minor fact that you hired me to pick up—or kidnap, if we want to get technical—a dog that didn’t legally belong to you. I got ahold of a copy of your court order. You, Mr. Day, are not allowed near Medusa. So hiring me to go get her for you…? That was illegal.”

  The bull-shaped man glowered. His nipped-and-tucked almost-ex had plenty to say about that, though. All at the top of her lungs.

  “And Andrea here?” Percy continued. “She’s got plenty of reasons to sue,” he said, turning to Eliza. “You promised Raye Jensen your business, and what? The patronage of a dozen of your best friends, wasn’t it? If she’d help you with a little project to make your ex look bad.”

  “Tell them they are wrong, Gregory,” the blonde demanded through stiff lips. “Tell them we won’t tolerate this.”

  Gregory tried to tell them. He used big words, an intimidating tone and a lot of sweeping hand gestures. Percy let him go on for a while, right up until he noticed that Medusa, who was now hiding in Andrea’s arms, was shaking. Poor thing. How often had she had to listen to this pompous blowhard?

  Enough was enough. He and Andrea could play this out a little longer just for fun and drama. But the dog was already freaked out. She didn’t need more stress.

  “Actually, you’re going to make recompense right now,” he told them both with a chilly smile of his own. “I’ll draw up the temporary contract for you to sign.”

  Looking around the room, he spied a pad and pen. With quick, easy strokes, he wrote up his demand. And added two lines for the Days to sign.

  “Or else,” he said, handing it to Gregory, who was glaring viciously.

  “You know you’re through, right,” Day snapped, taking the paper but not looking at it. “I’ll make sure you never get another high-paying job in this state. If possible, I’ll have your license pulled.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Percy shrugged. “You go ahead and try that. Here’s the thing, though. I’m willing to testify that you hired me to commit an illegal act. The cops picked up a big bruiser who kidnapped the dog and tied Andrea up. And it turns out, his girlfriend is willing to testify against Mrs. Day here, saying she put her up to it.”

  He pointed at the paper. Both Days signed with fast, furious strokes. Percy grabbed it as soon as the last letter was inked, tucking it into his pocket.

  “So, you want to try and ruin me? Go for it,” he challenged. Day’s quick nod made it clear he’d be doing exactly that as soon as their asses cleared his front door.

  “But if either one of you think, even for a second, about messing with Andrea or her company’s rep? I’ll make this entire fiasco public. I’ll take you both down,” Percy promised. “Nobody, but nobody, is gonna mess with her.”


  “FINE. NOW GIVE ME BACK MY dog,” Eliza commanded in a voice shrill enough to shatter crystal. “You’ll never touch her again.”

  Well, she’d been right. Confrontations sucked. And despite their clear victory, despair filled Andrea. Winning came at a price. In this case, the price was Medusa. Knowing she had no choice though she was miserable over it, Andrea lifted the tiny dog’s head from its hiding place in her armpit.

  “Bye, baby,” she whispered, running a hand over Medusa’s back, trying to soothe away the shakes. Both hers, and the dog’s. Who knew she’d find it so easy to fall for a bad-tempered, demanding diva? The thought of never seeing Medusa again hurt like crazy. Her breath was a tight knot in her chest. Her throat ached with unshed tears.

  “I can’t do it,” she said, handing Medusa to Percy. “I just can’t.”

  With a tear-soaked kiss against Medusa’s cold little nose, Andrea gave her one last pet, then turned and ran out of the room. By the time she’d reached the car, she was sobbing so hard, her chest hurt.

  She didn’t know how long she sat there waiting for Percy to finish dealing with the Days. Five minutes or twenty, the misery was still fresh and cutting.

  “Hey,” Percy said quietly as he slid into the car next to her. “You okay?”

  Andrea couldn’t force words out, so she nodded instead, her swollen eyes fixed on a distant tree. She was grateful for his hand in hers.

  Finally, knowing she looked like hell, but also knowing he wouldn’t care, she turned to look at him. Her eyes didn’t make it as far as his face, though.

  Shock poured through her, quickly followed by joy and then worry.

  “What…” She couldn’t even find the words. Finally, her gaze met Percy’s. “Why do you have Medusa? How did you get her out? They were both standing right there.”

  Medusa, wriggling in pleasure in his arms, stretched her nose high to give Percy’s chin a quick swipe of her tongue. He grinned, then cast a cautious glance over his shoulder. Andrea followed his gaze. Gregory Day stood just inside the open front door, glaring daggers their way as he yelled into his phone.

  “Here,” Percy said, depositing the dog onto Andrea’s lap. “We can talk while I drive.”

  So happy to have Medusa back in her arms, Andrea hugged the dog tight. She kept one eye on Day, though. As soon as Percy pulled out of the sweeping driveway, she demanded, “What’s going on? Is he calling the cops? How’d you get Medusa out of there?”

  “I carried her out. She likes me, you know. She jumped right into my arms.” Calm and clearly satisfied, he drove the speed limit. Why wasn’t he worried? His attention on the road as he turned onto the freeway, Percy handed her a piece of paper. “Check it out.”

  “Is this the agreement you made the Days sign? The one that will make sure they don’t bad-mouth us, right?” She unfolded the note, her eyes rounding as she read it to the end. “Oh, my God. You got them to sign over ownership of Medusa?”


  “I can’t believe you did that,” Andrea b
reathed in awe. “You forced them to give up a fortune.”

  “Yeah, well, you deserved something for all the crap they put you through.” He gave the dog on her lap a doubtful look. “And Medusa deserves a safe home. With an owner who appreciates and loves her. Those two only see her as something to list on their asset sheets.”

  “I can see the threat of a lawsuit keeping them from bad-mouthing us,” she said slowly, not wanting to rain on Percy’s parade, but needing to be realistic. “But Eliza isn’t going to let a piece of paper stop her from demanding the dog back.”

  “She doesn’t want her.” Percy nodded at her shocked look. “Seriously. When I mentioned that little flirtation in the dog yard when we rescued her, old lady Day was beside herself.”

  “Oh, my…” Andrea’s eyes rounded. She knew Eliza would tolerate nothing less than a ranking pedigree to sire Medusa’s puppies. But while due anytime, the little dog hadn’t yet come into heat. So there really wasn’t anything to worry about.

  “Yeah.” He grinned. “Her exact words were that she wouldn’t tolerate a soiled flower. Then she ordered me to take the damaged goods out of her sight. Before Medusa and I hit the door, she was claiming that it was Day’s fault the dog was worthless now and demanding he hand over their villa in Italy instead.”

  Andrea’s face felt as if it was going to break in half, she was smiling so wide.

  “For real? Medusa is mine?”

  “They signed her over. I’ll have my attorney contact them tomorrow about doing, well, whatever it is that’s involved in changing dog ownership.”

  Andrea didn’t know what to say. He’d done this for her. After she’d blown him off in favor of nurturing her neurotic fears. After she’d ruined the start of his vacation. And even after she’d sneaked out of the apartment without a word.

  Was it any wonder she was in love with the guy?

  “My hero. You totally came to my rescue,” Andrea said with joy and admiration.

  “I’d like to take credit, but it was really Medusa who rescued you this morning. She did the Lassie trick, running to get me. And you’re the one who rescued the dog in the first place, remember? You and your handy-dandy GPS.”

  “Right,” Andrea said with a grin. She really had kicked butt, hadn’t she? Which made her the worthy mate of a hero. “But you rescued me from the heartache of saying goodbye to someone I love.”

  “All in a day’s work, babe,” he teased, sounding pleased.

  And now she had to rescue herself from the heartache of another goodbye. One that would hurt even deeper. She looked at Medusa. The dog gave her an impatient sort of look, then crawled out of her lap, over the console and onto Percy’s.

  He didn’t push her away. He didn’t even complain about the discomfort of driving with her there. Instead, he gave her dreadlocks a quick rub, murmuring nonsense words.

  Oh, no, she wasn’t letting him go.

  “So…” she said, not sure how to ask him for a date. Despite the great sex, maybe he wasn’t looking for a long-term relationship. And she wouldn’t settle for anything less. Not now that she’d realized she deserved the best. She deserved Percy.

  Before she could figure out how to tell him that, she noticed where they were.

  “What’s up?” she asked when he pulled into the apartment building parking lot. “Are we here to get our things?”

  Yay, her nerves cheered. Now she could put off asking him out. At least until they were inside, where she could persuade him with her wicked, naked wiles.

  * * *

  “SURE. WE NEED TO GET OUR things,” Percy agreed. Although other than their underwear, he wasn’t sure what they might have left in the condo. Still, both their places were a forty-five-minute drive away. And he couldn’t wait that long. He needed to know why she’d left that morning. And what he had to do to make sure she never left again. “I figured we could settle Medusa down for a nap and maybe, you know…”

  “You know?” Getting out of the car and hitching Medusa’s bag over one shoulder while lifting the dog in her arms, Andrea’s smile was as amused as it was naughty. He wished he could decipher the look in her eyes as easily, though. Was it joy? Excitement? And whatever it was, was it for him? Or because she had her dog?

  “You know. Talk,” Percy lied.

  “Right. Talk.”

  Andrea laughed as she sauntered ahead of him to the door. She didn’t look as if she’d object to some nonverbal conversation.

  Back in the condo, he was too nervous to sit. Hands shoved in the front pockets of his jeans, he watched Andrea give Medusa water and a couple of treats. All worn-out, the hairless wonder offered a bark of thanks—or of good-night, Percy wasn’t sure—then she trotted over to the pile of pillows on the floor. With one last bark, Medusa closed those intense eyes of hers and gave a puppy sigh before going to sleep.

  Showtime, Percy told himself.

  “Look,” he said.

  “You know,” she said at the same time.

  They both laughed. Andrea, giving the dog one last pat, straightened and came over to stand in front of Percy. There, just a few inches away from where he could touch her. His fingers itched. His body ached. He wanted her so much.

  “Go ahead,” she told him, pressing her hand against his chest as if to give him permission.

  But she didn’t take it away.

  His ache intensified.

  “Look,” he continued, trying to find the words through the need and nerves battling it out in his brain. “Here’s the thing. We’re great together.”

  A soft, sweet smile curved her lips. Percy couldn’t help it, he had to lean forward and kiss her. Just one, a quick brush of his mouth over hers.

  “We are pretty good in bed,” she agreed quietly, her fingers playing with the buttons on his shirt. But he could see it right there, her doubts. Sex wasn’t enough. She’d left once—no, twice—because sex wasn’t enough. And she was right. He hadn’t put any effort into chasing her, into letting her know he wanted her in his life. So as much as he’d love nothing more than to give in to his body’s urgings, he knew he needed to do this emotional thing first.

  No matter how much it scared him.

  “We’re good at more than the lovemaking,” he told her, brushing his fingers through her curls. Her eyes were red from crying. Her hair was tangled around her face. She didn’t have a speck of makeup on and her dress looked about ready for the rag bag. And he’d never seen a woman more beautiful. Suddenly, his fear was gone. “We’re good at the talking. And at supporting each other. We’re a good team, and a good pair.”

  She bit her lip, then asked in a shaky tone, “Pair? Like a couple?”

  “Yeah. I mean, I know you’re busy with your business. And now you have a high-maintenance dog to take care of, too. But you’re a smart, savvy woman. You can find a way to fit a little more into your life, right?”

  “I am smart,” she agreed slowly. “And I will be busy.”

  “Are you going to be too busy for a relationship?”

  “I don’t know,” she said, her hand sliding down his chest, bared now that her nimble fingers had opened most of his buttons. “Are we talking a date now and then busy? Or…”

  She stopped. Her eyes were huge and vulnerable.

  Loving that he could, Percy came to her rescue.

  “Or. Definitely or,” he told her, sliding his hands around her waist to pull her close. “I want a commitment. A chance to see what kind of relationship we can build together.”

  “I want that, too.” Her smile was pure delight. Then she took a deep breath and warned, “You should know something first, though.”


  “I’m…” She bit her lip again, then sighed. “Well, I’m falling in love with you. So if we do this relationship thing, you need to know that I�
�m already in really deep. I don’t know if that’s what you’re looking for.”

  Thrilled and more relieved than he wanted to admit, even to himself, Percy grinned. His hands gripping her waist, he lifted her up to meet his mouth.

  The kiss was hot and fast, filled with promise and passion. But before he could let himself fall too hard, he pulled back and looked into her eyes.

  “I’ve been falling in love with you since our second date,” he confessed. “Crazy, obsessed, in love.”

  Her delighted laughter bounced off the walls. She hugged him tight. This time it was her mouth that met his, her tongue sweeping over his lips in a way that made him want to hurry this conversation along.

  “Really?” she asked, a little breathless after the kiss.

  “Really, really,” he promised. He knew the promise encompassed a lot more than just assuring her that he was telling the truth. And he was ready for more.

  A whole lot more.

  “You realize we’re perfect for each other,” he said as he pressed feather-soft kisses along her bare shoulder.

  “Perfect,” she agreed breathlessly, her hands skimming an enticing trail down his belly. When her fingers hit the snap of his jeans, Percy pulled back and gave her a big smile.

  “Yep. Perfect. I mean, we like the same things. We’re crazy about the same dog. We have some very serious feelings going for each other.” Then he paused, his fingers gathering the fabric of her dress, pulling it higher and higher until he could feel her soft flesh.

  “And neither one of us is wearing any underwear.”

  * * * * *


  The moment he meets Lily Gracen, Caleb Steele knows his ‘never get involved with a client’ rule is going to be broken. He won’t make a move until he stops her stalker, but keeping his hands off Lily is bringing Caleb close to the edge of his control…

  Read on for a sneak preview of CLOSE TO THE EDGE by Zara Cox,

  published by Harlequin Dare August 2018.



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