A Ghost of Magic: Chosen Saga Book 3

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A Ghost of Magic: Chosen Saga Book 3 Page 4

by J. L. Clayton

  A happy sigh escaped my lips, deciding to get on with it. Taking one large hand, I wrapped it around Mr. Pots’s throat. Slowly, ever so slowly, I started to squeeze.

  With a vicious smile and dangerous laugh, I said, “I’m sure this will be painful.”

  Mr. Pots’s heart rate increased, sweat rolled off his forehead, and tears streamed down his cheeks. A sickly stench filled the air. I glanced down and knew that urine was trailing down Mr. Pots’s legs. I relished the fear that permeated the air. Mr. Pots’s body tried to convulse, fighting against the mind manipulation I had over him, but Mr. Pots could not shake free. My grip tightened. There was a little pop as Mr. Pots’s trachea started to give way inside him. However, my fun was short-lived. The old man died of a heart attack before I could even start to rip out his throat. In my final moments of preparation, the pudgy teacher’s body went limp. I stood there, now appalled, holding Mr. Pots’s body up by his Adam’s apple. With a shake of my head, I shoved the now dead body to the floor, discarding it as nothing more than trash.

  Dusting off my hands, I inhaled and then with a sigh said, “Hello, Kate.”

  Kate stepped out from the shadows and gave me a seductive smile. “My Lord, did you do that little show for me? Are you that happy to see me?”

  A smirk creased my lips. “Don’t flatter yourself, my dear. You are the one that is all too happy to see me.”

  Kate glared and spat dejectedly. “How did you know I was here?”

  I shook my head, revulsion now rolling off my body in waves. “How can you ask me that? You were once my follower, and I am more powerful than you will ever be. Do not ever forget who you are talking to! I can wipe you out of existence with a single thought, Kate! I am only letting you live because I wish it."

  Rage built within me as my gaze rested upon her. She took a shaky step back, fear slowly etching her eyes. Shaking my head and clearing the rage, I continued. "After that pathetic spell you cast to kill her failed, I have known where you’ve been ever since. You, my naïve, foolish-foolish child can never hide from me. Do not think I am weak!" I roared, my voice powerful, yet melodic. But, I was being far too lenient with her. I thought about making her kneel, making her remember her place. A grin touched my lips, and with a flick of my hand, Kate was on her hands and knees, trapped and unable to move. I walked around her, loving the sight of my pet on the floor. Kate was afraid; you could see it on her face. She thought she was about to die. I shook my head. "Yes, I admit. It is true that, at first, I did not know where you were-bravo by the way-that was a decent camouflage spell." I pinned her with a glare, and in a low, menacing tone, I continued. “But as you should contest, Kate, a minor camouflage spell could not keep me away for too long."

  Kate started to tremble; she knew my power and if my desire to cease her existence was present, then it would be. Shaking away her fear, trying to be strong and powerful, still defiant on her hands and knees, incredulously, Kate said, “Then why haven’t you destroyed me yet? If you’ve known where I was all this time, why haven’t you disposed of me as I assumed you were going to do?” After she spoke those words, she put her head down. Kate knew she was being a fool for speaking to me in such a way.

  I crossed my arms, scratched my chin, and released her. Regarding her calmly, I addressed her inquiry. “You should know me by now. We have been together for so long. You, my pet, should know I love a little game of cat and mouse. I also know what you’re up to, and I like it. I want to see how this plays out. If you do as I suspect, then you’re just helping me in the long run. Kate, I know you are planning on killing Charlize, but I will not let our little game get that far. She is mine and no one else’s. I am only allowing you to live right now because, as I said, I want to see how your dangerous game plays out." I allowed my words to sink in as I walked over to Kate. I patted her on the cheek none too gently, and before leaving, I glanced over my shoulder. “By the way, Kate, where could that loving husband of yours be? Perhaps, he is tied up with something.” I smirked.

  Kate fumed with anger as I snapped my fingers. The body that lay on the floor disintegrated, and I disappeared.

  Chapter Seven


  I paced back and forth, looking at Jerold with abhorrence and still blistering on the inside from my encounter with Crispin.

  He thought me beneath him, he thought me childish, and he thought me a fool. But I would show him. One day we shall rule together—he would see. I would be just as powerful. I’d be his equal and I had a plan to ensure it. It was a brilliant plan, and I was certain it would work. It was, in essence, rather simple. I would take everything away from Charlie that she held dear. Then, I’d kill that sniveling, little, snotty girl right under Crispin's nose. But first, I had to deal with Jerold. I glared at him, not believing I married such a pathetic excuse for a man. I rolled my eyes and sank back into my thoughts.

  How could he start school? How could he want someone like her?

  Yes, he said he only wanted her magical powers, but I saw the way he looked at her. I’m not stupid. I knew this was more than just a power-play, and I knew I had to take care of it—and fast. Yet, the first thing on my agenda was my husband. I looked over at him. His black hair was plastered to his forehead as sweat streamed down his brow. His eyes were closed, and his lips were parted on a low, agonizing wheeze. His hands were bound, and his white shirt was tinged with splatters of his own blood. His pants were torn, and he was not wearing any shoes.

  What a sight you are, I thought, bitterly.

  Walking over to him, I slapped his face. “Wakey, wakey!”

  He groaned and coughed, pulling at the chains around his wrists. As he did, blood trickled from his torn skin.

  Well at least he was trying to get away, I’ll give him that.

  However, it was impossible. The chains that bound him were secured with more than a lock. There would be no escape.

  “Why are you doing this?” Jerold asked.

  “Because you are weak and if I keep you around you'll try to take me down. Of course you will fail, but that, my dear husband, is beside the point,” I tittered, madly.

  “Kate, I thought you loved me?” He cried.

  “Oh, Hun, I thought I loved you too, but I realized you are nothing more than a waste of my time. I’m sorry, but I want a divorce.”

  Jerold put his head down and said, “Fine. Please free me so we can go get your divorce.”

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry again, but I cannot do that. So I'll be divorcing you in the way I see fit.” I pulled a long blade from behind my back, and with a quick move, not giving him any time to react; I slashed clean through his neck, severing his head. His head made a dull thud as it hit the ground and rolled to a stop against the wall.

  “We are now divorced,” I sang. “So I proclaim, so mote it be.” Bringing the blade to my lips, I licked the tip, and with a lift of my nose, abhorrence written over my face, I spit the blood onto the floor. “Oh what a sad, short life you lived, my husband. But like I said, you are weak, and you could not live up to my expectations. Only one man can do that for me. Once I kill that snot-nose-girl, Charlie, I am certain Crispin will see the light,” I said to the now headless Jerold.

  I motioned for one of my followers to clean up the mess. “Where is she? Where is my Wicked?"

  However, before anyone could retrieve her, the female in question sauntered through the door. She smiled, her blue eyes alive with mischief. She was a beautiful soul to behold, one that looked sweet and innocent. One would never guess that, lurking behind those beautiful eyes, was evil—a demon in the flesh—a wicked fallen angel.

  "Yes?" she asked, looking deep into my eyes. "Ya called for me, love. Now ya know I have been a little bit busy."

  I folded my arms, sniffed and said, "Busy doing what?"

  Her beautiful blue eyes blinked rapidly, smiling innocently she said, "Why little ol’ me has been making friends, getting a boyfriend, and being nosy. The best part, getting you this."
r />   She held out a little black box, but it wasn't just any box. This box was forged from the fires of hell. I snatched it from her hands and nodded maliciously. This box could trap a soul or a half ghost. I didn’t care what it could trap as long as it worked.

  "Very good, my evil little friend. Now I think it's time we go catch ourselves a spirit."

  A smile crept across my face, knowing that Charlie’s little friend, Nikko, would soon have a new home. I tossed the box up in the air, and as it landed back in my hands, I laughed. I couldn’t wait to destroy everything Charlie loved, starting with Nikko.

  Chapter Eight


  “Mom? Dad?” I called out as I entered our living room, Nikko following behind me.

  “Coming!” Mom exclaimed.

  “Hey, Kiddo.” Dad winked as he entered from the hallway.

  Nikko popped into view as my mom stepped into the living room. She jumped, screamed, and threw a dishtowel she had in her hand at him. Dad and I laughed as Nikko ducked.

  “Good grief, Nikko! Please make some noise. Or better yet, be already visible before I see you. Popping in like that, I’m sure you will give me a heart-attack.”

  I snickered. “Woo, watch out, Nikko, or the dishtowel might take out an eye!” I teased, picking up the towel and waving it over his head. He swatted at me and scowled.

  Looking at Mom, Nikko said, “Sorry.”

  She shook her head. “Ok, what did you need, Sweetheart?”

  Nikko walked over and sat on the arm of our couch while my mom and dad took a seat on the couch itself.

  I felt a little apprehensive all of a sudden. What would they say? Would they get mad? Would they forbid me? I didn’t know, so I was starting to freak. I paced the living room floor with my head down.

  Mom noticed my agitation. She hopped up, looking worried, and asked, “Oh no, what’s going on?”

  I stopped my pacing and looked at them miserably.

  Exhaling, I said, “Look, Tru knows there is something off with me. Ever since you told me that story, I can’t seem to shake the fact that Tru’s family might have killed my blood parents. So, I decided to tell him everything.”

  “What?” Mom and Dad said at the same time.

  “Umm, I’m going to tell Tru,” I repeated.

  “Everything?” Mom asked.

  “Yes, well I might not tell him about Nikko, just yet,” I stated.

  Mom shook her head. “Sam, aren’t you going to say something to your Kiddo about this?”

  Dad narrowed his eyes. “Janet, I really don’t think we have the right to stop her. It’s her life, and she cares for Tru.”

  I smiled as I heard a beat up truck pulling into the driveway.

  “Well, there is no more time for debating over whether or not I should tell him, because he’s here. And I want to tell him by myself. That means no parents,” I pronounced with a guilty smile.

  “Charlize!” Mom gasped.

  Dad chuckled, and Nikko vanished. Mom gasped again at the vanishing Nikko. I shook my head as I opened the door. We are such freaks!

  Tru looked down at me and beamed. I walked into his arms and inhaled. I was so afraid this was a mistake and he would hate me forever, but he needed to know. If we wanted this relationship to work, we had to be honest with one another. So I had to tell him.

  “Oo wo doo hee,” Tru said, as he bent his head down and kissed me.

  I melted into the kiss, not caring that my parents and Nikko were behind me. He just called me beautiful, and that was so worth a kiss-or five. So, yeah, now I know what he is saying in his native tongue. When Tru invited me to a bonfire, I didn’t know he was inviting me to witness his becoming. That night, Tru and his wolf became one. Oh, if you didn’t know by now, my boyfriend is a wolf-shifter.

  My furball!

  That night, I was struck by lightning, and now I have a Native American dictionary in my head. Who knew getting struck by lightning during a ritual would implant a foreign language into my head!?

  Dad coughed.

  We broke apart and smiled a goofy smile at each other.

  “Well, hello there, handsome,” I said. “Come in.”

  Tru nodded at my dad and smiled his crooked grin at Mom. She practically salivated in front of me. Good way to work that charm!

  I shook my head. “Mom, Dad, could you give us some privacy?”

  Mom scowled.

  "Sure, Kiddo. We need to go to the store anyways.” Dad grabbed Mom’s arm to pull her away and out the door they went. Mom was looking over her shoulder as he ushered her into the car.

  I looked over at Nikko; he was still here. I gave him a pointed look.

  Nikko said, “Sorry, babe. I’m not going anywhere. With you worried about what will happen, and plus, there is something off with Tru’s…um, I guess aura?! I don’t know. I never told you this, but I can see colors around people, and Tru’s doesn’t look like its usual color. Normally, his color is bright yellow and blue. But right now, it’s foggy if that helps.”

  Wow! Nikko can see auras.

  When I crossed over to Callamose, I had to go through this painful ordeal of getting my powers. Once I had said magic, I realized my abilities as a cypher. At the time, I just thought it was one of my powers—seeing color and all, but in fact it’s a trait of being a cypher. I was still looking at Nikko when Tru stepped into my line of site.

  “C, are you ok? I mean you’ve been looking at your couch for a long time,” Tru said.

  “Yeah, sorry, I was kinda lost in my head.” I blushed.

  He smiled and said, “I think you being lost in your head is pretty cute.”

  “Aww, you’re so sweet,” I gushed.

  “Yep, you know it. Now, tell me why you have been pulling away from me,” Tru demanded.

  I looked at him closely. I was afraid of what he might think, but I knew it was time for me to tell him. If we had any hope of our relationship lasting, then it was time to tell the truth. I looked at Nikko then quickly looked back over at Tru with nervousness churning in my stomach.

  I sucked in a deep breath, shook my head, and sighed. No more stalling.

  I checked inside myself to make sure all the walls I built against Asher were fortified. Once I was certain my shields were secure, I was ready.

  “Okay, remember your mom told me your family story about the wolf, the stone, and the traveller?” I asked.

  Tru leaned against the wall, crossed his arms, and nodded. He motioned for me to go on.

  I glanced over at Nikko. He crossed his arms and shook his head. “Boy, this’ll be fun,” he said with a smirk on his face.

  I almost rolled my eyes, but then I knew I would look like a weirdo to Tru, so instead, I continued my story. “Avani, your mom, said that the traveller destroyed all your people and that’s how the stone came into play. She also said that’s how you and your tribe are able to shift shapes.”

  Tru straightened up. He was interested, and he was also looking at me very intently. He had an odd look on his face, one that I couldn’t figure out. I didn’t know exactly what the look meant, but I knew he was concentrating really hard on everything I was saying, so I continued. “I know this is going to sound very crazy-bizarre and really far out there, but trust me. However bad it sounds to you, it sounded ten times worse to me. When my parents found out that you were the guy that I was interested in, to say they freaked is an understatement. We had this huge argument, but when my mom told me why I couldn’t be with you and why I shouldn’t want to be with you, I about lost it.”

  Tru threw up his hand. “Whoa, hold up! What? Why? When I met your mom, she seemed cool, sweet even, and you’re dad... C, how did I not know they didn’t like me?”

  Hesitating for a second and hating that I had to tell him everything, I looked down at my hands. I hated that he had to know. I hated everything about it. I looked over at Nikko; he was shaking his head. He knew the bad part was about to come. But how bad would it be? Would Tru still want to be with
me? Would Tru want me dead? Over and over, my insecurities about what would happen after he knew the truth played in my head.

  This is just like ripping off a Band-Aid, I told myself.

  So swallowing the bitter bile that was tossing around in my belly, I said, “Don’t freak out, but my mom and dad told me that they are not my real parents. They said that my real parents were killed by your grandfather!”

  Yeah, telling him not to freak worked out perfectly... not! Tru freaked. Boys-they never listen!

  Tru shook his head violently, his eyes turning a golden hue. He took three quick steps, grabbed my upper arms, and growled, “What-the-what? That’s a lie! My grandfather would never kill anyone, well anyone that didn’t deserve it. Why are they saying that? Why did your parents lie to you? Tell me! Or better yet, what did your biological parents do to my grandfather?” Tru’s whole body shook as he yelled. “Tell me!”

  I sucked in a sharp breath and looked down at his hands wrapped tightly around my arms.

  Nikko shot up and said, “Whoa! Do you need me to do something about him, because I will!” He pointed at Tru with his mouth set in a grim line.

  I almost laughed. It was all too comical: Nikko’s face! Tru scowling! And me…

  I decided I had to be losing it. Besides, what else would explain me thinking that this was comical? Because this was far from comical. This, I was certain, was going to turn out to be a nightmare. Thus explaining the losing it part! Sure, Tru was ticked, but he wasn’t hurting me. He would never hurt me… I don't think. Nikko looked like he was ready to kill if he had to. I wonder what he could do, really. I guess he could become visible, but I’m sure Tru’s wolf would send him right back into invisible mode. I shook my head, letting Nikko know I had this, still holding back a little giggle.

  Nikko grumbled, “Whatever, but his aura is freaking me out." Nikko threw up his hands and shrugged. "I'm just throwing that out there.”

  Gingerly, I took Tru’s hands off of my arms. He looked down and shook his head. Tru ran a hand over his face and said, “Oh gosh, um, sorry. Did I hurt you? I mean, um… I didn’t hurt you… did I?” I saw his throat work as he swallowed. He reached out to grab me, but looking guilty, he swiftly pulled back.


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